
listen to the pronunciation of final
الإنجليزية - التركية

Biz nihai bir karar aldık. - We've made a final decision.

O, nihai taslakla meşguldür. - He is busy with the final draft.


Dişi aslan sonunda ceylanı kovaladı. - The lioness finally gave chase to the gazelle.

Romanın son sayfasını henüz okumadım. - I haven't read the final page of the novel yet.


Plan henüz kesinleşmiş değil. - The plan is not yet finalized.

Karar henüz kesinleşmiş değil. - The decision is not yet final.

spor final
dönem sonu sınavı

Gazetelere göre adam sonunda itiraf etti. - According to the papers, the man has finally confessed.

Sonunda oturmak ve gazete okumak için zaman buldum. - I finally found time to sit down and read the newspaper.

son maç
yıl sonu

Henüz hiçbir şey bitmiş değil. - Nothing is final yet.

sonda gelen
son karşılaşma

Katil sonunda dün gece yakalandı. - The murderer was finally caught last night.


Açlıktan ve yorgunluktan dolayı, köpek sonunda öldü. - Because of hunger and fatigue, the dog finally died.

O, sonunda IBM'in başkanı oldu. - He finally became the president of IBM.

{s} spor final: final match final maçı
{s} kusursuz
{i} final karşılaşması
{i} son baskı (gazete)
son ga
final cause nihai maksat
{i} yıl sonu, sömestr sonu veya kurs sonu sınavı
{i} final sınavı

Final notuna gelince, bu senin final sınavına bağlı. - As to your final grade, that depends on your final examination.

Bu öğleden sonra final sınavına hazırlanacağım. - I'm going to prepare for the final exams this afternoon.

{s} en son

En sonunda kafa karıştıran labirentten dışarı çıkabildim. - I finally found my way out of the confusing maze.

Tom en sonunda Mary'yi yeni bir bilgisayar alması için ikna etti. - Tom finally talked Mary into buying a new computer.

sömestre sonu imtihanı
spor kesin sonuç veren oyun
son baskı
bir spor karşılaşmasmın son ve kati denemesi

Tamam, pekala, Willie nihayet kabul etti. - Well, OK, Willie finally agreed.

Altı saatlik tırmanıştan sonra, nihayet dağın zirvesine ulaşmayı başardık. - After six hours' climbing, we finally succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain.

en sonunda

Tom ve Mary en sonunda yalnız kalmışlardı. - Tom and Mary were finally alone.

Tom en sonunda Mary'yi yeni bir bilgisayar alması için ikna etti. - Tom finally talked Mary into buying a new computer.

final situation
son durum
final approach
(Askeri,Havacılık) son yaklaşma
final approach fix
(Havacılık) son yaklaşma noktası
final assembly
son montaj
final cause
(Kanun) asıl gaye
final clauses
(Politika, Siyaset) son hükümler
final control
(Tekstil) son kontrol
final copy
(Bilgisayar) son kopya
final cost
(Ticaret) son maliyet
final cut
son kesim
final date
(Ticaret) son gün
final drive
(Otomotiv) ayna mahruti
final drive
final exit
son çıkış
final glide
(Dilbilim) gevşeme
final grade
(Eğitim) kanaat notu
final grade
başarı notu
final invoice
(Ticaret) kesin fatura
final judgment
(Kanun) kesin hüküm
final phoneme
(Dilbilim) sonses
final settings
(Bilgisayar) son ayarlar
final stage
(Elektrik, Elektronik) son aşama
final stage
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) son kat
final warning
(Bilgisayar) son uyarı

Bu son uyarın olacak. - That will be your final warning.

Sana son uyarımı veriyorum. - I'm giving you my final warning.

final whistle
bitiş düdüğü
final words
son sözler

Onlar Tom'un son sözleriydi. - Those were Tom's final words.

