etwas anderes

listen to the pronunciation of etwas anderes
ألمانية - التركية
değişik bir şey
başka bir şey
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف etwas anderes في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

aksi halde

Hemen başladık, aksi halde onu kaybetmiş oluruz. - We started at once, otherwise we would have missed him.

Ben hastaydım, aksi halde toplantıya katılırdım. - I was ill, otherwise I would have attended the meeting.

aksi takdirde

Meşgulüm. Aksi takdirde davetini kabul ederdim. - I'm busy, otherwise I'd accept your invitation.

Benim bu hükümet hakkındaki izlenimim onların daha güçlü bir ekonomik politikaya ihtiyaçları olduğu, aksi takdirde gelecekte büyük sorunlarla karşılaşacaklarıdır. - My impression of this government is that they need a more forceful economic policy, otherwise they'll encounter large problems in the future.


Başka türlü yapamazdım. - I could not have done otherwise.

Tom başka boş odada tek başına oturdu. - Tom sat alone in the otherwise empty room.

bunun dışında

Tom sana bunun dışında söylemedikçe, yarınki toplantıda olmalısın. - Unless Tom tells you otherwise, you should be at tomorrow's meeting.

Bunun dışında, onun ekleyecek bir şeyi yoktu. - Otherwise he had nothing to add.

bunun dışında/başka türlü
başka konuyla
başka türlü

Ben onun iyi bir kitap olduğunu düşünmüştüm fakat Jim başka türlü düşündü. - I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise.

Mademki ben bir öğretmenim, başka türlü düşünüyorum. - Now that I am a teacher, I think otherwise.

eğer olmazsa
farklı bir şekilde

Acele etsen iyi olur, yoksa treni kaçıracaksın. - You'd better hurry, otherwise you'll miss the train.

Hızlı koş, yoksa otobüsü kaçırırsın. - Run fast, otherwise you will miss the bus.

başka bakımlardan
(zarf) yoksa, bunun dışında, başka, başka türlü, farklı, başkaca, ayrıca, diğer taraftan, başka konuyla
başka suretle
yoksa, olmazsa, aksi takdirde
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
In all other respects

He prayed to Neptune every day. Otherwise he behaved rationally.

Differently, in another way

You may be right, but I think otherwise.

In different circumstances

I’m not well today, otherwise I would have helped.

Or else

You have to open your umbrella, otherwise you'll get wet.

{a} in a different manner or degree
You use otherwise before stating the general condition or quality of something, when you are also mentioning an exception to this general condition or quality. The decorations for the games have lent a splash of colour to an otherwise drab city. a blue and gold caravan, slightly travel-stained but otherwise in good condition
You use otherwise after stating a situation or fact, in order to say what the result or consequence would be if this situation or fact was not the case. Make a note of the questions you want to ask. You will invariably forget some of them otherwise I'm lucky that I'm interested in school work, otherwise I'd go mad
other than as supposed or expected; "the outcome was otherwise" in other respects or ways; "he is otherwise normal"; "the funds are not otherwise available"; "an otherwise hopeless situation
In other respects
in other respects or ways; "he is otherwise normal"; "the funds are not otherwise available"; "an otherwise hopeless situation"
other than as supposed or expected; "the outcome was otherwise"
In different circumstances; under other conditions; as, I am engaged, otherwise I would accept
else; under other circumstances; if not; differently; in other respects; besides
in other respects or ways; "he is otherwise normal"; "the funds are not otherwise available"; "an otherwise hopeless situation
You use or otherwise or and otherwise to mention something that is not the thing just referred to or is the opposite of that thing. It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence I was feeling really ill, mentally and otherwise
in another and different manner; "very soon you will know differently"; "she thought otherwise"
Under different circumstances
You use otherwise to refer in a general way to actions or situations that are very different from, or the opposite to, your main statement. Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day, unless advised otherwise by a doctor All photographs are by the author unless otherwise stated
You use otherwise to indicate that other ways of doing something are possible in addition to the way already mentioned. The studio could punish its players by keeping them out of work, and otherwise controlling their lives
An dem Hotel stört mich außerdem noch etwas anderes:
Here's another one of my beefs with the hotel:
Das ist doch etwas ganz anderes.
That's quite another matter
Das ist etwas ganz/vollkommen anderes.
That's a different matter altogether
Erst hat er aber etwas anderes gesagt.
That's not what he said first
Gemeint ist etwas ganz anderes.
The intended meaning is entirely different
Hab ich (denn) etwas anderes gesagt?
Did I say anything different?
Hab ich etwas anderes behauptet?
Did I say anything different?
Ich habe noch nie erlebt, dass er etwas anderes getrunken hat als Bier.
I never saw him drink anything other than beer
Ja, das ist etwas anderes.
Come now, that's different
So wie ich den Brief verstehe, ist etwas anderes gemeint.
According to my understanding of the letter, it means something different
Um noch etwas anderes anzusprechen: …
On a (slightly) different note, …
Unter hohem wissenschaftlichen Niveau stelle ich mir etwas anderes vor.
My idea of a high scientific standard is different
Versuch einmal etwas ganz anderes.
Try something completely different
auf etwas anderes übertragbar
applicable to something else
etw. als etwas anderes vermarkten
to package something as something else
etw. eins zu eins auf etwas anderes übertragen
to convert something, at its/their face value, into something else
etw. und etwas anderes/mit etwas anderem unter einen Hut bringen
to juggle something and/with something else
etw. und etwas anderes/mit etwas anderem unter einen Hut bringen
to juggle several things
etwas ganz Anderes
a different kettle of fish
etwas ganz anderes
a whole new ballgame
genau dasselbe sein/machen wie etwas anderes
to mirror something
jdn. ablenken (indem man die Person dazu bringt, etwas anderes zu tun oder zu sa
to sidetrack somebody
jdn. ablenken (von etwas) (Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas anderes lenken)
to distract somebody (from something)
soweit Artikel 30 nicht etwas anderes bestimmt
except to the extent that Article 30 provides otherwise
zum Frühstück einmal etwas anderes essen als Toast
to have, for once, something other than toast for breakfast