
listen to the pronunciation of emission
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bu makine sağlam ve emisyonsuzdur. - This machine is robust and emission-free.

Dünya'nın karbondioksit emisyonlarının dörtte biri Amerika'dandır: Onun kişi başına düşen emisyonu dünyada en büyüktür. - 1/4 of the world's carbon dioxide emissions are from America: its per-capita emissions are also the greatest in the world.

{i} çıkarma
(Biyokimya) ışıma
dışarı verme

1990'dan beri metan salımları %11 oranında azalmıştır. - Since 1990, methane emissions have decreased by 11%.

{i} yayma
{i} yayınlama
(Nükleer Bilimler) yayılma,yayınlanma,yayma,yayınım, bir yüzeyden yayılan ışınım
tahvilât çıkarma nocturnal emission bel suyunun uykuda akması
(Tıp) l. Fışkırtma veya ileriye doğru sevketme, istemsiz olarak meni fışkırması
ihraç veya neşrolunan şey
atma/yayılan şey/yayma
egzoz gazı emisyonu
emission of radiation
(Fizik) radyasyon emisyonu
emission spectrum
(Fizik) yayınım spektrumu
emission code
yayım kodu
emission current
emisyon akımı
emission efficiency
emisyon verimi, yayım verimi
emission line
emisyon çizgisi, salim çizgisi
emission spectroscopy
emisyon spektroskopisi
emission spectrum
emisyon spektrumu, salim izgesi
emission band
(Nükleer Bilimler) yayınım bandı
emission band
yayım bantı
emission control
(Askeri) YAYIN KONTROLÜ (A. B. D. SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): Elektromanyetik, akustik, ve diğer yayım cihazların aşağıdaki amaçlarla seçici ve kontrollü şekilde kullanılması. a. Harekat güvenliği için düşman alıcılarının tespit etme ihtimalini asgariye indirmeye çalışırken, komuta ve kontrol imkan ve kabiliyetlerini en iyi şekilde kullanmak. b. Dost sistemler arasındaki karşılıklı müdahaleyi asgariye indirmek. c. Bir askeri yanıltma planı uygulamak. Aynı zamanda EMCON da denir. Ayrıca bakınız: "electronic warfare"
emission control
(Askeri) yayım kontrolü
emission control
(Askeri) (NATO) EMİSYON KONTROLÜ: Yayımlanan elektromanyetik ve/veya akustik enerjinin kontrolü. Amaç iki yönlü olabilir; düşmanın yayınları tespit etmesini asgariye indirmek ve bu yolla elde edilen bilginin kullanımı veya dost kuvvetlerin alıcılarının performansını artırmak
emission control orders
(Askeri) yayım kontrol emirleri
emission control orders
(Askeri) YAYIM KONTROL EMİRLERİ: Elektronik yayın cihazlarının kullanılmasına yetki veren, bunları kontrol eden veya yasaklayan emirler. Ayrıca bakınız: " control of electromagnetic radiation"
emission control policy
(Askeri) yayım kontrol politikası
emission control policy
(Askeri) YAYIM KONTROL POLİTİKASI: Hangi elektromanyetik ve akustik yayıma izin verildiğini belirten kontrol politikası
emission control system
emisyon kontrol sistemi
emission control system
(Otomotiv) yakıt kontrol sistemi
emission efficiency
yayım verimi
emission efficiency
(Elektrik, Elektronik) yayma verimi
emission efficiency
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) emisyon verimi
emission factor
(Jeoloji) emisyon factorü
emission from aeroplane
(Havacılık) uçaktan kaynaklanan emisyon
emission index
(Havacılık) emisyon indeksi
emission indicator
(Fotoğrafçılık) yayım göstergesi
emission line
(Astronomi) emisyon çizgisi
emission line
(Astronomi) salım çizgisi
emission mode
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) yayım modu
emission of radiation
(Nükleer Bilimler) ışınım yayılması
emission range
(Otomotiv) emisyon aralığı
emission rate
(Nükleer Bilimler) yayınım hızı
emission rate
dışarı verme oranı
emission reduction units
emisyon indirim birimi
emission security
elektromanyetik sizma guvenligi
emission spectroscopy
(Kimya) salım izge bilgisi
dust emission
toz emisyonu
dust emission
positron emission tomography
(Tıp) pozitron emisyon tomografisi
specific emission
özgül salım
stimulated emission
(Fizik) eşdeğer salınım
back emission
geri emisyon
cathode emission
katot emisyonu
cold emission
soğuk emisyon
electron emission
elektron yayımı
electron emission
çınca emisyonu
electron emission
çınca yayımı
nocturnal emission
bel suyunun uykuda akması
nuclear emission
nükleer emisyon
photoelectric emission
ışılçıngı salım
photoelectric emission
fotoelektrik emisyon
positron emission tomography
positron emission tomography scanner
tomografi makinesi
acoustic emission
akustik emisyon
associated emission
bağlantılı salim, ortak salim
carbon emission
karbon salınımı
electronic emission
elektronik emisyon
gas emission
gaz salınımı
greenhouse gas emission
sera gazı emisyon
grid emission
ızgara emisyonu
