
listen to the pronunciation of engineer
الإنجليزية - التركية

Mühendislik probleminizi ne zaman hallettiniz? - When did you get through with your engineering problem?

Genç mühendisin deneyimi yoktu. - The young engineer lacked experience.


Tom bir elektrik mühendisidir. - Tom is an electrical engineer.

Tom makine mühendisi olmak için öğrenim görüyor. - Tom is studying to be a mechanical engineer.

şantiye temsilcisi
(kötü bir şeye) planla neden olmak
{i} makinist
idare etmek
civil engineer insaat mühendisi
{f} düzenlemek
{f} mühendisliğini yapmak
{f} yapmak

Tom mühendislik dalında mastır yapmak için çalışıyor. - Tom is working toward a master's degree in engineering.

chief engineer baş muhendis
electrical engineer elektrik mühendisi
{i} den. çarkçı
mühendis sıfatıyla inşa etmek
{i} teknisyen
{i} tekniker
(Mukavele) mühendis; kontrol
çarkçı başı
{i} çarkçı
mechanical engineer makina mü
(Askeri) I. İSTİHKAM, İSTİHKAMCI: Bir istihkam sınıfı mensubu; inşaat, tahrip, ölçme, yol ve köprü inşaatı ve kamuflaj gibi istihkam görevlerini yerine getiren asker
{f} mühendislik yapmak
{f} planlayıp düzenlemek
{i} d.y. makinist
{i} makine mühendisi

Tom makine mühendisi olmak için öğrenim görüyor. - Tom is studying to be a mechanical engineer.

Sen bir makine mühendisisin ve ben bir yazılım geliştiricisiyim - You are a mechanical engineer and I am a software developer.


Mühendislik probleminizi ne zaman hallettiniz? - When did you get through with your engineering problem?

Üniversitede mühendislik ihtisası yapmayı düşünüyorum - I plan to take up engineering at college.

