تعريف employment status في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
employee/contract worker, self-employed teleworker must get paid for teleworking efforts
Indicate the employee's employment status by giving one of the following codes: F for permanent full-time (including long term contract) P for permanent part-time (including short-term contract under 6 months) Note: For a part-time employee show the equivalent annualised salary, not the actual part-time salary, ie, provide a scaled full-time salary equivalent to what the employee would be paid at their part-time rate of pay
This item is categorized from a combination of questions from the alumni survey First, Students who responded that they were attending graduate school full-time were grouped as such Otherwise, if the student responded that they were employed they were broken down into "Preferred Field" or "Outside Preferred Field" Otherwise, if the student responded that they were not employed and not attending graduate school full-time, they were considered "not employed" and were further broken down into "Seeking Employment" and "Not Seeking Employment"
A term used by lenders to describe potential borrowers' working arrangements Self-employed applicants are sometimes seen as a greater risk than employees Many specialist lenders and mortgages have emerged in recent years designed specially for different types of employment status
The individual's employment position That can be either employed, self-employed or unemployed; full time or part time