light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
Lazer (İngilizce LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) fotonları uyumlu bir huzme şeklinde oluşturan optik kaynak
nuclear emission
nükleer emisyon, nükleer salim
particle emission
partikül emisyonu
secondary emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik) İkincil salim: Daha yüksek enerjili elektronlar tarafından uyarılan elektron yüklü bir yüzeyin (katod) elektron salımı
thermionic emission
termiyonik emisyon, termiyonik salim
acoustic emission
ses yayılımı
amplitude modulated emission
genlik modülasyonlu yayın
associated emission
ortak emisyon
associated emission
ortak salım
assoclated corpuscular emission
(Nükleer Bilimler) bağımlı hücresel yayılım
cosine emission law
(Fizik) kosinüs kanunu
cosine emission law
(Fizik) eşdikmelik yasası
electromagnetic emission
(Askeri) Elektromanyetik yayınlar
{s} yayan
{s} yayınlayan
field emission
(elektrik) alan salimi
filament emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) filaman emisyonu
flame emission method
alev emisyon yöntemi
fugitive dust emission
kaçak toz emisyonu
fugitive emission
(Çevre) kaçak emisyon
fume emission
duman yayımı
gas emission
(Nükleer Bilimler) gaz yayılması(çıkması)
greenhouse gas emission
sera gazı emisyonu
hazardous emission
tehlikeli yayım
inductively-coupled plasma emission spectrometry
indüktif-eşli plazma emisyon spektrometresi
infrared light emission
kızılötesi ışık emisyonu
limitation of noise emission
(Avrupa Birliği) gürültü sınırlandırılması
newton's emission law
(Fizik) newton emisyon kanunu
newton's emission law
(Fizik) newton salım yasası
nocturnal emission
tıb. uyurken belsuyunun boşalması, düş azması
orders emission control orders
(Askeri) yayım kontrol emirleri
photoelectric emission
isilelektriksel salim
photoelectronic emission
fotoelektronik salim
positron emission tomography
(Nükleer Bilimler) pozitron yayınım tomografisi
primary emission
birincil salim
secondary emission
ikincil salım
secondary emission
ikincil yayılma
secondary emission
ikincil yayım
secondary emission
ikincil salim
secondary emission
sekonder emisyon
specific emission
(Nükleer Bilimler) özgül yayınım
spurious emission
(Askeri) saçıntı yayını
spurious emission detection acquisition system
(Askeri) dağılma emisyonu tespiti yakalama sstemi
thermionic emission
termonik yayılımı
thermionic emission
(Nükleer Bilimler) ısıl yayınma
thermionic emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) termiyonik salım
thermionic emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) termiyonik emisyon
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The act of sending or throwing out; the act of sending forth or putting into circulation; issue; as, the emission of light from the sun; the emission of heat from a fire; the issuing of bank notes
That which is sent out, issued, or put in circulation at one time; issue; as, the emission was mostly blood. Emission theory (Physics), the theory of Newton, regarding light as consisting of emitted particles or corpuscles. See Corpuscular theory, under Corpuscular
Something that is emitted, especially the exhaust from a car
{n} a throwing out, a vent, a shooting
discharge of a pollutant from some source into the environment
pollutant discharged by a single, nearby source
a release into the outdoor atmosphere of air contaminants such as smoke
The release or discharge of a substance into the environment; generally refers to the release of gases or particulates into the air
substances discharged into the air
The gaseous by-product that is discharged from a material or product Also called "off-gassing "
the release of electrons from parent atoms
any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body; "the discharge of pus"
release of pollutants into the air from a source We say sources emit pollutants Continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) are machines which some large sources are required to install, to make continuous measurements of pollutant release
Discharges into the atmosphere from such sources as smokestacks, residential chimneys, motor vehicles, locomotives, and aircraft
The release of a photon from an atom when an electron in the atoms jumps from a higher to a lower energy level
Pollution discharged into the atmosphere from smokestacks, other vents and surface areas of commercial or industrial facilities; from residential chimneys; and from motor vehicle, locomotive or aircraft exhausts
the occurrence of a flow of water (as from a pipe)
