dropped in

listen to the pronunciation of dropped in
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف dropped in في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

drop in
(Fiili Deyim ) habersiz ziyaret etmek , uğramak , damlamak
drop in
drop in
(Ticaret) düşüşe geçmek
drop in
drop in
habersiz uğramak
drop in
drop in
beklenmedik ziyaret
drop in
ziyaret etmek
drop in
drop in
kısa bir ziyaret için uğramak
drop in

Tom Boston'da iken bazı eski arkadaşlara uğramak istediğini söyledi. - Tom said he wanted to drop in on some old friends while he was in Boston.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Simple past tense and past participle of drop in
drop in
To arrive unannounced or with little or no warning; also, to visit without an appointment

I was in the garden covered with mud when my grandmother dropped in for a visit.

drop in
to paddle into and take off on a wave another surfer is already riding

Most beginners are blissfully unaware that dropping in on someone is a cardinal sin — Neal Miyake, The Unwritten Rules of Surfing.

drop in
One who arrives unannounced or without an appointment

The office was efficient, but not well equipped to handle drop-ins.

drop in
the act of dropping in (see verb below). Often hyphenated drop-in

2005: Drop-ins can and do happen by accident, as well as through frustration and confusion in a crowded lineup. — surfline.com Surfology.

drop in
(deyim) To make a short or unplanned visit; pay a call, drop by, run in
drop in
A component that does not require connectors, but is typically soldered in place The body of the component may be bolted to the system ground plane
drop in
visit informally and spontaneously; "We frequently drop by the neighbors' house for a cup of coffee"
drop in
If you drop in on someone, you visit them informally, usually without having arranged it. Why not drop in for a chat? She spent most of the day dropping in on friends in Edinburgh
drop in
(verb) to turn onto to a little used single track Best, if you don't know the way, to let your friend drop in ahead of you, or you'll miss the turn
drop in
To take off on a wave when rider is already surfing
drop in
{f} visit informally or uninvited, briefly visit to say hello
dropped in

    التركية النطق

    dräpt în


    /ˈdräpt ən/ /ˈdrɑːpt ɪn/


    ... He's into the video chat and everyone's being dropped in. ...
    ... it has dropped in the past, the medium projection of the U.N. Population Division is that population ...