
listen to the pronunciation of elements
الإنجليزية - التركية
ilk adımlar
temel ilkeler
i., çoğ
the doğa güçleri

Bir büyük girişimin ana elemanı kendine güvendir. - Self-confidence is the principal element of any great endeavor.

Bizim tarafımızda sürpriz elemanımız olacak. - We'll have the element of surprise on our side.


Hayalet varlığı ölümden sonra yaşamın olduğunu kanıtlamaz. Başka bir boyutun unsurları olabilir. - Ghost existence does not prove that there's life after death. They can be elements of another dimension.

Çamurda yuvarlanmak domuzlarda iyi bir yaşamın için önemli bir unsurudur. - Wallowing is an important element of a good life in pigs.

elements of a crime
(Kanun) bir suçun unsurları
elements of a crime
(Kanun) suç unsurları
elements of an offence
(Kanun) suç unsurları
elements of national power
(Askeri) ulusal güç unsurları
elements of national power
(Askeri) ULUSAL GÜÇ UNSURLARI: Milli hedeflerin elde edilmesinde kullanılabilecek bütün güçlerdir
elements of resupply
(Askeri) YENİDEN İKMAL UNSURLARI, BÜTÜNLEME İKMALİ UNSURLARI: Bak. "early resupply", "improvised (early) resupply", "initial (early) resupply", "planned resupply" ve "resupply of Europe"
elements of resupply
(Askeri) yeniden ikmal unsurları
elements of resupply
(Askeri) bütünleme ikmali unsurları
{i} kim. element, öğe
doğa şartları
chemical elements
(Kimya) kimyasal elementler
construction elements
yapı elemanları

Aristoteles dünyadaki her şeyin dört elementten yapılmış olduğuna inanıyordu: toprak, hava, ateş ve su. - Aristotle believed that everything on Earth was made from four elements: earth, air, fire and water.

Bizim bedenimiz dört elementten oluşur: toprak, ateş, su ve hava. - Our body was formed out of four elements: earth, fire, water, and air.

(Ticaret) bölüm

Bizim bedenimiz dört elementten oluşur: toprak, ateş, su ve hava. - Our body was formed out of four elements: earth, fire, water, and air.

Aristoteles dünyadaki her şeyin dört elementten yapılmış olduğuna inanıyordu: toprak, hava, ateş ve su. - Aristotle believed that everything on Earth was made from four elements: earth, air, fire and water.

expense elements
masraf öğeleri
other elements
(Bilgisayar) diğer öğeler
trace elements
(Denizbilim) iz ögeler
küçük bir miktar

Dört temel öge toprak, hava ateş ve sudur. - The four basic elements are Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

bütünün gerekli parçası

Sıkı çalışma başarının önemli bir faktörüdür. - Hard work is an essential element of success.

rare earth elements
nadir toprak elementleri
the four elements
dört temel öğe
brave the elements
(deyim) Kötü havada dışarıya çıkmak
combined with extraneous elements
yabancı elemanları ile birlikte
consisting of different elements
farklı unsurların oluşan
content elements
humane elements
beşeri unsurlar
orbital elements
yörünge ögeleri
periodic system of elements
elementlerin periyodik sistemi
rare earth elements
nadir toprak elementleri, seyrek toprak ögeleri
the elements
(Mizahi) hava, genellikle kötü hava: We decided to brave the elements and go for a walk (= go for a walk despite the bad weather)
trace elements
iz elementler
Intelligence Data Elements Authorized Standards
(Askeri) İstihbarat Veri Unsurları Onaylanmış Standartları
alloy elements
alaşım elementleri
brave the elements
kötü havada dışarıda bulunmak
combat service support elements
(Askeri) MUHAREBE HİZMET DESTEK UNSURLARI: Bir harekat alanı komutanlık veya muharebe harekatı için kurulmuş özel görev kuvvetinin bir kısmını teşkil eden veya bir kısmı haline gelmeye hazırlanan ve başlıca görevleri muharebe kuvvetlerine idari destek sağlamak olan unsurlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "operating forces", "service troops", "troops"
combat support elements
(Askeri) MUHAREBE DESTEK UNSURLARI: Önde gelen görevi muharebe kuvvetlerine muharebe desteği sağlamak olan ve muharebe harekatları için kurulmuş harekat alanı, komutanlık veya özel görev kuvvetinin bir kısmını teşkil eden veya bir kısmı haline gelmeye hazırlanan unsurlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "operating forces"
controlling elements
(Tekstil) ayar elemanı
cosmic abundance of elements
(Jeoloji) elementlerin kozmik bolluğu
criminal elements
suç öğeleri
crustal abundance of elements
elementlerin kabuksal bolluğu
crystal elements
kristal elemanları
(Askeri) KISIM: Bir hava indirme birliği veya havadan indirilmiş birliğin, muharebe sahasına giriş şekline göre ifade edilen parçası. Paraşüt kısmı (parachute element), uçak kısmı "aircraft element", deniz çıkarma kısmı (seaborne element) ve karada harekat yapan kısım (over land element) gibi
{i} öğe

Zamanın kendisi bir öğedir. - Time itself is an element.

