
listen to the pronunciation of depth
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bence Dünya'nın derinliklerinde daha fazla altın olmalı. - I think there must be much gold in the depths of the Earth.

Kapasiteyi hesaplamak için, uzunluğu genişlikle derinlikle çarpın. - To calculate the capacity, multiply the length by the width by the depth.


Bu dramada bir şey eksik.O gerçek derinliği olmayan basit ikaz edici bir masal. - This drama is missing something. All it is is a simple cautionary tale with no real depth.

Bu onun ailesine olan aşkının derinliğini gösterir. - It shows the depth of his love for his family.

depth charge su altındaki herhangi bir hedefe özellikle denizaltılara atılan patlayıcı madde
öz nüve depths of degradation
{i} ahlâk azlığı
depth of winter kışın ortası
{i} dip
{i} derin yer
{i} yoğunluk
(Askeri) DERİNLİK: Bir düzlem, nokta veya cismin bir deniz göl veya nehir yüzeyi altındaki düşey mesafesi
{i} bilinçaltı
{i} en derin nokta
depths denizin derinlikleri
depth moulded
depth of cut
(Mekanik) kesme derinliği
depth of field
(Sinema,Telekom) alan derinliği
depth of shade
renk derinliği
depth of winter
depth bomb
su bombası
depth contour
eşderinlik eğrisi
depth curve
eşderinlik eğrisi
depth dose
derinlik dozu
depth finder
derinlik ölçer
depth gauge
derinlik ölçer
depth of colour
renk derinliği
depth of colour
renk koyuluğu
depth of degradation
depth of deposition
depozisyon derinliği
depth of hardening
sertleşme derinliği
depth of penetration
penetrasyon derinliği
depth of shade
renk koyuluğu
depth of winter
kışın ortası
depth curve
esderinlik eğrisi
depth gage
(Mühendislik) derinlik mastarı
depth intoxication
derinlik zehirlenmesi
depth moulded
kalıp, derinlik
depth of discharge
deşarj derinliği
depth of field
(Fotoğrafçılık) (Fotoğrafçılık) Alan derinliği
depth zone
(Jeoloji) Derinlik bölgesi

Gazlıgöl spa hotels boreholes tapping the hot geothermal water within depth zone.

