
listen to the pronunciation of difference
الإنجليزية - التركية

Teoride, teori ve pratik arasında hiçbir fark yoktur. Fakat pratikte, var. - In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

Fark bu: o senden daha çok çalışıyor. - The difference is this: he works harder than you.


Geçmiş, şimdi ve gelecek arasındaki ayrım sadece çok yaygın yanılsamadan başka bir şey değildir. - Difference between the past, present, and future is nothing but an extremely widespread illusion.

(Biyoloji) farklılık

İnsanların farklılıklarının farkında olması gerekir, ama aynı zamanda onları yaygınlığını da kucaklamalılar. - People need to be aware of their differences, but also embrace their commonness.

Senin düşüncenle onunki arasında bir farklılık var mı? - Is there any difference between your idea and hers?

çıkarma sonucunda kalan miktar
{i} benzememe
(Tıp) diferans
{i} fikir ayrılığı
{i} olağandışılık
{i} ihtilaf
ayırıcı özellik
{i} ayrılık
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) ayrım (derrida)
(Matematik) kalan
difference between
(Fiili Deyim ) aralarında farklılıklar olmak
difference of opinion
görüş ayrılığı
difference amplifier
diferansiyel amplifikatör
difference detector
fark detektörü
difference equation
fark denklemi
difference frequency
fark frekansı
difference of exchange
kur farkı
difference of opinion
fikir ayrılığı
difference of potential
potansiyel farkı
difference of pressure
basınç farkı
Difference Engine
Fark motoru

Her interested in science and mathematics led her around 1840 to study the Difference Engine.

difference amplifier
(Nükleer Bilimler) farksal yükselteç
difference amplifier
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) fark kuvvetlendirici
difference chart
(Askeri) PLANİMETRİK DÜZELTME ÇİZELGESİ: Bir silah veya mevkie nazaran mesafesi ve istikamet açısı bilinen bir hedefin, diğer bir silah veya mevkie nazaran mesafe ve istikamet açısını bulmaya yarayan cetvel
difference equation
(Matematik) kalanlar denklemi
difference from control test
(Gıda) kontroldan farklılık testi
difference from control test
(Gıda) kontrolden farklılık testi
difference galvanometer
fark miniakimolceri
difference in conditions
(Sigorta) şartlarda farklılık
difference in elevation
kot farklı
difference in elevation
seviye farklı
difference in exchange rates
(Ticaret) döviz kuru farkı
difference in perils
(Sigorta) tehlikelertde farklılık
difference latitude
(Askeri) enlem farkı
difference metric
fark olcevi
difference of latitude
(Askeri) enlem farkı
difference of sets
(Matematik) kümeler farkı
difference of settlement
oturma farkı
difference theory
(Dilbilim) ayrılık kuramı
divergence difference
(Askeri) ATIŞ DAĞITIM AÇISI, ESAS TOPTAN AYIRMA: Bataryada, esas top dışındaki bir topun, tevcih istikametindeki değişiklik. Böylece; bu topun ateş hattı, esas topunkinden ayrılmış olur. Bu açı; hedefi batarya cephesinden daha büyük bir genişlikte ateş altında tutmak için alınır
divergence difference
(Askeri) esas toptan ayırma
divergence difference
(Askeri) atış dağıtım açısı
{f} farklı olmak

Klas ve farklı olmak için Hawaii tişörtümü ve yeşil şortumu giymeyi tercih ettim, ama çabucak beyaz gömlek ve siyah pantolona alıştım. - I preferred wearing my Hawaiian T-shirt and green shorts to be cool and different, but I quickly got used to the white shirt and black slacks.

Tom farklı olmak istiyor. - Tom wants to be different.

Farklılık göstermek
değişiklik göstermek

Yasalar ABD'de eyaletten eyalete değişiklik göstermektedir. - Laws differ from state to state in the United States.

{f} with ile aynı fikirde olmamak
(Bilgisayar) farklar

İki şey arasında ince farklar var. - There are subtle differences between the two things.

