event to

listen to the pronunciation of event to
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف event to في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} olay

Onun sahneye ilk çıkışı mevsimin en büyük sosyal olayı idi. - Her debut was the biggest social event of the season.

Olay anımızda hâlâ tazedir. - The event is still fresh in our memory.


Maraton organizatörleri, hava şartları gözetilmeksizin, organizasyonun devam edeceğini söyledi. - The organisers of the marathon said that the event would go ahead, regardless of the weather conditions.

Genel olarak organizasyon başarılıydı. - On the whole, the event was successful.


Talihsizlik durumunda kutlamalar en iyisidir. - In the event of misfortune, celebrations are the best.

Bir zombi kıyameti durumunda ne yapardın? - What would you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse?

{i} yarışma

Atletizm yarışması yıllık bir etkinliktir. - The athletic meet is an annual event.

Dalış yarışması Olimpiyatları izlemek için Mary'nin favori olaylardan biridir. - The diving competition is one of Mary's favorite events to watch in the Olympics.

(Askeri) müsabaka
ne olursa olsun

Ne olursa olsun elimden gelenin en iyisini yapacağım. - In any event, I will do my best.


Tom'un sonuçta Mary'ye elmas bir yüzük alması için yeterli parası olmalıydı. - Tom should eventually have enough money to buy Mary a diamond ring.

Sonuçta işler değişti. - Things eventually changed.


Which events have you entered for ?.

Etkinlik çok iyi planlandı. - The event was very well planned.

Tom etkinlikte Mary'ye eşlik etti. - Tom accompanied Mary to the event.

{i} akıbet
{i} maç
{i} hal

Olay anımızda hâlâ taze. - The event is still fresh in our memory.

Olay belleğimde hâlâ canlı duruyor. - The event still remains vivid in my memory.

eventfully olaylarla dolu olarak
quite an event olağanüstü bir durum
eventful hadiselerle dolu
in any event her halûkârda
{i} olgu

Ben olguyu erteledim. - I postponed the event.

in the event of takdirde
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف event to في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

A set of some of the possible outcomes; a subset of the sample space
A possible action that the user can perform that is monitored by an application or the operating system (event listener). When an event occurs an event handler is called which performs a specific task
An end result; an outcome (now chiefly in phrases)

In the event, he turned out to have what I needed anyway.

