The temple of peace, in Rome The doors were thrown open in times of war and closed in times of peace Some think the two faces of this mythical deity allegorise Noah and his sons, who look back on the world before the Flood, and forwards on the world after the deluge had abated This idea will do very well in poetry "Slavery was the hinge on which the gates of the temple of Janus turned" (in the American war) - The Times Japanese (3 syl ) The language of Japan, a native of Japan, anything pertaining thereto
in Roman mythology, the god of Gateways who could see both backward and forward in time He is the god of endings and beginnings and gave his name to the month of January He was portrayed as having two heads back to back and is highly appropriate to Janus/Magus of Zeal, who saw all time in his travels -- Jules
eski roma'da kapılar mabudu, başı iki yüzlü bir ilâh
es·ki ro·ma'·da ka·pı·lar ma·bu·du, ba·şı i·ki yüz·lü bir ilâ·h