
listen to the pronunciation of expenditure
الإنجليزية - التركية

Kazancımız ve giderimiz arasında orta yolu bulmalıyız. - We should strike a balance between our expenditure and income.

{i} harcama

Biz harcamaları kesme hakkında tüm olası yollarını araştırdık. - We explored all possible ways of cutting expenditures.

Harcamalar düşürülmelidir. - Expenditures must be reduced.

{i} tüketme
(Ticaret) masraf gider
(Ticaret) maliyet
(Hukuk) masraf disiplini
expenditure approach
(Ticaret) harcama yaklaşımı
expenditure item
(Ticaret) maliyet kalemi
expenditure reducing policies
(Ticaret) harcama azaltıcı politikalar
expenditure tax
gider vergisi
expenditure declaration
gider bildirimi
expenditure inquiry
harcama soruşturma
expenditure items
gider kalemleri
expenditure plan
harcama planı
expenditure credit
(Askeri) SARF KREDİSİ, SARF YETKİSİ: Bir birliğe; belirli miktarda bir malzemeyi, belirli bir süre içinde, belirli maksatla kullanma yetkisi veren kredi
expenditure credit
(Askeri) sarf kredisi
expenditure credit
(Askeri) sarf yetkisi
expenditure dampening policy
harcama kısıcı politika
expenditure rate
(Ticaret) gider limiti
expenditure rate
(Ticaret) masraf haddi
expenditure record
(Askeri) MASRAF KAYDI: Sarfedilmiş ikmal maddeleri ile bunlardan geri kalanları göstermek üzere tutulan kayıtlar
expenditure record
(Askeri) masraf kaydı
expenditure refund
(Askeri) masraftan geri alma
expenditure refund
(Askeri) MASRAFTAN GERİ ALMA: Belirli bir tediye belgesine kaydedilmiş bulunan masrafın tashihi veya tanzimi için yapılan tahsilat
expenditure report
(Askeri) SARFİYAT RAPORU: Belirli bir sınıfa dahil bulunan bir ikmal maddesinin, sarfedilmiş kısmını ve elde mevcut bulunmasına yetki verilmiş olan miktarını gösteren periyodik rapor. Bu raporlar, bütünleme ikmali (resupply) hususunda bir esas olarak kullanılır
expenditure report
(Askeri) sarfiyat raporu
expenditure switching policies
(Ticaret) harcama kaydına politikalar
expenditure taxes
(Ticaret) gider vergileri
expenditure voucher
(Askeri) SARF BELGESİ: Bak. "voucher"
excess of expenditure
masraf fazlalığı
exhaustive expenditure
(Ticaret) tamamlanan harcama
household expenditure
Ev harcamaları
defence expenditure
(Askeri) savunma harcamaları
(Askeri) kati masraflar
aggregate expenditure
toplam masraf
capital expenditure
sermaye harcaması
current expenditure
cari harcama
current expenditure
cari masraf
domestic expenditure
yurtiçi harcama
income and expenditure account
gelir gider hesabı
productive expenditure
üretken harcama
public expenditure
kamu harcaması
ruinous expenditure
yıkıcı masraf

Biz harcamaları kesme hakkında tüm olası yollarını araştırdık. - We explored all possible ways of cutting expenditures.

Hükümetin harcamaları biraz fazladır. - The government's expenditures are a bit excessive.

