
listen to the pronunciation of essential
الإنجليزية - التركية

Benzetme esasen doğrudur. - The analogy is essentially correct.

Kahkaha iyi bir ilişkide esastır. - Laughter is essential in a good relationship.

{s} gerekli

Sadece gerekli tamiratları yapın lütfen. - Just do the essential repairs, please.

Bir kriz anında sakin kalmak ve kontrolü kaybetmemek gereklidir. - It is essential to keep calm in a time of crisis and avoid going haywire.

esas olan şey
gerekli olan şey
esas özellik
asıl gerekli şey
{s} asıl, esas, temel, ana
(İnşaat) temel gereksinim
(Tıp) esansiyel

Bana kalan parayı sadece temel şeyler için harcamalıyım. - I must spend the money remaining to me only for essential things.

Benim görüşümün temel noktasını önceki sayfalarda ifade ettim. - The essential points of my argument have been expressed in the preceding pages.


Özgür bir basın demokrasi için gereklidir. - A free press is essential for democracy.


Bunu yapmamız zorunlu. - It's essential that we do that.

Durumu anlamanız zorunlu. - It's essential that you understand the situation.

ruh veya ıtır türünden

Bellek beynimizin önemli bir işlevidir. - Memory is an essential function of our brain.

Bir telgraf gönderdiğinde, kısalığı önemli çünkü her kelime için ücretlendirileceksin. - When you send a telegram, brevity is essential because you will be charged for every word.

ç.gerekli şeyler
olmazsa olmaz

Güneş hayat için olmazsa olmazdır. - The sun is essential to life.

essential mineral bir kayadaki esas maden essential oil bitkilerden elde
{s} köklü
{s} esans türünden
{s} gerekli, zaruri
asıl sıfat

Su yaşam için elzemdir. - Water is essential to life.

Dünyada bir birey için en elzem şey kendisini anlamasıdır. - The most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself.

