
listen to the pronunciation of flash
الإنجليزية - التركية
{f} ışık tutmak
{i} parlama

Bomba kör edici bir parlamayla patladı. - The bomb exploded with a blinding flash.

Uzakta bir yıldırım parlaması gördüm. - I saw a flash of lightning far in the distance.

{i} flaş

Flaşlı fotoğraf çekmek bu noktadan itibaren yasak. - Flash photography is not permitted beyond this point.

Flaş çalışmıyordu, bu yüzden o karanlıkta resim çekemedi. - The flash wasn't working, so he couldn't take a picture in the dark.

{i} ışıltı

Işıltı şişede yansıdı. - The flash was reflected in the bottle.

ani ışık
(Bilgisayar) yanıp sönme ışıldama
kısa fakat önemli bir haber
çakmak (şimşek)
(Fotoğrafçılık) flaş aygıtı
(Argo) teshirçilik yapmak
şimşek gibi çakmak
(Bilgisayar) yanıp sönme

Alarm durdu ve kırmızı bir ışık yanıp sönmeye başladı. - The alarm went off and a red light started flashing.

Kırmızı ve mavi ışıklar dikiz aynasında yanıp sönmeye başladı. - Red and blue lights started flashing in the rearview mirror.

(Havacılık) kalıptan taşan malzeme
(Havacılık) döküm çapağı
teşhircilik yapmak

Resmi flaşlı mı yoksa flaşsız mı çekmeliyim? - Should I take the picture with or without flash?

Flaşlı fotoğraf çekmek bu noktadan itibaren yasak. - Flash photography is not permitted beyond this point.

şimşek çakmak
atmak bakış
ani ve kısa bir ışık
sürekli yanmak (ışık)
birden parlamak
birdenbire akla gelmek
çok kısa süre
{f} birden parla
cinsel kılganlarını göstermek
teşhirçilik yapmak
{i} parıltı
(şimşek gibi) çakmak
(telgraf ya da ünalgı mesajı) yollamak
çok hızlı hareket etmek
hızla geçip gitmek
(foto.) flaş
flaş haber
birden parla(mak)
Macromedia Flash v4.0 : Bu programı kullanarak hareketli websayfaları oluşturabilirsiniz
{f} atmak (bakış)
{i} yıldırım haber
{i} uyuşturucu sonrası gevşeme
{i} ani bir parıldama
{i} yıldırım

Bir yıldırımla bir şimşek arasındaki fark nedir? - What is the difference between a lightning bolt and a lightning flash?

Uzaktan yıldırım flaşları gördüm. - I saw flashes of lightning in the distance.

{f} yıldızı parlamak
{f} görünüp hızla kaybolmak
{i} cep feneri

Tom cep fenerini açtı. - Tom clicked on his flashlight.

Tom'a cep fenerimi uzattım. - I handed Tom my flashlight.

{f} büyük bir hızla geçmek
{i} şimşek

Bir şimşek çakması aniden karanlık gece manzarasını aydınlattı. - A flash of lightning suddenly lit up the dark nocturnal landscape.

O şimşek çakmasını gördün mü? - Did you see that flash of lightning?

{s} şiddetli

Onlarca insan şiddetli yağmurun yol açtığı ani su baskınlarında öldü. - Dozens of people have died in flash floods triggered by torrential rain.

{s} havalı
ani alev
yanıp sönmek
flashboard suyun yüksekliğini artırmak için barajı
{f} (şimşek) çakmak
{f} böbürlenmek
{f} aydınlatmak

Karanlık alanları aydınlatmak için bir el feneri kullanırım. - I use a flashlight to illuminate dark areas.

{i} çarpıcı çekim
{f} bir an için göstermek
cama renk vermek için maden tuzu ile kaplama
{s} ani

Onlarca insan şiddetli yağmurun yol açtığı ani su baskınlarında öldü. - Dozens of people have died in flash floods triggered by torrential rain.

Bir şimşek çakması aniden karanlık gece manzarasını aydınlattı. - A flash of lightning suddenly lit up the dark nocturnal landscape.

