
listen to the pronunciation of director
الإنجليزية - التركية

Müdür emekli olduktan sonra Tom kuruluşun başına tayin edildi. - Tom was named the head of the organization after the director retired.

Şirketin müdürüyle görüşmek istiyorum. - I want to see the director of the company.


Bu yönetmen eleştiriye duyarsız değil. - This director is not insensitive to criticism.

Gözde film yönetmenin kimdir. - Who's your favorite movie director?


Biz yöneticinin kibrini pohpohladık. - We've flattered the director's vanity.

Aktörün yönetici ile bir anlaşmazlığı vardı. - The actor had a dispute with his director.

(Dilbilim) yönlendirici
{i} yönetim kurulu üyesi
{i} direktör
{i} orkestra şefi
{i} idareci
(Askeri) KOMUTA ALETİ: Radar ve telemetre gibi bir cihazdan alınan bilgilere dayanarak devamlı surette atış esaslarını hesap eden ve bunları toplara intikal ettiren bir elektromanyetik cihaz. Bu cihaz; hareket halindeki bir hedefi, istikamet açısı ve açısal yükseklik bakımından takip etmek için kullanılır. Buna "antiaircraft director" da denir
{i} koro şefi
director circle
doğrultman çemberi
director general
genel müdür
director of customs
gümrük müdürü
director of public prosecution
director of sales
satış müdürü
director's office
director of education
Eğitim müdürü
director of marketing
Bkz: marketing director
director of photography
(Film) Görüntü Yönetmeni
director of project
Proje yöneticisi
genel mudur
Director for Force Structure, Resource, and Assessment, Joint Staff
(Askeri) Müşterek Karargah Kuvvet Yapısı, Kaynağı ve Tahsisi Başkanlığı
Director of Administration and Management
(Askeri) İdare ve Yönetim Başkanı
Director of Central Intelligence Directive
(Askeri) Merkezi İstihbarat Başkanı Direktifi
Director of Central Intelligence; dual channel interchange
(Askeri) Merkezi İstihbarat Başkanı; çift kanallı dolaşım
Director of Intelligence
(Askeri) İstihbarat Başkanı
Director of Naval Intelligence
(Askeri) Donanma İstihbarat Başkanı
Director of Operations, United States Air Force
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Hava Kuvvetleri Harekat Direktörü
Director of Public Prosecutions
Director of Strategic Target Planning
(Askeri) Stratejik Hedef Planlama Başkanı
Director, Counterintelligence and Security Programs
(Askeri) İKK ve Güvenlik Programları Başkanı
Director, Joint Staff
(Askeri) Müşterek Karargah Başkanı
Director, Joint Staff memorandum
(Askeri) Müşterek Karargah Memorandumu Başkanı
Director, National Security Agency
(Askeri) Ulusal Güvenlik Dairesi Başkanı
Director, Security Plans and Service
(Askeri) Güvenlik Planları ve Hizmetleri Başkanı
director id
(Bilgisayar) yönetmen no
director military intelligence
(Askeri) askeri istihbarat başkanı
director of admission
(Eğitim) kabul müdürü
director of channel projects
(Ticaret) kanal proje müdürü
director of cinematography
görüntü yönetmeni
director of computer center
(Eğitim) bilgi-işlem merkezi müdür
director of computer center
(Eğitim) bilgi-işlem merkezi müdürü
director of defense research and engineering
(Askeri) savunma araştırma ve istihkam başkanı
director of finance
(Ticaret) mali işler müdürü
director of foundation waters
(Ticaret) vakıf sular müdürü
director of general documents
(Ticaret) genel evrak müdürü
director of intelligence
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT BAŞKANI: A. B. D. Kara Kuvvetleri karargah heyetine bağlı ve askeri istihbaratı ilgilendiren işlerle görevli istihbarat Başkanlığının (Military Intelligence Division) başında bulunan subay
director of intelligence
(Askeri) istihbarat başkanı
director of logistic
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK BAŞKANI: A. B. D. Kara Kuvvetleri Karargah heyetine bağlı ve lojistik işleriyle görevli subay. DIRECTOR OF MEDICAL SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: M. S. B. TIP TEŞKİLATI BAŞKANI: Bknz. "Army Medical Services"
director of logistics
(Askeri) lojistik başkanı
director of military support
(Askeri) askeri destek başkanı
director of mobility forces
(Askeri) seferberlik kuvvetleri başkanları
director of organization and training
(Askeri) TEŞKİLAT VE EĞİTİM BAŞKANI: A. B. D. Kara Kuvvetleri Karargah heyetine bağlı teşkilat işleriyle görevli subay
director of personnel and administration
(Askeri) PERSONEL BAŞKANI: A. B. D. Kara Kuvvetleri Karargah heyetine bağlı ve personel işleriyle görevli subay
director of plans and operations
