
listen to the pronunciation of fiscal
الإنجليزية - التركية
{s} mali

Onlar 1997 mali yılı için bütçe üzerinde çalıştılar. - They labored over the budget for the fiscal year 1997.

Aylardır, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri maliye politikası zayıf kredi ile karakterize edilmiştir. - For months, United States fiscal policy has been characterized by weak credit.

(Ticaret) fiskal
{s} devlet hazinesine ait
(Politika, Siyaset) kamu maliyesi
fiscal notification
(Ticaret) mali bildirim
fiscal relations
(Ticaret) mali ilişkiler
fiscal system
(Ticaret) vergi sistemi
fiscal year
akçalı yıl
fiscal adjustments
mali ayarlamalar
fiscal authorities
mali makamlar
fiscal capacity
mali kapasite
fiscal charges
vergi giderleri
fiscal competition
mali rekabet
fiscal decisions
mali kararlar
fiscal dividend
mali temettü
fiscal economics
mali ekonomi
fiscal evasion
vergi kaçırma
fiscal incentives
mali teşvikler
fiscal jurisdiction
mali yargı
fiscal law
mali hukuk
fiscal law
mali yasa
fiscal monopoly
mali tekel
fiscal period
mali dönem
fiscal policy
maliye politikası

Bilim adamı maliye politikası üzerine bir otoritedir. - The scholar is an authority on fiscal policy.

Aylardır, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri maliye politikası zayıf kredi ile karakterize edilmiştir. - For months, United States fiscal policy has been characterized by weak credit.

fiscal report
finans raporu
fiscal resources
mali kaynaklar
fiscal responsibility
mali sorumluluk
fiscal service
mali hizmet
fiscal stability
mali istikrar
fiscal system
finans jüyesi
fiscal system
vergi jüyesi
fiscal year
mali yıl

Onlar 1997 mali yılı için bütçe üzerinde çalıştılar. - They labored over the budget for the fiscal year 1997.

