
listen to the pronunciation of distribution
الإنجليزية - التركية

Hediye dağıtmayı seviyorum. - I love the distribution of gifts.


Linux Deepin başka bir mükemmel Linux dağıtımıdır. - Linux Deepin is another wonderful Linux distribution.

Toptan satış tabakaları ile karakterize edilen Japon dağıtım sistemi karmaşık ve masraflıdır. - The Japanese distribution system, characterized by layers of wholesale, is complex and costly.

{i} dağılım
(Askeri) tertiplenme
yaygın olma
(Ticaret) dağılış
(Askeri) ayırım
(Tıp) ayrışım
(Tıp) distribüsyon
{i} düzenleme
(Ticaret) isale
(Askeri) ateş taksimi
(Ticaret) pay etme
genelleştirilmiş işlev
{i} dağılma
{i} yayma
{i} serpme
(Askeri) ATEŞ TAKSİMİ: Paralanmaların hedef bölgesinde meydana getirdiği şekil
(Tıp) Dağılma, dağılış, dağılım (Sinir veya damarların vücutta dağılımı veya bir hastalık lezyonunun belli organ veya dokularda dağılımı gibi)
{i} bölüştürme
(Ticaret) menkul kıymetlerde
distribution bar
tevzi demiri
distribution bar
dağıtma demiri
distribution bars
tevzi demirleri
distribution bars
dağıtma demirleri
distribution block
dağıtma bloğu
distribution board
dağıtım panosu
distribution center
distribution centre
(Askeri) tasfiye merkezi
distribution costs
(Ticaret) dağıtım maliyetleri
distribution cover
dağıtma kapağı
distribution duct
dağıtma kanalı
distribution duct
dağıtım kanalı
distribution fee
(Kanun) tevzi harcı
distribution field
dağıtım alanı
distribution graph
dağıtım çizgesi
distribution item
(Askeri) dağıtım maddesi
distribution line
ana hat
distribution line
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) dağıtım hattı
distribution line
(Ticaret) isale hattı
distribution main
ana dağıtım borusu
distribution panel
dağıtım panosu
distribution phase
(Tıp) dağılım fazı
distribution pipe
ısıtma boruları
distribution pipe
dağıtım borusu
distribution plate
dağıtma plakası
distribution point
(Askeri) dağıtım noktası
distribution port
(Otomotiv) dağıtım kapısı
distribution port
(Askeri) dağıtım limanı
distribution ratio
(Biyokimya) dağılım oranı
distribution rod
tevzi demiri
distribution rod
dağıtma demiri
distribution sites
(Bilgisayar) dağıtım merkezleri
distribution steel
dağıtma çeliği
distribution tile
sızdırmalı künk
distribution valve
distribution valve
dağıtıcı valf
distribution valve
dağıtıcı manifold
(Matematik) dağılım 
distribution amplifier
dağıtım amplifikatörü
distribution board
tevzi kestesi
distribution board
dağıtım kestesi
distribution box
dağıtım kutusu
distribution box
tevzi kutusu
distribution cable
dağıtım kablosu
distribution capacity
dağıtım kapasitesi
distribution center
dağıtım merkezi
distribution coefficient
dağıtım katsayısı
distribution control
dağıtım kontrolü
distribution costs
dağıtım masrafları
distribution curve
dağılım eğrisi
distribution curve
dağıtım eğrisi
distribution expense
dağıtım masrafı
distribution factor
dağılım katsayısı
distribution function
dağıtım fonksiyonu
distribution law
dağılım yasası
distribution law
dağılım kanunu
distribution list
dağıtım listesi
distribution network
dağıtım şebekesi
distribution of earnings
kâr dağıtımı
distribution of losses
zararın dağıtımı
distribution of population
nüfus dağılımı
distribution of precipitation
yağış dağılımı
distribution office
dağıtım bürosu
distribution panel
dağıtım tablosu
distribution panel
dağıtım kestesi
distribution requirements planning
ihtiyaç dağıtım planlaması
distribution shaft
dağıtım dingili
distribution transformer
dağıtım transformatörü
distribution frame
dağıtım çatısı, repartitör
distribution of duty
görev dağılımı
distribution of profits
karın dağıtımı
distribution policy
dağıtım politikası
distribution area
(Askeri) DAĞITIM SAHASI: Bir ikmal deposunun her zamanki dağıtımını yaptığı bir coğrafi bölge