depth analysis
(Ticaret) derin analiz
depth blackout
(Askeri) derinsu baygınlığı
depth bomb
sualtı bombası
depth bomb
(Askeri) SU BOMBASI: Su altı hedeflerine karşı kullanılan, içerisine yüksek bir infilak maddesi doldurulmuş çelik bomba. Su altı bombaları; tanzim edildikleri derinlikte harekete geçen özel ateşleme tertibatı ile infilak ettirilir. Bu bombaları uçaklardan bırakıldıkları gibi, gemilerden bırakılmak veya atılmak suretiyle de kullanılır. Buna "depth charge" da denir
depth charge
derinlik bombası
depth charge
sualtı bombası
depth charge
(Askeri) su bombası
depth charge
(Askeri) SU BOMBASI: Bak. "depth bomb"
depth contour
(Askeri) DERİNLİK EĞRİSİ: Hidrografik başlangıç esas alınarak, aynı derinlikteki noktaları birleştiren eğri
depth cues
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) derinlik ipuçları
depth curve
(Askeri) DERİNLİK EĞRİSİ: Bak. "depth contour"
depth dose
(Nükleer Bilimler) derinlemesine doz,derin doz
depth factor
(Askeri) derinlik faktörü
depth hypothesis
(Dilbilim) derinlik varsayımı
depth limit
(Askeri) derinlik kısıtı
depth marking
(Turizm) derinlik işareti
depth meter
derinlik ölçer
depth of a room
oda derinliği
depth of boring
(Jeoloji) sondaj derinliği
depth of boring
(Jeoloji) delme derinliği
depth of embedment of pile
(Çevre) kazık gömme derinliği
depth of field preview
(Fotoğrafçılık) alan derinliği ön gösterimi
depth of fill
dolgu yüksekliği
depth of girder
(İnşaat,Teknik) kiriş yüksekliği
depth of penetration
(Nükleer Bilimler) nüfuziyet derinliği
depth of penetration of a pile
kazık çakma derinliği
depth of product line
(Ticaret) mal grubu derinliği
depth of ratio
derinlik oranı
depth of room
oda derinliği
depth of scour
oyulma derinliği
depth of signal
sinyal derinliği
depth of thread
(Otomotiv) dış yüksekliği
depth of winter
kış ortası, karakış
depth perception
(Askeri) DERİNLİK TAHMİN KABİLİYETİ: Üçüncü boyutu değerlendirme ve ayırdetme kabiliyeti. Mesafeyi tahmin etme, diğer görünen cisimlere nazaran kendi istikametini kestirme yeteneği
depth pyschology
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) derinlik psikolojisi (freud)
depth ratio
(Bilgisayar) derinlik oranı
depth recorder
iskandil cihazı
depth recorder
derinlik kaydedici
depth scan
(Nükleer Bilimler) derinliğine tarama
depth sounding
(Çevre) derinlik araştırması
describes the depth of color
renk derinliğini anlatıyor
defence in depth
(Nükleer Bilimler) derinlemesine korunma
defense in depth
(Askeri) DERİNLİĞİNE SAVUNMA: Birbirini karşılıklı destekleyen savunma mevzilerini; düşman taarruzlarının hızını kesip tedricen zayıflatacak, bütün mevziin düşman tarafından başlangıçta gözetlenmesini önleyecek ve komutana ihtiyatını istediği yerde kullanma imkanı verecek şekilde tertipleme
defense in depth
(Askeri) Derinliğine savunma
denominator depth
(Bilgisayar) payda derinliği
be out of one's depth
(deyim) anlamamak
bit depth
(Bilgisayar) bit derinliği
body depth
(Denizbilim) vücut yüksekliği
color depth
(Bilgisayar) renk derinliği
in depth
in depth
detaylı olarak
in depth
in depth
inceden inceye
in depth
in depth
layer depth
(Askeri) tabaka derinliği
penetration depth
(Gıda) nüfuz derinliği
penetration depth
(Çevre,Teknik) penetrasyon derinliği
snow depth
kar derinliği
snow depth
(Meteoroloji) kar kalınlığı
apparent depth
görünen derinlik
be out of one's depth
boyunu aşan suda yüzmek
case depth
doku kalınlığı
get out of one's depth
derin suya girmek
get out of one's depth
başından büyük işe girişmek
hydraulic mean depth
hidrolik yarıçap
in depth
in depth
derinlemesine araştırılmış
mean depth
ortalama derinlik
out of one's depth
bilgi ve yeteneğini aşan
out of one's depth
boyunu aşan
derinliği olmayan yada ölçülemeyen

Denizaltı, okyanusun derinliklerinde saklandı. - The submarine hid in the depths of the ocean.

21 ay önce kışın derinliklerinde başlayan şey bu sonbahar gecesinde sona eremez. - What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter cannot end on this autumn night.

equivalent air depth
eşdeğer hava derinliği
form depth
form derinlik
from the depth of
derinlik dan
get out of so.'s depth
out of öyle olsun. 's derinliği
go beyond one's depth
Yüzerken, boyunu geçen derinliğe gitmek
go beyond so.'s depth
ötesine kadar gidin. 's derinliği
go into more depth
Bir konuyu daha detaylı incelemek

I like taking advanced classes because we go into more depth and learn more about the subject.