One or more substances released to the water, air or soil in the natural environment See also environmental release, pollution and environmental intervention
With respect to EMR, the process by which a body emits EMR usually as a consequence of its temperature only
The release or discharge of a substance into the environment; generally refers to the release of waste products (Solids, liquids, or gases) into the air, water, or soil
Release of pollutants into the air from a source We say sources emit pollutants Continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) are machines, which some large sources are required to install, to make continuous measurements of pollutant release
the act of emitting; causing to flow forth
Release of pollutants into the air from a source Pollution discharged into the atmosphere from smokestacks, other vents, and surface areas of commercial or industrial facilities; from residential chimneys; and from motor vehicle, locomotive, or aircraft exhausts
An emission of something such as gas or radiation is the release of it into the atmosphere. The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their present level Sulfur emissions from steel mills become acid rain
the act of emitting; causing to flow forth the occurrence of a flow of water (as from a pipe) the release of electrons from parent atoms
Waste released or emitted to the environment The term is commonly used in referring to discharges of gases and particles to the atmosphere, i e , air pollutants, and also is used in referring to particles or energy released radioactively Sometimes the term is used broadly, encompassing any pollutant discharge
(n ) The propagation of a signal through electromagnetic radiation Also called broadcast
That which is sent out, issued, or put in circulation at one time; issue; as, the emission was mostly blood
The act of sending or throwing out; the act of sending forth or putting into circulation; issue; as, the emission of light from the sun; the emission of heat from a fire; the emission of bank notes
The act of releasing into the atmosphere an air contaminant or a gas stream which contains or may contain an air contaminant, or the material released into the atmosphere
a release of a toxic or hazardous substance to the environment or a transfer of a toxic or hazardous substance in waste to an off-site location
Pollution discharged into the atmosphere from smokestacks, other vents, and surface areas of commercial or industrial facilities; from residential chimneys; and from motor vehicle, locomotive, or air- craft exhausts
{i} discharge, emanation; ejection of fluids from the body
In wireless microphones, the radiation of an RF signal, whether intentional or not
the process by which a body radiates electromagnetic energy
A release of particulate matter or contaminants into the atmosphere, for example smoke
is the release of a substance (usually a gas when referring to the subject of climate change) into the atmosphere
a substance that is emitted or released
emission line
A spectral line resulting from the emission of electromagnetic radiation from an atom or other species as it decays from an excited state to one of lower energy
emission lines
plural form of emission line
emission inventory
A listing, by source, of the amount of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere of a community; used to establish emission standards
emission inventory
An estimate of the amount of pollutants emitted from mobile and stationary sources into the atmosphere over a specific period such as a day or a year
emission inventory
A data bank of air pollution statistics, identifying the type, size, and location of various pollution sources Categories include point, mobile, and area sources
emission inventory
a listing by source of the amounts of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere
emission inventory
{i} system of recording and analyzing the amount of air pollutants emitted into the atmosphere
emission nebula
A nebula that absorbs ultraviolet radiation from stars and reemits it as visible light
emission spectrum
spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a self-luminous source
emission spectrum
The spectrum of bright lines, bands, or continuous radiation characteristic of and determined by a specific emitting substance subjected to a specific kind of excitation

Aristotle, Alhazen, Vitello, and others hold, that sight is made by reception, and not by extramission; by receiving the rays of the object into the eye, and not be sending any out.