distribution area
(Askeri) dağıtım sahası
distribution box
(Askeri) TEVZİ KUTUSU: İçinde kablo bağlantıları bulunan madenden muhafaza. Tevzi kutuları; bazı topların uzaktan idare sistemlerinde bulunur ve kontrollü mayın ateşleme sistemlerinde de kullanılır
distribution box
dağıtma kutusu
distribution box boat
(Askeri) TEVZİ KUTUSU BOTU: Mayın dökme, şamandıraları işaretleme ve kıyı kablolarını dökme vesairede kullanılan tekne. Bu botu mayın döküldükten sonra, karakol gemisi (Patrol boat) olarak da kullanılır. Buna kısaca "D-B boat" da denir
distribution center
(Askeri) KANTİN MADDELERİ TASFİYE MERKEZİ: Garnizonlarda son işlemi yapılmayan ve tasfiyesi gereken kantin malzemesi veya genel fazla malları toplamak, teşhir etmek veya satmak suretiyle bu maddelerin tasfiyesine yardım için kurulan ve işletilen tesis
distribution code number
distribution coefficient
dağılım katsayısı
distribution depot
(Askeri) DAĞITMA DEPOSU: Kendi dağıtım bölgeleri içindeki birlik ve teşkillerin isteklerini karşılayacak şekilde dağıtım yapan depo. Bu depolar; menzil ve muharebe sahasında kurulur. Bak. "general depot"
distribution depot
(Askeri) dağıtım deposu
distribution factor
(Nükleer Bilimler) dağılma faktörü
distribution feeder
(Tekstil) besleme hattı
distribution frame
distribution frame
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) dağıtım çatısı
distribution list
(Askeri) DAĞITIM LİSTESİ: Emirlerin ve diğer evrakın gönderileceği şahıs ve teşkillerin isimlerini ve her birine kaç suret gönderileceğini gösteren liste
distribution of fire
(Askeri) ATEŞ TAKSİMİ: Bak. "distribution (7) "
distribution of overhead cost
distribution parts
(Askeri) dağıtım stoku
distribution parts
(Askeri) DAĞITIM STOKU: Tedarik edilen miktar ile bakım işleminde kullanılan miktar arasındaki farkı temsil eden yedek parçalar. Bunlara; düşman etkisi ile kaybolan parçalar ve ikmal hatalarını daimi dolu vaziyette tutmak için ihtiyat olarak gerekli olanlar dahildir
distribution point
(Askeri) DAĞITIM NOKTASI: İkmal maddeleri ve mühimmatın; destekleyen ikmal noktalarından bir tümen veya başka bir birlik tarafından alınıp ast birliklere dağıtım için paylara ayrıldığı bir nokta. Dağıtım noktaları; genellikle stok bulundurmazlar; ikmal kademelerinden gelen maddelerin tamamı, mümkün olur olmaz dağıtılır.. Bak. "Ammunition supply point"
distribution system
(Askeri) DAĞITIM SİSTEMİ: Askeri malzemeyi almak, depolamak, korumak, dağıtmak ve askeri ikmal sistemi alış noktası ile faaliyet merkezleri ve birliklere dağıtım noktası arasında akışını kontrol etmek üzere tertiplenmiş tesisler, müesseseler, usul ve işlemler toplamı
discrete distribution
ayrık dağılım
dividend distribution
kâr payı dağıtımı
digital distribution frame
sayisal dagitim catisi
Descent and Distribution
veraset ilamı
complementary distribution
(Dilbilim) bütünleyici dağılım
dual distribution
(Turizm) çifte dağıtım
electricity distribution
elektrik dağıtımı
exponential distribution
üssel dağılım
extreme value distribution
(Çevre) aşırı değer dağılımı
extreme value distribution
(Askeri) uç değer dağılımı
independent distribution
bağımsız dağılım
intensity of distribution
(Ticaret) dağıtımın yoğunluğu
intensive distribution
(Ticaret) yoğun dağıtım
interior distribution system
iç dağıtım sistemi
percentage distribution
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yüzde dağılımı
posterior distribution
sonsal dağılım
premises distribution
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yerleşke içi dağıtım
prior distribution
önsel dağılım
promotion of the distribution
(Politika, Siyaset) dağıtımın teşviki
sampling distribution
(Dilbilim) örneklem dağılımı
skew distribution