engineer corps
(Askeri) istihkam sınıfı
engineer depot
(Askeri) istihkam deposu
engineer's workshop
engineer's journal
mühendislik günlüğü
Engineer Research and Development Center
(Askeri) İstihkam Araştırma ve Geliştirme Merkezi
engineer amphibian unit
(Askeri) AMFİBİK İSTİHKAM BİRLİĞİ: İstihkam sınıfına mensup ve harekatı, su üzerinden geçip düşman elindeki bir kıyıya intikal ettirmeyi idare edecek şekilde eğitim görüp teçhiz edilmiş bir teşkil. Bunlar, özel hücum görevlerinde ve çıkarma harekatında kullanılır
engineer cadet
(Askeri) makine stajyeri
engineer command
(Askeri) istihkam komutası,komutanlığı
engineer commander
(Askeri) istihkam komutanı
engineer corps school
(Askeri) istihkam okulu
engineer depot
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM DEPOSU: Özellikle istihkam sınıfına ait ikmal maddelerini ihtiva eden depo
engineer district
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM İNŞAAT AS BÖLGESİ: Bir istihkam inşaat bölgesinin, askeri inşaat, sivil inşaat işleri, gayri menkuller, askeri ikmal ve diğer istihkam sınıfı görevlerini, emir verildikçe, icradan sorumlu bir tali kısım
engineer district
(Askeri) istihkam inşaat ast bölgesi
engineer division
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM İNŞAAT BÖLGESİ: İstihkam dairesi başkanının emri altında ve belirli bir coğrafi bölgedeki askeri inşaat, sivil inşaat işleri, gayri menkuller, askeri ikmal ve diğer istihkam sınıfı sorumluluklarının, emir verildikçe, istihkam inşaat as bölgeleri tarafından, icrasından sorumlu büyük bir teşkilat unsuru
engineer division
(Askeri) istihkam inşaat bölgesi
engineer in charge
sorumlu mühendis
engineer intelligence
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM İSTİHBARATI: Askeri harekat üzerinde tesiri olan düşman ikmal veya faaliyeti, arazi, ulaştırma yolları ve istihkamcılığı ilgilendiren diğer meseleler hakkında teknik istihbarat
engineer intelligence
(Askeri) İstihkam istihbaratı
engineer officer
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM SUBAYI, MAKİNA SUBAYI (DZ.): İstihkam sınıfına mensup subay
engineer officer
(Askeri) İstihkam subayı
engineer partial field maintenance
(Askeri) KISMİ İSTİHKAM SAHRA BAKIMI: Birlik bakım seviyesinin üstünde ve depo bakımı seviyesinin altında bulunan ve belirli istihkam birlikleri tarafından yapılan bakım
engineer reconnaissance
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM KEŞFİ: Genel olarak, yapılması gereken istihkamcılık işlerini tespit etmek maksadıyla, istihkam kıtaları tarafından yapılan keşif
engineer school
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM OKULU: İstihkam sınıfının teknik ve taktiği hakkında eğitim sağlayan sınıf okulu. İstihkam okulu; istihkam malzemesinin gelişimine de yardım eder; sahrada hizmet görmek ve öğretmenlik yapmak için eğitim görmüş uzman yetiştirir
engineer school
(Tarih) mühendishane
engineer school
(Askeri) istihkam okulu
engineer situation map