fiscal algebra
mali cebir
fiscal balance tax
mali denge vergisi
fiscal cliff
Vergi artırımı, harcama kesintileri gibi olayların ekonomide yarattığı etki
fiscal conservative
mali muhafazakar
fiscal consolidation
Mâlî konsolidasyon
fiscal distortions
mali sapmalar
fiscal ethics
vergi ahlaki
fiscal externality
Mâli dışsallık
fiscal policies
maliye politikaları
fiscal system
vergi sistemi, finans sistemi
fiscal watchdog groups
devlet harcamalarını gözetleyen sivil gruplar
fiscal adjustment
maliye ayarlamaları
fiscal administration
maliye idaresi
fiscal agent
(Ticaret) mali temsilcilik
fiscal austerity
(Ticaret) mali kemer sıkma
fiscal austerity
(Ticaret) mali sıkılık
fiscal capacity equalization
mali kapasite denkleştirmesi
fiscal charge
(Kanun) mali mükellefiyet
fiscal charges
(Ticaret) mali giderler
fiscal constraint
(Ticaret) mali kısıt
fiscal constraint
(Ticaret) mali zorlanma
fiscal crisis of the state
(Politika, Siyaset) devletin mali bunalımı
fiscal director of a district
mal müdürü
fiscal domicile
(Ticaret) mali ikametgah
fiscal ethics
(Ticaret) vergi ahlakı
fiscal evasion
(Ticaret) vergi kaçakçılığı
fiscal guidance memorandum
(Askeri) mali kılavuz muhtırası
fiscal harmonization
(Ticaret) mali uyum
fiscal manager
(Ticaret) mali işler müdürü
fiscal multiplier
(Ticaret) maliye politikası çarpanı
fiscal office of a district
mal müdürlüğü
fiscal officer
(Askeri) mali işler subayı
fiscal officer
(Askeri) MALİ İŞLER SUBAYI: Kendisine tahsisat ayrılmış olan herhangi bir teşkilatın mali hesaplarından sorumlu subay
fiscal station
(Askeri) tahsisat kullanan tesis
fiscal station
(Askeri) mali tesis
fiscal station
(Askeri) MALİ TESİS, TAHSİSAT KULLANAN TESİS: Kara ordusunu asli teşkillerine ait bütçe tahsisleri ve fon hesapları, ikmal maddeleri ve hizmet temini ile ilgili idari görevlerde ve icabında, diğer idari maksatlar için kullanılmak üzere kendisine mali tesis numarası verilmiş bir kuruluş
fiscal station number
fiscal station number
(Askeri) mali tesis numarası
fiscal year
(Askeri) MALİ YIL: Federal vergi maksatları için müteahhitler tarafından kullanılan devre
Contractionary Fiscal Policy
(Bilim, İlim) Daraltıcı maliye politikası
expansionary fiscal policy
(Bilim, İlim) Genişletici maliye politikası
mali olarak
end of a fiscal year
mali yıl sonu
reflationary fiscal policy
ekonomiyi canlandırmayı amaçlayan mali politika
the fiscal year
mali yıl
discretionary fiscal policy
(Ticaret) önleyici maliye politikası
exclusively fiscal nature
(Avrupa Birliği) münhasıran mali nitelik
mali açıdan
tight fiscal policy
(Ticaret) sıkı maliye politikası
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A public official in certain countries having control of public revenue
In certain countries, including Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and former colonies of these countries and certain British colonies, solicitor or attorney general
Any of various African shrikes of the genus Lanius
Pertaining to finance and money in general; financial
Procurator fiscal, a public prosecutor
Related to the treasury of a country, company, region or city, particularly to government spending and revenue
pertaining to the treasury or public finances of a government
{a} pertaining to a treasury or revenue
{n} an exchequer, treasury, revenue
Fiscal is used to describe something that relates to government money or public money, especially taxes. in 1987, when the government tightened fiscal policy. = financial + fiscally fis·cal·ly The scheme would be fiscally dangerous Many members are determined to prove that they are fiscally responsible. see also procurator fiscal. relating to money, taxes, debts etc that are owned and managed by the government (fiscus )
involving financial matters; "fiscal responsibility"
involving financial matters; "fiscal responsibility
Pertaining to finance in general
Pertaining to finances and taxation
adviser or legal counsel
A public officer in Scotland who prosecutes in petty criminal cases; called also procurator fiscal
In general, having to do with financial matters; i e money taxes, public or private revenues, etc Belonging to the fisc, or public treasury Relating to accounts or the management of revenue Of or pertaining to the public finances of a government or private finances of business
A treasurer
A revenue stamp or similar label denoting the payment of tax Fiscals are ordinarily affixed to documents and canceled by pen, canceler or mutilation Because of their similarity to postage stamps, fiscals have occasionally been used either legally or illegally to prepay postage See also Postal fiscal, Revenues
Pertaining to the public treasury or revenue
Having to do with financial matters, accounting and reporting This term is often used in a governmental context
Pertaining to money, usually involving government taxation and spending policies Fixed Assets - Possessions such as buildings, machinery and land which, as opposed to current assets, are unlikely to be converted into cash during the normal business cycle
The solicitor in Spain and Portugal; the attorney-general
{s} of public funds; of or pertaining to money matters
The abbreviated term for the Procurator Fiscal
Pertaining to money, especially government taxation and spending policies
Related to the treasury of a country, company, region or city
relating to government finances (taxation, expenditure, etc )
Fiscal refers to issues of government finance, including the taxation, borrowing and expenditure functions of government
The income of a prince or a state; revenue; exhequer
financial, as in: The fiscal year begins July 1
fiscal conservative
One who favors a balanced budget, prefering spending cuts or tax increases to borrowing, and wants to decrease government size, and promote a free market
fiscal conservatives
plural form of fiscal conservative
fiscal policy
Government policy that attempts to influence the direction of the economy through changes in government spending or taxes
fiscal year
An accounting period of one year, not necessarily coinciding with the calendar year

New York State has rarely had an approved budget by the beginning of its April 1 fiscal year.

