Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
- Sur ce dont on ne peut parler, il faut garder le silence.
He got four dolls, of which three were made in China.
- Il a quatre poupées, dont trois ont été fabriquées en Chine.
Friends: a family of which we chose the members.
- Les amis : une famille dont on a choisi les membres.
He is the boy of whom I spoke the other day.
- Il est le garçon dont je parlais l'autre jour.
The occupation forces did not hesitate to shoot into the crowds, killing scores of civilians, many of whom were women and children.
- Les forces d'occupation n'ont pas hésité à tirer dans les foules, tuant des dizaines de civils dont plusieurs femmes et enfants.
I have a friend whose nickname is Pencil.
- J'ai un ami dont le surnom est stylo.
I have a friend whose father is a famous novelist.
- J'ai un ami dont le père est un célèbre romancier.
... systems, credit scores don't work terribly well. ...
... Don't hide yourself in regret. ...