heating depth
ısınma derinliği
in depth analysis
derinlemesine analiz
in depth study
derinlemesine çalışma
in depth(p)
p derinliği (in)
in-depth coverage
ayrıntılı kapsama
in-depth interview
derinlemesine mülakat
measure the depth of something
bir şey derinliğini ölçmek
micrometer depth gauge
derinlik mikrometresi
of unknown depth
bilinmeyen derinlik
optical depth
optik derinlik
sense of depth
Derinlik hissi, derinlik algısı
skid depth
Kayma derinliği
soil depth
toprak derinliği
sowing depth
ekim derinliği
tread depth
diş derinliği
used to a gloss and depth to prints
bir parlaklık ve derinlik kullanılan baskı
apparent depth
görünür derinlik
beam depth
(İnşaat) kiriş yüksekliği
bed depth
yatak derinliği
boring depth
(Jeoloji) sondaj derinliği
breaking water depth
(Askeri) kırılma su derinliği
calcite compensation depth
kalsit dengeleme derinliği
canopy depth
(Havacılık) kanopi derinliği
chart depth
(Bilgisayar) grafik derinliği
collapse depth
(Askeri) EZİLME UMKU/DERİNLİĞİ: Tasarlanan azami derinlik olup, basınç teknesinin eksenine dikey bulunmakta ve bunun dışında tekneye nüfuzların tam bir çöküntü noktasına kadar felaketle sonuçlanan başarısızlık getirdiği farz edilir
collapse depth
(Askeri) ezilme derinliği
controlling depth
(Askeri) kontrollü derinlik
crater depth
(Askeri) ÇUKUR DERİNLİĞİ: Bir çukurun en derin noktasıyla yüzey seviyesi arasında ölçülen azami çukur derinliği
digging depth
(İnşaat) kazma derinliği
disposition in depth
(Askeri) Derinlikte tertiplenme
dive time at current depth
dipte kalma süresi
diving depth
(Askeri) dalış derinliği
drain depth
drenaj derinliği
driving depth
(Askeri) çakma derinliği
efective depth of penetration
(Nükleer Bilimler) etkin nüfuziyet derinliği
effective depth
faydalı derinlik
effective depth
nafi irtifa
effective depth
(Askeri) etkin ateş sahası
effective depth
yararlı yükseklik
effective depth
yararlı derinlik
effective depth
(Askeri) MÜESSİR ATEŞ SAHASI: Hedef üzerinde, topçu ateşinin şarapnel ve mermi parçalarının dağılmasından meydana gelen tesir sahası
effective depth
efektif derinlik
exceeding depth
(Askeri) derinlik aşımı
extension in depth
(Askeri) DERİNLİĞİNE MESAFELERİN AÇILMASI: Herhangi bir düzende, mesafelerin derinliğine artırılması
extension in depth
(Askeri) Derinliğine açılma
extrusion depth
(Bilgisayar) kalıp derinliği
fishing depth
(Denizbilim) av derinliği
footing depth
temel derinliği
fording depth
(Askeri) SUDAN GEÇİŞ DERİNLİĞİ: Bir aracın su içinde hareket edebilmesine imkan veren azami derinlik
formation in depth
(Askeri) DERİNLİĞİNE DÜZEN: İleriden geriye doğru derinliği genişliğinden çok olan muharebe düzeni
formation in depth
(Askeri) derinliğine düzen
foundation depth
temel derinliği
freezing depth
(Çevre) donma derinliği
frost depth
(Jeoloji) donma derinliği
frost depth
don(ma) derinliği
frost depth
(Jeoloji,Meteoroloji) don derinliği
gain depth
derinlik kazanmak
get out of one's depth
yüzemeyeceği kadar açılmak
get out of one's depth
boyunu aşacak kadar açılmak
go into more depth
bir şeyde derinleşmek
in depth
tam olarak
in depth
baştan başa
in the depth of
in the depth of
in the depth of winter
kara kışta
in the depth of winter
intermediate depth of focus
300 km'ye varan derinlikteki deprem odağı
investigation depth
araştırma derinliği
layer depth
(Askeri) TABAKA DERİNLİĞİ: Deniz sathından ses hızının azami olduğu birinci soğuk termoklatn tabakanın hemen üzerindeki noktaya kadar olan derinlik
lesion depth
(Tıp) lezyon derinliği
market depth
(Ticaret) pazar derinliği
maximum operating depth
(Askeri) AZAMİ HAREKET DERİNLİĞİ: Dalmış durumdaki bir denizaltının daha aşağıya inmemesi gereken derinlik. Bu derinlik denizaltının ulusal deniz makamları tarafından belirlenir. Ayrıca bakınız: "test depth"
merchandise depth
(Ticaret) mal derinliği
mixing depth
(Meteoroloji) karışma derinliği
modulation depth
kiplenme derinligi
normal depth
normal derinlik
not to have depth
derinliği olmamak
operation depth
(Askeri) hareket derinliği
out of one's depth
bilgi ve yeteneği dışında
out of one's depth
(deyim) boyunu asan , bilgi ve kabiliyeti disinda
out of one's depth
bilgi ve kabiliyeti dışında
overall depth of section
kesitin tüm yüksekliği
overflow depth
(Çevre) aşma derinliği
penetration depth of the pile
kazığın çakma derinliği
pinion depth
dişli mesafesi
pressure-depth profile
basınç-derinlik profili
projected depth
(Askeri) tasarlanan derinlik
queue depth
(Bilgisayar) sıra derinliği
rainfall depth
(Askeri) yağış yüksekliği
safe depth
(Askeri) EMNİYETLİ DERİNLİK: Bir deniz mayın harbinde düşünülen bir dip mayınının harekete geçirilmesine imkan vermeyen en sığ derinlik. Emniyetli derinlik genelde yapılan hıza, denizin sakinliğine ve geminin çektiği suya bağlıdır
safe depth
(Askeri) emniyetli derinlik
safety depth
(Askeri) emniyet derinliği
shallow depth
sığ derinlik
sill depth
eşik derinliği
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The total palette of available colors
The intensity, complexity, strength, seriousness or importance of an emotion, or situation

