
listen to the pronunciation of finance
الإنجليزية - التركية
finanse etmek

O evini finanse etmek için bankadan ödünç para aldı. - He borrowed money from the bank to finance his home.

Bir bütçe açığını finanse etmek için ortak bir yöntem tahviller çıkarmaktır. - A common way to finance a budget deficit is to issue bonds.


Tom'un bir maliye diploması vardır. - Tom has a degree in finance.

Yetenekli maliye bakanının yaratıcılığı batmış ulusunun kurtulması için yardımcı oldu. - The talented finance minister's ingenuity has helped his bankrupt nation to get out of the red.


Onların kampanyaları hükümet tarafından finanse ediliyor. - Their campaigns are financed by the government.

Savaşı finanse etmek için tahvil ihraç edilmektedir. - In order to finance the war, bonds are issued.

parasal durum
paraca desteklemek
sermaye yatırmak

O evini finanse etmek için bankadan ödünç para aldı. - He borrowed money from the bank to finance his home.

Savaşı finanse etmek için tahvil ihraç edilmektedir. - In order to finance the war, bonds are issued.

iş kurmada gereken para
gereken parayı vermek
{f} para sağla
ç.mali durum
bir kimsenin veya müessesenin mali işlerini idare etmek
{i} maliye, finans: ministry of finance maliye bakanlığı
{i} finansman
mali teşebbüslere sermaye yatırmak veya temin etmek
financial engagement
{i} mali durum

Mali durumlarınızı takip edin. - Keep track of your finances.

Sami mali durumunda bir sorun tespit etti. - Sami spotted a problem with his finances.

finans,v.para sağla: n.maliye
{i} para durumu
bir işin masraflarını karşılamak
financial mali
{f} para sağlamak
finansman sağlamak
finance function
(Ticaret) finanslama fonksiyonu
finance lease
(Ticaret) finansal kiralama
finance act
bütçe kanunu
finance bill
finansman senedi
finance committee
finans heyeti
finance committee
mali komite
finance company
finansman şirketi
finance house
finans kurumu
finance market
finans piyasası
finance syndicate
mali sendika
Finance Inspector
(Finans) Maliye Müfettişi
finance manager
finans yöneticisi
finance mathematics
mali cebir
finance minister
maliye bakanı
finance acts
(Ticaret) finansal yasalar
finance acts
(Ticaret) mali yasalar
finance and accounting officer
(Askeri) maliye ve muhasebe subayı
finance and accounting officer
(Askeri) MALİYE VE MUHASEBE SUBAYI: Yönetmeliklerde ifade edilen görevleri yerine getirmek üzere atanmış ve bağlı olduğu komutanın, mali bakımdan sorumluluklarını ifade ve ibra eden muhasebe kayıtlarını tutmak, mali işleri yapmakla görevlendirilmiş muhasebe subayı. Bu subay, kendi görevleri ile birlikte, kamu borçlarını da öderse, aynı zamanda bir tediye subayıdır
finance and treasury manager
(Ticaret) finans ve hazine müdürü
finance charge
(Ticaret) toplam kredi maliyeti
finance communications
(Bilgisayar) bankacılık iletişimi
finance corps
(Askeri) MALİYE SINIFI, MALİYE TEŞKİLATI: Ordunun mali işlerinden sorumlu bir teşkilat
finance corps of the army
finance office of the army
(Askeri) kara kuvvetleri maliye dairesi
finance officer
(Askeri) MALİYE ŞUBESİ MÜDÜRÜ: Birliğin mali işlerini idare eden subay
finance official
finance school
(Askeri) MALİYE OKULU: Bak. "Army Finance School"
finance the deficit
(Ticaret) cari açığı finanse etmek
finance the deficit
(Ticaret) açığı karşılamak
Accounting and Finance Manager
Mâli işler müdürü
Accounting, Finance and Administrative Manager
Mâli ve idâri işler müdürü
army finance centre
(Askeri) kara kuvvetleri maliye merkezi

Ev halkı, aynı yaşam alanını ve parayı paylaşan bir gruptur. - A household is a group that shares the same living space and finances.

global finance
(Ticaret) küresel finans
import finance
(Ticaret) ithalat finansmanı
international finance
uluslararası maliye
local finance
yerel yönetim maliyesi
Minister of Finance
Maliye Bakanı
Ministry of Finance
Maliye Bakanlığı
commercial finance company
ticari finans kuruluşu
mali durum

Mali durumlarınızı takip edin. - Keep track of your finances.

Sami mali durumunda bir sorun tespit etti. - Sami spotted a problem with his finances.