kaba gösteriş
{f} yakmak
flash a badge
(polis) rozet göstermek
flash back
flash bulb
flaş lambası
flash chars
(Bilgisayar) karakterler yanıp sönsün
flash display
(Bilgisayar) ekran yanıp sönsün
flash drying
(Teknik,Tekstil) şok kurutma
flash energy
(Bilgisayar) flaş gücü
flash flood
(Denizbilim,Meteoroloji) ani sel
flash heater
flash memory
(Bilgisayar) anlık bellek
flash memory
(Bilgisayar) çakarbellek
flash mode
(Bilgisayar) flaş modu
flash mode
(Bilgisayar) flaş kipi
flash point
(Gıda,Tıp,Teknik) parlama noktası
flash point
(Otomotiv) tutuşma noktası
flash set
(İnşaat) şimşek priz
flash steam
flaş buhar
flash back
bir an geçmişe dönmek
flash back
flash drier
hızlı kurutucu
flash drier
şok kurutucu
flash in the pan
saman alevi
flash into one's mind
aklına esmek
flash lamp
el feneri
flash lamp
cep feneri
flash lamp
flaş lambası
flash metre
flash point
alev çekidi
flash point
yanma noktası
flash point
parlama çekidi
flash report
geçici rapor hesabı
flash across so.'s mind
çapında flaş çok. 'zihin s
flash back
flash back
geri tepebilir
flash back
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Psikodisleptiklerden ileri gelen halüsinatuar duygulara İngilizcede verilen ad
flash back arrestor
(Metal İşleme) Geri tepme valfı, alev geri tepme valfı
flash card
Okuma fişi
flash disk
Taşınabilir bellek
flash drive
flash sürücü
flash flooding
flaş sel
flash forward
ileri flash
flash metre
flash of lightning
Şimşek çakması
flash photolysis
parlamali fotoliz
flash set
(çimento) çabuk sertleşme, çabuk donma
flash song
flaş şarkı
flash spectrum
ışıltı tayfi, ışıltı izgesi
flash the ivory
fildişi flash
flash the so.'s ivories
flaş o kadar. 's piyanoyu
flash through one´s mind
birden aklından geçmek
flash up
flash welding
yakma alın kaynağı
flash Harry
(deyim) pahali fakat bayagi zevkleri olan biri,gosteris budalasi
flash a glance
bakış atmak
flash a glance
göz atmak
flash ageing
(Teknik,Tekstil) yıldırım buharlama
flash ageing
(Teknik,Tekstil) şok buharlama
flash and sound method
(Askeri) Namlu ağız alevi ve sesi usulu
flash blindness
(Askeri) ALEV KÖRLÜĞÜ, IŞIK KÖRLÜĞÜ: Yoğun bir ışık sonucu oluşan görüş bozukluğu. Tavuk karası ve göz kamaşmasını içine alır ve retinal yanıklar ile ilgili olabilir
flash bolt
(İnşaat) gömme sürgü
flash border
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık yanıp sönsün
flash burn
(Tıp) parlama yanığı
flash by
(Fiili Deyim ) yıldırım gibi geçmek
flash card
flaş kartı
flash chamber
(Otomotiv) buharlaştırma odası
flash codes
yanıp sönen kodlar
flash cube
(Fotoğrafçılık) küp flaş
flash desktop
(Bilgisayar) masaüstü yanıp sönsün
flash drying
(Tekstil) şok kurutma, hızlı kurutma
flash estimate
(Askeri) İLK BÜTÇE TASARISI: A. B. D. Cumhurbaşkanı'nın kongreye verdiği yıllık bütçe mesajında topyekün bir şekilde özet olarak bahsedilmek üzere Kara Kuvvetleri asli kısımları tarafından hazırlanan bütçe tasarıları. Bu tasarı, genel olarak belirli mali yıl için hazırlanan bütçe tasarılarının ilk grubudur
flash fire
(Askeri) ürkütme ateşi
flash flood
ani su taşması
flash flood
su baskını
flash flood
aniden gelen sel
flash fuse
(Askeri) ATEŞLEYİCİ: Bak. "squip"
flash gun
flash gun
flaş tabancası
flash hider
(Askeri) ALEV GİZLEYEN: Gece atışlarında görülen alevi örtmek için silahın ağzına takılan cihaz. Bak. "flash suppressor"
flash hider
(Avcılık) ateş gizleyici
flash hider
(Askeri) Alev gizleyen
flash in the pan
saman alevi gibi bir şey
flash in the pan
