
listen to the pronunciation of eagle
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} kartal

Bir kartal gökyüzünde uçar. - An eagle flies in the sky.

Aslan hayvanların kralı iken, kartal da kuşların kralıdır. - As the lion is king of beasts, so is the eagle king of birds.

(Askeri) taktik avcı uçağı
kartal şeklinde veya kartal resmi taşıyan herhangi bir şey eagle owl puhu kuşu gibi bir çeşit baykuş
eagle ray fulya balığı
eaglewood tree kartal ağacı
{i} on dolarlık altın para
aquilaria agallo
(Askeri) EAGLE: Havadan havaya görevlerde, muhtelif havadan fırlatmalı silahların kullanımını haiz, çift motorlu, turbojet sesten hızlı, tüm hava koşullarında kullanılan, taktik bir avcı uçağıdır. Eagle havada yakıt alma imkanına sahip ve aynı zamanda uzun menzilli hava üstünlüğü görevlerini yerine getirmeye muktedirdir. F-15 koduyla bilinir
eagle eye
keskin göz
eagle owl
bir çeşit baykuş
eagle ray
keskin gözlü
eagle owl
puhu kuşu
eagle scout
Kartal avcısı
eagle eyed
keskin gözlü
eagle owl
(isim) puhu kuşu
eagle owl
eagle owl
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) puhu baykuşu
eagle's nest
kartal yuvası
booted eagle
küçük kartal
booted eagle
cüce kartal
golden eagle
kaya kartalı
golden eagle
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) kartalı kaya
gray sea eagle
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) deniz kartalı
greater spotted eagle
büyük orman kartalı
imperial eagle
şah kartal
lesser spotted eagle
küçük orman kartalı
spotted eagle
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) büyük orman kartalı
steppe eagle
bozkır kartalı
american eagle
amerikan kartalı
golden eagle
altın kartal
gray sea eagle
gri deniz kartalı
harpy eagle
Amerika'da bulunan bir cins kartal
harpy eagle
harrier eagle
sea eagle
deniz kartalı
tawny eagle
kara kartal
bald eagle
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Kel kartal
bald eagle
Kuzey Amerikaya ait kel kartal, (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
desert eagle
(Silahlar) Desert Eagle, İsrail yapımı yarı-otomatik bir tabancadır. 357'lik, 41'lik, 44'luk, 440 Cor-bon ve 50 AE kalibrelik mermi kullanan modelleri bulunur. 357 kalibrelik versiyonu 9,41'lik ve 44'lüğü 8, 440 Cor-bon ve 50AE (action express) kullanan modelide 7 mermi alır. Kullandığı mermilerden dolayı çok güçlü bir tabancadır ancak 50AE kullanan versiyonun geri tepmesinin yüksek olması, silahın oldukça ağır ve büyük olması nedeniyle kullanışlı değildir.Bu silahın çeşitli ağırlıkları vardır.1-2 kg arasındaki çeşitleri silahın gerçekten kuvvetli olduğu gösteriyor. Ancak geri tepmesinin yüksek oluşu sadece 50AE kullanan versiyonunda geçerlidir, özellikle birçok silah kullanıcısı 357.'lik versiyonun geri tepmesinin standart 9mm tabancalardan daha az olduğunu söylemektedirler. Bu sebeplerden dolayı hiçbir ordu ve polis gücü tarafından kullanılmaz. Zaten televizyon programları, filmler ve video oyunları sayesinde ünlü olmuş; özellikle de çok büyük ve ağır olması nedeniyle kullanışlı olmayan bir silahtır
desert eagle
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Çöl kartalı
short-toed eagle
(Kuşbilim) Yılan kartalı (Circaetus gallicus)
the day the Eagle shits
(Argo) (Aus) Maaş günü, ödeme günü
bald eagle
dazlak kartal
double eagle
iki başlı kartal
double eagle
yirmi dolarlık altın para
european sea eagle
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) denizkartalı
having an eagle
hawk eagle
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) atmaca kartalı
spread eagle
(fiil) gergin kanatlı kartal, aşırı milliyetçilik, şovenizm, el ve ayaklarını birbirine değdirme (buz pateni)
spread eagle
{f} el ve ayaklarını birbirine değdirme (buz pateni)
spread eagle
{f} aşırı milliyetçilik
spread eagle
{f} şovenizm
spread eagle
{f} kolları ve bacakları açarak vücuda X şeklinde görüntü vermek
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The landing unit of Apollo 11
A score of two under par for a hole
To score an eagle
A representation of such a bird carried as an emblem
Any of several large carnivorous and carrion-eating birds in the family Accipitridae, having a powerful hooked bill and keen vision
A gold coin with a face value of $10.00 formerly used in the United States
{n} a large and furious bird of prey
a former gold coin in the United States worth 10 dollars (golf) a score of two strokes under par on a hole shoot in two strokes under par
the bird that appears on the backs of most U S silver and gold coins Also, the official term for a U S $10 gold piece
An emblem that is awarded for winning a title at the ABC tournament If a player has an eagle, that means he is a past champion in some event
The most noted species are the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaëtus); the imperial eagle of Europe (A
of the genera Aquila and Haliæetus
Alaska has more bald eagles than all the other states combined These majestic birds are a common sight in southeast Alaska
A gold coin containing one troy ounce of gold; an easily recognizable standard United States coin which may be used as money