Onun son sözleri nelerdi? - What were her final words?

final account
kesin hesap
final account
nihai hesap
final balance
son bakiye
final balance
kesin bakiye
final balance sheet
kapanış bilançosu
final cause
son amaç
final cavity adjustment
son boşluk ayarlaması
final cost
kesin maliyet
final decision
son karar
final deficit
nihai açık
final exam
final sınavı
final examination
bitirme sınavı
final goods
nihai mallar
final invoice
gerçek fatura
final judgment
son yargı
final judgment
son karar
final judgment
kesin karar
final match
final maçı
final maturity
vade tarihi
final payment
son ödeme
final phoneme
son ses
final port
varış limanı
final product
nihai ürün
final provisions
son hükümler
final quotation
borsa kapanış fiyatı
final receipt
nihai makbuz
final receipt
son makbuz
final report
son rapor
final total
genel toplam
final total
son toplam
final treatment
son işlem
final velocity
son hız
Final review
Son İnceleme
final amplifier
çıkış amplifikatörü
final conclusion
final demand
(Finans) Ödeme için son ihbar
final dividend
son temettü
final draft
iş learning which error and on producing a perfect performance from the concentrates on avoiding beginning
final elasticity
nihai elastiklik, son esneklik
final four
dört final
final glide
gevşeme, gevşeme evresi
final massecuite
son lapa
final molasses
son melas
final port
varis limanı
final pressure
son basınç
final remark
Son söz
final result
varılan son nokta
final saturation
son karbonatlama
final selector
son seçici
final settlement
nihai çözüm
final solution
nihai çözüm
final stage
son kat, çıkış katı
final sulphitation
son kükürtleme
final temperature
son sıcaklık
final touch
Son dokunuş
final value
Son fiyat
final volume
son hacim
final acceptance
(Mimarlık) kesin kabul
final accreditation
(Mukavele) kesin kabul
final act
son senet
final act
(Askeri) nihai senet
final act
(Askeri) kapanış dosyası
final agenda
(Politika, Siyaset) nihai gündem
final approach
(Askeri) SON YAKLAŞMA: a. Belirli bir uçağın dönüş veya üsse dönüş için son usulü tamamlamasını müteakiben; b. Belirli bir tespit noktasını geçince; c. Usul için belirlenen son izi önleyinceye ve hava koridorunda bir noktayı geçtikten sonra, (1) iniş yapabilir veya (2) kaçırılmış yaklaşma usulü yapılır
final assembly area
(Askeri) İLERİ TOPLAMA BÖLGESİ: Bir taarruza hazırlanmak için kıtaların toplandıkları yer. İlk toplanma bölgesinde hazırlıklarını bitiren kıtalar muharebeye girecekleri son toplanma bölgesine intikal ederler. Bu terim şimdi kullanılmamaktadır
final attempt
(Spor) son vuruş
final boarding call for flight 120
120 numaralı uçuş için son çağrı
final bomb release line
(Askeri) SON BOMBA SALIŞ HATTI: Savunulan bir bölge veya hedefi çevreleyen bir bombardıman uçağının, bölge veya hedef uzak noktasında bir isabet elde etmek için, üzerinde son bombasını bırakması gereken, hayali bir hat. Ayrıca bakınız: "bomb release line
final cadence
(Muzik) bitim kadansı
final cadence
(Muzik) bitiriş kadansı
final controlling element
son denetim ogesi
final coordination line
(Askeri) Taarruz mevzii
final coordination line
(Askeri) SON KOORDİNASYON HATTI: Manevra unsurlarının son yayılma durumuna geçmeleri ile destek ateşlerinin kaldırılması veya kaydırılmasının koordine için kullanılan, düşman mevziine yakın bir hat. Arazide tanınabilen bir hat olmalıdır
final cover
(Çevre) nihai örtü
final current
nihai akım
final cut drum
son kesim tamburu
final decision
son söz

Son söz öğrencilere kalmış. - The final decision rests with the students themselves.

