(Askeri) KADEMELENME, UZAKLIK: Bir nokta ile diğer nokta arasındaki mesafe. Örneğin, bataryadaki bir topun, esas topa veya batarya ortasına nazaran yanına ve derinliğine mesafesi
If you apply a force to the point of a steel stick, it bends; its point changes its place in the space and it has a differance in vertically. This differance is displacement.
(Askeri) HACİM TONU: Ortalama bir long tonluk deniz suyunun ağırlığına eşit olan birim. Bu birim, gemilerin taşıdığı su miktarı olarak ifade edilir. Bak. "ton"
(Askeri) KADEMELİ MEVZİ DEĞİŞTİRME: Bir birliğin, esas görevine ara vermeden, bir mevziden diğerine intikali. Normal olarak, birlik, (esas ve ileri kademe halinde) iki çalışma grubuna ayrılır ve esas kademe bulunduğu yerde çalışmaya devam ederken, ileri kademe yeni bir mevzie geçer; bu kademe burada çalışır duruma geldikten sonra, esas kademe kendisine katılır
(Askeri) BOŞ MAİMAHREÇ TONİLATOSU: Bir geminin, long ton olarak ifade edilen ağırlığı. Hamule, yolcular, yakıt, su ve sefer için lüzumlu diğer maddelerin ağırlıkları buna dahil değildir. Bak. "tonnage"
(Askeri) RADYAL TAŞMA: Dikey fotoğraflarda görünen "dışa taşma" veya tabanına nazaran yüksekliği olan herhangi bir cismin tepesinin görünen ihracı. Bu ihracın yönü gerçek bir dikeyde ana noktadan, veya oynama nedeniyle bozulmuş dikey bir fotoğrafta izomerkezden radyaldır
The process of extracting soluble substances from organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another quantity of the solvent
The quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a floating body, as by a ship, the weight of the displaced liquid being equal to that of the displacing body
A file displacement is an absolute byte position relative to the beginning of a file The displacement defines the location where a view begins Note that a ``file displacement'' is distinct from a ``typemap displacement ''
{i} act of moving something from its usual place; condition of being displaced; replacing of one thing with another
The volume swept out by the compressing element (piston, screw rotors, etc ) per unit of time; usually expressed in cubic feet per minute
Displacement is the removal of something from its usual place or position by something which then occupies that place or position. the displacement of all my energy into caring for the baby
In an engine, the total volume of air or air-fuel mixture an engine is theoretically capable of drawing into all cylinders during one operating cycle Generally expressed in liters or cubic inches Engine displacement is equal to (bore) x (bore) x (stroke) x (number of pistons) x ( 785)
The difference between the initial position of a reference point and any later position The amount any point affected by an earthquake has moved from where it was before the earthquake
(Otomotiv) Usually refers to the combined volume of the piston chambers - that is, the maximum volume of fuel and air that an engine can hold before compression takes place
The weight of water displaced by a hull Also, a type of hull that smoothly displaces water as opposed to riding on top of it
the distance, translational and rotational, that a node travels from its initial position to its post-analysis position The total displacement is represented by components in each of the 3 translational directions and the 3 rotational directions
This occurs when the impact from a Structural Fund intervention displaces employment or economic activity from elsewhere in the Programme area For example, financial support to a SME to expand its business may result in the company taking business from other local companies As a result, the jobs created in the company being supported will be partly or wholly offset by job losses in other local companies The result of displacement is to reduce the net additional employment impact
The pushing out of older information in short term memory to make room for new information Dissociation A separation from the self, with the most severe resulting in Dissociative Identity Disorder Most of us experience this in very mild forms such as when we are driving long distance and lose time or find ourselves day dreaming longer than we thought
A vector quantity that specifies the change of position of a body or particle usually measured from the mean position or position of rest
Used for warships, this is the measure of the weight of the water displaced by a fully laden vessel, i e the water displaced when the ship is sailing at the waterline
Displacement is the forcing of people away from the area or country where they live
In dispersal unit transport, the process by which the unit is actually moved from the point of formation to the point of landing; the middle process of the dispersal act consisting of takeoff, flight and landing, or liberation, displacement and deposition
Sum of the volumes swept by an engine's pistons as they travel up and down in their cylinders Based upon bore (diameter of cylinder) and stroke (distance traveled by piston) Expressed in liters or cubic inches
The weight of the quantity of water displaced by the vessel The displacement of the vessel on her light draft represents the weight of the vessel ready for use including stores etc
act of removing from office or employment to move something from its natural environment (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one (chemistry) a reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compound
The measured distance traveled by a point from its position at rest Peak to peak displacement is the total measured movement of a vibrating point between its positive and negative extremes Measurement units expressed as inches or millinches
(1) A change of position in a particular direction (2) Distance of a vibrating particle from the midpoint of its vibration
- The size of the engine; specifically, the total volume found in the cylinders This is usually expressed in cc (cubic centimeters) or ci (cubic inches) Generally, the larger the displacement, the more powerful the motor
A unit approximately equal to the volume of a long ton weight of seawater, used in reckoning the displacement of ships, and equal to 35 U.S. or Imperial cubic feet
Performance by an animal of an act inappropriate for the stimulus or stimuli that evoked it. It usually occurs when an animal is torn between two conflicting drives, such as fear and aggression. Displacement activities often consist of comfort movements (e.g., grooming, scratching)