(Askeri) HAREKAT BAŞKANI: A. B. D. Kara Kuvvetleri Karargah heyetine bağlı ve harekat işleriyle görevli subay
director of technical services
(Ticaret) teknik işler müdürü
director of training services
(Ticaret) eğitim işleri müdürü
director of treatment plants
(Ticaret) arıtma tesisleri müdürü
director of treatment units
(Ticaret) arıtma tesisleri müdürü
director of vehicles
(Ticaret) araçlar müdürü
director of water projects
(Ticaret) su proje müdürü
director of workshops
(Ticaret) atölyeler müdürü
director's name
(Bilgisayar) yönetmenin adı
division director
bölüm yöneticisi
commercial director
Ticaretten sorumlu müdür
deputy managing director
Genel müdür yardımcısı
branch director
(Askeri) şube müdürü
creative director
(Sinema) yaratıcı yönetmen
deputy director general
genel müdür yardımcısı
(Ticaret) yöneticiler
(Ticaret) müdürler
event director
(Bilgisayar) organizasyon yöneticisi
executive director
(Ticaret) murahhas aza
executive director
baş yönetmen
funeral director
independent director
(Sinema) bağımsız yapımcı
independent director
(Sinema) bağımsız yönetmen
sales director
(Ticaret) satış direktörü
senior managing director
(Ticaret) kıdemli genel müdür
vice director
yardımcı müdür
vice general director
(Ticaret) genel müdür yardımcısı
art director
sanat yönetmeni
corporate director
yönetim kurulu üyesi
lighting director
aydınlatma yönetmeni
managing director
managing director
fabrika müdürü
managing director
yönetim müdürü
movie director
film yönetmeni
music director
müzik yönetmeni
security director
güvenlik müdürü
Public Works Director
Bayındırlık işleri müdürü
She entered the director´s office with a sinking feeling
Müdürün odasına endişe içinde girdi. Their spirits sank. Neşeleri kayboldu
account director
hesap yöneticisi
account director
hesap müdürü
account director
muhasebe müdürü
asistant director for extension and outreach
krediler ve sosyal yardım başkan yardımcısı
assistant director general
Genel Müdür Yardımcısı
board director
kurulu müdürü
co director
co yönetmen
company director
şirket yönetim kurulu üyesi
corporate director
Anonim şirket başkanı
film director
functional director
işlevsel yönetici
funeral director
general director
Genel mudur
guineapig director
yönetmen guineapig
sales director
Satış müdürü
stage director
(Tiyatro) Sahne yönetmeni, sahneye konulacak eserlerin provalarını yöneten, dekor işlerini organize ederek senaryonun en iyi şekilde sahnelenmesini sağlayan kişi
(MS) Assistant Deputy Director for Operations/Military Support
(Askeri) Harekat (Askeri Destek) Başkan Yardımcısı
Air Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri İstihbarat Keşif ve Gözetleme Direktörü
Assistant Deputy Director for Operations
(Askeri) Harekat Başkan Yardımcısı
Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Military Support
(Askeri) Merkezi İstihbarat (Askeri Destek) Başkan Yardımcısı
Defense Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Service; Director of Health Services
(Askeri) Savunma Beşeri İstihbarat (HUMINT) Dairesi; Sıhhi Hizmetler Başkanı
Defense Modeling and Simulation Office; director of major staff office; Division
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Modelleme Ve Simülasyon Ofisi; ana karargah dairesi başkanı; Tümen Tıbbi Malzeme Temin bürosu
Deputy Director for Administration (CIA); designated development activity
(Askeri) İdare Başkanı Yardımcısı (CIA); tahsis edilmiş geliştirme faaliyeti
Deputy Director for Science & Technology (CIA)
(Askeri) Bilim ve Teknoloji Başkanı Yardmıcısı (CIA)
Deputy Director for Wargaming, Simulation, and Operations
(Askeri) Harp Oyunu, Simülasyon ve Harekat Başkanı Yardımcısı
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (CIA)
(Askeri) Merkezi İstihbarat Başkanı Yardımcısı (CIA)
Deputy Director of Intelligence (CIA)
(Askeri) İstihbarat Başkanı Yardımcısı (CIA)
Deputy Director of Operations (CIA)
(Askeri) Harekat Başkanı Yardımcısı (CIA)
Executive Director (CIA)
(Askeri) İcra Başkanı (CIA)
Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs (USG)
(Askeri) İstihbarat Toplum İlişkileri İcra Başkanı (Birleşik Devletler (US) hükümeti (USG))
Office of the Director, Joint Staff
(Askeri) Genel Kurmay Başkanları Karargahı
Vice Director, Joint Staff
(Askeri) Müşterek Karargah Başkan Yardımcısı
accounting director
(Ticaret) muhasebe müdürü
acting director
müdüre vekalet eden
antiaircraft director
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA KOMUTA ALETİ: Bak. "director"