Bir müzisyen seslerdeki küçük farkları anlayabilir. - A musician can appreciate small differences in sounds.

make a difference
(Bilgisayar) farklılık

İnsanların farklılıklarının farkında olması gerekir, ama aynı zamanda onları yaygınlığını da kucaklamalılar. - People need to be aware of their differences, but also embrace their commonness.

Tom'un ve benim farklılıklarımız var. - Tom and I have our differences.

altitude difference
(Askeri) rakım farkı
angular difference
açısal fark
değişik olmak
ayrıcalık göstermek
(Politika, Siyaset) farklılaşmak
benzemez olmak
exhibit one's difference
farkını ortaya koymak
inventory difference
(Ticaret) stok farkı
logical difference
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) küme farkı
logical difference
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) mantıksal fark
our difference
reflect the price difference
fiyat farkını yansıtmak
reflect the price difference
fiyat farkı yansıtmak
symmetric difference
(Matematik,Teknik) bakışımlı fark
adjust a difference
anlaşmazlığı halletmek
astigmatic difference
odak kaçıklığı
colour difference signal
renk ayırım  sinyali
common difference
ortak fark
(from ile) farklı olmak
farklı ol

Klas ve farklı olmak için Hawaii tişörtümü ve yeşil şortumu giymeyi tercih ettim, ama çabucak beyaz gömlek ve siyah pantolona alıştım. - I preferred wearing my Hawaiian T-shirt and green shorts to be cool and different, but I quickly got used to the white shirt and black slacks.

İki köpek farklı olabilir fakat benzer. - Two dogs can be different, but similar.

(with ile) farklı görüşte olmak
magnitude difference
parlaklık farkı
make a difference
fark etmek
perceive the difference
farkı anla
phase difference
faz farkı
potential difference
potansiyel farkı
potential difference
temperature difference
sıcaklık farkı
it makes a difference
Fark eder
It makes no difference
appreciable difference
kayda değer bir fark
conversion difference
değiştirme farkı, konversiyon farkı

Tom'un ve benim farklılıklarımız var. - Tom and I have our differences.

Yazar Hollandalı ve Amerikalı öğrencilerle çalışırken hangi kültürel farklılıkları buldu? - What cultural differences did the author find in working with Dutch and American students?