(Hukuk) asli
gerekli esas
essential amino acid
(Tıp) esansiyel amino asit
essential for
için esas
essential hypertension
(Tıp) esansiyel hipertansiyon
essential oil
(Tıp) uçucu yağ
essential oil
(Gıda) esansiyel yağ
essential oil
essential oils
eteri yağlar
essential to
essential albuminuria
esansiyel albuminüri
essential amino acid
esansiyel aminoasit
essential anemia
idiopatik anemi
essential commodities
temel mallar
essential consumption goods
zaruri tüketim maddeleri
essential oil
essential oil
bitkilerden elde edilen uçucu yağ
essential oil
uçucu bitki yağı
essential oil
essential part
esas bölüm
essential to
e gerekli
essential for
için gerekli
essential integral
Öz içerik, bütünün temeli, aslı temel, temel yapı maddesi
essential mineral
esas maden, karakteristik maden
essential oil
Esans: Bitkilerden türlü yollarla çıkarılan veya kimyasal yöntemlerle yapılan, kokulu ve uçucu yağ: "İçlerinden biri, galiba esmerleri, bir esans sürmüştü."- H. Taner
essential point
Önemli nokta
essential qualifications
temel nitelikler
essential user
temel kullanıcı
essential cargo
(Askeri) zaruri hamule
essential cargo
essential cargo
(Askeri) zaruri ikmal maddesi
essential cargo
(Askeri) esas ikmal maddesi
essential cargo
(Askeri) esas hamule
essential cells
(Tıp) esas hücreler
essential civilian supplies
(Askeri) esas sivil ikmal malzemeleri
essential civilian supplies
(Askeri) ESAS SİVİL İKMAL MALZEMELERİ: Askeri harekat esnasında, bu harekat için zararlı hastalık ve huzursuzlukları önlemek bakımından elzem olan veya yerel üretim sayesinde ikmali kolaylaştıran sivil ikmal maddeleri
essential component
(Kanun) esaslı unsur
essential drugs list
(Tıp) temel ilaçlar listesi
essential electrolyte
(Tıp) esansiyel elektrolit
essential elements of friendly information
(Askeri) dost birlik esas bilgi unsurları
essential elements of friendly information
(Askeri) MÜTTEFİKLER ARASINDAKİ ESAS BİLGİ UNSURLARI: Karşı taraftaki planlamacılar ve karar vericilerin zor durumlarda sormaları muhtemel olan, müttefik niyetleri ve askeri imkan ve kabiliyetler hakkındaki kilit soruları. Aynı zamanda EEFI' de denir
essential elements of information
(Askeri) ESAS BİLGİ UNSURLARI: Düşman ve düşman harekatını etkileyen koşullarda ilgili ve komutanın, belirli bir zamanda muhtaç olduğu kritik bilgiler. Komutanın; bu bilgilerle mevcut diğer bilgi ve istihbarat arasında bir ilişki kurması, mantıklı bir karara varmasında yardımcı olur. Ayrıca bakınız: "intelligence requirement"
essential emergency function
elzem acil durum görevi
essential fatty acids
esas yağ asitleri
essential feature
temel nitelik
essential fire support task
(Askeri) esas ateşe destek görevi
essential formality
(Kanun) esaslı merasim
essential industry
(Askeri) esas endüstri
essential industry
(Askeri) ESAS ENDÜSTRİ: Sivil veya askeri ekonominin ihtiyaçları için gerekli bir endüstri. Terim, temel sınai. tesisleri ile birlikte demir ve çelik endüstrisi, gıda endüstrisi, kimya endüstrisi gibi, diğer endüstri şubelerinin temel hammaddeleri, faydalı yarı veya tam mamul madde haline getiren lüzumlu kısımlarını içine alır
essential industry
(Ticaret) ekonomideki kilit sanayi dalı
essential item
(Askeri) esas madde
essential item
(Askeri) ESAS MADDE: A. B. D. Kara Ordusu'nda; kıtaların muharebe kabiliyetleri için lüzumlu görülen maddelerden herhangi biri
essential lineament
ana yüz hatları
essential oil
essential pruritus
(Tıp) nevrodermi
essential requirement
esas gereksinim
essential requirements
(Avrupa Birliği) temel gerekler
essential requirements
(Ticaret) temel gereklilikler
essential secrecy
(Askeri) Bknz. "appreciations"
essential secrecy
(Askeri) önemli gizlilik
essential similarity
(Tıp) temel benzerlik
essential supply
(Askeri) zaruri hamule
essential supply
(Askeri) esas hamule
essential supply
(Askeri) esas ikmal maddesi
essential supply
(Askeri) zaruri ikmal maddesi
essential supply/cargo
(Askeri) ZARURİ İKMAL MADDESİ/ZARURİ HAMULE; ESAS İKMAL MADDESİ/ESAS HAMULE: Hayatı idame devresinde (survival period) harbin devamını temin veya bu devrede ulusal gücün ayakta kalması için lüzumlu ve şartlar imkan verir vermez elden çıkarılması gerekli mallar. Bu mallar; yiyecek, arıtılmış petrol, yağ ve yağlama yağları ile tıbbi müstahzarlar gibi maddelerden ibarettir. Ayrıca bakınız: "cargoes and/or commodities"
essential term
(Kanun) esaslı husus
essential to
-e gerekli
essential training goals
(Askeri) gerekli eğitim hedefleri
essential tremor
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) temel titreme
essential user bypass
(Askeri) önemli kullanıcı baypası
essential user rekeying variable
(Askeri) önemli kullanıcı yeniden anahtarlama değişkeni

Benzetme esasen doğrudur. - The analogy is essentially correct.


Aslında bir zaman sorunu. - It is essentially a question of time.

Burada olan şey aslında odur. - That's essentially what happened here.