the stand where the Gospel is read, traditionally shaped like an eagle
See Bald eagle, Harpy, and Golden eagle
a score of 2 under (less than) par on any hole
Proprietary standard/network for Hardlines Industry See definition of Hardlines
Generally large birds living in more open countryside, with long, broad wings a longish tail and very powerful feet
A $10 gold piece
If you talk about a person's eagle eye, you mean that they are watching someone or something carefully or are very good at noticing things. He did the work under the eagle eye of his teacher The Captain's eagle eye swept the room. to use two strokes less than the usual number of strokes for a hole in a game of golf. Any of many large, heavy-beaked, big-footed birds of prey belonging to the family Accipitridae, found worldwide. Eagles are generally larger and more powerful than hawks and may resemble a vulture in build and flight characteristics, but they have a fully feathered (often crested) head and strong feet equipped with great curved talons. Most species subsist mainly on live prey, which they generally capture on the ground. Eagles have been a symbol of war and imperial power since Babylonian times. They mate for life. They nest in inaccessible places and use the same nest each year. Species vary from 24 in. to 3.3 ft (60 cm-1 m) long. The sea eagles include the bald eagle. See also golden eagle. bald eagle golden eagle sea eagle
{i} type of large predatory bird
A score of 2 under par on a hole, for example, a 3 on a par 5
(golf) a score of two strokes under par on a hole
A score of two under par on a hole
an emblem representing power; "the Roman eagle"
An EDI standard developed and used by the hardware and houseware industry Part of X12
A northern constellation, containing Altair, a star of the first magnitude
The figure of the eagle, as the king of birds, is commonly used as an heraldic emblem, and also for standards and emblematic devices
mogilnik or imperialis); the American bald eagle (Haliæetus leucocephalus); the European sea eagle (H
any of various large keen-sighted diurnal birds of prey noted for their broad wings and strong soaring flight
a forward giant with the hands turned 360 degrees inwand and with the shoulders passing over the top of the bar before the rest of the body
Any large, rapacious bird of the Falcon family, esp
A U S $10 gold coin minted from 1795 through 1933 Also, the current U S bullion program pieces
a former gold coin in the United States worth 10 dollars
(in Christian art) is emblematic of St John the Evangelist, because, like the eagle, he looked on "the sun of glory"; the eagle was one of the four figures which made up the cherub (Ezek i 10)
An eagle is a large bird that lives by eating small animals
a U S $10 gold coin, issued from 1795 to 1933
A gold coin of the United States, of the value of ten dollars
any of various large keen-sighted diurnal birds of prey noted for their broad wings and strong soaring flight an emblem representing power; "the Roman eagle"
A U S gold coin with a face value of $10, first minted in 1795 and last minted in 1933; also, the current U S $50 face value gold bullion coin
= swiftest of God's creations; swiftness of God's help EAST = source of light, the place of paradise EGYPT = oppression of God's people ELDERS (TWENTY-FOUR) = all who belong to the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles END = Jesus (therefore: "The end is near" = "Jesus is near" and "Living in the end times" = "Living in Jesus") EYES (CREATURES COVERED WITH) = the all-seeing, all-knowing power of God EYES LIKE FIERY FLAME = able to see all and know all
The eagle is remarkable for strength, size, graceful figure, keenness of vision, and extraordinary flight
shoot in two strokes under par
The figure of an eagle borne as an emblem on the standard of the ancient Romans, or so used upon the seal or standard of any people
To score two under par for a hole
Any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae, having a powerful hooked bill and keen vision
albicilla); and the great harpy eagle (Thrasaetus harpyia)
(Gr Dikephalos aitos; Sl Orletz) Small circular rug or permanent design on the church's floor, presenting a double headed eagle with outstretched wings soaring over a city It signifies the watchfulness and authority of the bishop over his diocese The double-headed eagle was also the symbol of the Byzantine Empire
Two strokes under par
a score of 2 under (less than) par for a hole Example: A hole in one on a par 3 hole is also an eagle
king of birds
Eagle Scout
The highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America
Eagle Scouts
plural form of Eagle Scout
eagle owl
Any of various large owls of the genus Bubo, especially Bubo bubo, that have prominent ear tufts
eagle owls
plural form of eagle owl
Having great visual acuity, especially the ability to see at a distance
describing someone who is perceptive
Attributive form of eagle owl, noun