army recreational director
(Askeri) ORDU EĞLENDİRME VE DİNLENDİRME MÜDÜRÜ: Ordudaki eğlendirme faaliyetlerini yürüten subay
assignment director
(Ticaret) görevlendirme amiri
assistant director
(isim) müdür muavini
assistant director
{i} müdür muavini
attitude director indicator
(Askeri) DURUM YÖNETME GÖSTERGESİ: Uçuş idare bilgisayarlarından gelen komuta sinyallerini gösteren durum göstergesi
ballistic director
(Askeri) BALİSTİK TİPİ KOMUTA ALETİ: Hareket halindeki bir hedefin, ileride varacağı bir noktaya ait atış esaslarını hesap eden ve tevcih hesapları ile gözetleme işlerini birlikte yapan bir alet
cafeteria director
(Askeri) KAFETERYA MÜDÜRÜ: Bak. "hostess unit"
combat support agency director's report
(Askeri) muharebe destek dairesi başkanı raporu
costume director
(Sinema) başgiysici
dead on arrival; director of administration
(Askeri) yolda ölmüş, yerinde ölü bulunan; idare başkanı
defense message system; defense meteorological system; director of military supp
(Askeri) savunma mesaj sistemi; savunma meteoroloji sistemi; askeri destek başkanı
deputy director for military support
(Askeri) askeri destek başkanı yardımcısı
{i} direktörlük
engagement director
(Ticaret) sorumlu yönetici
exercise operations director
(Askeri) tatbikat harekat direktörü
fighter director
(Askeri) AVCI HAREKAT DİREKTÖRÜ: Kara ve hava kuvvetlerinde bir taktik hava idare merkezi direktörü. Karargah heyetinde bölgesinin savunması için kendisine tahsis edilecek hava haber verme ve uyarı sistemleri ve hava araçlarının idaresinden sorumlu subay. Ayrıca bakınız: "air controller", "fighter controller", "tactical air controller" ve "tactical air director"
fighter director
(Askeri) avcı harekat direktörü
fiscal director of a district
mal müdürü
inside director
(Ticaret) iç yönetici
joint force intelligence directorate deputy director for targets
(Askeri) müşterek kuvvet istihbarat başkanlığı hedeflerden sorumlu yarbaşkanı
lighting director
baş ışıkçı
medical crew director
(Askeri) sıhhiye personeli yöneticisi
medical director
(Tıp) tıp direktörü
nominee director
temsilci müdür
port director
production director
yayın yönetmeni
service club director
(Askeri) ERAT GAZİNOSU MÜDÜRÜ: Moral Hizmet tarafından istihdam edilen ve bir erat gazinosundaki idari işler ile belirli bir programın yürütülmesinden sorumlu olan, mesleki eğitim ve tecrübe görmüş sivil şahıs
tactical air director
(Askeri) TAKTİK HAVA DİREKTÖRÜ: Taktik hava idare merkezinin tüm faaliyetlerini idare eden subay. Bu subay kendi sorumluluk bölgesine tahsis edilen bütün hava araçlarının ve hava ikaz tesislerinin idaresinden, taktik hava kontrolüne karşı sorumludur. Taktik hava kontrol merkezinden (denizdeki) ayrı ve müstakil olarak çalıştığı taktirde, taktik hava direktörü taktik hava kontrolünün görevlerini üzerine alır. Ayrıca bak "tactical air direction center"
target director post
(Askeri) HEDEF KOMUTA POSTASI: Taktik hava kontrol sisteminin özel bir kontrol unsuru. Bu unsur hava ikaz hizmeti görmez, fakat her türlü hava şartları altında dost uçakların önceden belirlenmiş hedef koordinatları veya diğer coğrafi mevkiler üzerindeki durumunu tespit için kullanılır
tour director
(Askeri) MİHMANDAR SUBAY: Yurdu ziyaret eden yabancı heyetlere tercümanlık ve mihmandarlıkla görevlendirilmiş subay
tour director
(Askeri) mihmandar subay
training manager/director
water director
(İnşaat) su yönelticisi
worker director
işletme müdürü
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The common axis of symmetry of the molecules of a liquid crystal
One who directs; the person in charge of managing a department or directorate (e.g., director of engineering), project, or production (as in a show or film, e.g., film director)
A device that displays graphical information concerning the targets of a weapons system in real time
{n} a superintendant, guide, ruler, rule
Director is the market leader in multimedia authoring software It is produced by an American company called Macromedia who produce many of the leading web and multimedia development software
A person who serves on a company's board of directors This person is responsible for keeping the company on track with its current goals and is open to personal liability if sued by shareholders or other involved parties
One who, or that which, directs; one who regulates, guides, or orders; a manager or superintendent