gerekli olarak
essential for
haddi zatında
öncelikli olarak
it is essential
non-essential commodities
zaruri olmayan mallar
z. aslında
experience not essential
deneyim şart değil
gerekli olmayan
Elzem olmayan, hayatı olmayan
assign essential user bypass
(Askeri) zaruri kullanıcı baypası tahsisi
be essential
be essential
hayati önemde olmak
be essential
hayati önem taşımak
combat essential repair part
(Askeri) MUHAREBE İÇİN GEREKLİ ONARIM PARÇASI: Muharebe için gerekli bir nihai maddenin veya muharebe hazırlığı halindeki bir silah sisteminin bakımı için zaruri bir işletme onarım parçası. Bu özellikteki maddelerin, ilgili taktik talimname "Onarım Parçaları ve Özel Alet Listeleri" nde gösterilen kalemlerinden olmaları gerekir
electronic change notice; Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network
(Askeri) elektromanyetik değişim notu; En Az Gereklilikteki Acil Durum Muhabere Ağı
(Mukavele) esasen, esas itibariyle
(Hukuk) özü itibarı ile
minimum essential equipment
(Askeri) (MEE) Lüzumlu asgari malzeme
minimum essential equipment
(Askeri) GEREKLİ ASGARİ MALZEME: Yetki verilmiş malzeme istihkakı, giyecek ve ikmal maddelerinden; bir birliğe, muharebe veya hizmet görevleri söz konusu olmaksızın, bir intikal esnasında bütünlüğünü muhafaza için lüzumlu olan kısım. Bu kategoriye giren maddeler, normal olarak, limana kadar birlikler tarafından veya birliklerin beraberinde taşınır ve birliğin bindirildiği gemiye yüklenir. Hareket ve intikal emirlerinde kullanılan manada lüzumlu asgari malzeme, özel birlik malzemesi ile er giyecek ve teçhizatı anlamına gelir. Hava kuvvetlerinde, bu malzemeye (unit essential equipment) lüzumlu birlik malzemesi denir
minimum essential training requirements
(Askeri) LÜZUMLU ASGARİ EĞİTİM İHTİYAÇLARI: Bir birliğe; verimli şekillerde safhalandırılmış eğitimi yürütmesi için gereken, lüzumlu malzeme asgari seviyeleri. Lüzumlu asgari eğitim ihtiyaçları üç seviyeyi içine alır; Teker tekamül eğitimi, birlik temel eğitimi ve birlik tekamül eğitimi
mission essential backup
(Askeri) görev esas yedeği
samples of essential oils
eteri yağ numuneleri
unit essential equipment
(Askeri) BİRLİK İÇİN ZARURİ TEÇHİZAT: BAK "minimum essential equipment"
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Very important; of high importance
A fundamental ingredient
Such that each complementary region is irreducible, the boundary of each complementary region is incompressible by disks and monogons in the complementary region, and no leaf is a sphere or a torus bounding a solid torus in the manifold
Being in the basic form; showing its essence

Don’t mind him being grumpy. That’s the essential Fred.

A necessary ingredient
Something that is essential is extremely important or absolutely necessary to a particular subject, situation, or activity. It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture As they must also sprint over short distances, speed is essential Jordan promised to trim the city budget without cutting essential services. = crucial
{a} necessary, very important, pure
{n} existence, a chief point or thing
That which is essential; first or constituent principle; as, the essentials of religion
Idiopathic; independent of other diseases
Being necessary
Containing the essence or characteristic portion of a substance, as of a plant; highly rectified; pure; hence, unmixed; as, an essential oil
The essentials are the things that are absolutely necessary for the situation you are in or for the task you are doing. The flat contained the basic essentials for bachelor life
being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc; "essential oil
Necessary (e g , certain food elements are necessary for the body's functions)
Necessary; indispensable; said of those tones which constitute a chord, in distinction from ornamental or passing tones
The essential aspects of something are its most basic or important aspects. Most authorities agree that play is an essential part of a child's development In this trial two essential elements must be proven: motive and opportunity. = fundamental
basic and fundamental; "the essential feature"
Of essence; vitally necessary, indispensable
In low-dimensional topology, a non-trivial kind of curve or surface in a manifold that only sometimes exists An essential sphere in a 3-manifold, for example, is a sphere that does not bound a ball
basic and fundamental; "the essential feature" absolutely required and not to be used up or sacrificed absolutely necessary; vitally necessary; "essential tools and materials"; "funds essential to the completion of the project"; "an indispensable worker" being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc; "essential oil
absolutely necessary; vitally necessary; "essential tools and materials"; "funds essential to the completion of the project"; "an indispensable worker"
Existence; being
absolutely required and not to be used up or sacrificed absolutely necessary; vitally necessary; "essential tools and materials"; "funds essential to the completion of the project"; "an indispensable worker"
being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc; "essential oil"
The essentials are the most important principles, ideas, or facts of a particular subject. the essentials of everyday life, such as eating and exercise
Being of high importance
That which is deemed necessary to the public interest after all alternatives have been considered
anything indispensable; "food and shelter are necessities of life"; "the essentials of the good life"; "allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions"; "a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained"
of the greatest importance; "the all-important subject of disarmament"; "crucial information"; "in chess cool nerves are of the essence"
Belonging to the essence, or that which makes an object, or class of objects, what it is
Standards which directly affect and have fundamental impact on the work product of the laboratory or the integrity of the evidence
Hence, really existing; existent
necessary; cannot function without
absolutely required and not to be used up or sacrificed
{s} necessary, needed, fundamental, impossible to live without
applying to essential legal principles and rules of right; "substantive law"
Important in the highest degree; indispensable to the attainment of an object; indispensably necessary
essential amino acid
One of the naturally occurring amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize, and so must be provided by dietary protein
essential amino acids
plural form of essential amino acid
essential fatty acid
any fatty acid required for human metabolism that cannot be synthesized by the body and must be present in the diet; originally designated as vitamin F
essential listening
A list of audio recordings and performances - frequently music - compiled by a critic or genre expert and deemed to be essential to understanding a music genre, style, performer or details of a famous person's life