{f} para sağla

Finansman düzenlenene kadar projeyi arka planda tutmak zorunda kaldılar. - They had to put that project on the backburner until financing was arranged.

Projenin finansman maliyeti çok yüksekti. - The cost of financing of the project was very high.

public finance
kamu maliyesi
General Finance Inspector
(Finans) Maliye Baş Müfettişi
high finance
yüksek finansman
minister of finance
maliye bakanı
obligations under finance leases
finansal kiralama yükümlülükleri
public finance initiative
kamu maliyesi girişimi
rise in money circulation (finance)
para dolaşımı (finans) yükselir
the Ministry of Finance
Maliye Bakanlığı
third parties (finance)
üçüncü şahıslara (finans)
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Muhasebe Finans Dairesi
agent finance officer
(Askeri) MUTEMET SUBAY, MUTEMET: Bak "agent officer"
army finance center
(Askeri) ORDU MALİYE MERKEZİ: ABD de Saint-Louis'de bulunan ve bütün Kara Ordusunun merkez maliye işlerini gören teşkilat
army finance school
(Askeri) kara kuvvetleri maliye okulu
army finance school
(Askeri) ORDU MALİYE OKULU: Ordu Maliye dairesinin mesleki ve idari görevleri üzerinde eğitim yapan sınıf okulu. Bu okul; Ordu Eğitim Hizmetinin murakabesi altındadır. Buna "Finance School" da denir
army finance service
(Askeri) kara kuvvetleri maliye hizmeti
army finance service
(Askeri) ORDU MALİYE HİZMETİ: Ordunun maliye işlerinden sorumlu teşkilat
chief of finance
(Askeri) maliye dairesi başkanı
chief of finance, the
(Askeri) MALİYE DAİRESİ BAŞKANI: Ordu Maliye sınıfının başında bulunan subay
director of finance
(Ticaret) mali işler müdürü
para durum
{i} para: A lack of finances was the problem. Problem parasızlıktı
finanse et
{i} mali durum: His finances are in good shape. Onun mali durumu iyi
para sağlayarak
internal finance
(Ticaret) iç finansman
internal finance
(Ticaret) oto finansman
managerial finance
(Ticaret) yönetim finansı
managerial finance
yönetim maliyesi
offshore finance subsidiary
(Ticaret) sınır ötesi finans şubesi
political finance
(Politika, Siyaset) siyasal finans
postal finance officer
(Askeri) POSTA MALİ SUBAYI: Belirli bir denizaşırı bölge dahilinde faaliyette bulunan Kara Ordusu postanelerine dağıtılmak üzere elinde posta pulu, pullu evrak, havale formları ve diğer kayda ve sarfa tabi ikmal maddelerini bulunduran sorumlu subay
postal finance officer
(Askeri) posta mali subayı
source of finance
(Politika, Siyaset) finansman kaynak
world finance
(Bilgisayar) dünya para piyasası
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The management of money and other assets
The science of management of money and other assets
To provide or obtain funding for a transaction or undertaking; to back; to support

He financed his home purchase through a local credit union.