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM DURUM HARİTASI: Yollar, köprüler, tabii ve suni engeller, geçit veren suların durumları hakkında, en son bilgilerin işlendiği harita
engineer special brigade
(Askeri) (AMPHIBIAN ENGINEERS) ÖZEL İSTİHKAM TUGAYI (AMFİBİ): Sıhhiye, levazım, muhabere ve ordudonatım elemanları ile birlikte bot ve kıyı birliklerinden oluşan bir ordu istihkam tugayı. Bu tugayın; bir amfibi harekatta muharip kıtaları, teçhizat ve ikmal maddelerini nakletmek ve limanların tesis edilmesinden evvel açık deniz gemileri (ocean-going vessels) ambarlarından veya yakın sahil ikmal noktalarından (near shore supply points) kıtaların ikmal işlerini desteklemek gibi, iki vazifesi vardır. Tugay; çıkarma araçları ile teçhiz edilmiş olup, mahdut mesafeler dahilinde, bir tümeni nakledecek ve bir kolordunun ikmalini yapabilecek kapasitededir
engineer support battalion
(Askeri) istihkam destek taburu
engineer troops
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM KITALARI: İstihkam sınıfına mensup kıtalar; muharebede istihkamcılık görevleri ile birlikte, kamuflaj gibi, genel ve özel hazmetler içinde eğitim görmüş ve teçhiz edilmiş kıtalar
engineer troops
(Askeri) istihkam kıtaları
engineer's chain
ölçme zinciri
engineer's level
nivo aygıtı
engineer's scale
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM ÖLÇEĞİ: Bir fitin onda bölümlerine göre derecelenmiş ölçek veya cetvel, ölçülerin, fit veya bir fitin onda bölümlerine göre alındığı yerlerde kullanılır
engineer's scale
ölçekli cetvel
engineer's scale
(Askeri) istihkam ölçeği
environmental engineer
Çevre Mühendisi
commissioning engineer
(Borsa) Devreye alma mühendisi
joining engineer
Kaynak/birleştirme mühendisi
aircraft engineer
uçak mühendisi
civil engineer
{i} inşaat mühendisi

Babam inşaat mühendisidir. - My father is a civil engineer.

agricultural engineer
uçak mühendisi
agriculture engineer
ziraat mühendisi
chief engineer
(Askeri) başmakinist
chief engineer
(Askeri) baş çarkçı
community engineer
toplum mühendisi
electronics engineer
elektronik mühendisi

Tom en iyi mühendislerimizden biri. - Tom is one of our top engineers.

Kurul bilimci ve mühendislerden oluşuyor. - The committee consists of scientists and engineers.

erecting engineer
expert engineer
uzman mühendis
forest engineer
progress engineer
(Ticaret) geliştirme mühendisi
recording engineer
kayıt mühendisi
restricted engineer officer
(Askeri) sınırlı makine zabiti
senior civil engineer
(Eğitim) yüksek inşaat mühendisi
senior engineer
yüksek mühendis
structural engineer
yapı mühendisi
unlimited engineer officer
(Askeri) uzakyol vardiya mühendisi
aeronautical engineer
havacılık mühendisi
aerospace engineer
uzay mühendisi
agricultural engineer
tarım mühendisi
agricultural engineer
ziraat mühendisi
army engineer
ordu mühendisi
automotive engineer
otomotiv mühendisi
certificated engineer
yüksek mühendis
certified engineer
yüksek mühendis
chemical engineer
kimya mühendisi
chief engineer