It has an eagle-owl look.

{a} quicksighted, sharpsighted
eagle ray
Any of numerous rays of the family Myliobatidae, found in tropical and subtropical shallow seas and noted for their massive jaws and large winglike pectoral fins, which they flap for propulsion
Eagle Scout
a boy scout of the highest rank in the US
eagle owl
A large Eurasian owl (Bubo bubo) having brownish plumage and prominent ear tufts
eagle owl
{i} extemely large owl with tufts on its heat that has a deep hoot
eagle ray
powerful free-swimming tropical ray noted for `soaring' by flapping winglike fins; usually harmless but has venomous tissue near base of the tail as in stingrays
eagle scout
a boy scout who has earned many merit badges
If you describe someone as eagle-eyed, you mean that they watch things very carefully and seem to notice everything. Three cannabis plants were found by eagle-eyed police officers. very good at seeing or noticing things
capable of seeing to a great distance
{s} sharp-sighted, able to see with exceptional keenness
American eagle
A species of eagle native to North America and notable for the white plumage on its head
Chilean eagle
the Black-chested buzzard eagle, Geranoaetus melanoleucus or Buteo melanoleucus
Haast's eagle
An extinct giant eagle from New Zealand, Harpagornis moorei, which preyed on moas
bald eagle
A species of eagle native to North America and notable for the white plumage on its head
blood eagle
A method of Viking ritual execution, in which the ribs are opened, and the lungs pulled out and arranged to resemble wings
double eagle
A gold coin with a face value of $20.00 formerly used in the United States, the double of the U.S. eagle coin
double eagle
Three under par, one stroke short of an ace (a hole in one) on a par 5 hole
fish eagle
A bird of prey species, the fishing eagle Pandion haliaëtus
golden eagle
A large bird of prey, Aquila chrysaetos, that hunts while soaring
Attributive form of golden eagle, noun
harpy eagle
A neotropical eagle, Harpia harpyja
iron eagle
An American military officer who has attained the rank of colonel but will not be promoted to the rank of general
legal eagle
A skillful and adroit attorney

He made his reputation as a legal eagle as a prosecutor before entering private practice.

