(Askeri) 111 (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): İKİ TURBO MOTORLU SESTEN HIZLI HER TÜRLÜ HAVADA KULLANILAN BİR AVCI UÇAĞI: Nükleer ve nükleer olmayan silahları kullanma kabiliyetine sahiptir. Ayrıca kısa akınlardan hazırlıksız hava akınlarına kadar faaliyet imkan ve kabiliyeti vardır. FB-111 modeli ise stratejik bombardıman uçağıdır
a nonmetallic univalent element belonging to the halogens; usually a yellow irritating toxic flammable gas; a powerful oxidizing agent; recovered from fluorite or cryolite or fluorapatite
Feasibility study, the Superfund study following a remedial investigation which identifies, develops, evaluates and selects remedial action alternatives
Abbrev , "Formation Skydiving" The new "official" term for a dicipline of skydiving in which two or more jumpers fly relative to each other in freefall in order to form various formations However, most skydivers refer to it as Relative Work, or "RW " (See RW )