The Regional Administrator or State Director, as the context requires, or an authorized representative When there is no approved state program, and there is an EPA administered program, Director means the Regional Administrator When there is an approved state program, "Director" normally means the State Director
A part of a machine or instrument which directs its motion or action
The director of an orchestra or choir is the person who is conducting it
the creative artist responsible for complete artistic control of all phases of a film's production; the director's role always involves interpreting the script and communicating this interpretation to the actors by directing how to act a particular role and/or scene Sometimes a director's duties also include casting, and editing
The individual who suffers from the delusion that he or she is responsible for every moment of brilliance cited by the critic in the local review
Director of the Office for Accreditation
A person elected by shareholders to be responsible for the management and operation of the company Early Repayment Penalty: If a loan is repaid before the end of its term, lenders may charge an early repayment fee
Person elected by shareholders, usually during an annual meeting, to serve on the Board of Directors of a corpor-ation The directors appoint the president, vice president and all other operating officers Directors decide, among other matters, if and when dividends shall be paid
the person who leads a musical group
the person who is responsible to provide the ongoing direction and daily leadership for the operation and development of the program Other titles that are often used include coordinator or chair
In some organizations and public authorities, the person in charge is referred to as the director. the director of the intensive care unit at Guy's Hospital
An individual elected by the shareholder(s) to supervise the management of a corporation Together, all directors of a company are referred to as the "board of directors " All federal corporations are required to have one or more directors, a majority of whom must be ordinarily resident in Canada
member of a board of directors
Person elected by shareholders to serve on the board of directors The directors appoint the president, vice presidents, and all other operating officers Directors decide, among other matters, if and when dividends shall be paid
Person elected by shareholders to serve on the board of directors The directors appoint the president, vice president and all other operating officers, and decide when dividends should be paid (among other matters)
One who directs; the person in charge of managing a department (e.g., director of engineering), project, or production (as in a show or film, e.g., film director)
One of a body of persons appointed to manage the affairs of a company or corporation; as, the directors of a bank, insurance company, or railroad company
{i} manager; stage manager
The director of a play, film, or television programme is the person who decides how it will appear on stage or screen, and who tells the actors and technical staff what to do
The director of the Department of Administrative Services (DAS)
Person serving on a corporation's board of directors Directors are considered control persons or insiders for the purpose of fiduciary responsibility, and their trading in the securities of the company whose board they serve upon is regulated
The component of PrinterOn Focus that resides inside firewall protection Director collects print requests from Listener Using the information in the Printers tab, Director maps print requests to the correct printer The Queue Monitor is a component of Director
Video crew member controlling all aspects of action in front of the camera, including lighting, talent, and camera movement Directs the entire crew and is responsible for final completion of the project
someone who controls resources and expenditures
A slender grooved instrument upon which a knife is made to slide when it is wished to limit the extent of motion of the latter, or prevent its injuring the parts beneath
Person elected by voting common shareholders at the annual meeting to direct company policies
The Director of the Student Employment Center of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus, or his or her designated representative