Our classical music professor recommended some Beethoven and Bach recordings as essential listening.

essential nutrient
A compound that must be obtained from food for survival
essential oil
A volatile oil, used to make perfumes and flavourings, especially one having the characteristic odour of the plant from which it is obtained
essential oils
plural form of essential oil
essential amino acid
an amino acid that is required by animals but that they cannot synthesize; must be supplied in the diet
essential condition
a prerequisite
essential defect
fundamental flaw
essential difference
basic differences, fundamental inequalities
essential elements
A chemical element required by green plants for normal growth, such as the primary essential elements: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium; secondary essential elements: sulfur, calcium, and magnesium; and the trace (or minor) elements: iron, boron, manganese, copper, zinc, and molybdenum The last six, and traces of other elements, are required in only minute quantities
essential elements
the elements known to be essential to human life
essential elements
the elements definitely known to be essential to human life (23)
essential elements
Must consider economic development and other non-market activities that contribute to human well-being
essential food element
nutritional component necessary to maintain healthy physical processes and functioning
essential hypertension
persistent and pathological high blood pressure for which no specific cause can be found
essential oil
A plant extract that has a distinctive odour or flavour
essential oil
The essence extracted from flowers, plants, herbs, leaves, fruits, woods and gums by steam distillation or other methods of extraction
essential oil
A volatile oil extracted from plants, flowers, grass, stems, seeds, leaves, roots, bark, fruits, tree moss and trees
essential oil
A volatile substance contained in many plants giving them a characteristic scent, aroma and taste
essential oil
The aromatic volatile liquid of the hop
essential oil
A volatile oil, usually having the characteristic odor or flavor of the plant from which it is obtained, used to make perfumes and flavorings. an oil from a plant that has a strong smell and is used for making perfume or in aromatherapy. Any of a class of highly volatile (readily evaporating) organic compounds found in plants and usually named for them (e.g., rose oil, peppermint oil). They have been known and traded since ancient times. Many essential oils contain isoprenoids. Some, such as oil of wintergreen (methyl salicylate) and orange oil (d-limonene), have one predominant component, but most have dozens or hundreds. Trace components impart an oil's characteristic odour, which synthetic or blended oils can rarely duplicate. Essential oils have three primary commercial uses: as odorants in perfumes, soaps, detergents, and other products; as flavours in baked goods, candies, soft drinks, and many other foods; and as pharmaceuticals, in dental products and many medicines (see aromatherapy)
essential oil
High-grade oil extracted from the flowers, seeds, bark, leaves, and other parts of plants Serious aromatherapy practitioners consider not just the source of the oil, but how it was extracted (e g , steam distillation, solvent extraction, enfleurage) Many oils that are sold as "essential" are actually blends of artificial and natural materials Such oils might have very realistic aromas, but are not true essential oils
essential oil
an oil having the odor or flavor of the plant from which it comes; used in perfume and flavorings
essential oil
an oil collected in the water distillate during the production and concentration of fruit juices Upon seperation from the water, the remaining oil contains the highly volatile top notes of natural juices Essential oils are normally liquid, but in some cases may be solid, depending on temperature They are the essence of plants
essential oil
A plant oil which is extracted through a very complex process that generally yields very little product, making it costly to buy true essential oils It's a misconception to think of them as actually being oily because they rarely are These are called for often in rituals
essential oil
A volatile material derived from odorous plant materials from a single botanical form As such, EOs generally constitute the odorous principles of the plants in which they exist EOs are either distilled (water, steam or dry) or expressed Because EOs are highly concentrated, care should be used when handling them We carry hundreds of essential oils, ranging from Agarwood to Ylang Ylang
essential oil
The volatile and aromatic liquid or semi-solid obtained from a single botanical, primarily through the distillation, expression or extraction process Generally, it constitutes the odorous principles of a plant, having the taste or smell of the original botanical used However, essential oils do not always have the same properties as the whole plant from which it was derivied from as certain parts of the plant are used to produce the essential oil
essential oil
The essence of a plant, removed by compressing, steaming, dissolving or distilling These oils produce the strongest odors, flavors, or medicinal properties when used in a product
essential oil
A scented plant oil used in many herbal medicines
essential oil
natural oil extracted from natural substance (such a plant, flower or fruit) which gives the plant or flower or fruit its characteristic odors (used for making perfumes, flavorings, etc.)
essential oil
