A mythical being who had magical powers, known in many sizes and descriptions, although often depicted in modern illustrations only as small and spritely with gauze-like wings; A sprite
When they hear the word "fairy," many people think of tiny, pretty little girls with wings That is just one kind of fairy Today, fairy is the most popular word used to describe a separate race of beings or "spirits" that people have reported seeing for centuries Fairies are different in many ways Fairies can be good to humans, or bad Some fairies, called "trooping fairies," travel in large groups; other fairies live alone, often in houses or under bridges Fairies can be very tiny, or very large
land of the fae, state of enchantment, associated with fays (as in fairy gold, fairy queen)
Pokémon with semi-psychic fairy abilities Fairy Pokemon cannot learn Dark attacks Note: This feature should not be confused with the Fairyshape egg group Skills: Mind Games, Psychic, Psywave, Teleport
An imaginary supernatural being or spirit, supposed to assume a human form (usually diminutive), either male or female, and to meddle for good or evil in the affairs of mankind; a fay
fairy ring bazen çayırlarda bulunan ve perilerin dansından meydana
fa·iry ring ba·zen ça·yır·lar·da bu·lu·nan ve pe·ri·le·rin dan·sın·dan mey·da·na