He marched under a placard reading End Bossiness Now but decided it was a little too peremptory, not quite British, so changed the slogan on subsequent badges, to End Bossiness Soon..
Though today (surveying that yellowing document) I shudder at the peremptory tone of the instructions I gave, Alastair - in that same volume in which I get chastised for my coverage of the Macmillan rally - was generous enough to remark that my memorandum became 'an office classic'.
Belarus has been described by former US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice as the last remaining true dictatorship in the heart of Europe.
- Beyaz Rusya, ABD eski dışişleri bakanı Condoleezza Rice tarafından Avrupa'nın kalbinde kalan son gerçek diktatörlük olarak tanımlanmıştır.
The Constitution was proclaimed during the dictatorship.
- Anayasa, diktatörlük sırasında ilan edildi.