An individual elected by the shareholder(s) to supervise the management of the corporation The directors of a corporation are collectively referred to as the board of directors Both federal (Canada) and Ontario Corporations are required to have one or more directors, a majority of whom must be resident Canadians
someone who controls resources and expenditures someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show member of a board of directors
The person holding the office of "director" of the department of water supply of the county of Maui (As stated in Section 1-2 of the Rules and Regulations )
n (1) The person designated by the Member Agreement who holds most executive authority in the W3C By tradition, the Director is mostly concerned with technical issues (2) Tim Berners-Lee
During production, works closely with the actors to make sure they convey the message the story requires through different methods such as facial expression or tone of voice Also works with the Director of Photography to see what a particular shot will look like and if it is appropriate to where the story is going
One of nine individuals elected by the members to the Foundation's board of directors Directors may or may not have individual responsibilities, but all are generally expected to stay informed about as much of the Foundation's operations and activity as possible, since the Board provides oversight for the Foundation as a whole
The directors of a company are its most senior managers, who meet regularly to make important decisions about how it will be run. He served on the board of directors of a local bank
someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show
director's cut
A specially edited version of a film that is supposed to represent the director's own approved edit of the film, and is released some time after the original release of the film
the highest executive officer within a governmental, statutory, NGO, third sector or not-for-profit institution. In reference to government, the executive officer below the minister of the department
Director of Public Prosecutions
the DPP in the legal system of England and Wales, the lawyer whose job it is to decide whether or not a person should be charged with a crime, in cases where it is not clear. There is a similar official in Scotland called the procurator fiscal
Director of Studies
a teacher in a British university or language school who is in charge of organizing the students' programmes of study
director general
The director general of a large organization such as the BBC is the person who is in charge of it
director general
general manager, executive officer
director of central intelligence
the head of the United States Intelligence Community and director of the Central Intelligence Agency
director of medical services
person who manages the provision of medical aid
director of photography
Also known as the "DP", the "Cameraman" and the "Cinematographer", is the head of the production unit (and second units) and is directly responsible to the Director The DP helps the Director translate the written word to the screen, supervising the operation of the lighting equipment and the camera crews During pre-production, goes over the script with the director and producer and decides which scenes will be dark, light, high angle, low angle, etc and what equipment will be necessary to get the shot
director of photography
A Director of Photography (also known as a DP) is like a Lighting Director and a Camera Operator in one
director of photography
The movie photographer responsible for camera technique and lighting during production Also called cinematographer
director of photography
Supervises all decisions regarding lighting, camera lenses, color and filters, camera angle set-ups, camera crew and film processing
director's cut
The version of a film in which the editing process is overseen, executed, or approved by the director, usually including footage not included in the standard release. a film containing all the parts that the director wanted to include, that usually appears after the film has been shown in cinemas without those parts
the person in charge of a large public organization
director-stockholder relation
the responsibility of corporate directors to act in the best interests of stockholders
director`s suspension
removal of a director from his position
funeral director
An undertaker, one who arranges funerals
Attributive form of funeral director

Don't come to the wedding with your funeral-director expression!.