{i} element
(İnşaat) (filter) filtre elemanı
{i} bir parça

İran körfezi, İran halkındaki tarihsel kimliğin bir parçasıdır. - Persian Gulf is an element of historical identity of Iranian People.

{i} ana unsur

Zor iş başarının ana unsurudur. - Hard work is the main element of success.

Motivasyon ana unsurdur. - Motivation is a key element.

{i} atmosferik güçler
{i} öğe, unsur, eleman, parça
(Tekstil) 1. element 2. öğe, unsur
açık hava
temel esaslar
kötü hava şartları
dört ana unsurdan her biri
be in his element k
dili havasını bulmak
{i} esas
empty elements
(Bilgisayar) boş elemanlar
equivalent elements
(Matematik) denk öğeler
essential elements of friendly information
(Askeri) dost birlik esas bilgi unsurları
essential elements of friendly information
(Askeri) MÜTTEFİKLER ARASINDAKİ ESAS BİLGİ UNSURLARI: Karşı taraftaki planlamacılar ve karar vericilerin zor durumlarda sormaları muhtemel olan, müttefik niyetleri ve askeri imkan ve kabiliyetler hakkındaki kilit soruları. Aynı zamanda EEFI' de denir
essential elements of information
(Askeri) ESAS BİLGİ UNSURLARI: Düşman ve düşman harekatını etkileyen koşullarda ilgili ve komutanın, belirli bir zamanda muhtaç olduğu kritik bilgiler. Komutanın; bu bilgilerle mevcut diğer bilgi ve istihbarat arasında bir ilişki kurması, mantıklı bir karara varmasında yardımcı olur. Ayrıca bakınız: "intelligence requirement"
fertilizer elements
(Tarım) gübre elementleri
genesis of the elements
(Kimya) elementlerin yaratılışı
heavy rare earth elements
ağır nadir toprak elementler
hydromagmatophile elements
hidromagmatofil elementler
meteoric abundance of elements
elementlerin meteorik bolluğu
national elements of information
(Askeri) MİLLİ İSTİHBARAT BİLGİ UNSURLARI: ABD'nin milli güvenliği ile ilgili istihbarat görevinin en müessir bir şekilde yapılmasını temin bakımından, Federal hükümetçe lüzumlu görülen bilgiler
rare earth elements
(Jeoloji) seyrek toprak öğeleri
rare earth elements
nadir toprak elementleri (nte)
rare territorial elements
(Tıp) toprak alkali elementler
representative elements
(Kimya) temsilci elementler
ruling elements
(Askeri) yönetici unsurlar
secondary elements
yardımcı elemanlar
solar abundance of elements
elementlerin güneş bolluğu
trace of forward elements
(Askeri) İlerdeki unsurların bulunduğu hat
transuranic elements
(Nükleer Bilimler) uranyum ötesi elementler
التركية - التركية

تعريف elements في التركية التركية القاموس.

Kimyasal çözümlemeyle ayrıştırılmayan veya bireşim yoluyla elde edilemeyen madde
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The bread and wine of the eucharist
plural form of element
Outdoor weather, such as wind or rain
The basic tenets of an area of knowledge
The plural of element
violent or severe weather (viewed as caused by the action of the four elements); "they felt the full fury of the elements
alloying elements
plural form of alloying element
chemical elements
plural form of chemical element
diagonal elements
plural form of diagonal element
A group of people within a larger group having a particular common characteristic

You sometimes find the hooligan element at football matches.

One of the conceptual objects in a markup language, usually represented in text by a matching pair of tags
One of the objects in a set
One of the four basic building blocks of matter in theories of ancient philosophers and alchemists: water, earth, fire, and air
Atmospheric forces such as strong winds and rains
One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution or fundamental powers of anything are based
A short form of heating element, a component in electrical equipment, often in the form of a coil, having a high resistance, thereby generating heat when a current is passed through it

The element in this electric kettle can heat the water in under a minute.

main group elements
plural form of main group element
rare earth elements
plural form of rare earth element
transition elements
plural form of transition element
a component or essential part
{v} to compound of elements
{n} a simple body, or body which human art cannot divide, as caloric, oxygene, pure metal, sulphur, clay. In popular language, fire, air, earth and water are called elements, a constituent or first principle
the elements
(MAINLY HUMOROUS) the weather, usually bad weather:

We decided to brave the elements and go for a walk (= go for a walk despite the bad weather).