(deyim) arkasi gelmeyen basari ,saman alevi ,sonucsuz kalan hamle
flash magnetization
(Nükleer Bilimler) ani mıknatıslama
flash memory
Kalıcı Bellek
flash message
(Askeri) harekat yıldırım haberi
flash message
(Askeri) HAREKAT YILDIRIM HABERİ, HAREKAT YILDIRIM MESAJI (DZ.): Düşmanla ilk temas haberlerine veya son derece acele harekat muharebe haberleri için kullanılan bir öncelik kategorisi. Ayrıca bakınız: "message precedence"
flash message
(Askeri) harekat yıldırım mesajı
flash message
önemli mesaj
flash mixer
hızlı mikser
flash on
ışık tutmak
flash on
flash on time
(Bilgisayar) zamanında yanıp sönme
flash once
(Bilgisayar) bir kez yanıp sön
flash once, fast
(Bilgisayar) parla (hızlı)
flash once, medium
(Bilgisayar) parla (orta)
flash once, slow
(Bilgisayar) parla (yavaş)
flash out
küplere binmek
flash out
flash point
alevlenme noktası
flash radiography
(Nükleer Bilimler) flaş radyografisi
flash ranging
(Askeri) IŞIKLA MESAFE ÖLÇME: Parıltıyı veya alevi gözetleyerek bir merminin paralanma noktasını veya bir düşman silahının yerini bulma
flash ranging
(Askeri) ışıkla mesafe ölçme
flash ranging
(Askeri) ışık ölçmesi
flash ranging adjustment
(Askeri) IŞIK ÖLÇMESİYLE TANZİM: Kendi topçu mermilerimizin paralanma noktalarındaki parıltılarını gözetlemek ve yerlerini tayin etmek suretiyle topçu ateşinin tanzimi
flash ranging location
(Askeri) IŞIK ÖLÇMESİYLE KESTİRİLEN MEVKİ: Bir düşman silahının ışık ölçmesi ile tespit edilen mevzii
flash reconnaissance
(Askeri) IŞIK GÖZETLEMESİ: Düşman silahlarının yerini bu silahların aleviyle tayin etmek için yerdeki gözetleme noktalarından veya uçaktan yapılan gözetleme
flash red
(Askeri) KIRMIZI IŞIK: Bak. "flash" ve "air raid warning condition"
flash reducer
(Askeri) ALEV KESİCİ: Ağız alevini azaltmak için, sevk barutu ile birlikte kullanılmak üzere ayrı olarak verilen bir kimya maddesi
flash report
(Askeri) tanziri güdümlü mermi
flash report
(Askeri) IŞIK RAPORU: Kullanılmayacaktır. Bak. "inflight report"
flash report
(Ticaret) geçici mali durum raporu
flash screen
(Bilgisayar) görüntü yanıp sönsün
flash short base
(Askeri) HESAPLA KESTİRİLMİŞ NOKTA: Bak. "computed intersection"
flash shot
(Sinema) çarpıcı çekim
flash suppressor
(Askeri) ALEV GİZLEYİCİ: Yanan sevk edici gazların namlu ağzından çıkarken meydana getirdikleri ışık veya alev miktarını azaltmak üzere silah namlusu ağzına takılan cihaz. Ayrıca bakınız: "flash hider"
flash suppressor
(Askeri) Alev gizleyen
flash tank
çürük buhar tankı
flash through one's
birden aklından geçmek
flash to bang time
(Askeri) alev ses fırtınası
flash to bang time
(Askeri) ALEV SES FASILASI (ARASI): Ateş etmekte olan bir silah alevinin gözle görülmesi ile aynı silahtan çıkan patlama sesinin duyulması arasında geçen zaman
flash tube
(Aydınlatma) elektronik flaş lambası
flash used?
(Bilgisayar) flaş kullanıldı mı?
flash vented electric squib
(Askeri) DELİKLİ ELEKTRİKLE ATEŞLEYİCİ: Bak. "electric squib"
flash vessel
genleşme odası
flash weld
yakma alın kaynağı
flash white
(Askeri) BEYAZ IŞIK: Bak. "flash" ve "air raid warning condition"
flare patterns; flash
(Askeri) havai fişek; cep feneri, flaş, ani parıldama
{i} etek, yağmur sularına karşı konulan saç örtü
flash point
(Teknik,Ticaret) alev alma noktası
metal damlalık
muzzle flash
(Askeri) ağız alevi
muzzle flash
(Askeri) namlu alevi
yağmurdan korumak için saç kaplama
a flash in the pan
boşa çıkan gayret
a flash in the pan
kuru gürültü
baca eteği
yanıp sönen