final decision
kesin hüküm
final decision
(Kanun) kati karar
final delivery
son teslimat
final descent
(Havacılık) son iniş
final design
kati proje
final destination
(Askeri) (MERCHANT SHIPPING) EN SON VARIŞ LİMANI (DENİZ ULAŞTIRMASI): Bir konvoy veya münferit (konvoy içinde veya bağımsız) bir geminin ulaştırma planlaması talimatı verilip verilmemesine bakılmaksızın varacağı son liman. Ayrıca bakınız: "destination (merchant shipping) "
final diameter
(Askeri) son çap
final disposal
(Nükleer Bilimler) son depolama
final disposal procedures
(Askeri) NİHAİ TAHRİP YÖNTEMLERİ/AMELİYELERİ: Bir yerde tahrip edilmesi veya yakılması, bir tahrip bölgesine taşınması veya diğer uygun vasıtalarla tahrip edilmesini içerebilecek, patlayıcı ordudonatım malzemesinin son tahrip işlemi
final drawings
final resimler
final drawings
final projeler
final drive
(İnşaat) cer
final editing
son kurgu
final embossing
(Tekstil) son gofraj
final estimate
ikinci keşif
final estimate
son keşif
final evidence
(Kanun) kesin delil
final feedband
son besleme bandı
final finish
(Tekstil) son apre
final fling
(deyim) son eglence sansi
final form
(Dilbilim) bitmiş sınav
final form
nihai şekil
final form
(Dilbilim) hazırlanmış sınav
final form text
(Bilgisayar) son biçimini almış metin
final governing standards
(Askeri) son yürütme standartları
final heat
spor final koşusu
final host
son konakçı
final indorsment
(Askeri) SON VUKUAT KAYDI: Bir askerin hizmetten yalnız terhis, ölüm vesaire sebeplerden dolayı ayrıldığı zaman doldurulan ve şahsi künye defterinde bulunan kaydı
final inspection
(Askeri) SON MUAYENE: Bak. "technical inspection", teftiş
final journey
son yolculuk
final language
son dil
final masscuite
(Gıda) son lapa
final notice
son bildirim
final operational capability
(Askeri) Nihai harekat imkan ve kabiliyeti
final perimeter
nihai çevre
final plan
(Askeri) nihai plan
final plan
(Askeri) NİHAİ PLAN: Yetkili makam veya onun namına imzalanan taslakları onaylanmış ve koordine yapılmış bir plan
final pressure
bitiş basıncı
final protective fire
(Askeri) TEVKİF ATEŞİ: Düşman hücumunu, her türlü görüş şartları altında, muharebe mevzii üzerinde durdurmak için hazırlanmış planlı savunma ateşleri. Muharebe sahasının hemen önüne yapılan havan ve topçu barajları ve makineli tüfeklerin tevkif ateşlerinden ibaret, birinci derecede öncelik dereceli ve önceden kararlaştırılmış ateş engeli. Ayrıca bakınız: "fire"
final protective fire
(Askeri) (FPT) Taarruz ateşi, tevkif ateşi
final protective fire
(Askeri) tevkif ateş
final protective line
(Askeri) TEVKİF ATEŞİ HATTI: Bir savunma mevziinde mevcut bütün silahlardan yapılacak makaslama ateşleri "interlocking fires" ile düşman hücumunu durdurmak üzere seçilmiş hat. Tevkif ateş hattı mevziin cephesine paralel olduğu gibi eğimli de olabilir
final quotation
kapanış fiyatı (borsa)
final rehearsal
genel prova [tiy.]
final reply
nihai yanıt
final report; frequency response
(Askeri) son rapor; frekans cevabı
final response
nihai yanıt
final retouch
son rötuş
final rinse
son durulama
final safety analysis report
(Nükleer Bilimler) son güvenlik analizi raporu
final sailing
(Askeri) nihai hareket
final sales
(Ticaret) nihai satışlar
final say
son söz

Maalesef, Fadil'in bu konuda son sözü yok. - Unfortunately, Fadil doesn't have a final say on this.