çarpık dağılım
age class distribution
yaş sınıfı dağılımı
angular distribution
açısal dağılım
bell distribution
çan dağılımı
binomial distribution
binomial dağılım
cable distribution box
kablo dağıtım kutusu
cauchy distribution
cauchy dağılımı
charge distribution
yük dağılımı
chi square distribution
ki kare dağılımı
chi squared distribution
ki kare dağılımı
conditional distribution
koşullu dağılım
cumulative distribution
birikmeli dağılım
dağılım ile ilgili
donnan distribution coefficient
donnan dağılım katsayısı
electron distribution
elektron dağılımı
energy distribution
enerji dağılımı
energy distribution
erke dağılımı
frequency distribution
frekans dağılımı
frequency distribution
sıklık dağılımı
gamma distribution
gama dağılımı
gaussian distribution
gauss dağılımı
geometric distribution
geometrik dağılım
hypergeometric distribution
aşırı eş çarpanlı dağılım
income distribution
gelir dağılımı
joint distribution
birleşik dağılım
joint distribution function
ortak dağılım fonksiyonu
lattice distribution
örgü dağılımı
light distribution
ışık dağılımı
load distribution
yük dağılımı
main distribution cable
ana dağıtım kablosu
normal distribution
olağan dağılım
normal distribution
normal frekans dağılımı
normal distribution
normal dağılım
probability distribution
olasılık dağılımı
profit distribution
kâr dağıtımı
radial distribution
radyal dağılım
sample distribution
örnek dağılım
temperature distribution
sıcaklık dağılımı
Fermi distribution
Fermi dağılımı
Poisson distribution
Poisson yasası
battlefield distribution
savaş dağılımı
cumulative distribution function
Sürekli tıp değişkenlerde dağılım fonksiyonu, olasılık dağılım fonksiyonu, kısaltılmış hali: CDF
degenerate distribution
Dejenere dağılım, tekil destekli dağılım
degenerate distribution
(İstatistik) Bozuk dağılım, dejenere dağılım, tekil destekli dağılım
dağılım ile ilgili, dagilimsal
equality of distribution
dağılım eşitliği
frequency distribution
(İstatistik) TEKERRÜR DAÐİLİMİ, TEKERRÜR HESABı: Kriptografide açık veya kriptolu metinlerdeki nisbi tekerrür miktarının sayılması. Buna "frequency count" da denir
geographical distribution
Coğrafi dağılım
joint distribution
(İstatistik) Bileşik dağılım, ortak dağılım
joint distribution
ortak dağıtım
log-normal distribution
lognormal dağılım
particle size distribution
tane büyüklüğü dağılımı
population distribution
(Çevre) Nüfus dağılımı
posterior distribution
(İstatistik) Ardıl dağılım
relating to distribution
dağılımına ilişkin
skew distribution
aykırı dağılım, çarpık dağılım
trunk distribution frame
jonksiyon dağıtım çatısı, jonksiyon repartitörü
uniform distribution
üniform dağılım, tekbiçimli dağılım
data distribution center; defense distribution center
(Askeri) veri dağıtım merkezi; savunma dağıtım merkezi
dağıtımla ilgili
joint table of distribution; joint theater distribution
(Askeri) müşterek dağıtım tablosu; müşterek harekat sahası dağıtımı
position determining system; primary distribution site; protected distribution s
(Askeri) mevki tespit sistemi; esas dağıtım bölgesi; korunmuş dağıtım sistemi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Anything distributed; portion; share
A probability distribution; the set of relative likelihoods that a variable will have a value in a given interval
The process by which goods get to final consumers over a geographical market, including storing, selling, shipping and advertising
The process or result of the sale of securities, especially their placement among investors with long-term investment strategies
A set of bundled software components; distro
The apportionment of income or wealth in a population

The wealth distribution became extremely skewed in the kleptocracy.