acoustic emission
A phenomenon wherein external stimuli such as mechanical loading generate physical vibrations
acoustic emission
A physical vibration caused by sudden movement within a material subjected to physical stress, often symptomatic of a defect
crankcase emission control system
Engine subsystem
field emission
the emission of electrons from a metal or semiconductor, under the influence of a strong electric field, by quantum tunneling
field emission display
a flat panel display technology that uses large-area field electron sources to provide electrons that strike coloured phosphors to produce a colour image. In a general sense, an FED consists of a matrix of cathode ray tubes, each tube producing a single sub-pixel, grouped in threes to form red-green-blue (RGB) pixels
field emission microscope
the instrument used in field emission microscopy
field emission microscopes
plural form of field emission microscope
field emission microscopy
a technique that uses field emission of electrons or positive ions from the needle-shaped tip of an emitter to produce a magnified image of the emitter surface (showing each atom) on a fluorescent screen
night emission
an ejaculation or orgasm while asleep, often accompanied by an erotic dream
nocturnal emission
An ejaculation or orgasm while asleep, often accompanied by an erotic dream
positron emission tomography
A medical imaging technique which detects the gamma rays produced by positrons emitted from injected radionuclides
secondary emission
The emission of electrons from the surface of a solid when bombarded with electrons or other charged particles
stimulated emission depletion microscope
A scanning laser microscope that uses a short excitation pulse followed by a depletion pulse tuned to an emission line of a fluorescent dye
stimulated emission depletion microscopy
Microscopy using a stimulated emission depletion microscope
zero-emission vehicle
A vehicle that produces only carbon dioxide and water as its emissions and so does not pollute the air
electron field emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Field electron emission (FE) (also known as field emission and - in some contexts - electron field emission) is a phenomenon involving the electric field induced emission of electrons from the surface of a condensed material (either solid or liquid), into vacuum or into another material. This second material may be a gas, a liquid, or a non-metallic solid with low electrical conductivity. FE occurs at surface locations where the local surface electric field is particularly high. To generate significant amounts of emission, fields of 1 volt per nanometre (1 V/nm, or 1 000 000 000 volts per metre) or more are required. The exact field needed depends both on the nature of the materials involved and on the amount of electron current being generated. No external stimulation (in particular, no heating) is needed
field electron emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Field electron emission (FE) (also known as field emission and - in some contexts - electron field emission) is a phenomenon involving the electric field induced emission of electrons from the surface of a condensed material (either solid or liquid), into vacuum or into another material. This second material may be a gas, a liquid, or a non-metallic solid with low electrical conductivity. FE occurs at surface locations where the local surface electric field is particularly high. To generate significant amounts of emission, fields of 1 volt per nanometre (1 V/nm, or 1 000 000 000 volts per metre) or more are required. The exact field needed depends both on the nature of the materials involved and on the amount of electron current being generated. No external stimulation (in particular, no heating) is needed
field emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Field electron emission (FE) (also known as field emission and - in some contexts - electron field emission) is a phenomenon involving the electric field induced emission of electrons from the surface of a condensed material (either solid or liquid), into vacuum or into another material. This second material may be a gas, a liquid, or a non-metallic solid with low electrical conductivity. FE occurs at surface locations where the local surface electric field is particularly high. To generate significant amounts of emission, fields of 1 volt per nanometre (1 V/nm, or 1 000 000 000 volts per metre) or more are required. The exact field needed depends both on the nature of the materials involved and on the amount of electron current being generated. No external stimulation (in particular, no heating) is needed
schottky field emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Field electron emission (FE) (also known as field emission and - in some contexts - electron field emission) is a phenomenon involving the electric field induced emission of electrons from the surface of a condensed material (either solid or liquid), into vacuum or into another material. This second material may be a gas, a liquid, or a non-metallic solid with low electrical conductivity. FE occurs at surface locations where the local surface electric field is particularly high. To generate significant amounts of emission, fields of 1 volt per nanometre (1 V/nm, or 1 000 000 000 volts per metre) or more are required. The exact field needed depends both on the nature of the materials involved and on the amount of electron current being generated. No external stimulation (in particular, no heating) is needed
Positron Emission Tomography
technique for creating detailed images of bodily tissues by injecting positron-laden material into the body and recording the gamma rays emitted over a period of about two hours (Medicine)
electron emission
flowing out of electrons
Anything that is discharged into the soil, air or water
The release of GHGs and/or their precursors (pollutants) into the atmosphere over a specified area and period of time Emissions can also be released into waterways (streams, oceans, etc )
