englische krankheit

listen to the pronunciation of englische krankheit
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف englische krankheit في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


O, raşitizmden muzdarip. - He suffers from rickets.

kemik hastalığı
Raşitizm hastalığı
i., tıb. raşitizm
(isim) raşitizm
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
A disorder of infancy and early childhood caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, causing soft bones
{n} a distemper of the joints in children
disease of the skeletal system
Nutritional disease caused by a shortage of vitamin D; interferes with the absorption of calcium and causes softening and deformation of the bones
A disease caused by a poor diet resulting In a misshapen skeleton
Generalized failure of endochondrial ossification with lack of mineralization of the epiphyseal cartilage matrix and poor vascular invasion (See general info in Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics)
a vitamin D deficiency disease in children that is characterized by poor bone development because of inadequate calcium deposition
Rickets is a disease that children can get when their food does not contain enough Vitamin D. It makes their bones soft and causes their liver and spleen to become too large. a disease that children get in which their bones become soft and bent, caused by a lack of vitamin D. or vitamin D deficiency Disease of infancy and childhood characterized by defective bone growth due to lack of vitamin D. Calcium phosphate is not properly deposited in the bones, which become soft, curved, and stunted. Early symptoms include restlessness, profuse sweating, lack of limb and abdominal-muscle tone, soft skull bones, and developmental delays. Muscles may cramp and twitch. Without early treatment, effects may include bowlegs, knock-knees, and beadiness where the ribs meet the breastbone. A narrow chest and pelvis can later increase susceptibility to lung diseases and impede childbirth. Treatment is with high-dose vitamin D supplementation, sunlight, and a balanced diet. Adding vitamin D to milk has reduced rickets in high-latitude areas where the skin cannot produce enough
A disease of weak bones caused by not getting enough vitamin D Patients with liver disease can get rickets because their liver may not make enough bile, which is necessary to absorb vitamin D Patients with kidney disease can get rickets because vitamin D is activated in the kidneys
Disease of skeletal system
Called also rachitis
The essential cause of the disease appears to be the nondeposition of earthy salts in the osteoid tissues
childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight associated with impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus
-A childhood disease in which a lack of vitamin D results in soft and weakened bones
Children afflicted with this malady stand and walk unsteadily
A disease caused by either 1) vitamin D deficiency or 2) renal disease leading to inadequate mineralization of bones the child
{i} (Medicine) childhood disease characterized by softening of the bones (caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, and poor metabolism of calcium and phosphorus), vitamin D deficiency
A disease which affects children, and which is characterized by a bulky head, crooked spine and limbs, depressed ribs, enlarged and spongy articular epiphyses, tumid abdomen, and short stature, together with clear and often premature mental faculties
A weakening of the bones due to Vitamin D deficiency