The frequency of occurrence or extent of existence
An act of distributing or state of being distributed
An apportionment by law (of funds, property)
The result of distributing; arrangement
{n} the act of distributing, a division
The set of activities which ensure the availability of goods in the desired quality, quantity, place and time for the customer See also physical distribution
A portion of electric delivery charges for the local movement of power Midwest Energy includes costs of its lines and substations that operate below 34,000 volts in this category Other costs of operating the electric utility are included here because many customer specific fixed costs are not fully covered by the "customer charge" In this sense, the term distribution really means "distribution and local service"
Distributions define how the employee is paid For example, distributions contain information about the pay rate the employee will receive, the account number the pay will be charged to, and what type of pay it is, e g regular pay, shift differential, or a stipend
the spatial property of being scattered about over an area or volume
The delivery of electricity to the retail customer's home or business through low voltage distribution lines
- A packaging of the Linux kernel with various user interfaces, utilities, drivers, and other software into a user deliverable Often available as a free download or in a low-cost CD-ROM package Popular distributions include Mandrake, Caldera OpenLinux, CoreLinux, Debian, Red Hat, Slackware, SuSE, TurboLinux and others
The act of distributing or dispensing; the act of dividing or apportioning among several or many; apportionment; as, the distribution of an estate among heirs or children
The sorting of types and placing them in their proper boxes in the cases
The process by which commodities get to final consumers, including storing, selling, shipping, and advertising
A resolving a whole into its parts
Separation into parts or classes; arrangement of anything into parts; disposition; classification
1 Payment from a mutual fund including dividends, short-term capital gains, long-term capital gains, tax-exempt dividends and return of capital 2 The proceeds from the sale of shares from your account
Distribution organisations manage the activities associated with the movement of materials, usually finished goods or parts, from the supplier to the customer All activities related to physical distribution need to be managed This movement may be through one or more levels of field warehouses
This is another way of saying: professional selling A stock is under distribution when volume expands on days when price moves down
A (usually) complete collection of software needed to operate a computer including the Linux kernel and various utilities and applications
{i} act of distributing or portioning something out; particular group to which something is distributed (e.g. a newspaper or magazine); allotment; systematic division of items into parts; (Statistics) probability or frequency with which items are distributed into various groups
The distribution of something is how much of it there is in each place or at each time, or how much of it each person has. a more equitable distribution of wealth. = spread
They occur in the central and southern parts of Kenya, in southwestern Uganda and widely throughout Tanzania They are restricted to the extreme southern parts of Zaire and Angola, and occur widely in Zambia They are found in the northern, northeastern and eastern sectors of Botswana, and are widely distributed in Zimbabwe and Mozambique In Namibia, they are restricted to the extreme northwest They are found in the northern and eastern sectors of South Africa, and in the Kruger National Park, the impala is by far the most abundant and widespread antelope species
(statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence
The process of delivering electricity from the electric distribution system to a consumer's home or business over local electric lines
In epidemiology, the frequency and pattern of health-related characteristics and events in a population In statistics, the observed or theoretical frequency of values of a variable
A distribution is a collection of all the software needed to operate a computer, including the operating system and a selection of application programs
The relative arrangements of the elements of a statistical population based on some criterion, as frequency, time, or location
The channel structure used to transfer products from an organisation to its customers
A Linux package made up of the Linux kernel, other system software, user applications, and with all major distributions, an installation program Anyone can put together a Linux distribution, and the operating system can vary widely depending on the kernel version and system software employed
Arrangements for getting goods to consumers, involving national distributors, wholesalers, retailers, dealers and agents When exclusive rights are granted, competition may be damaged
That which is distributed
A combination of a Linux kernel, a suite of UNIX-like command programs, and other software for installing and maintaining a Linux system
moving electronic signals from trunk lines to their final destination through a distribution network; see also dissemination, transmission Distribution
The delivery of electricity to the retail customer's home or business through low-voltage distribution lines