in difference
it makes no difference
olsa da olur olmasa da
just-noticeable difference
just-göze çarpan bir fark
make a difference
(deyim) Bir fark yaratmak
make no difference
Fark etmemek, bir şeyi değiştirmemek
quantitative difference
nicel bir fark
split the difference
kalanı eşit olarak bölmek
what difference does it make
ne fark eder ki
what is the difference?
fark nedir?
wing difference
kanat farkı
accumulated difference
birikmiş fark
altitude difference
(Askeri) İRTİFA FARKI; RAKIM FARKI: Hesaplanmış irtifa ile kaba irtifa (observed altitude) arasında veya önceden hesaplanmış irtifa ile sekstan irtifai arasında yay dakikası olarak fark. Bu fark; Kaba veya sekstan irtifa, hesaplanmış veya önceden hesaplanmış irtifadan büyük veya küçük olduğuna göre T (Toward ,... ya) veya A (Away ..... dan) harfleriyle ifade edilir. Buna "altitude intercept" ve "intercept" de denir
angular difference
acisal fark
azimuth difference
(Askeri) İSTİKAMET AÇILARI FARKI; MEVKİ FARKI: İki değişik noktadan, özellikle, bir top mevzii ile tevcih noktasından, ayrı ayrı bakıldığı zaman, bir cismin mevkiinde görülen zahiri fark. Buna "parallax" da denir
backward difference scheme
(Askeri) geriye doğru fark sistemi
colour difference signal
renk ayırım sinyali
contact potential difference
temas potansiyeli farki
deflection difference
(Askeri) YAN FARKI: Demet genişliğini değiştirmek üzere, batarya dahilindeki bir topun, belirli bir topa (genellikle esas topa) doğru veya bu topun aksi yönde döndürüldüğü açısal mesafe
deflection difference
(Askeri) yan farkı
{f} benzememek
{f} farlı düşünmek
from ile başka olmak
{f} ters düşmek
uygun bulmamak
kavga etmek
x anlaşmazlığa düş/ayrıl
{f} from -den başka olmak, -e benzememek, -den farklı olmak, -den ayrılmak
with ile muvafakat etmemek
ejection time difference
ejeksiyon zaman farkı
elevation difference
(Askeri) yükseliş farkı
elevation difference
(Askeri) YÜKSELİŞ FARKI: Atış esaslarının bir esas topa veya başka bir esas noktaya göre alındığı hallerde, her topa uygulanması gereken yükseliş farkı
ethnic difference
etnik farklılık
finite difference approximation
sonlu farklar yaklasimi
finite difference equation
sonlu kalanlar eşitliği
finite difference equation
(Matematik,Teknik) sonlu kalanlar denklemi
finite difference equation
(Askeri,Matematik) sonlu farklar denklemi
finite difference method
(Nükleer Bilimler) sonlu fark yöntemi
gun difference
(Askeri) MESAFECE KADEME FARKI: Belirli bir topun hedefe olan mesafesi ile esas topun hedefe olan mesafesi arasındaki fark
individual difference
şahsi fark
it makes a difference
şu veya bu şekilde sonucu etkiler
just discernible difference
ancak sezilebilen ayrim
logical difference
kume farki, mantiksal fark
longevity difference
(Politika, Siyaset) uzun hizmet farkı
minor difference
küçük fark
observed time difference
gözlemlenmiş zaman farkı
parallax difference
(Askeri) PARALAKS FARKI: Bir cismin tepesinin yer değiştirmesiyle kaidesine nazaran meydana gelen ve cismin bir hava fotoğrafı stereo çiftindeki iki ayrı hayaliyle ölçülen fark
path length difference
yol uzunlugu farki
perceive the difference
farkı anlamak
phase difference
(Askeri) FAZ FARKI: Bir sesin iki kulak tarafından alınışı arasındaki zaman farkı. Genel olarak, bir kulak diğerinden, saniyenin küçük bölüntüsü kadar farkla daha erken işittiğinden, bir sesin istikametini ayırt etme hassası, bu faz farkına bağlıdır. Çift kulakla ses dengesi, yani bir sesin iki kulakla aynı zamanda işitilmesi, baş, faz farkı sıfıra indirilecek şekilde, çevirmek suretiyle temin edilir
politics of difference
(Politika, Siyaset) farklılık politikaları
price difference in between
(Ticaret) aradaki fiyat farkı
range difference
(Askeri) MESAFE FARKI: Herhangi iki noktadan üçüncü bir noktaya olan mesafeler arasındaki fark; özellikle bir hedefin iki ayrı topa olan mesafesi
see the difference
fark görmek
shipper/receiver difference
(Nükleer Bilimler) gönderici/alıcı farkı
symetric difference
bakisimli fark
tell the difference
fark görmek
tell the difference
ayırt etmek
tell the difference
farkını söylemek
tidal difference
(Askeri) gel-git seviye farkı
vast difference
çok büyük fark
vast difference
dünya kadar fark
wide difference
büyük fark
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The result of a subtraction; sometimes the absolute value of this result
: To distinguish or differentiate
A characteristic of something that makes it different from something else

There are three differences between these two pictures.

A disagreement or argument
Significant change in or effect on a situation or state

The line of the horizon was clear and hard against the sky, and in one particular quarter it showed black against a silvery climbing phosphorescence that grew and grew. At last, over the rim of the waiting earth the moon lifted with slow majesty till it swung clear of the horizon and rode off, free of moorings; and once more they began to see surfaces--meadows wide-spread, and quiet gardens, and the river itself from bank to bank, all softly disclosed, all washed clean of mystery and terror, all radiant again as by day, but with a difference that was tremendous.

