تعريف etkilenenler في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- (Bilgisayar) dependents
- Members covered through a health insurance other than the subscriber, for instance the subscriber's spouse and/or children
- Someone who depends on or needs the help of another for support, including financial support Dependents include a spouse or a child A relative or loved one who is sick or disabled and depends on you for day-to-day and financial support would also be a dependent
- Any child of the student who receives more than half support from the student (the child does not live with the student), including a natural or adopted child, or a child for whom the student is legal guardian Also, any person who lives with the student and receives more than half support from the student during the award year
- Individuals, generally the subscriber's spouse and/or minor children, who are eligible to receive health care services under the subscriber's contract
- plural of dependent
- Are considered as dependents : - the children younger than 25 years the holder of which assumes the maintenance, as well as the persons who live under the same roof, benefitting from lower professional and\or replacement income and also the spouse, the cohabitant and ascendants
- Usually includes a lawful spouse and unmarried children, adopted, step, foster or biological, up to a certain age
- For a particular unit of a program, all those parts of the program which depend on it (e g via a with clause) and which will need recompiling as a result of any changes
- An assertion's dependents are assertions which have some deduction> (inferred argument) mentioning it When an assertion is deleted, its dependents must be examined to see if they should also be removed
- etkile
- affect
The event affected his future.
- Olay onun geleceğini etkiledi.
Worry affected his health.
- Endişe onun sağlığını etkiledi.
- etkilenen
- (Dilbilim) goal
- etkilenen
- (Dilbilim) theme
- etkilenen
- (Dilbilim) patient
- etkile
- {f} affecting
- etkile
- {f} obsessed
- etkile
- impress
I was deeply impressed by the scenery.
- Manzaradan derinden etkilendim.
I was impressed by the general knowledge of Japanese students.
- Japon öğrencilerinin genel kültür bilgisinden etkilendim.
- etkile
- {f} biased
- etkile
- {f} bias
- etkile
- stamp on
- etkile
- {f} affected
Smoking has affected his health.
- Sigara içmek onun sağlığını etkiledi.
Most living creatures in the sea are affected by pollution.
- Denizde yaşayan canlıların çoğu, kirlilikten etkilenir.
- etkile
- stamp#on
- etkile
- stampon
- etkile
- prejudiced
- etkile
- (Biyoloji) influence
Human and animal life are influenced by their reactions to the atmospheric environment.
- İnsan ve hayvan yaşamı atmosferik çevreye gösterdikleri tepkilerden etkilenirler.
I think that our living together has influenced your habits.
- Sanırım birlikte yaşamamız alışkanlıklarını etkiledi.