
listen to the pronunciation of eins
ألمانية - التركية
[die] bir; (not) pekiyi
ayns bir
{ayns} bir

Bir, iki, üç, dört, beş, altı, yedi, sekiz, dokuz, on. - Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn.

Albert Einstein vaktiyle 'Esperanto evrensel bir dil fikri için en iyi çözüm' demişti. - Albert Einstein sagte einmal: „Esperanto ist die beste Lösung für die Idee einer internationalen Sprache.“

eins aufs bekommen
papara yemek
es ist mir alles eins
benim için hepsi bir
halb eins
(saat) yarım, on iki buçuk
jdm eins auswischen
birine fenalık yapmak, kafese koymak
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف eins في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


Bu iyi bir kitaptır ama şu daha iyidir. - This is a good book, but that one is better.

Ek olarak yaşlılar birbirleriyle sosyalleşebilsin ve Amerikan hayatının aktif üyeleri olarak kalabilsinler diye birçok topluluk kurulmuştur. - In addition many groups have been formed so that the elderly can socialize with one another and remain active participants in American life.

{i} tek

Bir, üç ve beş tek sayılardır. - One, three, and five are odd numbers.

Onun bürosunu tekrar tekrar aradım fakat kimse cevap vermedi. - I called his office again and again, but no one answered.

{i} biri

Birini tanıyorum da ötekini değil. - I know one of them but not the other.

Manchester United, hem Premier League'de hem de İngiltere'de en başarılı takımlardan biridir. - Manchester United is one of the most successful teams in both the Premier League and England.

bir rakamı
{i} pek iyi (brit. üniv.)
{i} kimse

Onu hiç kimse anlamıyor. - No one understands that.

Hiç kimse keyfi olarak mal ve mülkünden mahrum edilemez. - No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

belirli biri
adında biri
bir sayısı
Yunan abecesinin ilk harfi
bir tane

Pasaportumu kaybettim. Yeni bir tane almak zorunda kalacağım. - I lost my passport. I'll have to get a new one.

Ofiste bir tane satın almak zorundasın. - You have to buy one at the office.


Tom'un yaptığı çok emniyetli olmayan tek şey her Web sitesi için aynı şifreyi kullanmasıdır. - One thing Tom does that isn't very safe is that he uses the same password for every website.

Bu kaybettiğim kamera ile aynı tip kamera. - This is the same type of camera as the one I lost.

{i} alfa

Esperanto alfabesi 28 harften oluşur: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. - The Esperanto alphabet consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z.

Alfabeyi tersten oku. - Say the alphabet backwards.

(isim) alfa, pek iyi (brit. üniv.)
her biri

Onların her biri o filmi izlemeye gitti. - Every one of them went to see that movie.

Her birimiz elinden geleni yapmalı. - Each one of us should do his best.

one another birbirlerini
(isim) bir tane, biri, birisi, kimse, tek

Hiç kimse bu adamlara hakaret etmek istemedi. - No one wanted to insult these men.

O, dünyanın en büyük bilim adamlarından biri olarak kabul edilir. - He's considered to be one of the greatest scientists in the world.


Yüz elli kişi maraton yarışına girdi. - One hundred and fifty people entered the marathon race.

Bu, bir kişi için küçük bir adımdır ama insanlık için dev bir sıçramadır. - That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

ألمانية - الإنجليزية
(number) one
ace (side of a die with one mark)

I can afford one, but not both. - Ich kann es mir leisten, eins zu kaufen, aber nicht beide.

This book is the literary equivalent of Haribo sweets: you only want to eat one, but end up devouring the whole packet. - Dieses Buch ist das literarische Äquivalent zu Haribosüßigkeiten: Man will nur eins probieren und verschlingt letztendlich die ganze Tüte.

eins a
eins a
eins auf die Nase bekommen
to get hit on the nose
eins auf die Nase bekommen
to get bonked on the nose
eins aufs Dach kriegen
to get it in the neck
eins hinter die Ohren bekommen
to get a clip round the ear
eins und eins zusammenzählen
to connect/join the dots
eins von mehreren Wörtern
one of many words
eins übergebraten bekommen
to get bonked on the head
eins übergebraten bekommen
to get hit on the head
eins übergezogen bekommen
to get hit on the head
eins übergezogen bekommen
to get bonked on the head
eins/einen überbekommen
to get a clout
(Immer hübsch) Eins nach dem anderen!
(Let's do) One thing at a time!
(etwas auf dasselbe/eins) hinauskommen
to be/have the same result
Auf einmal fügte sich eins zum anderen.
Everything suddenly fell into place
Der Viervierteltakt hat/umfasst vier Schläge, davon eins und drei betont.
The four-four time has four beats, the first and third of which are strong
Der neue Chef ist das Thema Nummer Eins.
The new boss has been the chief topic of conversation
Elastizität von eins
unit(ary) elasticity
Er hat eins aufs Dach gekriegt.
He got it in the neck
Es kommt auf eins heraus.
It comes down to the same thing
Es steht zwei zu eins (für jdn).
The score is two to one (in favour of somebody)
Kode mit Hummingabstand Eins
unit-distance code
Kode mit Hummingabstand Eins
unit-distance program code
Konvergenz mit Wahrscheinlichkeit Eins
convergence almost certain
Mädchen von Seite eins
cover girl
Mädchen von Seite eins
cover girls
Teilung der Eins
partition of unity
Verstärkungsfaktor Eins
unity gain
Zur Halbzeit steht es zwei zu eins für …
The half-time score is two one in favour of …
Zur Halbzeit steht es zwei zu eins für …
The score at half-time is two one in favour of …
etw. eins zu eins auf etwas anderes übertragen
to convert something, at its/their face value, into something else
etw. eins zu eins übernehmen
to adopt something wholesale
etw. um eins erhöhen
to increment something
jdm. eins (auf die Nase) geben
to biff somebody (in the nose)
jdm. eins auf den Kopf geben
to give somebody a bop on the head
jdm. eins auf die Rübe geben
to bean somebody
jdm. eins auf die Rübe/Nuss geben
to clock somebody on the head
jdm. eins draufgeben
to clock somebody
jdm. eins geben
to hit somebody
jdm. eins geben
to strike somebody
jdm. eins geben
to smack somebody
jdm. eins überbraten (einen Schlag auf den Kopf versetzen)
to bonk somebody on the head
jdm. eins überbraten (einen Schlag auf den Kopf versetzen)
to hit somebody on the head
jdm. eins überziehen
to give somebody a blow
jdm. eins überziehen
to hit somebody on the head
jdm. eins überziehen
to bonk somebody on the head
jdm. eins/eine verpassen
to wallop somebody once
mit Wahrscheinlichkeit Eins
almost certain
noch einer/eine/ein/eins
noch eins
another one
noch eins/einen draufsetzen
to pile on
um eins erhöhend
um eins erhöht
um eins verringern
to decrement something
um eins verringernd
um eins verringert
verringert um eins
verringerte um eins
wenn eine Eins gewürfelt wird
when the roll of the die yields a one
wenn eine Eins gewürfelt wird
when a one is rolled
wenn eins gewürfelt wird
when the roll of the die yields a one
wenn eins gewürfelt wird
when a one is rolled
nummer eins
number one