The quality of being different

You need to learn to be more tolerant of difference.

dissimilarity in any respect
{n} unlikeness, disagreement, dispute
{v} to make or cuase to be different
A disagreement or argument about something important
One of eight relational algebra operators that in effect subtracts tables If table A and table B have identical table structures and you perform a DIFFERENCE on them (A DIFFERENCE B) the resulting table will contain all records that are in A, but not in B
It comes first (99/10/30) A breed apart = Different from the competition Each of you makes a big difference with commitment to excellence and learning (reference: 99, Nikkei)
If you describe a job or holiday, for example, as a job with a difference or a holiday with a difference, you mean that the job or holiday is very interesting and unusual. For a beach resort with a difference, try Key West
a variation that deviates from the standard or norm; "the deviation from the mean"
distinguishing characteristic, as in: The difference is that my Web sites load faster than before
{i} unusual quality, distinction; disagreement; remainder (Mathematics)
That by which one thing differs from another; that which distinguishes or causes to differ; mark of distinction; characteristic quality; specific attribute
In arguments about specific events, a reason for seeing X as the cause of Y X must be the only relevant difference between a situation in which Y occurs and situations in which Y does not occur
An addition to a coat of arms to distinguish the bearings of two persons, which would otherwise be the same
A pun on difference and deference Any signifier (or chain of signification, ie text) must infinitely defer its meaning because of the nature of the sign (the signified is composed of signifiers) At the same time, meaning must be kept under erasure because any text is always out of phase with itself, doubled, in an argument with itself that can be glimpsed through the aporias it generates
Looks at the color information in each channel and subtracts either the blend color from the base color or the base color from the blend color, depending on which has the greater brightness value Blending with white inverts the base color values; blending with black produces no change
See Augmentation, and Marks of cadency, under Cadency
The number that results from subtraction 3 minuend - 2 subtrahend __________ 1 difference
To distinguish or differentiate
the quality of being unlike or dissimilar; "there are many differences between jazz and rock"
the number resulting from subtraction
The quantity by which one quantity differs from another, or the remainder left after subtracting the one from the other
If something makes a difference or makes a lot of difference, it affects you and helps you in what you are doing. If something makes no difference, it does not have any effect on what you are doing. Where you live can make such a difference to the way you feel His retirement won't make any difference to the way we conduct our affairs
a significant change; "the difference in her is amazing"; "his support made a real difference
If you split the difference with someone, you agree on an amount or price which is halfway between two suggested amounts or prices. Shall we split the difference and say $7,500?
the amount by which one number differs from another Example: 9-8=1 the difference of 9 and 8 is 1
is that whereby goodness, greatness etc are clear reasons without any confusion, and whereby the bonifier and the bonified with their bonifying are without confusion
the result of subtraction -- "What is the difference between nineteen and ten?" (24)
Choice; preference
The difference between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other. That is the fundamental difference between the two societies the vast difference in size
The quality or attribute which is added to those of the genus to constitute a species; a differentia
the number that remains after subtraction; the number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend
The image on the left illustrates a normal layer mode and the image on the right shows the same two layers in difference mode
If there is a difference of opinion between two or more people or groups, they disagree about something. Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money?
The difference is what is found when one number is subtracted from another Finding the difference in a number requires the use of subtraction
If people have their differences about something, they disagree about it. The two communities are learning how to resolve their differences
an operation on sets that yields the set of elements in one set that are not in another set that is being subtracted from the previous set Denoted by the symbol
(AnotherDictionary As GlabDictionary) Removes any items from this dictionary with keys that also appear in the supplied other dictionary Thus, this function performs something analogous to a set difference operation The values of items in this dictionary are not modified; the supplied dictionary is not modified Unkeyed items are not affected by this operation
The act of differing; the state or measure of being different or unlike; distinction; dissimilarity; unlikeness; variation; as, a difference of quality in paper; a difference in degrees of heat, or of light; what is the difference between the innocent and the guilty? Disagreement in opinion; dissension; controversy; quarrel; hence, cause of dissension; matter in controversy
To cause to differ; to make different; to mark as different; to distinguish
A difference is the result of a subtraction problem
The amount by which one number is great or less than another number; the result of subtracting one number from another It is the answer to a subtraction problem
A difference between two quantities is the amount by which one quantity is less than the other. The difference is 8532
Some figure or mark added to a coat of arms to distinguish one family from another Modern marks of difference, or Marks of Cadence are
the quality of being unlike or dissimilar; "there are many differences between jazz and rock" a significant change; "the difference in her is amazing"; "his support made a real difference
a significant change; "the difference in her is amazing"; "his support made a real difference"
a disagreement or argument about something important; "he had a dispute with his wife"; "there were irreconcilable differences"; "the familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats"
difference engine
A mechanical special-purpose computer used to generate tables of values of polynomials
difference equation
An equation involving an ordered sequence or real numbers (\left\{a_n\right\}_{n=1}^\infty) and some number if it's differences, where the first difference is defined as \Delta(a_n) = a_{n+1} - a_n\, and the kth difference is defined recursively as \Delta^k(a_n) = \Delta^{k-1}(a_{n+1}) - \Delta^{k-1}(a_n)\
difference equation
more broadly, any recurrence relation
difference of two squares
The identity x^2 - y^2 = (x+y)(x-y)\, that holds for all real numbers

