einlochen mit einem schlag unter par

listen to the pronunciation of einlochen mit einem schlag unter par
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف einlochen mit einem schlag unter par في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

küçük kuş
{i} minik kuş
{i} golfte bir vuruş
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
A shuttlecock
The completion of a hole one stroke below par

He scored ten birdies during the tournament.

To score a birdie

Sörenstam birdied to take the lead.

A certain rude gesture in some countries, formed with the middle and index fingers
A certain rude gesture in some countries, formed with the middle finger
A bird
A score of 1 stroke less than par on a given hole, for example, a score of 3 on a par 4
to shoot in one stroke under par
A pretty or dear little bird; a pet name
Undesired signal generated internally by a receiver, either from oscillator leakage or microprocessor noise Birdies sound like open carriers but persist even when the antenna is disconnected
An electromagnetic signal generated from within an electronic device
Scoring one under par
(golf) a score of one stroke under par on a hole to shoot in one stroke under par
One stroke under par
A score of one under par on a hole
a score of one under (less than) par for any hole Example: Steve made a birdie (4) on the par 5 15th hole
a score of one under (less than) par for a hole Example: She made a birdie 4 on the par 5 15th hole
In golf, if you get a birdie, you get the golf ball into a hole in one stroke fewer than the number of strokes which has been set as the standard for a good player
einlochen mit einem schlag unter par