Ne yazık ki, Tom bununla ilgili son sözü söyleyen kişi değil. - Unfortunately, Tom isn't the one who has the final say on this.

final scan
(Bilgisayar) son tarama
final selection
(Askeri) nihai seçim
final shipment
(Tekstil) son yükleme
final sitting
kapanış toplantısı
final situation
son durumu
final spinning speed
(Tekstil) nihai eğirme hızı
final statement
(Mukavele) kesin hesap
final statement
(Askeri) SON ÖDEME BELGESİ: Bir askere terhis suretiyle hizmetten ayrılırken, ödenmesi icap eden paraya ait bir beyanı içeren ödeme belgesi
final strength
son dayanım
final stress
son gerilme
final survey
son etüt
final survey
kesin ölçüm
final test
son deneme
final touch
son rötuş
final type examination
(Askeri) KATİ TIBBİ MUAYENE: Bak. "physical examination"
final velocity
final hız
field circular; final coordination; floating causeway; floating craft; force com
(Askeri) sahra sirküleri; son koordinasyon; (bataklık tipi bir arazide) yüzer köprü; yüzen araç; kuvvet komutanı
field press censorship; final planning conference
(Askeri) sahrada basına sansür; son planlama konferansı

Sonunda onu polise teslim etmeye karar verdik. - We finally decided to give him over to the police.

O, sonunda IBM'in başkanı oldu. - He finally became the president of IBM.

compete in final
final oynamak
compete in final
(Spor) finalde karşılaşmak

Tom ve Mary nihayet tamamen yalnızdı. - Tom and Mary were finally completely alone.

bir de

Bir bebek olarak dört ayak üzerinde emekler, sonra iki bacak üstünde yürümeyi öğrenir, sonunda yaşlılıkta bir değneye ihtiyacı olur. - It crawls on all fours as a baby, then learns to walk on two legs, and finally needs a cane in old age.

Tom sonunda Mary'den bir ders kitabı aldı. - Tom finally got a text from Mary.

final sınavı

Jim, finaller için sıkı çalışıyor. - Jim is studying hard for his finals.

Tom finallere yükselemeden elendi. - Tom was eliminated before he got to the finals.

