
listen to the pronunciation of ekseni
التركية - الإنجليزية
An axis is an imaginary line through the middle of something
(1) a straight line, real or imaginary that passes through a body and about which the body may or actually does rotate; (2) geometric guidelines used to place a coordinate that determines knife or tool paths for plotters and routers
(plural = axes) In astronomy, the imaginary line through the poles about which a body (planet, star, moon, etc ) rotates
An imaginary line around which the elements of a painting, sculpture or building are organized; the direction and focus of these elements establishes the axis
is an implied line which runs through a work, usually the center, to which other elements in the work refer; an implied division of space producing balance and movement of pictorial elements
central lobe running the length of the trilobite body; the glabella is the main expression of the cephalic axis
The second cervical vertebra of the spine
n a straight line about which an object rotates
(gen) An imaginary line passing through the center of a body, about which the body rotates (Plural: axes)
An imaginary line about which the Earth spins every 24 hours
An imaginary line running through the center of a shaft on which a bearing is mounted
The stem; the central part, or longitudinal support, on which organs or parts are arranged; the central line of any body
the center around which something rotates the 2nd cervical vertebra; serves as a pivot for turning the head a straight line through a body or figure that satisfies certain conditions in World War II the alliance of Germany and Italy in 1936 which later included Japan and other nations; "the Axis opposed the Allies in World War II"
a line through the center of an object, around which it rotates when spinning
An imaginary line through the centre of a planet or satellite around which it rotates
An imaginary straight line on which an object rotates
The axis is an imaginary alignment line upon which a fraction line is centered Often, operators as well as characters that can stretch, such as parentheses, brackets, braces, summation signs etc, are centered on the axis, and are symmetric with respect to it
in World War II the alliance of Germany and Italy in 1936 which later included Japan and other nations; "the Axis opposed the Allies in World War II"
A straight line (in the case of a pendulum, the centre line)

The X-axis is the horizontal axis and the Y-axis is the vertical axis. - X ekseni yatay eksendir ve Y ekseni dikey eksendir.

The Sun appears to move across the sky because the Earth rotates on its axis. - Dünya kendi ekseninde döndüğü için Güneş gökyüzü boyunca hareket ediyor gibi görünüyor.

ekseni merkezden geçmeyen
ekvator ekseni
axis of equator
(Bilgisayar) axes
(Otomotiv) centreline
center line
(Askeri) centre line
(Muzik) modulate
grafik ekseni
(Bilgisayar) chart axis
huzme ekseni
beam axis
ilerleme ekseni
(Askeri) axis of advance
simetri ekseni
symmetry axis
tahliye ekseni
(Askeri) axis of evacuation

The first space stations rotated axially to produce artificial gravity. - İlk uzay istasyonları yapay bir yer çekimi oluşturmak için yatay eksende dönüyordu.

dünya ekseni
world axis
Y ekseni

The X-axis is the horizontal axis and the Y-axis is the vertical axis. - X ekseni yatay eksendir ve Y ekseni dikey eksendir.

Z ekseni
anlam ekseni
(Dilbilim) semantic axis
apsis ekseni
axis of abscissas
atalet ekseni
axis of inertia
beyin omurilik ekseni
(Anatomi) cerebrospinal axis
beyin-omurilik ekseni
(Tıp) neuraxis
beyin-omurilik ekseni
(Anatomi) cerebrospinal axis
direksiyon ekseni
(Otomotiv) steering axis centerline
dönme ekseni
axis of revolution
axis; axle
prov. axle of a two-wheeled oxcart
elektrik ekseni
(Fizik,Radyo,Teknik) electrical axis
engelleme kuvvet ekseni
(Havacılık) drag axis
eylemsizlik asal ekseni
principal axis of inertia
eylemsizlik ekseni
(Fizik,Teknik) axis of inertia
itme ekseni
(Havacılık) axis of thrust
kanal ekseni
(Tarım) axes of channel
kanal ekseni
axis of channel
kategori ekseni
(Bilgisayar) category axis
kategori ekseni ölçeği
category axis scale
koordinat ekseni
coordinate axis
kumanda ekseni
(Havacılık) control axis
kutup ekseni
polar axis
kuvvet ekseni
radical axis
mercek ekseni
(Fotoğrafçılık) lentil axis
mercek ekseni
(Fotoğrafçılık) axis of lentil
metin ekseni
(Bilgisayar) text axis
moment ekseni
moment axis
moment ekseni
moment center line
muylu ekseni
axis of trunnions
namlu ekseni
axis of the bore
ordinat ekseni
axis of the ordinate
piston pim ekseni
(Otomotiv) axis of piston pin
profil ekseni
(Havacılık) profile axle
referans ekseni
(Havacılık) axis of reference
referans ekseni
(Havacılık) input reference axis
seri ekseni
(Bilgisayar) series axis
seri y ekseni
(Bilgisayar) series y axis
simetri ekseni
axis of symmetry
tahrik ekseni
(Otomotiv) drive axis
tono ekseni
roll axis
tüy ekseni shaft of
a feather
uçağın ekseni üzerinde tam bir devir yapması
barrel roll
x ekseni
yatış ekseni
roll axis
ışık ekseni
optic axis
التركية - التركية

تعريف ekseni في التركية التركية القاموس.

dönme ekseni
Dönen bir cismin her noktasının çizdiği çemberlerin merkezlerinden geçen doğru
Bir cismi iki eşit parçaya bölen çizgi
Araba dingili
Bir cismi iki eşit parçaya bölen çizgi, mihver: "Politikacıların kendilerini evrenin ekseni saymamaları gereğini anlamaları için..."- H. Taner. Üzerinde bir pozitif yön var sayılan sonsuz doğru
Üzerinde bir pozitif yön var sayılan sonsuz doğru
gök ekseni
İki ucu sonsuza uzatılmış, olarak düşünülen yer ekseni, günlük harekette yıldızların çevresindeki eksen