Euclid's elements
principles for geometric theorems developed by Euclid (mathematician of ancient Greece)
The elements define the hierarchical structure of a document The majority of elements have opening and closing pointers Within these pointers, pieces of text or even the whole document being written can be found There are empty elements which contains only opening pointers without any content
Simple substance which cannot be resolved into simpler substances by normal chemical means Because of the existence of isotopes of elements, an element cannot be regarded as a substance which has identical atoms, but as one which has the same atomic number WebElements™ Periodic table
A particular element of a situation, activity, or process is an important quality or feature that it has or needs. Fitness has now become an important element in our lives. = factor
a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone
A substance which cannot be decomposed into different kinds of matter by any means at present employed; as, the elements of water are oxygen and hydrogen
A unit of structure in an HTML document; many elements have start and stop tags; some have just a single tag; some elements can contain other elements
the most favorable environment for a plant or animal; "water is the element of fishes"
The elements define the hierarchical structure of a document The majority of elements have opening and closing pointers Among these pointers, pieces of text or even the whole document being written can be found There are empty elements which contains only opening pointers without any content
An element is a piece of data within a document that may contain either text or other subelements such as a paragraph, a chapter, and so on
A place or state of being that an individual or object is better suited towards
one of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe; "the alchemists believed that there were four elements
Any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction or by any chemical means and made up of atoms all having the same number of protons
A component of the hierarchical structure defined by a document type declaration or DTD It is identified in a document instance by descriptive markup, usually a start-tag and end-tag, shown as: <element_type_name attribute=value attribute=value> content of the element </element_type_name>
An element is a document structuring unit declared in the DTD The element's content model is defined in the DTD, and additional semantics may be defined in the prose description of the element
An element one of the basic chemical ' building blocks' for example oxygen or hydrogen Each element has characteristics which identify it as such For more information on elements and their properties visit the Sheffield University Chemistry department page
An element is a unit of a document marked up in XML, SGML, or HTML Elements can be considered as boxes, each of which contains text and/or other boxes Elements can be identified by the tags that encapsulate them Tags surrounding an element will be labelled with the element name Sometimes attributes are given to element to provide more information about them
If something has an element of a particular quality or emotion, it has a certain amount of this quality or emotion. These reports clearly contain elements of propaganda
The element in an electric fire or water heater is the metal part which changes the electric current into heat
A basic substance consisting of a "family" of naturally occurring isotopes For example, hydrogen, lead, and oxygen are elements All atoms of an element contain a definite number of protons and thus have the same atomic number
An element is a component of a document Each use of the element in the document is noted by the use of the elements tag For example, <p> might mark the beginning of a paragraph element
To compound of elements or first principles
a substance that cannot be decomposed by chemical means into simpler substances All atoms of an element have the same number of protons in the nucleus
the most favorable environment for a plant or animal; "water is the element of fishes" a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone the situation in which you are happiest and most effective; "in your element" one of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe; "the alchemists believed that there were four elements
The basic building block of an HTML document When an element consists of a start tag, an end tag, and text or some other content it can also be referred to as a "container" An "empty element", such as that commanding a line break, has only one tag and no content
a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone the situation in which you are happiest and most effective; "in your element"
n 1 (of a list) an object that is the car of one of the conses that comprise the list 2 (of an array) an object that is stored in the array 3 (of a sequence) an object that is an element of the list or array that is the sequence 4 (of a type) an object that is a member of the set of objects designated by the type 5 (of an input stream) a character or number (as appropriate to the element type of the stream) that is among the ordered series of objects that can be read from the stream (using read-char or read-byte, as appropriate to the stream) 6 (of an output stream) a character or number (as appropriate to the element type of the stream) that is among the ordered series of objects that has been or will be written to the stream (using write-char or write-byte, as appropriate to the stream) 7 (of a class) a generalized instance of the class
An element, often referred to as tag, is what HTML is constructed with It has a name, perhaps one or more attributes and can be a container or empty
any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter
One of the ultimate, undecomposable constituents of any kind of matter
an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system; "spare components for cars"; "a component or constituent element of a system"
To constitute; to make up with elements
the situation in which you are happiest and most effective; "in your element"
Something small