meet somebody in final
(Spor) finalde oynamak
meet somebody in final
(Spor) finalde karşılaşmak
kesin olarak
sonuç olarak
be final
kesinlik kazanmak
sözün kısası
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
last; ultimate (e.g. final solution)
(followed by "one") The ending, the last
word-final, occurring at the end of a word
A final examination; a test or examination given at the end of a term or class; the test that concludes a class
The last round, game or match in a contest, after which the winner is determined
A contest that narrows a field of contestants (finalists) to ranked positions, usually in numbered places (1st place/prize, 2nd place/prize, etc.) or a winner and numbered runners-up (1st runner-up, etc.)
{a} last, ending, closing, conclusive, mortal
the final match between the winners of all previous matches in an elimination tournament not to be altered or undone; "the judge's decision is final"; "the arbiter will have the last say"
survey of residential property showing all improvements Usually preceded by a foundation survey Most often used as a legal document when closing on a mortgage loan for on a residence
(adj ) noref, nohrehf
The ending, the last
Respecting an end or object to be gained; respecting the purpose or ultimate end in view
A Java(TM) programming language keyword You define an entity once and cannot change it or derive from it later More specifically: a final class cannot be subclassed, a final method cannot be overridden and a final variable cannot change from its initialized value
A JavaTM programming language keyword You define an entity once and cannot change it or derive from it later More specifically: a final class cannot be subclassed, a final method cannot be overridden and a final variable cannot change from its initialized value
A Java reserved word which serves as a modifier for classes , methods, and variables A final class cannot be used to derive a new class A final method cannot be overridden A final variable is a constant
A modifier that prevents subclass definition, makes variables constant, and prevents a subclass from overriding a method
In a series of events, things, or people, the final one is the last one. Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee On the last Saturday in September, I received a final letter from Clive. = last
Final is a mantra that is meant to reflect an ultimatum or resolution
A cumulative exam on a particular course in one term encompassing all material covered throughout the duration of the course
VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the method is final (YES) or not (NO)
Keyword used to define a constant
{i} finish, end, conclusion; last edition of a newspaper
The final keyword is a modifier that may be applied to classes, methods, and variables It has a similar, but not identical, meaning in each case When final is applied to a class, it means that the class may never be subclassed java lang System is an example of a final class When final is applied to a variable, the variable is a constant; i e , it can't be modified
{s} at the end, last, ultimate; decisive; conclusive, definitive
an examination administered at the end of an academic term
Pertaining to the end or conclusion; last; terminating; ultimate; as, the final day of a school term
occurring at or forming an end or termination; "his concluding words came as a surprise"; "the final chapter"; "the last days of the dinosaurs"; "terminal leave"
VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the type is a final type (YES) or not (NO)
conclusive in a process or progression; "the final answer"; "a last resort"; "the net result
A modifier indicating 1 that the value associated with a name, once assigned, cannot be changed, or 2 that a method cannot be overridden in a subclass, or 3 that a class cannot be extended
any single race which determines final places and times in an event
the final match between the winners of all previous matches in an elimination tournament
Final means happening at the end of an event or series of events. The countdown to the Notting Hill Carnival is in its final hours
in a given mode, the note at which the melody comes to rest; it is usually therefore employed as the ending note of the melody; for the Greek modes the choice of final determines the mode
The phase of a landing approach where the aircraft is flying toward the approach end of the runway along the extended runway centerline ATC references to "short final" indicate that the aircraft is within about one mile of touchdown An aircraft crossing the approach end of the runway immediately prior to touchdown may be described as "over the numbers"
The championship final of an event in which the fastest eight swimmers from the morning preliminaries compete Top
Conclusive; decisive; as, a final judgment; the battle of Waterloo brought the contest to a final issue
When a student takes his or her finals, he or she takes the last and most important examinations in a university or college course. Anna sat her finals in the summer
not to be altered or undone; "the judge's decision is final"; "the arbiter will have the last say"
The final is the last game or contest in a series and decides who is the winner. the Scottish Cup Final see also quarter-final, semi-final
Java keyword indicating that a variable, method or class cannot be further defined or overridden or subclassed
Grade assigned at the end of a course to indicate the degree to which a learner has met the learning outcomes of the course
A test or examination given at the end of a term or class; the test that concludes a class
Final Approach One of the many words describing the approach segments The part of a landing sequence or aerodrome circuit procedure in which the aircraft has made its final turn and is inbound to the active runway See picture at right
conclusive in a process or progression; "the final answer"; "a last resort"; "the net result"
The finals of a sporting tournament consist of a smaller tournament that includes only players or teams that have won earlier games. The finals decide the winner of the whole tournament. Poland know they have a chance of qualifying for the World Cup Finals
If a decision or someone's authority is final, it cannot be changed or questioned. The judges' decision is final The White House has the final say
The championship final of an event in which the fastest eight swimmers from the morning preliminaries compete
The final keyword is a modifier that may be applied to classes, methods, and variables It has a similar, but not identical meaning in each case When final is applied to a class, it means that the class may never be subclassed java lang System is an example of a final class When final is applied to a variable, the variable is a constant; i e , it can't be modified
exam(s) that comes at the end of each semester (ýêçàìåíû çà ó÷åáíûé ãîä)
keyword that may be applied to classes, methods, and data which will prevent it from being extended, overriden, or changed, respectively
Final Four
The final two rounds of the NCAA Division I tournament
Final Four
The final round of the continent-wide Euroleague club basketball competition, featuring four teams with one becoming champion
Final Four
An appearance in the Final Four

These two teams have an amazing number of Final Fours between them.