The depth of the crisis had been exaggerated.

A very remote part

In the depths of the night,.

The vertical distance below a surface; the amount that something is deep

Measure the depth of the water in this part of the bay.

The deepest part. (Usually of a body of water.)

The burning ship finally sunk into the depths.

The distance between the front and the back, as the depth of a drawer or closet
The most severe part

in the depths of winter.

The lower of the two ranks of a value in an ordered set of values
The property of appearing three-dimensional

The depth of field in this picture is amazing.

{n} deepness, a deep piece, highth, skill
Profoundness; extent or degree of intensity; abundance; completeness; as, depth of knowledge, or color
Cumulative frequency counting in from the nearer end
The ``depth'' of a window or pixmap is the number of bits per pixel it has The depth of a graphics context is the depth of the drawables it can be used in conjunction with for graphics output
Measurement inside the hull from the underside of the deck to the top of the keel
An earthquake begins at a given point (hypocenter) which is defined bya position on the surface of the earth (epicenter) and a depth belowthis point (focal depth) This depth is given as kilometers (km) below mean sea-level
extent downward or backward or inward; "the depth of the water"; "depth of a shelf"; "depth of a closet"
{i} distance from top to bottom; deepness; profundity
Depth describes the resonance or sensual power behind the sensations that drive the taste of the coffee It is a tricky and subjective term, but it tries to get at the way certain coffees open up and support their sensations with a sort of ringing, echoing power, whereas others simply present themselves to the palate and then stand pat or even fade
the intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideas
The depth where the earthquake begins to rupture This depth may be relative to mean sea-level or the average elevation of the seismic stations which provided arrival-time data for the earthquake location The choice of reference depth is dependent on the method used to locate the earthquake
The depth of a situation is its extent and seriousness. The country's leadership had underestimated the depth of the crisis. = severity
The number of simple elements which an abstract conception or notion includes; the comprehension or content
degree of psychological or intellectual depth extent downward or backward or inward; "the depth of the water"; "depth of a shelf"; "depth of a closet"
The height of a gemstone measured from the culet to the table
If you are out of your depth, you are in water that is deeper than you are tall, with the result that you cannot stand up with your head above water
to plumb new depths: see plumb to plumb the depths: see plumb
A measure of folder enumeration depth, such as how many links to follow from the content source See also: scope
The quality of being deep; deepness; perpendicular measurement downward from the surface, or horizontal measurement backward from the front; as, the depth of a river; the depth of a body of troops
(usually plural) the deepest and most remote part; "from the depths of darkest Africa"; "signals received from the depths of space"
The depths are places that are a long way below the surface of the sea or earth. The ship vanished into the depths
When referring to a circuit, the maximum number of gates along any path from an input to the output (Note that circuits never contain loops )
This is the depth of the earthquake below sea level in kilometres Earthquakes occur where the earth's crust fractures and moves Even along a zone of weakness, these fractures and movements occur only in one small area, to relieve localised stresses Often this point of fracture is deep within the earth Where earthquakes occur on plate margins (plates are large blocks of crust which are constantly in movement) the depth of the quake can be used be seismologists to obtain a picture of the way in which the plates are moving relative to one another
The depth of a cut is measured from the bottom of the blade up to the bottom of a cut Depths are numbered starting with #0 (or sometimes #1) as the highest depth
The depth of something such as a cupboard or drawer is the distance between its front surface and its back
If you are in the depths of an unpleasant emotion, you feel that emotion very strongly. I was in the depths of despair when the baby was sick
"Depth" in the WorldConnect Project indicates the number of generations (levels) someone can download from a family tree Some submitters will not allow any downloads; others will allow as many as ten generations (levels) to be downloaded The number of generations you can download will depend of the maximum number set by the submitter, and by the number of generations appearing in the family tree
(n ) Generally, the z window coordinate
The perpendicular distance from the chord to the farthest point of an arched surface
The depth of someone's knowledge is the great amount that they know. We felt at home with her and were impressed with the depth of her knowledge
That which is deep; a deep, or the deepest, part or place; the deep; the middle part; as, the depth of night, or of winter
If you say that someone or something has depth, you mean that they have serious and interesting qualities which are not immediately obvious and which you have to think about carefully before you can fully understand them. His music lacks depth
The depth of a window or pixmap is the number of bits per pixel it has The depth of a graphics context is the depth of the drawables it can be used in conjunction with graphics output
The word alone generally denotes vertical depth below the surface In the case of incline shafts and boreholes it may mean the distance reached from the beginning of the shaft or hole, the borehole depth, or the inclined depth
(n) One of the three principal dimensions of an object The depth dimension is described in the right side and top views of a multiview drawing The depth dimension is often associated with the Z axis in a 3-D modeling system Depth can also refer to the distance cut into an object using a machining process (e g , the distance measured between the crest and root of a thread normal to the axis or the depth of a drilled hole)