The act or process of delivering electric energy from convenient points on the transmission system (usually a substation) to consumers The network of wires and equipment that distributes, transports or delivers electricity to customers The delivery of electric energy to customers on the distribution service Electric energy is carried at high voltages along the transmission lines For consumers needing lower voltages, it is reduced in voltage at a substation and delivered over primary distribution lines extending throughout the area where the electricity is distributed For users needing even lower voltages, the voltage is reduced once more by a distribution transformer or line transformer At this point, it changes from primary to secondary distribution
The steps or operations by which steam is supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston; viz
the commercial activity of transporting and selling goods from a producer to a consumer
A system of delivering acceptable voltage electricity from transmission lines to individual customers
Measurements on any variable, even the same variable on the same subject will vary The pattern of variation of a variable is called its distribution, which can be described both mathematically and graphically In essence, the distribution records all possible numerical values of a variable and how often each value occurs (its frequency) The most well known example of a distribution is the bell-shaped curve
the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning the commercial activity of transporting and selling goods from a producer to a consumer the spatial property of being scattered about over an area or volume (statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence
Payment of a dividend or capital gain Shareholders may take their distributions in cash or may have them automatically reinvested in additional shares of the same fund
Delivery of electricity to retail customer (home or business) through low- voltage distribution lines
admission, suppression or cutting off, release or exhaust, and compression of exhaust steam prior to the next admission
The distribution of things involves giving or delivering them to a number of people or places. the council which controls the distribution of foreign aid emergency food distribution
Delivering an ASF stream from one server to another Distribution serves many purposes, such as: Distributing a stream to another server, which then unicasts the stream, allowing clients in a part of the network that is not enabled for multicasts to receive the stream Distributing a stream to a server that is enabled for HTTP streaming This allows users behind a firewall to receive a stream that they otherwise would not be able to receive Distributing a stream from one Windows Media server to another Windows Media server, in order to create more unicast streams For example, if you have reached the maximum number of unicast streams for a server, you can send a stream to another server, which then can unicast that stream to more clients
the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning
distribution board
A board containing multiple electrical circuit breakers; a panelboard
distribution boards
plural form of distribution board
distribution lot
: A synonym of case pack; the number of items in a case or number of cases on a palette. Abbreviation: DL
distribution server
a network server that stores the installation files for distribution over a network
distribution servers
plural form of distribution server
Free of specific assumptions about the shape of the probability distribution generating the sample
distribution agreement
a contract governing the marketing of an item of merchandise
distribution center
(Ticaret) A facility that stores inventory and ships finished goods orders to customers for a specific geographic area. Its stock is replenished on a periodic basis by manufacturing plants or other distribution centers, and it may process customer returns but does not have production capabilities
distribution centre
a short-term storage centre located close to a major market to facilitate the rapid processing of orders and shipment of goods to customers; unlike a warehouse, the emphasis is on the moving of goods rather than on long-term storage
distribution centre
A large, centralised warehouse that receives goods from factories and suppliers, regroups them into orders and quickly ships them to customers p 398
distribution centre
location where orders from the booksellers are received and processed and where books are stored and dispatched Since the days when every publisher had its own warehouse and trade counter (from which local orders were supplied on demand), the trend has been towards large out of town distribution centres servicing the requirements of many publishers and imprints
distribution channel
a way of selling a company's product either directly or via distributors; "possible distribution channels are wholesalers or small retailers or retail chains or direct mailers or your own stores
distribution cost
any cost incurred by a producer or wholesaler or retailer or distributor (as for advertising and shipping etc)
distribution law
(chemistry) the total energy in an assembly of molecules is not distributed equally but is distributed around an average value according to a statistical distribution
distribution list