(Askeri) KATİ MASRAFLAR: Bir tahsisat veya fondan kati masraf olarak düşülen nakit hesaplarını belgelemeye yarayan belge veya diğer vesikaların tutarları (geri alınan paralar hariç)
annual expenditure
Yıllık harcama, yıl boyunca harcanan miktar
annual expenditure
yıllık harcama
capital expenditure program
sermaye harcama programı
current expenditure
cari masraf, cari harcama, cari gider
is the payment of an expenditure
bir harcama ödemedir
autonomous expenditure
(Askeri) bağımsız harcamalar
capital expenditure
sermaye artırımı
capital expenditure
sermaye masrafı
capital expenditure items
(Ticaret) sermaye sarf kalemleri
certificate of expenditure
(Askeri) SARFİYAT BELGESİ: Sarfa tabi malın tükendiğini veya muhasebe kayıtlarından düşüldüğünü ifade eden rapor. CERTIFICATE OF FAIR WEAR AND TEAR: KAYIT SİLME BELGESİ: Malzemenin, bir ihmal veya hasardan değilde, askeri hizmette normal olarak kullanılmasından sonra elden çıktığını veya hasara uğradığını gösteren belge. Bak. "report of supply". CERTIFICATE OF GAINS, LOSSES AND DISCREPANCIES: FAZLALIK, NOKSANLIK VE FİRE TUTANAĞI: Bir satış mağazasında, tespit edilmiş miktarlar dahilindeki işletme zayiatını belgelemek için kullanılan form
defense expenditure
maintenance expenditure limit; minimum equipment list
(Askeri) bakım harcama sınırı; asgari teçhizat listesi
public expenditure
(Avrupa Birliği) kamu harcamaları
recurring expenditure
(Ticaret) cari harcamalar
tax expenditure
(Avrupa Birliği) vergi gideri
tourist expenditure
turist harcaması
transportation expenditure
(Ticaret) taşınma giderleri
voluntary expenditure
(Kanun) ihtiyari kamu masrafları
voluntary expenditure
(Kanun) ihtiyari kamu harcamaları
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Act of expending or paying out
An amount expended; an expense; an outlay

The expenditure of time, money, and political capital on this project has been excessive.