Leyla, arabasının arkasında yanıp sönen mavi ışıkları gördü. - Layla saw blue lights flashing behind her car.

high flash point
yüksek yanma derecesi
(Araba) Dörtlü ışıklar
yanıp soner
(İnşaat) tehlike lambası
suni seylâp yapma
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A popular multimedia platform, most often used for adding animation and interactivity to webpages
A language, created by a repressed minority to maintain cultural identity, that cannot be understood by the ruling class; for example, Ebonics
Material left around the edge of a moulded part at the parting line of the mould
To expose one's naked body, or part of it, in public briefly
Having plenty of ready money
The strips of bright cloth or buttons worn around the collars of market traders
A pattern where each prop is thrown and caught only once
To move, or cause to move, suddenly
to perform a flash
To release the pressure from a pressurized vessel
Expensive looking and attention worthy
To be visible briefly

The scenery flashed by quickly.

A very short amount of time

Quick—something must be done! done in a flash, too! But the very imminence of the emergency paralyzed his invention.

To make visible briefly

A number will be flashed on the screen.

To write to the memory of an updatable component such as a BIOS chip or games cartridge
To briefly illuminate a scene

He flashed the light at the water, trying to see what made the noise.

A sudden, short, temporary burst of light
To blink; to shine or illuminate intermittently

The light flashed on and off.

{n} a sudden and short blaze, dash, spurt
{v} to blaze out suddenly, dash, throw up
(Mühendislik) Any excess material that is formed with and attached to the component along a seam or mold parting line
A brief, intense burst of light from a flashbulb or an electronic flash unit, usually used where the lighting on the scene is inadequate for picture-taking
an authoring software developed by Macromedia used to create graphics-based animation programs with full-screen navigation interfaces, graphic illustrations, and simple interactivity
To cover with a thin layer, as objects of glass with glass of a different color
To send out in flashes; to cause to burst forth with sudden flame or light
disapproval If you describe an achievement or success as a flash in the pan, you mean that it is unlikely to be repeated and is not an indication of future achievements or success. People will be looking in to see how good we are now and whether our success has just been a flash in the pan. = one-off
If you say that something happens in a flash, you mean that it happens suddenly and lasts only a very short time. The answer had come to him in a flash It was done in a flash
Flash memory is similar to RAM It has one significant advantage: it does not lose its contents when power is lost; it has two main disadvantages: it is slower, and it eventually wears out Flash memory is frequently found in PCMCIA cards
a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification; "red flashes adorned the airplane"; "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to"
Macromedia Flash is a technology which allows whole page animations as well as separate areas of animation Visitors to your site must have the facility to view Flash animations in their browsers This facility is available to download as an addition (plug-in) to their browser It is important to remember that it is easy to go over the top with animation which might be annoying for visitors to your site You may also be, in effect, excluding some visitors from your site DL Design can produce alternative pages for those visitors who cannot view Flash Click here for a basic example
a sudden intense burst of radiant energy
make known or cause to appear with great speed; "The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"
A flash is a sudden burst of light or of something shiny or bright. A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers
If something flashes through or into your mind, you suddenly think about it. A ludicrous thought flashed through Harry's mind
A pool
a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal; "flash the roof"
Flash is an application published by the Macromedia company Think of Flash as a 'window' that is displayed within the HTML environment You have complete control of the window You can display animations You can make the animations clickable You can make text move and change Flash is very fast because it draws graphics on the fly, rather than storing text or graphics as complete images (Although Flash can also display photographic images and illustrations) Flash gives you much more creative room than HTML, but it requires a 'plug-in', a piece of code on your computer that runs Flash The newer browsers automatically come with Flash If your user has an older browser, and they don't already have Flash, they will be asked to download it If they agree to download Flash, they will be sent to the Macromedia site where they will need to click on a few things to receive Flash If they haven't already downloaded Flash, you might lose them at this point It is a tradeoff
gleam or glow intermittently; "The lights were flashing
A reservoir and sluiceway beside a navigable stream, just above a shoal, so that the stream may pour in water as boats pass, and thus bear them over the shoal
expose or show briefly; "he flashed a $100 bill"
Internet & computing Flash is a vector-based moving graphics format created by Macromedia for the publication of animations on the world-wide web Flash ( swf) graphics files can be created in Macromedia's own Flash program, or else in software applications such as Adobe's LiveMotion or Corel's RAVE (real animated vector effects) package Most web browsers still require a plug-in to be installed before they can play Flash animations
