The ability to cause the expected or intended effect under ideal conditions (evidence from in vitro studies, or a clinical trial in an unusual or ideal setting such as an elite teaching hospital) {1} Use your browser's "BACK" button to return to the page you were viewing previously
If you talk about the efficacy of something, you are talking about its effectiveness and its ability to do what it is supposed to. Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle. the ability of something to produce the right result = effectiveness
The lumens produced by a lamp/ballast combination (the product of rated lamp lumen output and the relative light output of the lamp/ballast combination) divided by the watts of input power, expressed in lumens per watt
In vaccine research, the ability of a vaccine to produce a desired clinical effect, such as protection against a specific infection or disease, at the optimal dosage and schedule in a given population A vaccine may be tested for efficacy in Phase 3 trials if it appears to be safe and shows some promise in smaller Phase 1 and 2 trials
the power to produce an effect; in cancer research whether the treatment is effective
in vaccine research, the ability of a vaccine to produce a desired clinical effect, such as protection against a specific infection, at the optimal dosage and schedule in a given population A vaccine may be tested for efficacy in Phase 3 trials if it appears to be safe and shows some promise in smaller Phase 1 and 2 trials
a product's ability to produce beneficial effects on the course or duration of a disease
Under ideal conditions, how well a treatment, therapy or procedure produces a desired health outcome (cure, alleviation of pain, return of functional abilities)
Ability to produce a desired amount of a desired effect; efficiency; effectiveness
Efficacy is the rate at which a lamp is able to convert electrical power (Watts) into light (Lumens), expressed in terms of lumens per watt (LPW) Put simply, a watt or electricity is the amount of power in and a lumen or light is the amount of power out
In vaccine research, the ability of a vaccine to produce a desired clinical effect, such as protection against a specific infection or disease in a given population A vaccine may be tested for efficacy in Phase 3 trials if it shows some promise in smaller Phase 1 and 2 trials
Efficacy is an industry term for the amount of light produced per watt of electricity (comparable to efficiency) It is the rate at which a light bulb is able to convert electrical power (watts) into light (lumens), expressed in terms of lumens per watt (LPW) For example, a 100 watt lamp producing 1750 lumens gives 17 5 lumens per watt
A measure of the luminous efficiency of a radiant flux, expressed in lumens per watt as the quotient of the total luminous flux by the total radiant flux For daylighting, this is the quotient of visible flux incident on a surface to radiant flux on that surface For electric sources, this is the quotient of the total luminous flux emitted by the total lamp power input
capacity or power to produce a desired effect; "concern about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine
a measure of the benefit resulting from an intervention for a given health problem under the ideal conditions of an investigation; it answers the question, "Does the practice do more good than harm to people who fully comply with the recommendations?"
capacity or power to produce a desired effect; "concern about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine"
Power to produce effects; operation or energy of an agent or force; production of the effect intended; as, the efficacy of medicine in counteracting disease; the efficacy of prayer
The BMW I have selected for a test drive blows all four tires, stalls out and crashes on the dealers special runway I spend two days in the hospital This is a breakdown in efficacy See effectiveness
an individuals estimate of his ability to cope with a situation, and outcome expectancy; an individuals estimate of the likelihood of certain consequences occurring This combination of assessments of potential threat and coping resources determines how anxious an individual may become in a given situation