In plural (finances), the monetary resources, especially those of a public entity or a company
{n} a revenue, income, profit, treasure, fine
To conduct the finances of; to provide for, and manage, the capital for; to financier
The income of a ruler or of a state; revenue; public money; sometimes, the income of an individual; often used in the plural for funds; available money; resources
Finance is the commercial or government activity of managing money, debt, credit, and investment. a major player in the world of high finance The report recommends an overhaul of public finances A former Finance Minister and five senior civil servants are accused of fraud
Certificate of Value A certificate contained in a document, confirming that the "consideration" or purchase price does not exceed the limit above which the Buyer must pay Stamp Duty i e not more than £60,000, £250,000 and £500,000
the management of money and credit and banking and investments
{f} raise money for; provide with funds, fund, pay for
When someone finances something such as a project or a purchase, they provide the money that is needed to pay for them. The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons Government expenditure is financed by taxation and by borrowing. = fund Finance is also a noun. A United States delegation is in Japan seeking finance for a major scientific project
To pay for something with credit
To provide or obtain funding for a transaction or undertaking
to deal with money including spending, credit, resources, profit, etc
The organizational discipline concerned with the management of capital assets, focusing on sources and uses of financial capital (See 305)
The art and science of managing money (Chapter 1)
The science of raising and expending the public revenue
{i} money management (including investment, banking, etc.); science of money management
money to implement a project; it is usually used to mean money lent, or equity provided, by a bank or similar financing institution (see: International Financing Institutions; Funds)
the commercial activity of providing funds and capital
n 1 management of (esp public) money 2 monetary support for an enterprise 3 (in pl ) money resources of a State, company, or person v (-cing) provide capital for [French: related to fine]
A discipline concerned with determining value and making decisions The finance function allocates resources, which includes acquiring, investing, and managing resources
(p 585) The function in a business that acquires funds for the firm and manages funds within the firm
the commercial activity of providing funds and capital the management of money and credit and banking and investments the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets obtain or provide money for; "Can we finance the addition to our home?"
Organizational activities related to recording monetary transactions 10 8
money used for expenditure
the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets
Sites providing financial services and/or information These include online stock trading, financial news, online banking, or investor services
The business function involving decisions about a firm’s long-term investments and obtaining the funds to pay for those investments
funds and their provision and management; to provide funds
A discipline concerned with determining value and making decisions The finance function allocates resources, including the acquiring, investing, and managing of resources
The interesting feature is a new approach to finance (Function)
sell or provide on credit
obtain or provide money for; "Can we finance the addition to our home?"
You can refer to the amount of money that you have and how well it is organized as your finances. Be prepared for unexpected news concerning your finances Finance is usually the biggest problem for students. W3 to provide money, especially a lot of money, to pay for something = fund. Process of raising funds or capital for any kind of expenditure. Consumers, business firms, and governments often do not have the funds they need to make purchases or conduct their operations, while savers and investors have funds that could earn interest or dividends if put to productive use. Finance is the process of channeling funds from savers to users in the form of credit, loans, or invested capital through agencies including commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and such nonbank organizations as credit unions and investment companies. Finance can be divided into three broad areas: business finance, personal finance, and public finance. All three involve generating budgets and managing funds for the optimum results. See also corporate finance. business finance corporate finance finance company Reconstruction Finance Corporation deficit financing
Money or anything that can be sold very quickly to get money; borrowing money
Finance Committee
committee which is in charge of making financial and budget decisions
finance bill
A legislative act intended to raise public revenues
finance committee
a committee appointed to consider financial issues
finance company
A finance company is a business which lends money to people and charges them interest while they pay it back. A company that makes loans to clients. 'finance .house a company that lends money, especially to businesses. Specialized financial institution that supplies credit for the purchase of consumer goods and services. Finance companies purchase unpaid customer accounts at a discount from merchants and collect payments due from customers. They also grant small loans directly to consumers at a relatively high rate of interest
finance company
a financial institution (often affiliated with a holding company or manufacturer) that makes loans to individuals or businesses
finance company
business that loans money on interest
finance minister
the minister responsible for state finances
plural form of finance
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of finance
funds or other financial resources
An transaction that provides funds for a business
public finance
a field of economics concerned with paying for collective or governmental activities, and with the administration and design of those activities
Housing and Home Finance Agency
{i} hhfa, agency that finances and provides capital and insurable loans and mortgage insurance (USA)
Minister of Finance
government official in charge of the government office that is responsible for planning and implementing national economic policy
Ministry of Finance
government office responsible for planning and implementing national economic policy
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
U.S. government agency established (1932) to provide loans to railroads, banks, and businesses. The RFC was an attempt by Pres. Herbert Hoover to counter the early effects of the Great Depression by rescuing institutions from default. It was widely used by Pres. Franklin Roosevelt in the New Deal and to finance defense plants in World War II. After the war, the RFC's powers and functions were gradually transferred to other agencies
Reed Elsevier Finance BV
{i} owner of Reed Elsevier Group's finance activities
bachelor of finance
one who has earned the first academic degree in finance at a university
business finance