fiscal years
plural form of fiscal year
fiscal cliff
The economic effects that could result from tax increases, spending cuts and a corresponding reduction in the budget deficit
fiscal drag
(Ekonomi) The deflationary effect of a progressive taxation system on a country's economy. As wages rise, a higher proportion of income is paid in tax
fiscal deficit
the gap between the government's expenditures and its revenues from sources other than additional borrowing
fiscal deficit
When the government spends more money than it receives in revenue over the course of one year
fiscal deficit
It is the excess of total expenditure including loans net of repayments over revenue receipts and non debt capital receipts It also indicates the total borrowing of the government, and the increment to its outstanding debt
fiscal deficit
is the gap between the government's total spending and the sum of its revenue receipts and non-debt capital receipts It represents the total amount of borrowed funds required by the government to completely meet its expenditure
fiscal legislation
legislation dealing with the state treasury (budget, taxes, etc.)
fiscal policy
economic program which operates according to changes in a country's budget or taxes, governmental policy regarding budgetary regulation
fiscal policy
The policy pursued by the federal government to direct the economy through taxation and the level and allocation of government spending
fiscal policy
the government’s plans for spending, for taxes and for borrowing if required (chapter 15)
fiscal policy
Measures employed by governments to stabilize the economy, specifically by adjusting the levels and allocations of taxes and government expenditures. When the economy is sluggish, the government may cut taxes, leaving taxpayers with extra cash to spend and thereby increasing levels of consumption. An increase in public-works spending may likewise pump cash into the economy, having an expansionary effect. Conversely, a decrease in government spending or an increase in taxes tends to cause the economy to contract. Fiscal policy is often used in tandem with monetary policy. Until the 1930s, fiscal policy aimed at maintaining a balanced budget; since then it has been used "countercyclically," as recommended by John Maynard Keynes, to offset the cycle of expansion and contraction in the economy. Fiscal policy is more effective at stimulating a flagging economy than at cooling an inflationary one, partly because spending cuts and tax increases are unpopular and partly because of the work of economic stabilizers. See also business cycle
fiscal policy
The use of government spending and taxing for the specific purpose of stabilizing the economy
fiscal policy
Use of the government's powers of taxation and spending to influence economic activity and employment
fiscal policy
influencing the direction of an economy through the use of taxation (See also Monetary Policy)
fiscal policy
The use of government spending and taxation policies to influence the economy
fiscal policy
Economic policies, such as taxation and public spending, that relate to achieving full employment, price stability or growth in the economy
fiscal policy
The government's program determining the amount of taxes and government expenditures to be made in a year When an economy is moving into recession, an expansionary economic policy would dictate that the government should provide an economic stimulus by increasing expenditures or reducing taxes This is referred to as a stimulative fiscal policy During periods with low employment and rising inflation, constraining fiscal policy is often suggested, involving increased taxes or reduced government expenditures
fiscal policy
The use by a government of its expenditures on goods and services and/or tax collections to influence the level of national income
fiscal policy
Federal taxation and spending policies designed to level out the business cycle, achieve full employment, maintain price stability, and sustain economic growth
fiscal policy
Use of taxation as a tool in implementing monetary policy
fiscal policy
Changes in government expenditures and taxes designed to influence the economy
fiscal policy
Federal government policies with respect to taxes, spending and debt management intended to promote the nation's macroeconomic goals, particularly with respect to employment, gross national product, and price stability The budget process is a major vehicle for implementing federal fiscal policy The other major component of federal macroeconomic policy is monetary policy An "easy" fiscal policy stimulates the short-term growth of output and income, whereas a "tight" fiscal policy restrains their growth Movements in the standardized-budget surplus constitute one overall indicator of the tightness or ease of federal fiscal policy; an increase relative to potential gross domestic product suggests fiscal ease, whereas a decrease suggests fiscal restriction The President and the Congress jointly determine federal fiscal policy See standardized-budget surplus [Back to top]
fiscal policy
Government spending and taxing for the specific purpose of stabilizing the economy
fiscal policy
Government macroeconomic policy that seeks to influence general economic activity through control of taxation and government spending (see also monetary policy)
fiscal policy