Başmühendis, asistanı ile el ele araştırma yaptı. - The chief engineer did research hand in hand with his assistant.

computer engineer
bilgisayar mühendisi
construction engineer
inşaat mühendisi
consulting engineer
danışman mühendis
electrical engineer
çıngı mühendisi
electronic engineer
çıncalık mühendisi
forestry engineer
orman mühendisi
industrial engineer
endüstri mühendisi
lighting engineer
ışıklandırma mühendisi
mechanical engineer
makine mühendisi
metallurgical engineer
metalurji mühendisi
military engineer
askeri mühendis
mining engineer
maden mühendisi
operating engineer
işletim mühendisi
plant engineer
işletme mühendisi
production engineer
üretim mühendisi
project engineer
joba mühendisi
railroad engineer
demiryolu mühendisi
sales engineer
satış mühendisi
system engineer
sistem mühendisi
systems engineer
jüye mühendisi
textile engineer
tekstil mühendisi
Forest Engineer
Orman mühendisi
Hardware Design Engineer
Donanım tasarımı mühendisi
Metallurgical and Materials Engineer
(Mühendislik) Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisi
agricultural engineer CPD
ziraat yüksek mühendisi
application engineer
Uygulama mühendisi
applications engineer
uygulamalar mühendisi
chartered engineer
(Mühendislik) Kayıtlı mühendis
concurrent engineer
eş zamanlı mühendis
design engineer
Tasarım mühendisi
domestic engineer
(deyim) Türk kültüründe evden sorumlu kadın, içişleri bakanı benzetmesi
earthquake engineer
deprem mühendisi
electronic engineer
elektronik mühendisi
facilities engineer
(Mühendislik) tesis mühendisi
field application engineer
Saha uygulama mühendisi
field application engineer
alan uygulaması mühendisi
flight engineer
uçak mühendisi
genetic engineer
Genetik mühendisi
geological engineer
(Madencilik) jeoloji mühendisi
geophysics engineer
Jeofizik mühendisi
graduate engineer
mezun mühendis
information engineer
bilgi mühendisi
maintenance engineer
Bakım mühendisi
mathematics engineer
matematik mühendisliği
mechanical engineer msc
makina yüksek mühendisi
physics engineer
(Bilim, İlim) Fizik mühendisi

I work for this company as a physics engineer.

planning engineer
planlama mühendisi
practical electronic engineer
pratik elektronik mühendisi
practical engineer
pratik mühendisi
principal engineer
Baş mühendis

Kathy worked as a principal engineer for a large company during the summer; her principal goal was to help build motherboards.

principle engineer
baş mühendis
process engineer
işleme mühendisi, yapım yöntemi mühendisi
quality engineer
Kalite Mühendisi
resident engineer
bir yerde sürekli bulunan mühendis
reverse engineer
tersine mühendislik
tersine mühendislik
safety engineer
Güvenlik mühendisi
sales engineer
satış mühendisi, profesyonel satış elemanı
senior engineer
Kıdemli mühendis
site engineer
site mühendisi
software engineer
Yazılım mühendisi
survey engineer
(Mühendislik) Harita mühendisi
technical engineer
(Mühendislik) Teknik mühendis
topographical engineer
(Mühendislik) Harita mühendisi
video engineer
video mühendisi, alıcı denetçisi
{i} istihkâm hizmeti
(Askeri) İSTİHKAMCILAR: İstihkam komutanları, çarkçılar, mühendisler,, uçak makinistleri. Ayrıca bakınız: "engineer"
التركية - التركية

تعريف engineer في التركية التركية القاموس.