Attributive form of legal eagle

legal-eagle questioning.

sea eagle
A genus of eagles (genus Haliaeetus)
sea eagle
An eagle with a distinctive white tail; specifically, the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
Alternative spelling of sea eagle
snake eagle
any bird of prey in the Circaetinae subfamily. especially the Circaetus genus
spotted eagle ray
A large ray, Aetobatus narinari, that inhabits benthic waters of the Atlantic and Pacific
spotted eagle rays
plural form of spotted eagle ray
spread eagle
A move in which a skater glides on both feet, the toes turned out to the sides, heels facing each other
spread eagle
A position of a body involving full extension of the limbs with both fore- and hind-limbs spread wide, usually referring to humans or heraldic eagles
To put into a spread-eagle position, with arms and legs extended and spread
With arms and legs extended and spread
To put one's body in a spread eagle
Lying with arms and legs outstretched and separated
white-tailed eagle
An eagle with a distinctive white tail; (Haliaeetus albicilla)
white-tailed sea eagle
the white-tailed eagle
desert eagle
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) The Desert Eagle is a large caliber gas-operated semi-automatic pistol manufactured in Israel by IMI (Israel Military Industries) for Magnum Research, Inc
the day the Eagle shits
(Argo) (Aus) Pay day
American eagle
symbol of the strength of the USA
an eagle
bald eagle
The young, until several years old, lack the white feathers on the head
bald eagle
A bald eagle is a large eagle with a white head that lives in North America. It is the national bird of the United States of America. A North American eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) characterized by a brownish-black body and a white head and tail in the adult. Also called American eagle. a large North American bird with a white head and neck that is the national bird of the US. Species of sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) that occurs inland along rivers and large lakes. Strikingly handsome, it is the only eagle native solely to North America, and it has been the U.S. national bird since 1782. The adult, about 40 in. (1 m) long with a wingspan of 6.5 ft (2 m), is dark brown with white head and tail and yellow beak, eyes, and feet. Bald eagles snatch fish at the water surface, rob osprey of fish, and eat carrion. They nest in lone trees, often on river islands. Though still protected in the U.S., the bald eagle is no longer considered an endangered species
bald eagle
The official, white-headed bird of the United States, native to North America
bald eagle
The white-headed eagle (Haliæetus leucocephalus) of America
bald eagle
White head and tail, dark-brown body
bald eagle
the national symbol of the USA; a large, white-headed raptor with a massive beak and strong feet; common in coastal areas and in large wetlands
bald eagle
large North American eagle having a white head and dark wings and body
bald eagle
species of large North American eagle with brown plumage on the body and wings and white plumage on the head and tail (national symbol of the United States)
double eagle
old United States gold coin that was worth 20 dollars; score of three strokes under the designated hole (in Golf)
double eagle
A U S $20 gold coin, minted from 1849 through 1933
double eagle
a United States $20 gold coin, issued from 1850 to 1933
double eagle
Three shots under the hole par; also known as albatross
double eagle
(also "albatross") a score of 3 under (less than) par for a hole Example: A double eagle is very rare, as is the albatross
double eagle
(aka: "albatross") a score of 3 under (less than) par on any hole Example: "Adrian hit a monster drive on the par 4 fourth hole and put it in the hole for a double eagle/albatross
double eagle
a former gold coin in the United States worth 20 dollars
double eagle
a former gold coin in the United States worth 20 dollars (golf) a score of three strokes under par on a hole
double eagle
A score of three under par on a hole (also called an Albatross)
double eagle
official name for a $20 gold piece
double eagle
(golf) a score of three strokes under par on a hole
double eagle
A U S gold coin with a face value of $20, first minted in 1849 and last officially minted in 1932
Plural of eagle
fishing eagle
of southeast Europe and central Asia
golden eagle
large eagle of mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere having a golden-brown head and neck