The portion of government policy concerned with raising revenue through taxation and other means and deciding on the level and pattern of expenditure Through this policy the government has some control over the level of aggregate demand in the economy and, thus, over the rate of new job creation and, to some extent, the rate of inflation
fiscal policy
(p 54) Government efforts to keep the economy stable by increasing or decreasing taxes or government spending
fiscal policy
Federal Government policies affecting government spending, taxation, and deficits (or surpluses), viewed from a macroeconomics standpoint
fiscal policy
The federal government's decisions about the amount of money it spends and collects in taxes to achieve a full employment and non-inflationary economy See also contractionary fiscal policy and expansional fiscal policy
fiscal policy
This is the way a government decides what to put tax and on at what levels of taxation will be set Fiscal policy also determines how the money raised will be spent in order to influence the performance of the economy
fiscal policy
Fiscal policy is the use of government expenditure and taxation to try to influence the level of economic activity An expansionary (or reflationary) fiscal policy could mean: cutting levels of direct or indirect tax increasing government expenditure The effect of these policies would be to encourage more spending and boost the economy A contractionary (or deflationary) fiscal policy could be: increasing taxation - either direct or indirect cutting government expenditure These policies would reduce the level of demand in the economy and help to reduce inflation
fiscal policy
The federal tax and spending policies set by Congress and/or the President
fiscal policy
Fiscal policy refers to the spending and taxing practices that the Federal government uses to achieve certain economic goals, especially economic growth and full employment
fiscal policy
a government policy for dealing with the budget (especially with taxation and borrowing)
fiscal policy
The policy pursued by government to manage the economy through its spending and taxation powers
fiscal year
A 12-month accounting period For the State of Illinois, the fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year
fiscal year
The yearly accounting period for the federal government which begins October 1 and ends on the following September 30 The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends (e g , FY 94 is from October 1, 1993 to September 30, 1994)
fiscal year
1 For the FEDERAL government, denotes the yearly federal accounting period beginning October 1 and ending September 30 of the subsequent calendar year However, prior to FY 77, the federal fiscal year started on July 1 and ended the following June 30 NOTE: Fiscal years are denoted by the calendar year in which they end: e g , federal Fiscal Year 1997 began October 1, 1996, and ended September 30, 1997
fiscal year
The 12-month period used in accounting for the receipt and expenditure of funds from the U S Treasury The Government operated on a calendar fiscal year basis from 1789 through 1842 A separate report was issued for the first six months of 1843 Thereafter, the fiscal year was defined as July 1 to the following June 30 for the years from 1843 through 1975 The 1976 fiscal year began July 1, 1975, but did not end until September 30, 1976 The 1977 fiscal year and all succeeding fiscal years began on October 1 and continued through the following September 30
fiscal year
The fiscal year in the Federal Government accounting period begins October 1 of a given year and ends September 30 of the following year; thus, fiscal year 1994 began on October 1, 1993, and ended September 30, 1994 See also Volume XLIV
fiscal year
any accounting period of 12 months
fiscal year
A twelve month period by which financial planning and accounting is done The fiscal year for Missouri state government begins July 1 of each year and is referred to by the number of the calendar year in which it ends
fiscal year
A yearly accounting period The federal government's fiscal year begins October 1 and ends September 30 Fiscal years are designated by the calendar years in which they end--for example, fiscal year 2001 begins October 1, 2000 and ends on September 30, 2001 [Back to top]
fiscal year
A 12-month period for which an organization plans the use of its funds This period may be a calendar year but can be any 12-month period A fiscal year accounting period should normally coincide with the natural operating cycle of the organization If an organization files an IRS Form 990, it is required to define its accounting period on Line A at the top of the form
fiscal year
Accounting period covering 12 consecutive months over which a company determines earnings and profits The fiscal year serves as a period of reference for the company and does not necessarily correspond to the calendar year
fiscal year
Financial operations of the government are carried out in a 12-month accounting year, beginning on October 1 and ending on September 30 The fiscal year carries the date of the calendar year in which it ends and is referred to as FY
fiscal year
a financial term referring to any twelve-month period, usually to set a budget The federal government's fiscal year begins October 1
fiscal year
