(Askeri) ODAK MESAFESİ: Film sathı ile mercek veya mercek sisteminin optik merkezi arasındaki dikey mesafe. Ayrıca bak. "calibrated focal length", "equivalent focal length", "nominal focal length"
(Askeri) AYARLANMIŞ ODAK UZUNLUĞU: Bir fotoğraf makinasında kullanılan ve bütün foto sahası üzerinde artı ve eksi bozukluk değerlerini eşitleyecek şekilde hesaplanan odak uzaklığı eşdeğerinin ayarlanmış bir değeri
(Askeri) EŞDEĞER ODAK UZAKLIĞI: Bir kamerada kullanılan tüm alan için, lensin geri düğüm noktasından optik eksen boyunca ölçülen, en iyi ortalama düzlem tanımında bulunan mesafe. Ayrıca bakınız: "focal length"
(Askeri) NOMİNAL ODAK MESAFESİ: Merceklerin, aynaların ve kameraların sınıflandırılmasında kullanılan belirli bir standart rakamın etrafında yuvarlanan yaklaşık bir odak uzaklık değeri
تعريف focal length في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
The distance at which something (e.g. a lens, mirror etc.) is in focus; in air it is the distance along the optical axis from a "principal plane" of the lens to one of the lens's focal points
The distance from the center of the lens to a plane at which point a sharp image of an object viewed at an infinite position The focal length determines the size of the image and angle of FOV seen by the camera through the lens This is the center of the lens to the image pickup device
The distance between the film and the optical center of the lens when the lens is focused on infinity The focal length of the lens on most adjustable cameras is marked in millimetres on the lens mount
The distance between a lens (or mirror) and the point at which the image of an object at infinity is brought to focus The focal length divided by the aperture of the mirror or lens is termed the focal ratio
The distance from the center of the lens to the point at which the light rays meet in sharp focus The focal length determines the perspective relations of the space represented on the flat screen See also normal lens, telephoto lens, wide-angle lens
The distance between the principal focus of a lens or mirror and its optical center or vertex
The distance from the optical center of the lens to the image sensor when the lens is focused on infinity, usually expressed in millimeters
Distance from the optical center of the back surface of the eye to the principal focus of the lens
The distance from the surface of the lens to the focal point or center point at which light rays converge; the focal length determines the length of the lens
The distance needed between a lens and an object to make the object visible and in focus The human eye has different focal lengths depending on how much the muscles in the eye around the lens are contracted That is how the human eye focuses
Focal length is the measurement in millimeters from the lens to the focal point (the sensor in digital cameras, film in traditional cameras); this distance is what produces the wide angle to telephoto range you see when composing a picture and zooming a lens Most digital cameras have a 2x or 3x zoom lens With a 3x zoom lens, for example, your subject will be three times as large as when it was framed in the camera's widest setting
The distance between a lens and the image it makes of a distant object You can determine the focal length of your camera lens by taking it out and casting an image onto a piece of paper (One inch is 25 4 millimeters )
The distance from an internal part of a lens (the rear nodal plane) to the film plane when the lens is focused on infinity The focal length is usually expressed in millimeters (mm) and determines the angle of view (how much of the scene can be included in the picture) and the size of objects in the image A 100mm lens, for example, has a narrower angle of view and magnifies objects more than a lens of shorter focal length
The distance from the reflective surface of an antenna to its focal point, usually measured in the horizontal plane Incoming satellite signals are directed to the Feedhorn which is normally located at the focal point See also f/D ratio
The distance between the optical center of a lens, or the surface of a mirror, and its focus
The distance from the optical center of the lens to the image sensor when the lens is focused on infinity The focal length is usually expressed in millimeters (mm) and determines the angle of view (how much of the scene can be included in the picture) and the size of objects in the image The longer the focal length, the narrower the angle of view and the more that objects are magnified
The focal length is the length of the path through a telescope which incoming light follows In a Newtonian this is the distance from the primary mirror to the eyepiece In a refractor it is the distance from the objective lens to the eyepiece Schmidt-Cassegrains (SCTs) are a special example in which the effective focal length is actually longer than the path the light follows The reason for this is that the secondary mirror in a Schmidt-Cassegrain has the effect of multiplying the focal length of the primary mirror by a factor of about 5 Therefore a Schmidt-Cassegrain can be much shorter than its effective focal length, which is part of the reason SCTs are so popular The magnification of a telescope is determined in part by the focal length of the scope
The distance from the optical center of a lens to the focal plane when the lens is focused on infinity The longer the focal length, the greater the magnification of the image
The distance between the objective lens, or primary mirror, and its focus, or focal plane
The distance from the surface of a lens or mirror to its focal point. Also called focal distance, focus. the distance between the centre of a lens and the focal point
FL The distance from the center of a lens (or, the secondary principal point, if it has) to the focal point (sensor) The longer the focal length, the narrower is the angle of view More details
The distance, usually given in millimeters, between the optical center of a lens and the point at which rays of light from objects at infinity are brought to focus In general, the greater the focal length of a lens, the smaller and more magnified the part of the scene it includes in the picture frame A standard lens for a 35mm camera typically has a focal length of 50mm, a wide-angle lens one of 28mm and a telephoto lens one of 135mm
Parallel rays of light after refraction through a lens will be brought to a focus at the back focal point The distance from the optical center of the lens to the focal point is the focal length or focus
An adjusted value of the equivalent focal length, so computed as to equalize the positive and negative values of distortion over the entire field used in a camera