Final Four
The four regional champions of the NCAA Division I tournament, one of whom will become the national champion
Final Fours
plural form of Final Four
Final Judgment
See main entry at Judgment Day
final account
The statement submitted at the close of the matter
final account
The year-end numbers needed to file a balance sheet for a corporation
final curtain
the end to something which has longed for a long time

We're coming down to the final curtain of this whole palaver.

final cut
In the movie industry, the final released version of the film
final cut
A group, after a selection process getting rid of other candidates
final decree
In some states, the second legal order on a divorce, issued after the filing of a declaration of separation
final decree
A final judgment
final drive
The final gear train between the transmission and the ground. In automotive and heavy equipment, this is the differential gear and axle assembly that turns the wheels or track sprockets
final drives
plural form of final drive
final exam
Abbreviated form of final examination
final examination
A test given at the end of a period of coursework to determine whether the student has adequately learned the material covered in that period
final examinations
plural form of final examination
final exams
plural form of final exam
final sigma
Form of the Greek letter sigma only ever used as the last letter of a word
final sigmas
plural form of final sigma
final straw
A small addition to a burden which causes it to exceed the capacity

That’s the final straw; it’s a petty demand but I’m already under too much work. I quit!.

final whistle
The blow of the whistle by the referee or other adjudicator signifying the end of the match
final whistles
plural form of final whistle
final demand
(Finans) Last reminder before legal action of debt: A last reminder from a supplier to a customer to pay an outstanding debt
Final Four
championship tournament of the four basketball champions in the National College Basketball Association (USA); tournament of the four basketball champion teams in Europe
Final Solution
The Nazi program of exterminating Jews during the Third Reich. Adolf Hitler 's plan to remove Jewish people from Europe by killing them all Holocaust
final Friday of Ramadan
last Friday of Ramadan (Muslim holy month of fasting and prayer)
final acceptance
The formal acceptance of a finished construction project by the owner, upon the architect’s notification that the job fulfills the contract requirements The technical definition of final acceptance should be included in the contract
final acceptance
The action of the owner accepting the work from the contractor when the owner deems the work completed in accordance with the contract requirements Final acceptance is confirmed by the owner when making the final payment to the contractor
final acceptance
The act of the Construction Manger inspecting and certifying that all work at a residence has been completed in accordance with the Contract
final approval
full approval, final consent
final assembly
(Ticaret) A highest level, end-item assembly that fills customer order or interplant demand and is not used as a subassembly for other items
final assembly schedule
(Ticaret) (FAS) A schedule for the completion of a final assembly from previously-stocked subassemblies based on the receipt of a customer order. Typically used in assemble-to-order (ATO) or make-to-order (MTO) environments, it may include finishing operations such as labeling, packing and adding accessories
final conclusion
last judgment, decisive outcome
final cut
the final edited version of movie as approved by the director and producer
final decision
a judgment disposing of the case before the court; after the judgment (or an appeal from it) is rendered all that remains is to enforce the judgment
final edition
last printing or issue, final set of copies printed
final exam
last examination in a course of studies
final examination
an examination administered at the end of an academic term
final judgment
a judgment disposing of the case before the court; after the judgment (or an appeal from it) is rendered all that remains is to enforce the judgment
final match
last game in a tournament
final order
last definitive judgment issued by the court
final period
the last period of play in a game
final point
final topic in a discussion or lecture
final reading
last reading of a bill
final reckoning
final settling of accounts; last judgment
final rinse
last rinse in a washing cycle
final say
last word, decisive opinion
final section
last part
final settlement
The completion of both sides of a securities trade (delivery of the security and payment in cash) Finder - A company that acts as an intermediary between borrower and lender whose job is to locate, price and set up loans and returns
final settlement
The completion of a transaction when delivery of all components to a trade have been accomplished
final solution
Holocaust: the Nazi program of exterminating Jews under Hitler
final solution
Adolf Hitler's final plan for murdering all of the Jews of Europe
final song
last song, concluding song
final straightaway
final straightaway, last segment of running track in which the course is straight until the finish line
final touch
last addition needed to make something complete
The causal-final case. This case in the Hungarian language combines the causal case and the final case. It can express the cause of emotions (e.g. value someone for something) or the goal of actions (e.g. "kenyérért" for bread)
fall at the final hurdle
Alternative form of fall at the last hurdle
To finish (with); lastly

Finally, I washed my dog.