If you flash something such as an identity card, you show it to people quickly and then put it away again. Halim flashed his official card, and managed to get hold of a soldier to guard the Land Rover
Excess material which forms at the parting line of a mold or die, or which is extruded from a closed mold
Flash is a vector-based animation technology Flash animations are quick to download, are of high quality, and are browser independent (they look the same on different browsers) Flash animations also scale to fit the browser window Flash animations are created using Macromedia Flash software
excess material retained by the part along the parting line
a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification; "red flashes adorned the airplane"; "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to"
for coloring and giving a fictitious strength to liquors
A browser add-on, Macromedia Flash creates and displays high-impact animation, innovative interfaces and sound effects on web pages
a sudden brilliant understanding; "he had a flash of intuition"
If you flash a look or a smile at someone, you suddenly look at them or smile at them. I flashed a look at Sue Meg flashed Cissie a grateful smile
A preparation of capsicum, burnt sugar, etc
gleam or glow intermittently; "The lights were flashing"
3 (b)
A type of non-volatile memory built into the unit or available as a PC Card You can write flash memory in blocks or over the entire chip This ability facilitates erasing or updating
{f} flare, glare, sparkle; break out, erupt; move quickly; send a telegram; exhibit one's genitals in public (Slang)
If you flash news or information to a place, you send it there quickly by computer, satellite, or other system. They had told their offices to flash the news as soon as it broke This is, of course, international news and soon it was being flashed around the world
Flash, a popular authoring software developed by Macromedia, is used to create vector graphics-based animation programs with full-screen navigation interfaces, graphic illustrations, and simple interactivity in an antialiasing, resizable file format that is small enough to stream across a normal modem connection The software, currently in version 4 0, is ubiquitous on the Web, both because of its speed (vector-based sites, which can adapt to different display sizes and resolutions, play as they download) and for the smooth way it renders graphics Flash files, unlike animated but raster graphics Graphics Interchange Format and JPEG, are compact, efficient, and designed for optimized delivery
Non-volatile memory used as a re-writable, general purpose mass storage device for the switch Information stored on the flash file my include bootable code images, configuration files, call record information, etc Switch software supports user-initiated reading/writing from/to the flash (via TFTP protocol), allowing file backup/restore operations to a remote server
Showy, but counterfeit; cheap, pretentious, and vulgar; as, flash jewelry; flash finery
To trick up in a showy manner
display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously; "he showed off his new sports car"
Programmable NVRAM memory that maintains its contents without power
Slang or cant of thieves and prostitutes
A software application and an animation format created by Macromedia RealOne Player can play Flash animations and stream them in parallel with other clips, such as RealAudio clips
To burst or break forth with a sudden and transient flood of flame and light; as, the lighting flashes vividly; the powder flashed
If someone's eyes flash, they suddenly show a strong emotion, especially anger. Her dark eyes flashed and she spoke rapidly
If you say that someone reacts to something quick as a flash, you mean that they react to it extremely quickly. Quick as a flash, the man said, `I have to, don't I?'
If a picture or message flashes up on a screen, or if you flash it onto a screen, it is displayed there briefly or suddenly, and often repeatedly. The figures flash up on the scoreboard The words `Good Luck' were flashing on the screen Researchers flash two groups of different letters onto a computer screen The screen flashes a message: Try again A list of items is repeatedly flashed up on the screen
Flash is a software program developed by Macromedia that many web designers are using to design and deliver high-impact, low-bandwidth Web Sites You can create graphics and build advanced Web applications using scripting, forms, and server-side connectivity The graphics look like a streaming video entrance to a website It became quite popular in 2000
Flash Gordon
Someone who is perceived as fulfilling (or wanting to fulfill) such a role
Flash Gordon
A fictional character who is the saviour of the universe
flash card
flash card
a device used to store computer memory
flash cards
plural form of flash card
flash drive
A small electronic device used to store digital data, more portable and robust than a hard drive, ranging in capacities from 64MB to 256GB
flash drives
plural form of flash drive
flash fiction
The genre of such stories
flash fiction
A fictional story that is briefer than typical short stories
flash fictions
plural form of flash fiction
flash flood
A sudden, rapid flood, usually of short duration and local impact
flash floods
plural form of flash flood
flash frame
In video or film editing, a flash frame is a very short shot (usually one frame, but occasionally several) that appears in a sequence of images. Flash Frames are usually inadvertent and result from either an editing mistake or an equipment problem. From time to time, however, they are inserted intentionally for creative reasons
flash in the pan
A career notable for early success not followed by significant accomplishment