A fundamental substance which can occur in nature, composed of atoms having identical numbers of protons The lightest element is hydrogen, with a single proton in its nucleus which characterizes all isotopes of hydrogen Deuterium and tritium are isotopes of hydrogen
Any of over a hundred fundamental materials containing only one kind of atom Some common elements are oxygen, gold, hydrogen, and silicon All other materials are made of compounds or mixtures of elements Water, for example, is made of two hydrogen atoms attached to one oxygen atom
The different elements of something are the different parts it contains. The exchange of prisoners of war was one of the key elements of the UN's peace plan. = constituent, component
The basic unit of an HTML document HTML documents use start and stop tags to define structural elements in the document These elements are arranged hierarchically, to define the overall document structure The name of the element is given by the tag, and indicates the meaning associated with the block Some elements are empty, since they don't affect a block of text Elements that have content are also often called containers
Each document contains one or more elements, the boundaries of which are either delimited by start-tags and end-tags, or, for empty elements by an empty-element tag Each element has a type, identified by name, and may have a set of attributes Each attribute has a name and a value See Logical Structures in XML [XML]
An element is a substance which cannot be broken down into simpler components by chemical means There are 92 naturally occurring elements in the universe, familiar examples of which include copper, iron, carbon, lead, uranium etc Elements may be gases, solids or liquids
A required aspect or component of a cause of action. A deed is regarded a violation of law only if each element can be proved
XML structural construct An XML element consists of a start tag, an end tag, and the information between the tags, which is often referred to as the contents Each element has a type, identified by name, sometimes called its "generic identifier" (GI), and may have a set of attribute specifications Each attribute specification has a name and a value An instance of an element is declared using <element> tags Elements used in an XML file are described by a DTD or schema, either of which can provide a description of the structure of the data
If you say that someone is in their element, you mean that they are in a situation they enjoy. My stepmother was in her element, organizing everything. picture element element chemical native element transition element transuranium element
A molecule composed of one type of atom Chemists have recognized or created 112 different types of elements See the following WWW link for the chemical description of these different elements Two or more different elements form a compound
Elements define the hierarchical structure of a document Most elements have start and end tags and contain some part of the document content Empty elements have only a start tag and have no content
Substance entirely composed of atoms of the same atomic number that cannot be further broken down into a chemical reaction Currently there are 112 known elements, of which 92 occur naturally and 20 are artificial Each element has a specific number of protons in its nucleus, referred to as the atomic number Z Here are a few examples: hydrogen (Z = 1), carbon (Z = 6), gold (Z = 79), lead (Z = 82) and uranium (Z = 92)
When you talk about elements within a society or organization, you are referring to groups of people who have similar aims, beliefs, or habits. criminal elements within the security forces. the hooligan element
Specifically: Chem
An element is a substance such as gold, oxygen, or carbon that consists of only one type of atom. compound
You can refer to the weather, especially wind and rain, as the elements. The area where most refugees are waiting is exposed to the elements
an abstract part of something; "jealousy was a component of his character"; "two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony"; "the grammatical elements of a sentence"; "a key factor in her success"; "humor: an effective ingredient of a speech"
A material consisting of atoms, all with the same atomic number Approximately 90 different elements are known to exist in nature and several others have been created in nuclear reactions For more information about the elements, see the Periodic Table of the Elements
{i} main component, something which is a part of a complex whole; substance which cannot be simplified or separated (Chemistry)
essential elements
A chemical element required by green plants for normal growth, such as the primary essential elements: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium; secondary essential elements: sulfur, calcium, and magnesium; and the trace (or minor) elements: iron, boron, manganese, copper, zinc, and molybdenum The last six, and traces of other elements, are required in only minute quantities
essential elements
the elements known to be essential to human life
essential elements
the elements definitely known to be essential to human life (23)
essential elements
Must consider economic development and other non-market activities that contribute to human well-being
production elements
various resources used in the manufacture of products and the provision of services (land, work, capital and management)
reduced to its elements
broken down into its fundamental parts
subversive elements
destructive elements, elements whose goals are to undermine authority
the elements
natural environment, weather conditions, forces of nature; bread and wine that are used in Holy Communion (Christianity)
the four elements
four fundamental physical elements (fire, wind, water, earth)
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف elements في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

chem. element

    التركية النطق



    /ˈeləmənts/ /ˈɛləmənts/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'e-l&-m&nt ] (noun.) 13th century. Middle English, from Old French and Latin; Old French, from Latin elementum.


    ... all the elements we would eventually need. ...
    ... okay but what I think is important is there certain elements ...