Raising and managing of funds by business organizations. Such activities are usually the concern of senior managers, who must use financial forecasting to develop a long-term plan for the firm. Shorter-term budgets are then devised to meet the plan's goals. When a company plans to expand, it may rely on cash reserves, expected increases in sales, or bank loans and trade credits extended by suppliers. Managers may also decide to raise long-term capital in the form of either debt (bonds) or equity (stock). The value of the company's stock is a constant concern, and managers must decide whether to reinvest profits or to pay dividends. Other duties of financial managers include managing accounts receivable and fixing the optimum level of inventories. When deciding how to deploy corporate assets to increase growth, financial managers must also consider the benefits of mergers and acquisitions, analyzing economies of scale and the ability of businesses to complement each other. See also corporate finance; inventory
campaign finance
funding of a political campaign (with monies received through fundraising, contributions, etc.)
campaign finance reform
passage of and/or amendment of laws which regulate political campaign fundraising and spending
captive finance company
a finance company owned by a manufacturer to finance dealers' inventories or to make loans to consumers buying the company's products
commercial finance company
a finance company that makes loans to manufacturers and wholesalers
consumer finance company
a finance company that makes loans to people who have trouble getting a bank loan
corporate finance
a discipline dealing with the firm's operations with regard to investing and financing
corporate finance
the financial activities of corporation
corporate finance
The elaboration of company acquisition or sales strategies
corporate finance
the branch of economics concerned with how firms raise capital and the consequences of alternative methods of raising capital
corporate finance
Raising loans, issuing shares, and acquiring or merging with other businesses by public or private companies
corporate finance
Acquisition and allocation of a corporation's funds or resources, with the goal of maximizing shareholder wealth (i.e., stock value). Funds are acquired from both internal and external sources at the lowest possible cost and may be obtained through equity (e.g., sale of stock) or debt (e.g., bonds, bank loans). Resource allocation is the investment of funds; these investments fall into the categories of current assets (such as cash and inventory) and fixed assets (such as real estate and machinery). Corporate finance must balance the needs of employees, customers, and suppliers against the interests of the shareholders. See also business finance
supported financially; "a privately financed project"
{s} funded, paid for
supported financially; "a privately financed project
past of finance
{i} monetary resources available to a company (or individual, etc.)
http: //www niso org/emetrics/current/section6 html Describes broad categories of revenue (e g , income) and expenditure by type and source
The Budget Menu Tickets Dialog Concessions Dialog Broadcast Dialog Expenses Dialog Farm System Dialog Build Stadium Dialog
plural of finance
third-person singular of finance
assets in the form of money
Monetary resources; cash and other assets
{i} funding, subsidizing; process of raising money
Providing the necessary capital
present participle of finance
All transactions in financial assets and liabilities that balance the fiscal deficit or surplus Broadly speaking, the means by which a government obtains financial resources to implement its policies, programmes and projects
Refers to mechanisms through which money to pay health care providers for the delivery of health care services is delivered
Often performed by a investment dealer, is the purchase of shares for resale to the public Within the financial industry the formal agreement between the company (selling shares) and the investment dealer (purchasing for resale) is called an underwriting agreement
The act or process of providing funds for a business venture
– means by which a government provides financial resources to cover a budget deficit or allocated financial resources arising from a budget surplus
New funds provided to a business, by either loans or purchase of debt securities or capital stock
The difference between the purchase price and the down payment, commonly referred to as debt or the mortgage One of the features distinguishing real estate from some investments is the ability to finance all or a significant part of the purchase price with borrowed dollars
the act of financing
Acquisition of borrowed capital
Some Franchisors provide monetary assistance either through their own funds or through a referral to a lending agency
The manner in which a proposed purchaser intends to make up the difference between cash on hand and the purchase price
The provision of operating funds to a business (by either loans or purchase of debt securities or capital stock)
means by which a government provides financial resources to cover a budget deficit or allocated financial resources arising from a budget surplus
Payment Calculator
raising revenue to pay for a good or service (S6, I) chinese | russian
high finance
large and complex financial transactions (often used with the implication that those individuals or institutions who engage in them are unethical)
high finance
Financial transactions or institutions that are extensive in size or scope
international finance corporation
A subsidiary of the World Bank which provides development financing to private enterprises
international finance corporation
A corporation owned by the World Bank that produces a number of well-known stock indexes for emerging markets Its major role is to provide financing for projects in less developed countries
international finance corporation
a United Nations agency that invest directly in companies and guarantees loans to private investors; affiliated with the World Bank
international finance corporation
A corporation owned by the World Bank that produces a number of well known stock indexes for emerging markets
international finance corporation
The private lending arm of the World Bank
international finance corporation
The IFC was established in 1956 as a member of the World Bank Group The IFC promotes capital flow into private investment in developing countries
international finance corporation
Part of World Bank Group and established in 1956 IFC lends directly to the private sector, providing long-term loans, equity investments and guarantees
sales finance company
a finance company that buys (at a discount) the installment sales contracts of retail merchants

    التركية النطق



    call in, take


    /fəˈnans/ /fəˈnæns/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    () From Middle English finaunce, from Anglo-Norman, Middle French finance, from finer (“to pay ransom”) (from whence also English fine (“to pay a penalty”)), from fin (“end”), from Latin fīnis.“” in the Online Etymology Dictionary, Douglas Harper, 2001“” in The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000. Original English sense c. 1400 was “ending”. Sense of “ending/satisfying a debt” came from French influence: in sense of “ransom” mid 15th century, in sense of “taxation” late 15th century. In sense of “manage money” first recorded 1770.


    finances, financing, financed


    ... boards of directors which almost exclusively drawn from a finance ...
    ... leading finance figure at the moment but actually that's more or less true or ...