Real or simulated 3-D distance Simulated depth may be created by perspective, overlapping, size, tone values, colours, and so on
The measurement of the book at its thickest point, including the covers
If something happens in the depths of a difficult or unpleasant period of time, it happens in the middle and most severe or intense part of it. The country is in the depths of a recession
[Reach]: Not recommended Average depth in the reach, in feet When possible, use the preferred parameters upper_depth and lower_depth
A dimension downward, backward, or inward Depth in the atlas subluxation complex adjustment tends to defeat subluxation reduction It is usually the result of body-drop which shortens the final optimum resultant of the force vectors
If you deal with a subject in depth, you deal with it very thoroughly and consider all the aspects of it. We will discuss these three areas in depth
The distance from the baseline to the highest point on the sheer Typically the bow Often inappropriately used to refer to the distance from the sheer to the baseline at amidships
(usually plural) a low moral state; "he had sunk to the depths of addiction"
An earthquake begins at a given point (hypocenter) which is defined by a position on the surface of the earth (epicenter) and a depth below this point (focal depth) This depth is given as kilometers (km) below mean sea-level
[top] The distance from the top of the canoe at the gunwales to the bottom of the canoe when measured at the beam A good standard depth is about 13"
If you talk about the depths of an area, you mean the parts of it which are very far from the edge. the depths of the countryside
degree of psychological or intellectual depth
If an emotion is very strongly or intensely felt, you can talk about its depth. I am well aware of the depth of feeling that exists in Londonderry = strength
(of a box) The distance from the baseline of the box to the bottom edge of the box
Describes the complexity and concentration of flavors in a wine, as in a wine with excellent or uncommon depth
The depth of something such as a river or hole is the distance downwards from its top surface, or between its upper and lower surfaces. The smaller lake ranges from five to fourteen feet in depth The depth of the shaft is 520 yards They were detected at depths of more than a kilometre in the sea
If you say that someone is out of their depth, you mean that they are in a situation that is much too difficult for them to be able to cope with it. Mr Gibson is clearly intellectually out of his depth
(usually plural) a low moral state; "he had sunk to the depths of addiction
Lowness; as, depth of sound
A pair of toothed wheels which work together
depth of field
In photography, the distance in front of and behind the subject that appears to be in focus
depth-first search
an algorithm for traversing a tree or graph where one starts at the root nad explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking
depth zone
1. (geology) A zone within the earth giving rise to different metamorphic assemblages. 2. (oceanography) Any one of four oceanic environments: the littoral, neritic, bathyal, and abyssal zones
depth-first search
Depth-first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching a tree, tree structure, or graph. Intuitively, one starts at the root (selecting some node as the root in the graph case) and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. Formally, DFS is an uninformed search that progresses by expanding the first child node of the search tree that appears and thus going deeper and deeper until a goal node is found, or until it hits a node that has no children. Then the search backtracks, returning to the most recent node it hadn't finished exploring. In a non-recursive implementation, all freshly expanded nodes are added to a LIFO stack for exploration
depth bomb
underwater anti-submarine explosive device designed to detonate at a a certain depth, depth charge
depth charge
depth bomb, underwater anti-submarine explosive device designed to detonate at a a certain depth
depth charge
a bomb that explodes at a pre-set depth under water; anti-submarine device
depth charge
A depth charge is a type of bomb which explodes under water and which is used especially to destroy enemy submarines. A charge designed for detonation at a preset depth under water, used especially against submarines. Also called depth bomb. a bomb that explodes at a particular depth under water. or depth bomb Weapon used by ships or aircraft to attack submerged submarines. Developed by the British in World War I for use against German submarines, it consisted of a canister filled with explosives and dropped off the stern of a ship near a submerged submarine. It rarely exploded close enough to sink the submarine, but its shock waves loosened the submarine's joints and damaged its instruments, forcing it to the surface, where naval gunfire could finish it off. Modern depth charges can be fired as far as 2,000 yards (1,800 m) from a ship's deck or launched from aircraft. Atomic depth charges have a nuclear warhead and a vastly increased killing radius
depth finder
An instrument used to measure the depth of water, especially by radar or ultrasound
depth finder
navigational instrument used to measure the depth of a body of water (as by ultrasound or radar)
depth gauge
A device that indicates how far a diver is below the surface of the water
depth gauge
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depth gauge
instrument that measures depth
depth gauge
a gauge for measuring the depth of grooves or holes or other concavities
depth gauge
A device that indicates how far a diver is below the surface
depth intoxication
condition which strikes divers that descend too quickly to great depths
depth of one's feelings
profundity and sincerity of one's emotions
depth perception
The ability to perceive spatial relationships, especially distances between objects, in three dimensions
depth sounder
An ultrasonic instrument used to measure the depth of water under a ship
defense in depth
The security approach whereby each system on the network is secured to the greatest possible degree May be used in conjunction with firewalls
bit depth
The number of bits (binary digits) used to represent the colour of a single pixel