A predefined list of users, represented by a single e-mail address, that replaces the need to enter each user's address when sending a message to them collectively
distribution list
A group of recipients created to expedite mass-mailing of messages and other information When mail is sent to a distribution list, all members of that list receive a copy
distribution list
Only the list owner may send a message to all of the subscribers If any other subscriber sends an email to the list's address it will only go to the list owner
distribution list
A set of users, resources, and nicknames specified as message recipients In the client software, a distribution list is referred to as a group
distribution list
list of names to whom a communication should be sent
distribution list
A collection of phone numbers, subscriber names, and e-mail addresses to which you can send messages You can use a distribution list to send the same message, with one phone call, to multiple recipients You can also use distribution lists from your PC
distribution list
A group of recipients addressed as a single recipient Administrators can create distribution lists that are available in the Address Book Users can create distribution lists and add them to their personal address books
distribution list
list of people and businesses to whom goods or services are to be sold or allocated
distribution list
BIBLINK Partners
distribution list
A set of users, resources, and nicknames specified as message recipients In the GroupWise client, a distribution list is referred to as a group
distribution list
Mailing list – by type of commodity
distribution list
A system for simultaneously sending email to a list of subscribers or group of users
distribution list
A group of email addresses that can be used to send a message to all members of the group Whenever a message is addressed to the name of list, the message is routed to all of the members
distribution network
(Ticaret) The description of distribution facilities and organizations serving as supply and replenishment points for given product lines and specifying the lead times and transportation methods between those points
distribution point
place of dispensation, site of apportionment or allocation
distribution resource planning
(Ticaret) (DRP) The function of planning inventory levels, supply and replenishment logic, and demand response for an organization's distribution network. After defining the network, orders and forecasts at distribution facilities that drive projected stock levels below the reorder point trigger a suggested replenishment order from the supply source, based on lead time and lot size parameters. Each distribution point passes demand to the next supply source, which is either a vendor, another distribution center or a manufacturing plant. DRP also incorporates logistics resource planning, and is sometimes described as MRP for a finished goods network
dividend distribution
dividing and giving out of profit shares
Bernoulli distribution
A discrete probability distribution, which takes value 1 with success probability p and value 0 with failure probability q=1-p
Cauchy distribution
A continuous probability distribution such that its probability density function is
F distribution
A probability distribution of the ratio of two variables, each with a chi-square distribution; used in analysis of variance, especially in the significance testing of a correlation coefficient (R squared)
Gaussian distribution
Normal distribution
Laplace distribution
A probability distribution consisting of two exponential distributions, one positive and one negative
Pareto distribution
A probability distribution such that for a random variable X with that distribution holds that the probability that X is greater than some number x is given by\Pr(X>x)=\left(\frac{x}{x_\mathrm{m}}\right)^{-k}for all x ≥ xm, where xm is the (necessarily positive) minimum possible value of X, and k is a positive parameter
Poisson distribution
A limit of the binomial distribution for very large numbers of trials and a small probability of success
Student's t distribution
A distribution that arises when the population standard deviation is unknown and has to be estimated from the data
age distribution
The number of people in stated age ranges
binary distribution
Bernoulli distribution
binary distribution
A distribution of software containing executable binaries, without source code
binomial distribution
The discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of n independent yes/no experiments, each of which yields success with probability p
chi-square distribution
a probability distribution used in inferential statistics
exponential distribution
a class of continuous probability distributions often used to model the time between events that happen at a constant average rate
hypergeometric distribution
A discrete probability distribution that describes the number of successes in a sequence of n draws from a finite population without replacement
normal distribution
A family of continuous probability distributions such that the probability density function is the Gaussian function

\varphi_{\mu,\sigma^2}(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} \,e^{ -\frac{(x- \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}} = \frac{1}{\sigma} \varphi\left(\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma}\right),\quad x\in\mathbb{R}.