Money spent by an individual, business or government for any purpose
{n} the act of expending, sum expeded
The outlay of or obligation to pay cash; a decrease in net financial resources
the act of spending money for goods or services
In the context of health care, monies spent on the acquisition of health care coverage and/or services
Expenditure of something such as time or energy is the using of that thing for a particular purpose. The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort
A payment, or the promise of a future payment
Payment of an invoice for goods or services
The actual outlay of funds from the City treasury
Decreases in the use of net financial resources other than through interfund transfer
That which is expended or paid out; expense
the act of consuming something
Deduction of cash from a departmental budget to pay for goods or services purchased via transaction This expenditure is made automatically when a transaction is system accepted by TUFIMS
A decrease in the net financial resources of the County generally due to the purchase of goods and services, the payment of salaries and benefits, and the payment of debt service
The incurrence of a liability to obtain an asset or service
The cost of goods or services funded by budget appropriation   An expenditure of funds decreases net financial resources Expenditures include current operating expenses that require the current or future use of net current assets, debt service, and capital outlays  
The act or process of spending money or funds; outlay
A group of expenditure items incurred by an employee or an organization for an expenditure period Typical expenditures include Timecards and Expense Reports
The actual amount spent
Expenditure is the spending of money on something, or the money that is spent on something. Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure They should cut their expenditure on defence
Payment, either in cash, by assuming a LIABILITY, or by surrendering ASSET
An amount expended; an expense
Costs incurred by a project
A charge against available funds, evidenced by a voucher or a claim Expenditure represents the actual payment of funds
A disbursement of funds recorded by DFAS
All funds spent in the operation of a budgeted project Note that encumbrances are not expenditures and are recorded to indicate a formal committment
Incurring a liability, disbursement of cash or transfer of property for the purpose of obtaining assets, goods or services
  Charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid
{i} spending, disbursement, outlay (especially financial)
money paid out
Moneys paid and direct debits, but not: recovered are receipts; or posting and other accounting adjustments
As reported in this document, represents the total value of goods and services received, disbursement for which may not have been made A disbursement, also referred to as an actual expenditure or outlay, represents funds paid from the U S Treasury
gamut accreditation quantification variables
Decreases in net financial resources Expenditures include current operating expenses which require the current or future use of net current assets, debt service, and capital outlays
The act of expending or paying out money; an outlay
The act of expending; a laying out, as of money; disbursement
capital expenditure
Funds spent by a company to acquire or upgrade a long-term asset
energy expenditure
The amount of energy, measured in calories, that a person uses (e.g. during a particular activity)
annual expenditure
amount of money spent during a year
capital expenditure
Funds spent for the acquisition of a long-term asset
capital expenditure
Expenditure on the acquisition of fixed assets or expenditure that adds to the life or value of an existing fixed asset
capital expenditure
The cost of an asset, including the cost to put it in place Capital expenditure for equipment, for example, means the net invoice price of the equipment, including the cost of any modifications, attachments, accessories, or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make it usable for the purpose for which it was acquired Ancillary charges, such as taxes, duty, protective in-transit insurance, freight, and installation may be included in the capital expenditure cost in accordance with the recipient organization's regular accounting practices
capital expenditure
The cost of making improvements on a property
capital expenditure
Cost of improving a property for the purpose of increasing its useful life and value
capital expenditure
any cost required for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction or improvement of assets subject to depreciation by the company
capital expenditure
The cost of an improvement made either to lengthen the useful life of a property or to add value to it It's a fancy term for the money you pony up for improvements See also capital improvement
capital expenditure
Money spent for the purchase or expansion of plant or equipment
capital expenditure
Amount used during a particular period to acquire or improve long-term assets such as property, plant or equipment
capital expenditure
An expenditure for the acquisition, replacement, modernization, or expansion of facilities or equipment which under generally accepted accounting principles is not properly chargeable as an expense of operation and maintenance
capital expenditure
An expenditure of funds that extends the useful life of a capital asset or adds to its value
capital expenditure
Money spent to improve a property and enhance its value over an extended period of time (as opposed to a repair) May be added to the adjusted cost base of the property improved or depreciated over the useful life of the improvement
capital expenditure
Money spent to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as buildings and machinery also called capital spending or capital expense
capital expenditure
An expenditure that is recorded as an asset because it is expected to benefit more that the current period
capital expenditure
The cost of making improvements on property
capital expenditure
The construction or purchase of a fixed asset (land, building, machinery, etc ) costing $2,000 or more and having an expected life of two years or more Capital expenditures are depreciated over Guideline Lives specified by the IRS
capital expenditure
the cost of long-term improvements
capital expenditure
The cost of a capital asset or a property improvement made to add value to or extend the useful life of an existing capital asset
capital expenditure
A payment to buy, build, improve or fix an asset (property that you own) which will last for more than one year Capital expenditures generally can't be deducted in the year paid Instead, they must usually be added to your investment (adjusted basis) in the asset, then be written off (depreciated) over a longer period Examples of capital expenditures include the costs to build a new building, add a new roof, build a new den, pay a broker for finding a tenant, and so forth
capital expenditure
an improvement (as distinguished from a repair) that will have a life of more than one year Capital expenditures are generally depreciated over their useful life, as distinguished from repairs, which are subtracted from income of the current year
capital expenditure
An expenditure intended to benefit the future activities of a business, usually by adding to the assets of a business, or by improving an existing asset