A bit depth of eight corresponds to a palette of 256 possible colours, because 28 = 256.

Alternative spelling of bit depth
Having no depth, or having a depth that is impossible to determine
plural form of depth
double play depth
When the infielders play in a few steps from their normal position because of the possibility of getting a double play at second base and first base

The infield is at double play depth with one out and a man at first.

focal depth
The field of view of a camera that is in sharp focus
focal depth
The depth below the Earth's surface of the hypocentre of an earthquake
in depth
Comprehensive, thorough, detailed

An in depth analysis.

Thorough and widespread

We are showing in-depth coverage of the World Championships.

out of one's depth
To be in a situation which one is poorly prepared or unprepared to handle

The team's first game was against the league champions; they were out of their depth and knew it.

out of one's depth
To be in water so deep that one cannot stand up and a may be at risk of drowning. http: //
abyssal depth
any of flat bottom strata of the sea
bit depth
bits per pixel, total number of bits stored for each pixel in a graphic image (Computers)
color depth
number of colors that a display adapter can display at one time
{s} shallow; of unmeasurable depth
Having no depth; shallow
Of measureless depth; unfathomable
The most severe part
A very remote part
The lowest point, all-time low, nadir
The deepest part. (Usually of a body of water.)
plural of depth
go into depth
{f} go into something thoroughly
in depth
having a specified depth; "six feet in depth (or deep)"
in depth
thorough, exhaustive, complete; fully developed
in depth interview
very thorough interview
in depth(p)
having a specified depth; "six feet in depth (or deep)
in the depth of despair
at the time of the most severe desperation
thorough, complete, and considering all the details in-depth study/research/analysis etc
in-depth treatment
thorough treatment, intensive care, intensive therapy
reached the depth
went down in the depths, went far inside
sonic depth finder
depth finder for determining depth of water or a submerged object by means of ultrasound waves