The highly concentrated, volatile, aromatic essences of plants Information on specific essential oils can be found in the Single Essential Oil page
essential oil
Commercially available volatile oil extracted from plants by steam distillation and containing a mixture of active constituents; highly aromatic and highly concentrated
essential oil
An oil infused with a high concentration of herbal constituents (i e tea tree oil)
essential oil
A liquid that is generally distilled (usually by steam) from a plant Essential oils, contrary to the use of the "oil," are not really oily at all Most essential oils are clear, but some oils such as patchouli, orange and lemongrass are amber or yellow in color
essential oils
Aromatic liquid substances which are extracted from certain species of flowers, grasses, fruits, leaves, roots, and trees Used in aromatherapy, massage and facial products
essential oils
Naturally fragrant oils used in cosmetics, aromatherapy, medicine, perfumery, and flavoring
essential oils
aromatic structures extracted from roots, bark, flowers & grasses which are often used as part of a therapeutic treatment
essential oils
Potent, highly aromatic oils extracted from plants, then used topically in pure form or diluted in a carrier oil In aromatherapy, appropriate oils are selected to treat each patient's unique personality and needs, their different therapeutic effects (for example, calming, energizing, cleansing) working by skin absorption and smell
essential oils
Please see Aromatherapy Oils
essential oils
Refers to the volatile organic oils derived from plants, usually responsible for the smell of each particular plant Examples include Lavender oil and Tea Tree oil
essential oils
These are highly concentrated extracts obtained from various parts of the plant including flowers and leaves, berries, bark or citrus rinds, which carry unique therapeutic properties
essential oils
are the volatile essences extracted from aromatic plants by steam, distillation, expression or solvent extraction Essential oils are applied topically or inhaled, and act on physical, emotional and psychological processes
essential oils
Pure plant distilates and extracts derived from the flowers, leaves, stems, berries, rinds, resins, or roots of plants These oils are the essense of the plant's smell; they make the plant smell the way it does Essential oils have long been used in folk medicine and aromatherapy for their many healing qualities
essential oils
Essential oils are concentrated pure plant extracts obtained through distillation They have long been revered for their fragrance and therapeautic value We have chosen to use only pure essential oils instead of cheaper synthetic fragrance oils which do not offer the same unique properties, and hence do not have the same beneficial qualities for our skin There is some question as to whether or not these properties are still active once the essential oil has gone through the soap making process We have not found any conclusive answer to this However, in an age when we are bombarded with synthetics, we would like to offer a soap that is as close to nature as we can make it, and we feel it can only be beneficial to use essential oils in preference to man-made synthetics We do know that people who cannot tolerate synthetic fragrances are able to enjoy the refreshing scents of our soaps The essential oils we use are
essential problem
fundamental difficulty, inherent or intrinsic dilemma, basic problem
essential thrombocytopenia
the primary form of thrombocytopenia rather than a shortage of platelets caused by with other conditions such as tuberculosis or chemical suppression of bone marrow etc
essential tremor
tremor of unknown cause (usually of the hands and head) that develops in older people; often mistaken for Parkinsonism but is not life-threatening and can usually be kept under control
non-essential amino acid
Alternative spelling of nonessential amino acid
{a} absolutely, necessarily, truly
emphasis You use essentially to emphasize a quality that someone or something has, and to say that it is their most important or basic quality. It's been believed for centuries that great writers, composers and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people Essentially, vines and grapes need water, heat and light. = fundamentally
vagueness You use essentially to indicate that what you are saying is mainly true, although some parts of it are wrong or more complicated than has been stated. His analysis of urban use of agricultural land has been proved essentially correct Essentially, the West has only two options. used when stating the most basic facts about something = basically
in an essential manner; in essence
at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature; "He is basically dishonest"; "the argument was essentially a technical one"; "for all his bluster he is in essence a shy person"
basically, fundamentally; mainly, primarily
In an essential manner or degree; in an indispensable degree; really; as, essentially different
in essence
{i} basics, fundamentals, things which are necessary for life or health
plural of essential
experience not essential
applicant need not have prior work experience in this field
it is essential
it is crucial, it is necessary, it is vital, it is important
Non-essentials are things that are not absolutely necessary. In a recession, consumers could be expected to cut down on non-essentials like toys. necessities. not completely necessary
non-essential non-essentials in AM, also use nonessential1. Non-essential means not absolutely necessary. The crisis has led to the closure of a number of non-essential government services. non-essential goods. essential