An occurrence; something that happens
{n} an end, conclusion, issue, consequence
In ordinary language, an occurrence, a happening In MIDI, the signal that is transmittted-- like note on, note off, program change, control change [See also: PROGRAM CHANGE, CONTROL CHANGE ]
An event is a change within the system, including the creation or deletion of objects or relationships, the starting or stopping of an activity, and the reception of messages
An event is one of the races or competitions that are part of an organized occasion such as a sports meeting. A solo piper opens Aberdeen Highland Games at 10am and the main events start at 1pm
You use in the event of, in the event that, and in that event when you are talking about a possible future situation, especially when you are planning what to do if it occurs. The bank has agreed to give an immediate refund in the unlikely event of an error being made
{i} occurrence, happening; competition, contest
An occurrence of social or personal importance
Network message indicating operational irregularities in physical elements of a network or a response to the occurrence of a significant task, typically the completion of a request for information See also alarm and trap
In probability, an event is an occurrence or the possibility of an occurrence that is being investigated
A signal fired by the operating system in response to a user action For example, when a user clicks (and holds down) a mouse button, a MouseDown event is sent by the operating system The active application intercepts this signal and executes the code attached to the MouseDown event
—A notification by a program or operating system that "something has happened " An event may be fired (or raised) in response to the occurrence of a pre-defined action (e g , a window getting focus, a user clicking a button, a timer indicating a specific interval of time has passed, or a program starting up or shutting down) In response to an event, an event handler is called
An affair in hand; business; enterprise
An occurrence during the execution of a task, such as the completion of an input/output operation
An event occurs when two particles collide or a single particle decays Particle theories predict the probabilities of various events occurring when many similar collisions or decays are studied They cannot predict the outcome for a single collision or decay
An event is the representation of some asynchronous occurrence (such as a mouse click on the presentation of the element, or the removal of child node from an element, or any of unthinkably many other possibilities) that gets associated with an event target
A geographic feature occurring on or along a linear feature There are three event types: linear, continuous, and point For example, a left lane closure on route I-10 from the 1 5 to 2 1 mileposts is a linear event A continuous event is a linear event where the start position of a segment is the same as the end position of its preceding event, such as for speed limits A point event occurs at a point along a route, for example, an accident at milepost 6 3 on route I-10 In ArcInfo, an event is defined in terms of a route and measures along the route See also route-system
(n ) A previous line of input from the terminal; usually either a command line or an attempted command line The UNIX® history function maintains a numbered list of the last several events that you have entered
1 A significant action, such as a user gesture (e g , moving the pointer, pressing a pointer button, or typing a keystroke) or a window configuration change (e g , resizing a window) 2 A Lisp object that represents an event
The direct or indirect report of external activity, especially user activity on the keyboard and mouse
You say in the event after you have been discussing what could have happened in a particular situation, in order to indicate that you are now describing what actually did happen. `Don't underestimate us', Norman Willis warned last year. There was, in the event, little danger of that
You say in any event after you have been discussing a situation, in order to indicate that what you are saying is true or possible, in spite of anything that has happened or may happen. In any event, the bowling alley restaurant proved quite acceptable. = anyway
The link between the behavior that a component wants to react to and the code that tells the application how to respond Java differentiates between the source of an event (the provider) and the handler for an event (what to do) In NonStop™ DOM and JORB, an asynchronous message sent by one object to another In Distributed System Management (DSM), an error or other occurrence of significance to the operator, described in a message from a software subsystem to the Event Management Service (EMS)
a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; "the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise"; "his decision had depressing consequences for business"; "he acted very wise after the event"
A point in spacetime having three spatial coordinates and one temporal coordinate
An event is created when a room(s) is attached to a job description Students can access the interview information on InterviewTRAK only when this step has been completed
Generic term for a signal occurring in the detector For the X-ray cameras, the deposition of an X-ray in the CCD produces signal charge, which is eventually registered when the matrix of pixel charges are read out to external electronics Anything registered above the threshold level of these electronics might also be considered an event, for example the detection of a cosmic ray or proton, gamma ray, or other noise source In the OM, the desirable signal event is of course the detection of an optical photon In the science documents, event is used synonymously with "photon" and "count"
An "event" in genetic engineering is the insertion of a particular piece of foreign DNA into the chromosome of the recipient Insertion occurs in random locations, so each event is unique The event can affect how a gene is expressed in the organism Once an event occurs, the transgene can be passed to the next generation as a normally inherited gene
The consequence of anything; the issue; conclusion; result; that in which an action, operation, or series of operations, terminates
n 1 Some sort of significant event, such as a user gesture (such as moving the pointer, pressing a pointer button, or typing a keystroke) or a window configuration event (such as resizing a window) 2 A Lisp object that represents an event [annotate]
To break forth
A significant occurrence in a system or application that a program detects Events typically trigger actions, such as sending a user notification or adding a log entry
Clients are informed of information asynchronously by means of events These events can be either asynchronously generated from devices or generated as side effects of client requests Events are grouped into types The server never sends an event to a client unless the client has specifically asked to be informed of that type of event However, clients can force events to be sent to other clients Events are typically reported relative to a window
What occurs when two particles collide or a single particle decays Particle theories predict the probabilities of various possible events occurring when many similar collisions or decays are studied They cannot predict the outcome for any single event
That which comes, arrives, or happens; that which falls out; any incident, good or bad
Any action, often generated by a user or an ActiveX control, to which a program might respond Typical events include pressing a keyboard key, choosing a button by using a mouse click, and other mouse actions Programmers write code to respond to these actions
An event is something that happens, especially when it is unusual or important. You can use events to describe all the things that are happening in a particular situation. the events of Black Wednesday A new book by Grass is always an event
a special set of circumstances; "in that event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled"
The target application dispatches events when something interesting has occured; those events can be mouse clicks or keyboard input When a user presses a key, the target application dispatches a key event, and the capture&replay tool stores the event to the record There are other events than user interactions: focus changes on GUI elements, window events (when a window has been closed)
Most commonly, the occurrence of an action taken by the user, such as right-clicking the mouse, that's recognized by the operating system and passed to the foreground application Windows NT and its server applications generate events, such as problem reports, without user intervention
a phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory
Any subset of a sample is called an event Those subsets containing a single outcome are called simple events In rolling a die the event might be that an even number is rolled There are six simple events 1,2,3,4,5,6
something that happens at a given place and time
An event is a planned and organized occasion, for example a social gathering or a sports match. major sporting events. our programme of lectures and social events
something that happens at a given place and time a phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory a special set of circumstances; "in that event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled
event to


    e·vent to

    التركية النطق

    ivent tı


    /ēˈvent tə/ /iːˈvɛnt tə/


    ... event to the question and answer session the President held with YouTube, Political Director ...