managing director
The chief executive of a limited company
vice director
A deputy to a director, often empowered to assume the position of president on his death or absence
managing director
person in charge
creative director
A creative director is a position usually found within the advertising, media or entertainment industries, but may be useful in other creative organizations such as web development and software development firms as well. The job entails overseeing the design of branding and advertising for a client and ensuring that the new branding and advertising fits in with the clients requirements and the image they wish to promote for their company or product. The main aspects of this role are to interpret a client's communications strategy and then develop proposed creative approaches and treatments that align with that strategy. Another is to initiate and stimulate creative ideas for and from everyone involved in the creative process. Creative directors normally oversee creative service agencies or departments within a corporation. In advertising agencies, this consists of copywriters and art directors. In media design firms, the team can include graphic designers and computer programmers
stage director
1. someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a stage show
A director
President Director General
Chief Executive Officer, head of a large company (French)
State Revenues Director
person in charge of the collection of state taxes
Treasury Director-General
head of the government treasury
administrative director
manager, one who oversees a particular operation or business
art director
The Art Director is responsible for creating and maintaining the visual consistency of the art elements connected with the production including the design, construction and coloration of the sets and props Analyzing the script for the number and type of props, furniture, window, floors, ceilings dressings, and all other set materials Works closely with the Set Decorator, Carpenter and Property Master
art director
Hiromasa Ogura
art director
someone whose job is to decide on how pictures, photographs etc will look in a magazine, film, advertisement etc
art director
Person who oversees your publication’s design and supervises graphic designers, other design staff, and freelance artists and photographers, as needed
art director
Cameo Executive Producer Sequel
art director
the director in charge of the artistic features of a theatrical production (costumes and scenery and lighting)
art director
Along with graphic designers and production artists, determines how the ad's verbal and visual symbols will fit together (Ch 3, 11)
art director
An experienced specialist who is responsible for the visual creation of print, TV, and collateral material; may or may not supervise others or have client contact
art director
- The person responsible for the graphic design and creative positioning of an advertisement or campaign; the person in charge of an agency's production department
art director
The person who designs or selects the sets and decor of a film
art director
Person who conceives and designs the sets
assistant director
{i} first assistant to the director whose duties include following the progress of filming against the schedule of production and also preparing call sheets (Movie Business); aid to a manager or director
assistant director
assists director particularly by being responsible for scheduling, ensuring shoot runs on time, managing crew, actors and crowds on set etc
assistant director
The First Assistant Director is the Director's right hand man or woman who works closely with the Unit Production Manager They are responsible for seeing that the production is on schedule and within budget and that all scenes are covered He/she works on the set, supervising the actions of the talent, staff and Crew for the Director and as called for by the shooting schedule
assistant director
The video crew member acting as primary assistant to the director Maintains continuity, logs shots, and acts as stand-in for the director
assistant director
Individual willing to undertake special projects that nobody else would take on a bet, such as working one-on-one with the brain-dead actor whom the rest of the cast has threatened to take out a contract on
assistant director general
{i} assistant to the chief executive officer of a company
plural of director
a body of persons appointed to manage the affairs of a company or corporation
the directors of the company
Directors are elected at the convention to serve for terms of two years (RIB 6 060 1 ) They have such duties and responsibilities as may arise from their membership on the RI Board The RI Board is expected to be fully informed on RI policies since the public may regard directors as spokespersons of RI (RCP 50 030 ) Governors are under the general supervision of the RI Board (RIB 5 030 )