He was named best new director of 1940, but his career was a flash in the pan.

flash in the pan
A transient occurrence with no long-term effect

The concept turned out to be merely a flash in the pan, and is no longer used.

flash lock
A simple single gate lock on a river or canal
flash locks
plural form of flash lock
flash memory
A rewritable memory chip that retains its data without a power supply
flash mob
A group of people who converge on a spot with little forewarning, perform some action (usually a protest or a dance), and disperse quickly
flash mobber
Someone who participates in a flash mob
flash mobs
plural form of flash mob
flash photography
Taking photographs using a camera with a flash

Flash photography is forbidden in the main gallery because it may damage the paintings.

flash point
The lowest temperature at which a liquid can form an ignitable mixture in air near the surface of the liquid
flash point
A hotspot; a dangerous place of violent political unrest
flash suppressor
An attachment to the muzzle of a firearm which reduces the amount of visible light created when fired
flash frozen
Freeze (food or other material) very rapidly so as to prevent the formation of ice crystals
flash mob
A sudden and planned gathering of many people at a particular place that has been arranged earlier on an Internet website. All of the people do or say something that has also been planned earlier and then separate and leave quickly in different directions
Flash Gordon
a character who originally appeared in a US comic and films in the 1930s. Flash Gordon is a brave hero who travels through space and saves the Earth from many dangers. Flash Gordon
flash Bulb
flash: a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
flash a glance
look at quickly
flash back
occurrence of a vivid memory; representation during the course of a movie or novel of an event that occurred at an earlier time
flash back
Flash back occurs when a trail of flammable gas, vapor or aerosol is ignited by a distant spark, flame or other source of ignition The flame then travels back along the trail of gas, vapor or aerosol to its source A serious fire or explosion could result
flash back
- During bombarding the plasma arc stream goes into the manifold instead of between the electrodes (usually caused by poor processing technique)
flash back
If your mind flashes back to something in the past, you remember it or think of it briefly or suddenly. His mind kept flashing back to the previous night see also flashback
flash back
Occurs when a trail of flammable material is ignited by a distant spark or ignition source The flame then travels along the trail of the material back to its source
flash back
return in time; "the film cut back to an earlier event in the story"
flash boiler
A variety of water-tube boiler, used chiefly in steam automobiles, consisting of a nest of strong tubes with very little water space, kept nearly red hot so that the water as it trickles drop by drop into the tubes is immediately flashed into steam and superheated
flash bulb
bulb which works for a very short period of time but gives off a dazzling light (used for taking photographs)
flash bulb
a small object that produces a bright light, used when taking photographs indoors or when there is not much light
flash burn
A burn resulting from brief exposure to intense radiation
flash burn
{i} burn caused by very brief exposure to intense radiant heat (characteristic of burn caused by atomic explosion)
flash burner
A gas burner with a device for lighting by an electric spark
flash butt welding
A technique for joining segments of metal rail or pipe in which segments aligned end to end are electronically charged, producing an electric arc that melts and welds the ends of the segments, yielding an exceptionally strong and smooth joint. Also called flash welding
flash camera
a camera with a photoflash attachment
flash card
a card with words or numbers of pictures that are flashed to a class by the teacher
flash card
A memory card using Flash RAM chips that can be rewritten and hold its content without power Also referred to as a Storage Card See also Flash RAM Source: TE
flash card
(See exhibit card)
flash card
A target, generally with markings, photographed to index microfilm Also called flash target
flash card
A memory card that works with the flash memory, allowing the camera to retain data after the system has been turned off
flash card
A small flash memory module The memory chips are enclosed in a plastic case and retain data after they are removed from the system The most common uses for these are in laptops, pagers, handheld computers, cell phones, digital cameras, and audio players There are several different form factors of flash cards, including Compact Flash, SmartMedia, PCMCIA, and Small Form Factor Flash Card
flash card
Flash cards are cards which are sometimes used in the teaching of reading or a foreign language. Each card has words or a picture on it
flash card
Card used at cafeterias operated by Food Service for students who have purchased board plans
flash drive
{i} (Computers) disc on key, disk-on-key, USB drive, Plug and Play compact mobile device that uses flash memory and is light enough to carry on a key chain
flash eliminator
cylindrical piece attached to the muzzle of a weapon
flash flood
A sudden flood of great volume, usually caused by a heavy rain Also, a flood that crests in a short length of time and is often characterized by high velocity flows
flash flood
sudden flood, instantaneous flow of water that fills an area
flash flood
A flood which is caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time, generally under 6 hours, leading to water that rises and falls quite rapidly The term may also be used to alert the public of non life threatening flooding of small streams, streets, storm drains, and low lying urban areas A flash flood can also be caused by the failure of a dam or from ice jams on waterways
flash flood
A flood which is caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time, generally under six (6) hours, leading to water that rises and falls quite rapidly The term may also be used to alert the public of non life threatening flooding of small streams, streets, storm drains, and low lying urban areas A flash flood can also be caused by the failure of a dam or from ice jams on waterways
flash flood
A flood that rises and falls quite rapidly with little or no advance warning, usually as the result of intense rainfall over a relatively small area Flash floods can be caused by situations such as a sudden excessive rainfall, the failure of a dam, or the thaw of an ice jam
flash flood
The result of heavy or excessive amounts of rainfall within a short period of time, usually less than 6 hours, causing water to rise and fall quite rapidly
flash flood
A flood which occurs suddenly and without warning Flash floods are common after torrential mountain thunderstorms They affect mountain valleys because there is little soil to soak up the rain and so it quickly rushes to rivers
flash flood
A flash flood is a sudden rush of water over dry land, usually caused by a great deal of rain
flash flood
A flood that occurs within a few hours (usually less than 6) of heavy or excessive rainfall, dam or levee failure, or water released from an ice jam
flash flood
Heavy rainfall and localised flooding of short duration with a relatively high peak discharge Often caused by severe thunderstorms or intense rainfall events such as an East Coast Low For severe thunderstorms, a flash flood event is considered to be a 1 in 10 year rainfall event
flash flood
a sudden flood caused by heavy rain and or the rapid melting of snow A flood crest is the highest level reached before the water recedes
flash flood
Flooding with a rapid water rise
flash flood
a sudden and destructive rush of water down a narrow gully or over a sloping surface, caused by heavy rainfall
flash flood
A flood that occurs within a few hours (usually less than six) of heavy or excessive rainfall, dam or levee failure
flash flood
flood of water in a normally arid area brought on by a sud- den downpour of rain flint compact, hard, brittle mineral, commonly grey in colour, found in nodules in chalk deposits flooding the inundation of land that is not normally covered with water fluvioglaclal of a process or landform, associated with glacial meltwater Meltwater, flowing beneath or ahead of a glacier, is capable of transporting rocky material and creating a variety of landscape features, including eskers, kames, and outwash plains
flash flood
