(Askeri) AMFİBİLEŞTİRİLMİŞ TANKLAR: Yüzdürücü tertibat, takma prova ve çift uskur takılarak, çıkarma harekatında ve büyük sulardan geçişte, amfibik tanklar şeklinde hareket etmelerini mümkün kılmak üzere, özel surette tadil edilmiş standart tanklar
twoway data transfers Half duplex is twoway communication, with each end of the system taking turns transmitting Full duplex is twoway communication that occurs simultaneously
In all interactions between a host computer (such as an information service or a BBS) and a user on a terminal or computer with communications software, the state of the duplex parameter defines whether or not the host computer sends back the characters the user types in In full duplex (echo on), the host will send back every character the user types in In half duplex (echo off), the host will not send back the characters, and the user's local computer or terminal writes each character to the screen directly If your communication software or terminal is set to full duplex, and your host is set to half duplex, nothing you type will appear on your screen If your communications software is set to half duplex, and your host is set to full duplex, everything you type will come back doubled on your screen, lliikkee tthhiiss Full duplex makes it easier to ensure that what you host receives is exactly what you typed, but takes up more bandwidth
Duplex equipment provides two, usually identical, IT components each of which is capable of performing the full task if the other fails Full duplex line/ channel allows simultaneous transmission in both directions Half duplex/ channel is capable of transmitting in both directions, but only one direction at a time
allowing communication in opposite directions simultaneously; "duplex system"; "duplex telephony" (used technically of a device or process) having two parts; "a duplex transaction
In serial communication, if a character typed on a keyboard goes directly to the screen, duplex is said to be "half " If the character is sent to the receiving device, and echoed back (thus confirming communication), duplex is said to be "full " Full duplex is most common If a keystroke results in double characters on the screen, one device is probably set to full duplex, and the other to half
(1) A text formatting term: Printing on both sides of the paper (2) A computer communications term: Half duplex: data transmission in only one direction at a time; and Full duplex: simultaneous data transmission in both directions
1 (data communications) A circuit used to transmit signals simultaneously in both directions 2 (general) Two receptacles or jacks in a common housing which accepts 2 plugs
Simultaneous transmission in both directions, sometimes referred to as full duplex to differentiate it from half duplex, which is alternating transmission in each direction Transmission in only one direction is called simplex transmission
Full duplex line/channel allows simultaneous transmission in both directions Half duplex line/channel is capable of transmitting in both directions, but only in one direction at a time
Full duplex is data is flowing in both directions at the same time When Remote echo is ON communication is occurring in full duplex Half Duplex has data moving in only one direction at a time (Local echo is ON)
The ability to send and receive data at the same time (A full duplex speakerphone allows you to hear what is going on at the other end of the line while you are talking )
Refers to the transmission of data in two directions simultaneously In full-duplex mode, data you transmit does not appear on your screen until it has been received and sent back by the other party This enables you to validate that the data has been accurately transmitted
A possible property of a data-communications line: that data can be transferred in both directions, simultaneously The alternatives are Half Duplex and Simplex
Data transmission over a circuit capable of transmitting in both directions simultaneously For Ethernet, full duplex operation was defined in the IEEE 802 3x standard
Means that communications between two end points can take place at the same time A standard voice telephone call is a full-duplex call because both parties can talk at the same time and be heard A short wave radio conversation between two people is not full-duplex because the person talking has to press the transmit button to talk, and while he is talking he can not hear the other party See Half Duplex
A data transmission mode that provides simultaneous and independent transmission and reception A conventional telephone communication is an example of this technique See HALF DUPLEX
Refers to the transmission of data in two directions simultaneously For example, a telephone is a full-duplex device because both parties can talk at once In contrast, a walkie-talkie is a half-duplex device because only one party can transmit at a time Most modems have a switch that lets you choose between full-duplex and half-duplex modes The choice depends on which communications program you are running In full-duplex mode, data you transmit does not appear on your screen until it has been received and sent back by the other party This enables you to validate that the data has been accurately transmitted If your display screen shows two of each character, it probably means that your modem is set to half-duplex mode when it should be in full-duplex mode
a communication channel over which both transmission and reception are possible in two directions at the some time A standard telephone line is a full duplex system since people on either end of the connect can simultaneously speak while listening to sounds coming from the other end
Alternating the transmission and reception of information between users Sometimes also referred to as "Ping-Pong" operation This is the basic mode of operation of most TDD and TDMA systems, where transmission and reception are separated in time
A communication setup in which transmissions can go in either direction, but in only one direction at a time With half-duplex operation, the entire bandwidth can be used for the transmission In contrast, full-duplex operation must split the bandwidth between the two directions
Data transmission over a circuit capable of transmitting in either direction, but not simultaneously For Ethernet, the CSMA/CD method is a half duplex protocol
Means that communications between two end points can not take place at the same time A short wave radio conversation between two people is half-duplex because the person talking has to press the transmit button to talk, and while the transmit button is pressed he can not hear the other party Telephone conversations are not half duplex because the parties at each end of the connection can talk to one another at the same time See Full Duplex
A channel communications protocol that allows a channel to transmit data in both directions but not at the same time In RFID, the method of information exchange in which the information is communicated after the transceiver has stopped transmitting the activation field Compare Full Duplex
Alternating the direction of transmission of signals between two terminals or computers but not transmitting in both directions simultaneously Contrast with duplex
A possible property of a data-communications line: that data can be transferred in either direction, but only in one direction at a time If the line is sufficiently high-speed, then to a human, it may appear that data transfer is simultaneous in both directions if the two ends quickly take turns transferring The alternatives are Half Duplex and Simplex