Definitively, comprehensively

The question of his long-term success has now been finally settled.

At the end or conclusion; ultimately

The contest was long, but the Romans finally conquered.

plural form of final
grand final
The culmination of a series of final matches played between a number of sporting teams
A playoff round consisting of only eight teams left
sports final
the edition of a newspaper that includes the last version of the sports results to be published for the day (or time block); frequently this is the last edition for the newspaper for the day (or time block)
at last
best and final offer
BAFO (best and final offer): Term used in bids to indicate that no further negotiation on the amount or terms is possible. BAFO is issued often in response to the request a principal (customer) sends to those contractors or suppliers whose bids are within a close range of one another
{a} lastly, at last, beyond all recovery
Completely; beyond recovery
This keyword introduces the finally block of a try/catch/finally construct catch and finally blocks provide exception handling and routine cleanup for code in a try block The finally block is optional, and appears after the try block, and after zero or more catch blocks The code in a finally block is executed once, regardless of how the code in the try block executes In normal execution, control reaches the end of the try block and proceeds to the finally block, which generally performs any necessary cleanup
A Java(TM) programming language keyword that executes a block of statements regardless of whether a Java Exception, or run time error, occurred in a block defined previously by the "try" keyword
Api-chan 0 7 Nov 5th, 2002, 10: 37pmby Api-chan
A Java reserved word which designates a block of code to be executed when an exception is thrown, after any appropriate catch handler is processed
eventually, at last; in a final manner
You use finally to suggest that something happens after a long period of time, usually later than you wanted or expected it to happen. The food finally arrived at the end of last week and distribution began Finally, after ten hours of negotiations, the gunman gave himself up. = at last
many courses don't fit into my thumb-nail definitions above They are usually well-established custom - designed courses which have evolved over the years They are often full of character and well worth playing
as the end result of a succession or process; "ultimately he had to give in"; "at long last the winter was over"
You use finally in speech or writing to introduce a final point, question, or topic. And finally, a word about the winner and runner-up. = in conclusion
the item at the end; "last, I'll discuss family values"
At the end or conclusion; ultimately; lastly; as, the contest was long, but the Romans finally conquered
after a long period of time or an especially long delay; "at length they arrived"
You use finally to indicate that something is last in a series of actions or events. The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy. = lastly
At the end or conclusion; ultimately; lastly
after a long period of time or an especially long delay; "at length they arrived
A JavaTM programming language keyword that executes a block of statements regardless of whether a Java Exception, or run time error, occurred in a block defined previously by the "try" keyword
The final examinations at the end of a university course
{i} final matches of a competition; last examination in a course of study
Plural of final
التركية - الإنجليزية

Jim is studying hard for his finals. - Jim, finaller için sıkı çalışıyor.

We advanced to the finals. - Biz finale yükseldik.


The finale of The Sopranos, which aired in 2007, had 11.9 million Americans glued to their TV sets. - 2007 yılında yayınlanan The Sopranos finali, 11,9 milyon Amerikalıyı televizyonlarına yapıştırılmıştı.

The finale was so good, that I rewatched it many times. - Final o kadar iyiydi ki onu defalarca yeniden izledim.

play off
mus. finale
drop scene
sports final
final; final, finals; finale
final koşusu
(Spor) final heat
final maçı
final raporu
final report
final sınavı
final examination
final sınavı
final sınavı
(Eğitim) final exam
final dönemi
final exam week
final hız
final velocity
final karşılaşması
final listesi
short list
final listesine yazmak
short list
final maçı
final maçı
final match
final oturma
final settlement
final oynamak
play off
final projeler
final drawings
final resimler
final drawings
final sınavı
final examination, finals
final sınavı

Tom failed to pass the final exam. - Tom final sınavını geçemedi.

I'm going to prepare for the final exams this afternoon. - Bu öğleden sonra final sınavına hazırlanacağım.

play offs