A rapid and short-lived increase in the amount of runoff water entering a stream resulting in a flood
flash flood
A flood which is caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time, generally less than 6 hours Also, at times a dam failure can cause a flash flood, depending on the type of dam and time period during which the break occurs
flash flood
Follows a situation in which rainfall is so intense and severe and runoff so rapid that it precludes recording and relating it to stream stages and other information in time to forecast a flood condition (FEMA definition) See also flood
flash flood
Sudden fast-moving flow of water, usually from heavy rainfall
flash flood
a sudden local flood of great volume and short duration
flash flood
A faster, more dangerous flow of water that results from tropical storms, dam failures, or excessive rain and snow; the flooding of an area that occurs in a matter of hours
flash in the pan
dramatic display that quickly fades into nothing; person who has temporary success but then fails
flash in the pan
someone who enjoys transient success but then fails
flash lamp
An electric lamp for producing a high-intensity light of very short duration for use in photography
flash locator
device which pinpoints the location of flashes
flash memory
nonvolatile storage that can be electrically erased and programmed anew
flash memory
A computer chip with a read-only memory that retains its data when the power is turned off and that can be electronically erased and reprogrammed without being removed from the circuit board, often used in fax machines
flash memory
memory which is not erased when the power supply is cut off and which can be used to store data in a stable fashion
flash mob
{i} crowd of people that appear in places determined in advance and do something briefly and dissipate within a matter of minutes or in a flash
flash of hope
small ray of hope, small or brief feeling of hope
flash photolysis
A method of investigating fast photochemical reactions in gases in which a gas is exposed to very brief, intense flashes of light and the resulting products are analyzed spectroscopically
flash point
The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapors to form a flammable mixture with air
flash point
The temperature at which a liquid will yield enough flamable vapour to ignite There are various recognized industrial testing methods; therefore the method used must be stated
flash point
The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off enough flammable vapor to ignite and produce a flame when an ignition source is present
flash point
means the minimum temperature at which a liquid within a container gives off vapour in sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid (Ontario Fire Code 1996)
flash point
The temperature at which a liquid gives off vapor sufficient to form an ignitable mixture with air
flash point
The lowest temperature at which the vapors of a liquid can catch fire
flash point
point at which something is ready to blow up
flash point
The Flash Point is the lowest temperature at which a liquid or a solid gives off enough vapor to form flammable air-vapor mixture near its surface The lower the flash point, the greater the fire hazard The flash point is an approximate value and should not be taken as a sharp dividing line between safe and hazardous conditions The flash point is determined by a variety of test methods which give different results Two of these methods are abbreviated as OC (open cup) and CC (closed cup)
flash point
Temperature at which a liquid will give off enough flammable vapor to ignite There are several flash point test methods, and flash points may vary for the same material depending on the method used, so the test method is indicated when the flash point is given
flash point
The minimum temperature at which a flammable-vapor mixture exists at the surface of a liquid
flash point
The temperature to which a combustible liquid must be heated to give off sufficient vapor to form momentarily a flammable mixture with air when a small flame is applied under specified conditions (ASTM Designation D 92 )
flash point
The temperature at which a liquid or volatile solid gives off vapor sufficient to form an ignitable mixture near the surface of the liquid or within the test vessel
flash point
the temperature at which a substance will ignite when an open flame is passed over it
flash point
the temperature at which something ignites
flash point
Minimum liquid temperature at which a spark or flame causes an instantaneous flash in the vapor space above the liquid
flash point
(Otomotiv) The temperature at which diesel fuel ignites
flash point
lowest temperature at which a substance produces vapors that ignite immediately when subjected to a flame (Chemistry); critical point that causes change; situation that will likely become violent
flash point
the lowest temperature at which a flammable liquid will produce a combustible vapor that will burn in the presence of a flame, under certain prescribed conditions of test
flash point
The lowest temperature at which a good produces enough vapour to form a flammable mixture with air
flash point
the lowest temperature at which the vapor of a combustible liquid can be ignited in air
flash point
The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapor to form an ignitable mixture and burn when a source of ignition (sparks, open flames, etc ) is present Two tests are used to determine the flash point: open cup and closed cup The test method is indicated on the MSDS after the flash point
flash point
That temperature at which a liquid or solid will begin to burn when exposed to a source of ignition (spark or flame)
flash point
The lowest temperature at which a solvent will generate sufficient vapors to ignite in the presence of flame
flash point
The lowest temperature at which sufficient vapor is produced to cause combustion if an ignition source is present
flash point
the lowest temperature at which the vapor of a combustible liquid can be ignited in air point at which something is ready to blow up
flash point
The lowest temperature of a liquid material at which combustion will occur when air reaches its surface
flash point
of a chemical - The lowest temperature at which a flame will propagate through the vapour of a combustible material to the liquid surface It is determined by the vapour pressure of the liquid, since only when a sufficiently high vapour concentration is reached, can it support combustion It should be noted that the source of ignition need not be an open flame, but could equally be, for example, the surface of a hot plate, or a steam pipe
flash point
The lowest temperature at which vapours given off a liquid will ignite
flash point
The lowest temperature at which a material, such as solvent, gives off sufficient vapor to ignite
flash point
The temperature at which the vapor of a thinner or solvent will ignite in the presence of sparks or open flame
flash rom
non-volatile memory that can be used as a substitute for storage on the hard drive
flash up
become excited, become agitated
flash welding
butt welding by creating an electric arc between the two pieces which melts and joins them; used for joining segments of metal pipe
a transition (in literary or theatrical works or films) to a later event or scene that interrupts the normal chronological development of the story
used of foods; preserved by freezing sufficiently rapidly to retain flavor and nutritional value; "frozen foods
intended to reflect the thermal radiation from a nuclear detonation
blue flash
A phenomenon sometimes observed when a criticality incident occurs in nuclear materials, inducing a discharge of radiation into the environment
blue flash
A very rare phenomenon observed in morning or evening when the sun is crossing or immediately below the horizon, in which a momentary flash of blue light appears above the upper rim of the solar disk, caused by refraction of light in the atmosphere
camera flash
A device that produces a short flash of light to help illuminate a scene, mostly for night-time or indoors photography
The process of getting rid of gaps on shelves by bringing products from the back of the shelf to the front to create a 'fuller' shelf
Components used to weatherproof or seal roof system edges at perimeters, penetrations, walls, expansion joints, valleys, drains and other places where the roof covering is interrupted or terminated
The exposing of one's naked body, or part of it, in public briefly (the action of the verb to flash)
The blinking of a light source, such as a light bulb or computer's cursor