golden eagle
A large eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) of mountainous areas of the Northern Hemisphere, having dark plumage with brownish-yellow feathers on the back of the head and neck. a large light brown bird that lives in northern parts of the world. Dark-brown eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) with golden, leaf-shaped nape feathers, dark eyes, gray beak, fully feathered legs, large yellow feet, and large talons. Its wingspread reaches almost 8 ft (2.3 m). It ranges from central Mexico (where it is the national bird) along the Pacific coast and through the Rocky Mountains to Alaska, and small numbers are found from Newfoundland to North Carolina. Also found in North Africa, it is more common across Russia, to southern China and Japan. It nests in cliff caves or in lone trees. The species is protected in the U.S
half eagle
{i} United State 5-dollar gold coin that was in use from 1795 to 1929
half eagle
a former gold coin in United States worth 5 dollars
harrier eagle
any of numerous large Old Wold hawks intermediate in some respects between typical hawks and typical eagles
kamchatkan sea eagle
found on coasts of the northwestern Pacific
sea eagle
The bald eagle and the osprey are also sometimes classed as sea eagles
sea eagle
The eagle ray
sea eagle
pelagicus), which has white shoulders, head, rump, and tail; the European white-tailed eagle (H
sea eagle
See under Ray
sea eagle
albicilla); and the Indian white-tailed sea eagle, or fishing eagle (Polioaëtus ichthyaëtus)
sea eagle
Any of various fish-eating eagles or similar birds, such as the bald eagle or the osprey. Any of various large fish-eating eagles (especially in the genus Haliaeetus), of which the best known is the bald eagle. Sea eagles live along rivers, big lakes, and tidewater worldwide except in South America. Some reach over 3 ft (1 m) long. All have an exceptionally large, high-arched beak and bare lower legs. The toes' undersurfaces are roughened for grasping slippery prey. They eat mostly carrion but sometimes kill, snatching fish from the water surface and often robbing their chief competitor, the osprey. Asian species include the gray-headed, or greater, fishing eagle and the lesser fishing eagle
sea eagle
Any one of several species of fish-eating eagles of the genus Haliæetus and allied genera, as the North Pacific sea eagle H
sea eagle
any of various large eagles that usually feed on fish
spotted eagle ray
ray with back covered with white or yellow spots; widely distributed in warm seas
spread eagle
{f} stretch out completely; stand with arms and legs spread out; stretch out a person with his/her arms and legs extended; rout, defeat in disastrous manner, defeat overwhelmingly; make an excessively eloquent patriotic speech
spread eagle
a skating figure executed with the skates heel to heel in a straight line
spread eagle
an emblem (an eagle with wings and legs spread) on the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States
spread eagle
a skating figure executed with the skates heel to heel in a straight line an emblem (an eagle with wings and legs spread) on the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States
spread eagle
A connecting move in which the skater glides on two feet with toes pointed in opposite directions and legs held straight in the form of an inverted "V"
spread eagle
like a toe touch, however your knees face forward and your straddle is perpendicular to the ground
spread eagle
A trick in which the skier stretches the arms and legs out, away from the body
stretch out completely; "They spread-eagled him across the floor"
having the arms or legs spread out
defeat disastrously stand with arms and legs spread out execute a spread eagleon skates, with arms and legs stretched out stretch over; "His residences spread-eagle the entire county"
with arms and legs stretched out and apart; "lay spread-eagle on the floor
tawny eagle
brownish eagle of Africa and parts of Asia
water eagle
The osprey
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف eagle في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Eagle-Barrett Syndrome
(Tıp) bkz: Prune Belly Syndrome



    التركية النطق





    /ˈēgəl/ /ˈiːɡəl/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ E-g&l ] (noun.) 13th century. From Middle English egle from Anglo-Norman egle, from Old French aigle, egle, from the Latin aquila. Displaced native Middle English ern, earn, arn "eagle" from Old English earn. More at erne