The fraction \frac{x-8}{x^2-64} can be simplified to \frac{1}{x+8} using the difference of two squares.

Difference Engine
A difference engine is a special-purpose mechanical digital calculator, designed to tabulate polynomial functions. Since logarithmic and trigonometric functions can be approximated by polynomials, such a machine is more general than it appears at first
difference equation
Equation involving differences between successive values of a function of a discrete variable (i.e., one defined for a sequence of values that differ by the same amount, usually 1). A function of such a variable is a rule for assigning values in sequence to it. For example, f(x + 1) = xf(x) is a difference equation. Methods developed for solving such equations have much in common with methods for solving linear differential equations, which difference equations are often used to approximate
difference of opinion
disagreement, holding of different views
difference threshold
the smallest change in stimulation that a person can detect
distinction without a difference
A linguistic or conceptual distinction which is of no practical importance or which has no effect on meaning; a perceived difference where there is no actual difference

The Bush Administration attempted to distinguish the current case from Flast. . . . Judge Richard Posner, writing for the court of appeals, responded that this was a distinction without a difference. In the end, all money is appropriated by Congress.

distinctions without a difference
plural form of distinction without a difference
as near as makes no difference
Almost, nearly, the specified attribute, to the extent that the lack of attainment of the attribute does not matter
common difference
The constant added to each element of an arithmetic progression to obtain the next
deflection difference
The amount that a piece in a battery is traversed toward or away from a given piece (usually the base piece) to vary the width of the sheaf
To have diverging opinions, disagree
finite difference
A difference between the value of a function evaluated at a number, and the value of the same function evaluated at a different number, a fixed distance from the first
goal difference
The difference between the number of goals scored and the number of goals conceded, over the duration of a competition
make a difference
To carry out an action, the result of which is a significant change, or an altered circumstance
make a difference
To matter
potential difference
the difference in potential energy between two points in an electric field; the difference in charge between two points in an electrical circuit; voltage
same difference
The distinction mentioned makes no difference; the two things distinguished amount to the same thing
set-theoretic difference
Given two sets A and B, the set-theoretic difference of A and B is the set that contains exactly those elements belonging to A but not to B; the relative complement of B in A
spot the difference
A type of puzzle in which the object is to find a certain number of minor differences between two pictures, usually printed side by side, that are otherwise identical
spot the difference
symmetric difference
The set that contains all elements belonging to either of given two sets but not to the both; the relative complement of the intersection in the union of given two sets
time difference
The difference between one measurement of time and another taken later; the length of a time interval
time difference
The difference in clock time between two or more different time zones

I want to call Nick – what's the time difference between here and Hong Kong?.

vive la différence
Long live the difference (used to express appreciation of variation/differentness)

Vive la différence: plant functional diversity matters to ecosystem processes.