Değer ve fiyatı düşük olan
Yüksekte olmayan, alçak (yer): "Engin olur bizim elin ovası / Yüksek olur yaylaların havası."- Halk türküsü
Yüksekte olmayan, alçak (yer)
Denizin kıyıdan çok uzaklarda bulunan geniş bölümü; açık deniz
Denizin kıyıdan çok uzaklarda bulunan geniş bölümü, açık deniz: "Enginden dönen deniz kuşları sessiz kanatlarıyla başımın üstünde dolaşıyorlar."- R. N. Güntekin
Ucu bucağı görünmeyecek kadar geniş, çok geniş, vâsi: "Bu deniz de sabahın sisi içinde engin, sınırsız bir deniz gibi görünür."- H. Taner
Ucu bucağı görünmeyecek kadar geniş, çok geniş, vâsi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To plan or achieve some goal by contrivance or guile; to wangle or finagle
A person trained in a natural science that applies such knowledge towards a practical objective
A person who, given a practical scientific problem involving the physical world and a specific set of goals and constraints, finds a technical solution to the problem that satisfies those goals within those constraints. The goals and constraints may be technical, social, or business related
A person who operates an engine (such as a locomotive)
To design, construct or manage something as an engineer
To alter or construct something by means of genetic engineering
A person who is qualified or professionally engaged in any branch of engineering
{n} one who directs engines or artillery
{n} artillery, the management of artillery
If you engineer an event or situation, you arrange for it to happen, in a clever or indirect way. Some people believe that his murder was engineered by Stalin
An engineer is a person who repairs mechanical or electrical devices. They send a service engineer to fix the disk drive
the operator of a railway locomotive
a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems
A person skilled in the principles and practice of any branch of engineering
Engineer (railroad train)
See under Engineering, n
A person who, given a problem and a specific set of goals and constraints, finds a technical solution to the problem that satisfies those goals within those constraints. The goals and constraints may be technical, social, or business related
{f} design, plan (i.e. machinery, roads, etc.)
A person who is trained in and uses technological and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems
(see also Engineering Tech)Engineering involves a wide spectrum of activities extending from the conception, design, development and formulation of new systems and products through the implementation, production, and operation of engineering systems A minimum of four years of study is required Mathematics and science are emphasized
a person who designs things
person skilled in a branch of engineering, i e mining or construction
To lay out or construct, as an engineer; to perform the work of an engineer on; as, to engineer a road
A professional firm and/or individual who is professionally engaged in an engineering discipline
{i} person who designs and plans (machinery, roads, etc.)
Someone who applies a knowledge of math and natural science to practical ends, such as the design, construction and operation of structures
hog head, eagle eye, speed gager, throttle puller, positive block, grunt Fireman: diamond pusher, tallow pot, ash can, soda jerker, fire boy, coal heaver, bell ringer New Fireman: student Conductor: Big O, the brains, the skipper, bake head Conductor's Uniform: harness Conductor's Punch: pair of pliers Hat Checks: ducats
Person who drives the train
To use contrivance and effort for; to guide the course of; to manage; as, to engineer a bill through Congress
An engineer is a person who is responsible for maintaining the engine of a ship while it is at sea
One who carries through an enterprise by skillful or artful contrivance; an efficient manager
One who manages as engine, particularly a steam engine; an engine driver
(n) A professional concerned with applying scientific knowledge to practical problems The discipline is divided into a number of specialties, such as civil, mechanical, chemical, electronic, aerospace, electrical, and industrial engineering
At some stations the engineer is the person who runs the control board and takes transmitter readings At others, the engineer is the technical wizard who repairs and maintains the stations transmitter, antenna, electronics, and other equipment
Barely clears Quonset hut Loses tug-of-war with pumpers Can fire a speeding bullet Swims well Is occasionally addressed by GOD
When a vehicle, bridge, or building is engineered, it is planned and constructed using scientific methods. Many of Kuwait's spacious freeways were engineered by W S Atkins. the car's better designed and engineered rivals
means a professional engineer registered by the State of Maryland through the Board of Registration of Professional Engineers
This identifies the entity who will provide technical design drawings and specifications for elements of the work, most typically in the Structural, Fire Protection, Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Electrical disciplines The Architect usually engages these entities
a person who designs structures such as buildings, bridges, dams and aqueducts
A person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems For ALMA an engineer's principle assignment will be to build and maintain the hardware
a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems the operator of a railway locomotive design as an engineer; "He engineered the water supply project
The crew member responsible for the physical operation of a freight or passenger train and for monitoring the locomotive's running condition
the role that is played when a person performs engineering tasks on an endeavor
means an employee who is qualified under any statute or regulation of the Commonwealth or of a State to be in charge of the machinery of a vessel
a person who runs or supervises an engine or an apparatus
An insurer's staff member who is charged with the responsibility of loss prevention and who assists in the securing of underwriting and rating information
plan and direct (a complex undertaking); "he masterminded the robbery"
design as an engineer; "He engineered the water supply project"
An engineer is a person who uses scientific knowledge to design, construct, and maintain engines and machines or structures such as roads, railways, and bridges. see also chemical engineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer, sound engineer
The term "engineer" or "ingenieur" or "inzenier" etc does not translate directly across European languages, even though the word may appear the same The connotation in English is of a mechanical device, whilst in other contries such as Germany, it connotes ingenuity
engineer corps
In the United States army, the Corps of Engineers, a corps of officers and enlisted men consisting of one band and three battalions of engineers commanded by a brigadier general, whose title is Chief of Engineers
engineer corps
In the United States navy, a corps made up of the engineers, which was amalgamated with the line by act of March 3, 1899
engineer corps
It has charge of the construction of fortifications for land and seacoast defense, the improvement of rivers and harbors, the construction of lighthouses, etc
engineer corps
It consisted of assistant and passed assistant engineers, ranking with ensigns and lieutenants, chief engineers, ranking from lieutenant to captain, and engineer in chief, ranking with commodore and having charge of the Bureau of Steam Engineering
engineer corps
and, in time of war, supervises the engineering operations of the armies in the field
engineer to order
(Ticaret) (ETO) A manufacturing response to demand in which engineering analysis and design occurs for all materials and production activities designated for a specific customer order. ETO may involve the use of a few common raw materials, but requires constructing new bills of materials and routings to complete intermediate items and the end time required
engineer's chain
a unit of length (100 ft)
chemical engineer
A person who practises chemical engineering