The federal government's annual accounting period Financial operations of the government are carried out in a 12-month accounting year, beginning on October 1 and ending on September 30 The fiscal year carries the date of the calendar year in which it ends and is referred to as FY; for example, fiscal year 2001 begins on October 1, 2000 and ends on September 30, 2001
fiscal year
The time period designated as the beginning and ending period for recording financial transactions The federal fiscal year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th The California fiscal year is July 1st to June 30th A grant can be for one of these annual periods, for a calendar year, or any other time defined by the funding sources
fiscal year
A company's business year, usually a 12-month accounting period which does not necessarily correspond to the calendar year Meredith's fiscal year is July 1 through June 30
fiscal year
The period used for budgeting and accounting In Hawaii State government, this period is from July 1 of one calendar year to June 30 of the next calendar year
fiscal year
A 12 month accounting period that may not coincide with the calendar year For the State of Michigan, the fiscal year begins October 1 and ends September 30 The year's title comes from the date that it ends, thus the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1999 and ending September 30, 2000 is fiscal year 2000
fiscal year
Any yearly accounting period, regardless of its relationship to a calendar year The fiscal year for the federal government begins on October 1 of each year and ends September 30 of the following year; it is designated by the calendar year in which it ends (A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process, GAO, 1993)
fiscal year
A corporation's accounting year Due to the nature of their particular business, some companies do not use the calendar year for their bookkeeping A typical example is the department store that finds December 31 too early a date to close its books after the Christmas rush For that reason many stores wind up their accounting year January 31 Their fiscal year, therefore, runs from February 1 of one year through January 31 of the next The fiscal year of other companies may run from July 1 through the following June 30 Most companies, though, operate on a calendar year basis
fiscal year
For Medicare, a year-long period that runs from October 1st through September 30th of the next year The government and some insurance companies follow a budget that is planned for a fiscal year
fiscal year
Yearly accounting period, without regard to its relationship to a calendar year (The fiscal year for the U S Government begins October 1 and ends September 30 )
fiscal year
The fiscal year is the same as the financial year. the budget for the coming fiscal year. A 12-month period for which an organization plans the use of its funds
fiscal year
This is a period of 12 consecutive months without regard to the calendar year The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends TIP projects are organized by fiscal year and follow the federal fiscal year -- October 1 to September 30
fiscal year
yearly period at the end of which financial condition is assessed, twelve month accounting period
fiscal year
A twelve month accounting period used by the Federal Government that goes from October 1st to September 30th Currently, the Government is in FY02, which goes from October 1, 2001 to September 30, 2002
fiscal year
A 12-month period at the end of which accounts are reconciled The fiscal year for state agencies in Texas begins on September 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of the following year
fiscal year
An accounting period of twelve months The fiscal year for Oregon state agencies spans from 1 July through 30 June of the next calendar year The federal government fiscal year extends from 1 October through 30 September of the following calendar year
fiscal year
The 12-month period that a corporation or government uses for bookkeeping purposes A company's fiscal year is often, but not necessarily, the same as the calendar year A seasonal business will frequently select a fiscal rather than a calendar year so that its year-end figures will show it in its most liquid condition, which also means having less inventory to verify physically The fiscal year of the U S government ends September 30 Abbreviated as FY BACK TO TOP
discretionary fiscal policy
A fiscal policy achieved through government intervention, as opposed to automatic stabilizers
In a fiscal manner; concerning finance
current fiscal year
present financial year
in financial matters; "fiscally irresponsible
from a financial viewpoint, from a fiscal standpoint
in financial matters; "fiscally irresponsible"
plural of fiscal
integrated fiscal- monetary policy
policy concerning the degree of government intervention in the level of economic activity by influencing the supply of money and demand for it (Economics)
procurator fiscal
local public prosecutor
procurator fiscal
In the Scottish legal system, the procurator fiscal is a public official who puts people on trial



    التركية النطق



    /ˈfəskəl/ /ˈfɪskəl/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    () From Latin fiscus (“treasury”) – see fiscus|fiscus]] and fisc.

    رصف المشتركة

    fiscal policy


    ... starting in the fiscal years 2011 that we should freeze discretionary spending, the ...
    ... If we don't get our fiscal house in order in a way that is fair ...