{v} to be unlike, vary, disagree, contend
finite difference
Any of a sequence of differences obtained by incrementing successively the dependent variable of a function by a fixed amount especially : any of such differences obtained from a polynomial function using successive integral values of its dependent variable
just-noticeable difference
(psychophysics) the difference between two stimuli that (under properly controlled experimental conditions) is detected as often as it is undetected(synonym) jnd
make a difference
Change the nature of something or a situation; be important; matter. "John's good score on the test made the difference between his passing or failing the course.", "It doesn't make a bit of difference if you are late to my party. I just want you to come."
symmetric difference
In mathematics, the symmetric difference of two sets is the set of elements which are in one of the sets, but not in both. This operation is the set-theoretic equivalent of the exclusive disjunction (XOR operation) in Boolean logic. For example, the symmetric difference of the sets {1,2,3} and {3,4} is {1,2,4}. The symmetric difference of the set of all students and the set of all females consists of all male students together with all female non-students
I can't tell the difference
I cannot tell one from the other, I don't see a change
Not to have the same traits, characteristics
To be or stand apart; to disagree; to be unlike; to be distinguished; with from
be different; "These two tests differ in only one respect"
To have a difference, cause of variance, or quarrel; to dispute; to contend
to agree to differ: see agree `I beg to differ': see beg
If two or more things differ, they are unlike each other in some way. The story he told police differed from the one he told his mother Management styles differ
To be of unlike or opposite opinion; to disagree in sentiment; often with from or with
{f} be different; disagree
To cause to be different or unlike; to set at variance
be of different opinions; "I beg to differ!"; "She disagrees with her husband on many questions"
be different; "These two tests differ in only one respect
If people differ about something, they do not agree with each other about it. The two leaders had differed on the issue of sanctions That is where we differ Since his retirement, Crowe has differed with the President on several issues
things that make something different from something else
Electrogalvanizing equipment is more expensive to build and to operate than hot dipped, but it gives the steelmaker more precise control over the weight of the zinc coating The automotive manufacturers, because they need the superior welding, forming and painting ability of electrogalvanized steel, purchase 90% of all tonnage produced
plural of difference
present participle of difference
An operation often used to make a nonstationary time series approximately stationary A nonstationary time series is one which does not have a fixed mean The types of differencing normally performed are: Nonseasonal of order 1: Y(t) - Y(t-1) Nonseasonal of order 2: (Y(t)-Y(t-1)) - (Y(t-1)-Y(t-2)) Seasonal of order 1: Y(t) - Y(t-s) Seasonal of order 2: (Y(t)-Y(t-s)) - (Y(t-s)-Y(t-2s)) Mixed seasonal and nonseasonal: (Y(t)-Y(t-1)) - (Y(t-s)-Y(t-s-1))
the design of a flag as a variation of another flag, either by changing a color, adding or removing a charge, etc Usually done to indicate a close cultural, historical, or geographic tie For example, the flag of Italy was differenced from that of France by changing the blue stripe to green
essential difference
basic differences, fundamental inequalities
it does make a difference
it matters, it has an impact, it has importance
it makes a great difference
it has a great effect; it is very important
it makes no difference
it does not matter, it is not important, it has no effect
just-noticeable difference
(psychophysics) the difference between two stimuli that (under properly controlled experimental conditions) is detected as often as it is undetected
makes no difference
it doesn't matter, it neither helps nor hinders
noticed a difference
saw a change
phase difference
time difference between different occurrences or events
potential difference
difference in electrical tension between two points (Electricity)
potential difference
The amount of energy per unit charge needed to move a charged particle from a reference point to a designated point in a static electric field; voltage. Also called potential
qualitative difference
unevenness of quality, disparity of quality
quantitative difference
difference in amount
split the difference
divide whatever remains, distribute the difference
there is no difference
it's the same thing, it's all the same, it doesn't matter
vast difference
great variation
what difference does it make
what does it change, what is the difference, what does he care
what is the difference?
what does it matter?, what's the relevance of it anyway?
what's the difference
what does it matter?, what's the relevance of it anyway?