capital expenditure
additional costs of plant assets that provides material benefits extending beyond the current period; also called balance sheet expenditure (p 461)
capital expenditure
The cost of an improvement made to extend the useful life of a property or to add to its value
capital expenditure
Expenditure on items with a lifetime of more than one year e g buildings Personnel expenditure is classed as "non-capital"
capital expenditure
spending on capital equipment
capital expenditure
An expenditure for the acquisition, replacement, modernization, or expansion of facilities or equipment which, under generally accepted accounting principles, is not properly chargeable as an expense of operation and maintenance
capital expenditure
An expenditure made for assets with useful lives of more than one year Usually capital expenditures may not be deducted in the year they are paid, even if they are paid in connection with a trade or business In other words, they are capitalized and generally may be depreciated or amortized
cumulative expenditure
expense which gradually increases
(actual dollars)*: Total expenditures for the year by fund type See file on definitions of fund type Fund types data provided include: State; Designated; Auxiliary; Sponsored, Federal; Sponsored, Other; Restricted (other than Sponsored); Plant; and Agency Note that most units will not have Plant or Agency funds
Charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid, that are presumed to benefit the current fiscal year For elementary and secondary schools, these include all charges for current outlays plus capital outlays and interest on school debt For institutions of higher education, these include current outlays plus capital outlays For government, these include charges net of recoveries and other correcting transactions other than for retirement of debt, investment in securities, or extension of credit Government expenditures include only external transactions, such as the provision of perquisites or other payments in kind Aggregates for groups of governments exclude intergovernmental transactions
– the sum of benefit payments and operating expenses (Social Security System)
Payments against appropriations that reduce the cash balance after legal requirements have been met A fiscal year's expenditures are payments actually made in that fiscal year, regardless of the state fiscal year in which the appropriations were reserved or encumbered for such payments
Expenditures are recorded when liabilities are incurred pursuant to authority given in an appropriation The term designates the cost of goods delivered or services rendered, whether paid or unpaid, including current items, provision for interest and debt retirement, and capital outlays Used for governmental and similar trust funds of governmental units and for colleges and universities using the AICPA Audit Guide or GASB standards
The cost of goods delivered or services rendered, whether paid or unpaid
– the sum of benefit payments and operating expenses
Total charges incurred for services received or assets purchased
Amount of money actually paid or obligated for payment from County funds
The actual spending of money as distinguished from the appropriation of funds The disbursing officers of the administration make expenditures; only Congress makes appropriations The two are rarely identical in any fiscal year In addition to some current budget authority, expenditures may represent budget authority made available during earlier years
Decreases in net financial resources under the current financial resources measurement focus not properly classified as other financing uses
Disbursements and payables for services rendered and goods received including authorized encumbrances for a specified period of appropriations
Amounts disbursed for all purposes   Accounts kept on an accrual basis include all charges whether or not cash has been paid out   Accounts kept on a cash basis include only actual cash disbursements
~ Decreases in net current assets
A decrease in the net financial resources of the City due to the acquisition of goods and services
something of value spent, or consumed, most commonly a payment of cash
Expenditures consist of the transaction costs, including excise and sales taxes, of goods and services acquired during the interview or recordkeeping period Expenditure estimates include expenditures for gifts, but exclude purchases or portions of purchases directly assignable to business purposes Also excluded are periodic credit or installment payments on goods or services already acquired The full cost of each purchase is recorded even though full payment may not have been made at the date of purchase Expenditure categories include: Food, alcoholic beverages, housing, apparel and services, transportation, health care, entertainment, personal care products and services, reading, education, tobacco products and smoking supplies, miscellaneous, cash contributions, and personal insurance and pensions
plural of expenditure
Charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid, that are presumed to be of benefit in the current fiscal year
Payments made
This includes total charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid, for current expense, capital outlay, and debt service (Transfers between funds, encumbrances, exchanges of cash for other current assets such as the purchase of stores and investment of cash in U S Bonds, payments of cash in settlement of liabilities already accounted as expenditures, and the repayment of the principal of current loans are not considered as expenditures )
Charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid, which are presumed to benefit the current fiscal year
Money spent by state agencies from the appropriations approved by the Legislature
The actual spending of money as distinguished from its appropriation The administration makes expenditures; Congress votes appropriations The two are rarely identical in any fiscal year, for expenditures may represent money appropriated in previous years
Activities that represent payments, repayments, or receipts for goods or services furnished For some governments, expenditures include anticipated expenses, such as encumbrances, in addition to activity that directly leads to an outlay of cash, such as an invoice In Oracle Government Financials, term expenditures includes actual expenses and accrued liabilities; expenditures do not include anticipated expenses, such as encumbrances
The term "expenditures" is sometimes loosely used to refer to cash payments However, a strict definition is the cost of goods and services acquired, regardless of the timing of related payments Expenditures on goods and services occur at the times when buyers incur liabilities to sellers, that is when either (a) the ownership of the goods and services concerned is transferred from the seller to the new owner; or (b) when delivery of the goods and services is completed to the satisfaction of the consumer
marginal propensity to expenditure
rate of resources from each unit of available additional income that are set aside for needs or investment, mpe (Economics)
recognized expenditure
{i} expenses that must be reported for tax purposes
recurrent expenditure
expense that occurs repeatedly
reduce expenditure
lower the amount of money spent, reduce expenses