The incessant flashing of the neon sign kept the neighborhood awake.

green flash
A rare phenomenon observed in morning or evening when the sun is crossing or immediately below the horizon, in which a momentary flash or ray of green light appears above the upper rim of the solar disk, caused by refraction of light in the atmosphere

Frank T. Davies, physicist on board the City of New York, en route to the Antarctic regions with Byrd Antarctic Expedition, reports as follows on a green flash observed off Bermuda on the evening of August 29, 1928.

helium flash
The sudden beginning of the burning of helium in the core of stars of intermediate mass or on the surface of an accreting white dwarf
hot flash
A sudden, but brief, sensation of heat over the entire body; a common symptom of the menopause
in a flash
Very quickly

It happened so fast that it was all over in a flash.

in a flash
Instantaneous, very quick, in a very short amount of time

Therefore its completeness, though instantaneous, was total. His realisation was in a flash, but it did not vanish like a flash.

quick as a flash
Extremely quick
quick as a flash
Extremely quickly
xenon flash lamp
A lamp that produces a very short, but very intense, flash of white light; used in photography and in photocoagulation
xenon flash lamps
plural form of xenon flash lamp
past of flash
A person who exposes his genitals indecently
The European red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio); called also flusher
an electrical device that automatically turns a lamp on and off (as for an advertising display)
A mechanical device designed to interrupt the electrical current in a sign at regular intervals, turning the light source on and off to create a flashing image
Anything that flashes, especially a device that switches a light on and off
an illusion of flashing light created when the vitreous gel, which fills the inside of the eye, rubs or pulls on the retina For more information, read "Floaters and Flashers" in the MD Support Library
a light that flashes on and off; used as a signal or to send messages
One who, or that which, flashes
A large sparoid fish of the Atlantic coast and all tropical seas (Lobotes Surinamensis)
someone with a compulsive desire to expose the genitals
Flasher buttons were designed to change images by tilting them back and forth Flashers were first used in the campaigns of Eisenhower and Stevenson
A man of more appearance of wit than reality