The directors of a corporation are persons typically appointed by the shareholders to manage the business and affairs of the corporation Their names are normally recorded both in the corporation's minute book and with the Corporate Registry (Source: Policy 06-01)
The individuals who, acting as a group known as the board of directors, manage the business and affairs of a corporation
Directors are elected by the shareholders They manage or direct the affairs of corporation Typically, the directors make only major business decisions and monitor the activities of the officers
Persons typically elected by the shareholders of a corporation and authorized to manage and direct the affairs of a corporation or company The whole of the directors collectively form the board of directors
{i} management; position or office of director
A directorship is the job or position of a company director. Barry resigned his directorship in December 1973. the position of being a director of a company or organization under the directorship of sb
The office of a director; a directorate
the position of a director of a business concern
The condition or office of a director; directorate
executive director
A professional staff member responsible for the total management and administration of Council operations The E D attends Board of Directors meetings and is accountable to the Board
executive director
A senior NHS manager who is a member of the Trust Board
executive director
TSAC's CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
executive director
The Executive Director is Judy Hallman (judy_hallman@unc edu), UNC-CH Information Technology Services, 118 Abernethy, CB# 3420, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3420, 919-962-5277, FAX 919-962-5334
executive director
a person employed by a non-profit organization to oversee operations and management and implement the policy decisions of the Board of Directors
executive director
a person responsible for the administration of a business
executive director
From the perspective of an actor inside an opaque composite actor, the director of the container of the opaque composite actor
executive director
Board level senior management employees of the Trust who are accountable for carrying our the work of the organisation
executive director
The head of each DSDC organization [DSDC]
executive director
17 In a managed care plan, individual responsible for all operational aspects of the plan All other officers and key managers report to this person, who in turn reports to the board of directors
film director
cinema director, movie director
film director
the person who directs the making of a film
funeral director
A funeral director is a person whose job is to arrange funerals. One whose business is to arrange for the burial or cremation of the dead and assist at the funeral rites and who is usually an embalmer. Also called mortician, undertaker. someone who is paid to organize a funeral British Equivalent: undertaker
guineapig director
A director (usually one holding a number of directorships) who serves merely or mainly for the fee (in England, often a guinea) paid for attendance
managing director
someone who controls resources and expenditures
managing director
The managing director of a company is the most important working director, and is in charge of the way the company is managed. The abbreviation MD is also used. someone who is in charge of a large company or organization = chief executive officer
music director
The music director of an orchestra or other group of musicians is the person who decides what they will play and where, and usually conducts them as well. = musical director
musical director
A musical director is the same as a music director
non-executive director
one of the directors of a company who gives advice, but who does not make decisions about how the company is run
outsider director
director taken from the public sector, member of a management committee who has no financial interest in the company
production director
{i} person who supervises and oversees production in an advertising agency, person who supervises and oversees production within a company (some of the duties are workflow management, project planning, etc.)
program director
A radio or television station director who is responsible for selecting, planning, and scheduling programs
research director
a supervisor in a research center
security director
head of a private security force working for a business or industry
stage director
someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a stage show
stage director
One who prepares a play for production
stage director
He arranges the details of the stage settings, the business to be used, all stage effects, and instructs the actors, excepting usually the star, in the general interpretation of their parts