probability distribution
A function of a discrete random variable yielding the probability that the variable will have a given value
radial distribution function
A function which specifies the average density of atoms, molecules etc in three dimensions from a given point
standard normal distribution
The normal distribution with a mean of zero and a variance of one
stationary distribution
a row vector \pi whose entries sum to 1 that satisfies the equation \pi P=\pi, where P is the transition matrix of the Markov chain
Descent and Distribution
law that determines who is entitled to the property from the estate under the rules of inheritance
Descent and Distribution
The area of law that pertains to the transfer of real property or Personal Property of a decedent who failed to leave a will or make a valid will and the rights and liabilities of heirs, next of kin, and distributees who are entitled to a share of the property
binomial distribution
(İstatistik) In probability theory and statistics, the binomial distribution is the discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of n independent yes/no experiments, each of which yields success with probability p. Such a success/failure experiment is also called a Bernoulli experiment or Bernoulli trial. In fact, when n = 1, the binomial distribution is a Bernoulli distribution. The binomial distribution is the basis for the popular binomial test of statistical significance
degenerate distribution
In mathematics, a degenerate distribution is the probability distribution of a discrete random variable whose support consists of only one value. Examples include a two-headed coin and rolling a die whose sides all show the same number. While this distribution does not appear random in the everyday sense of the word, it does satisfy the definition of random variable
Distributional effects and policies relate to the share of a country's wealth that different groups of people have. the distributional effects of free markets, which lead to inequalities in income
of or relating to spatial distribution; "distributional requirements"
Distributional means relating to the distribution of goods. What they're doing is setting up distributional networks
Of or pertaining to distribution
of or relating to spatial distribution; "distributional requirements
A distribution takes place when the income received by the fund is distributed to investors The distribution on income consists of the dividends paid by the shares in the portfolio and interest from the interest-bearing securities
The income or capital gain made by a mutual fund that is paid to the fund's investors
Capital gains (long or short term), interest, or dividends paid to bond holders and shareholders These can be received as cash or stock and they are treated as closed lots for tax purposes Return of capital is also a type of distribution, but it is usually tax exempt Distributions from mutual fund shares are easily reinvested into more shares and the compounding of reinvested shares can add substantially to the cumulative return of a fund
Amounts paid to shareholders of a mutual fund Income distributions represent income received by the fund and may be taxable or tax exempt Capital gain distributions represent capital gains received by the fund and are taxable, even if the fund invests in tax-exempt securities Non-taxable distributions represent the return of capital investors paid into the fund and are not subject to income tax
Payment by a business entity to its owners of items such as cash ASSETS, stocks, or earnings
1: The payment, to investors, of realized capital gains on securities within the portfolio of a mutual fund or closed-end investment company
The dividends and interest paid to a fund by the stocks and bonds it owns, as well as the proceeds from the sales of securities, are passed along to individual fund shareholders in the form of distributions Distributions are taxable in the year in which they are received, regardless of whether you take them in cash or reinvest them in the fund (Exception: Tax-deferred retirement plans, in which distributions are not taxed until they are withdrawn ) Redemptions paid to a participant from a retirement account
Withdrawals from a retirement plan or IRA Also, payments of dividends and/or capital gains by a mutual fund, which can trigger significant tax consequences for an investor See Mutual Funds: Taxes
Payments from the fund that may include dividends from capital gains or earnings from sale of securities with the funds portfolio holdings and/or return of capital A distribution is made by cash or by investing in additional units/shares via a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) Funds are required to distribute capital gains (if any) to unit/shareholders at least once per year
income payments from managed investments Such payments comprise a share of any net income and realised capital gains earned by an investment over a financial year The components which generally make up a distribution are profits from the sale of assets, income and currency gains
Collective term for payments such as dividends, bonuses, stock dividends, etc , which are distributed to the shareholder of an enterprise In the broader sense, interest can also be paid on the distributions
Payments from fund or corporate cash flow May include dividends from earnings, capital gains from sale of portfolio holdings and return of capital Fund distributions can be made by check or by investing in additional shares Funds are required to distribute capital gains (if any) to shareholders at least once per year Some Corporations offer Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRP)
– Payments to investors by a mutual fund from income or from profit realized from sales of securities
Capital gains (short-term or long-term), interest, a return of principal or dividends paid to shareholders
Payments from fund or corporate cash flow
The amount of money per share of a mutual fund that is paid lo shareholders, from the income or interest earned from the securities contained in the portfolio Distributors - Intermediaries who act as a connecting link between the AMCs and the- investors They help investor to put or withdraw money in several mutual fund schemes in turn they help the AMCs to garner savings from investors
Payments to investors by a mutual fund from income or from profit realized from sales of securities
Payments to investors by a mutual fund from income or profit that has been realised from the sale of securities
Cash or stock returned to the limited partners after the general partner has exited from an investment Stock distributions are sometimes referred to as “in-kind” distributions The partnership agreement governs the timing of distributions to the limited partner, as well as how any profits are divided among the limited partners and the general partner
Entitlements arising on securities that are loaned out, e g , dividends, interest and non-cash distributions
plural of distribution