The Chemical Engineer (periodical title).

civil engineer
An engineer who is specificallly trained for and/or specialised in civil engineering
Simple past tense and past participle of engineer
the area aboard a ship where the engine is located
the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to use economically the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind
Present participle of engineer
genetic engineer
a scientist whose speciality is genetic engineering
geotechnical engineer
An engineer in the field of geotechnical engineering
graduate engineer
A person that holds an engineering degree from a technical university or equivalent. Usually used of people relatively junior in the profession
project engineer
An engineer who designs and coordinates engineering aspects of a building project
To modify the design of an existing system, organization, process or product in order to make it more effective, efficient or responsive
To derive or duplicate the design, technical specifications, manufacturing methods, or functionality of an object by studying an existing product, prototype, etc

In theory, there should be no need to reverse-engineer a patented invention to get information about how to make it because the patent specification should inform the relevant technical community of how to make the invention.

A person whose job is to reverse-engineer products

A reverse-engineer can in theory do a variety of things with the information she obtains.

software engineer
One who designs and implements software solutions
sound engineer
One who practices sound engineering

Your records will sound a lot better if you hire a good sound engineer.

drilling engineer
An engineer who develops, plans, costs and supervises the operations necessary for drilling oil and gas wells
Quality Engineer
A Quality Engineer is a professional who understands the principles of product and service quality evaluation and control
past of engineer
Includes chemical engineering and materials techniques, civil engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, surveying, industrial engineering, metallurgical engineering, mining engineering, mechanical engineering, agricultural and forestry engineering techniques, fishery engineering techniques
Hawthorne studies
Science, work, or profession of planning, building, or managing engines, machines, roads, bridges, canals, railroads, etc [Old French engin = skill, which stems from Latin ingenium = ability to invent, brilliance, genius]
Engineering comprises any kind of activity which aims at either solving a problem or completing a task related to the definition, design and specification of a product
a room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located
Engineering is the principled application of science, methods, tools, and experience to the production of designed objects
Modulation & Encoding WDM, DWDM TDM
chief engineer engineers, people
The art of doing something well with one dollar what any idiot can do with two (or was it the other way around?)
Originally, the art of managing engines; in its modern and extended sense, the art and science by which the mechanical properties of matter are made useful to man in structures and machines; the occupation and work of an engineer
The application of science to the design, creation, and function of machines, construction etc
– Programs designed to certify or transfer technical knowledge to any engineering professional in the State For employees requiring certification in these areas or needing them for their jobs
the work of an engineer
a room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems; "he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study
the practical application of science to commerce or industry
The process or organization responsible for the skillful design, construction, maintenance and enhancement of complex or sophisticated systems of hardware, software, processes, etc
Derived from the Latin ingenium, engineering means something like brilliant idea, flash of genius The word was created in the 16th century and originally described a profession that we would probably call an artistic inventor
1: At its most general,Engineering is the entire field of activity of professional engineers, engineering technologists and technicians 2: Engineering as a university degree, such as the B Sc(Eng), and as a professional activity is concerned intellectual and conceptual work using engineering knowledge and engineering competencies to conceive, create designing and implementing, components, systems, engineering works, products and processes and to solve problems of economic or social value The process is based on scientific knowledge, requires synthesis of knowledge, and takes into account wider issues 3: Engineering is also used to describe a way of working to create or improve an end product that is useful, reliable and viable (See technologyandtechnical )
Analysis and/or design work requiring licensing through formal education, experience and the use of mathematics and the applied sciences
The Institute for Systems Research
The use of scientific knowledge and trial-and-error to design systems (See Science )
Analysis or design work requiring extensive preparation and experience in the use of mathematics, chemistry, physics and the engineering sciences
A general term which refers to the systematic analysis and development of measurable physical data, using applied mathematical, scientific, and technical principles, to yield tangible end products which can be made, produced, and constructed
the application of science to the needs of humanity
There are a number of types of engineering (chemical, civil, mechanical, electrical) which apply to different areas of design and construction All engineering work is regulated by safety standards, and issues of patents and design protection may also arise
The art and science by which the mechanical properties of matter are made useful to man in structures and machines
{i} work of an engineer (including planning, design, etc.)
• CAST-ALUMINUM CYLINDER HEADS help maintain even engine temperatures and minimize weight
Engineering is the work involved in designing and constructing engines and machinery, or structures such as roads and bridges. Engineering is also the subject studied by people who want to do this work. graduates with degrees in engineering. see also chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, genetic engineering. the work involved in designing and building roads, bridges, machines etc civil engineering genetic engineering. Professional art of applying science to the optimum conversion of the resources of nature to the uses of humankind. Engineering is based principally on physics, chemistry, and mathematics and their extensions into materials science, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transfer and rate processes, and systems analysis. A great body of special knowledge is associated with engineering; preparation for professional practice involves extensive training in the application of that knowledge. Engineers employ two types of natural resources, materials and energy. Materials acquire uses that reflect their properties: their strength, ease of fabrication, lightness, or durability; their ability to insulate or conduct; and their chemical, electrical, or acoustical properties. Important sources of energy include fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, gas), wind, sunlight, falling water, and nuclear fission. See also aerospace engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering. genetic engineering, mechanical engineering, military engineering. computer aided software engineering human factors engineering human engineering aerospace engineering chemical engineering civil engineering electrical engineering engineering geology geological engineering genetic engineering industrial engineering mechanical engineering military engineering systems engineering
the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems; "he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study"
The profession of or work performed by an engineer Engineering involves the knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences (biological and physical) gained by study, experience, and practice that are applied with judgment and creativity to develop ways to utilize the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind
Engineers are individual figures representing sappers or pioneers capable of special construction and combat assignments, as well as other tasks, on the battlefield
plural of engineer
Engineers work alongside the Senior Engineers to handle coding responsibilities for developing a system They are typically from top academic programs, and have three years or less of work experience Under the guidance of the more seasoned technical staff, they develop into the next generation of Senior Engineers and Technical Leads
a person who is trained in or follows as a profession a branch of engineering
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف engineer في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.


Sailors spend weeks or months in the immense ocean. - Denizciler engin okyanusta haftalar ya da aylar harcarlar.

wide, vast, broad; the open sea, the high sea
open, wide, vast, boundless
the open sea
the high sea
(İnşaat) wast

Books are ships which pass through the vast sea of time. - Kitaplar zamanın engin denizini geçen gemilerdir.

(isim) Vast, boundless; high sea, open sea
the high sea, the open sea, offing