the three major pollutant emissions for which gasoline-powered vehicles are controlled are: unburned hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) Diesel-powered vehicles primarily emit NOx and particulates Motor vehicles contribute only a small percentage of total man-made emissions of other atmospheric pollutants, such as sulfur oxides Evaporative HC emissions from the fuel tank and carburetor are absorbed by activated carbon contained in a canister installed on the vehicle Blow-by HC emissions from the crankcase are controlled by positive crankcase ventilation (PC) Exhaust emissions of HC, CO, and NOx--the products of incomplete combustion--are controlled primarily by a catalytic converter, in conjunction with exhaust gas recirculation and increasingly sophisticated technology for improving combustion efficiency, including electronic emission controls hydrocarbons emissions
are pollutants released into the air or waterways from industrial processes, households or transportation vehicles Air emissions pertain to atmospheric air pollution; water emissions refer to pollutants released into waterways
Emissions are the byproducts of combustion After combustion is complete, water, gases, and carbon are released through the car's exhaust system as emissions
Pollution discharged into the atmosphere from a source such as smokestacks, vents, and other areas of commercial or industrial facilities; from residential activities; and from motor vehicle, locomotive, and aircraft exhaust
plural of emission
are pollutants given off into the atmosphere through, for example, chimneys, thereby causing air pollution In its broader sense the term emissions refers to all solids, liquids, gases, noise, heat, light and radioactive radiation given off into the atmosphere (see Federal Immissions Act)
Release of pollutants into the air from a source
Materials released to land, air or surface/groundwater
For this report, releases of pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
Any harmful gasses, particulates, or other byproducts produced by the burning of fossil fuels, especially those that are regulated by the federal government, including carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and sulfur oxides
by products of combustion vented out of the home
Substances released into the air, usually by human activities such as burning fossil fuels
gases released into the atmosphere
Anthropogenic (human-caused) releases of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere (e g , the release of carbon dioxide during fuel combustion)
Pollutants released into the air or waterways from industrial processes, households or transportation vehicles
Gases and other pollutants coming from a vehicle with an internal combustion engine See emission
Flows of gases, liquid droplets or solid particles into the atmosphere Gross emissions from a specific source are the total quantity released Net emissions are gross emissions minus the flows back to the original source The distinction is important where plants are concerned, since they both pull carbon from the atmosphere and store it as biomass when they grow; and release it when they burn or decompose
byproducts of combustion vented out of the home
Unburned gases and smoke left after combustion
Releases of liquid or gaseous substances In the case of a power station, emissions are releases of gaseous combustion products into the atmosphere
The release of a substance (usually a gas when referring to the subject of climate change) into the atmosphere
Waste substances released into the air or water
Pollutants released to land, air, or surface/groundwater
Of, pertaining to, or having the capacity to emit radiation or matter; emitting
Sending out; emitting; as, emissive powers
{s} serving to emit, serving to discharge; of emission
field emission
the emission of electrons that are stripped from parent atoms by a high electric field
field emission
The emission of electrons from the surface of a conductor, caused by a strong electric field
field-emission microscope
electron microscope used to observe the surface structure of a solid
nocturnal emission
wet dream", instance in which a man involuntarily ejaculates semen during sleep
nocturnal emission
An involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep
nocturnal emission
ejaculation during sleep (usually during a dream)
photo emission
emission of light
photoelectric emission
the release or absorption of quanta above a certain energy level
positron emission tomography
Tomography in which a computer-generated image of a biological activity within the body is produced through the detection of gamma rays that are emitted when introduced radionuclides decay and release positrons. Imaging technique used in diagnosis and biomedical research. A chemical compound labeled with a radioactive isotope (see radioactivity) that emits positrons is injected into the body, and detectors measure their activity in the tissues as they combine with electrons and are annihilated. Computers analyze, integrate, and reconstruct the data to produce images of the organs scanned. PET is particularly useful for studying brain and heart functions
positron emission tomography
using a computerized radiographic technique to examine the metabolic activity in various tissues (especially in the brain)
positron emission tomography scanner
a tomograph that produces cross-sectional X-rays of metabolic processes in the body
secondary emission
Emission of electrons from the surface of a substance as a result of bombardment by electrons or ions
secondary emission
the emission of electrons from a surface that is bombarded by higher energy primary electrons
thermionic emission
the emission of electrons from very hot substances
A zero-emission vehicle does not produce any dangerous gases. zero-emission electric cars
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف emission في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

zero emission vehicle
(Otomotiv) zev