(Askeri) BİLGİ İŞLEMİ: Bilgi veya temel bilgi unsurlarını ihtiva eden kaynak dokümanların hazırlanması ve bu bilgilerin sınıflandırma, ayırma, hesaplama, özetleme ve kayıt ameliyeleri yapılmak üzere, kesin işlem kurallarına uygun olarak işlenmeleri
Any of many techniques in which data is retrieved, stored, classified, manipulated, transmitted and/or reported in such a way as to generate information; especially such processing using computers
A general term for any work done on a computer, especially work done by the computer Often applies especially to database work, as distinguished from desktop publishing, word processing, programming, or spreadsheet calculation
taking 'raw' data such as weather data from an electronic weather station and using it to produce useful output such as rainfall bar charts or temperature graphs
(p 522) Name for business technology in the 1970s; included technology that supported an existing business and was primarily used to improve the flow of financial information
Organization of data for the purpose of producing desired information; involves recording, classifying, sorting, summarizing, calculating, disseminating and storing data (The February issue of Quirk's Marketing Research Review has a section devoted to data processing service providers )
Data processing is the series of operations that are carried out on data, especially by computers, in order to present, interpret, or obtain information. Taylor's company makes data-processing systems. the use of computers to store and organize information, especially in business. Manipulation of data by a computer. It includes the conversion of raw data to machine-readable form, flow of data through the CPU and memory to output devices, and formatting or transformation of output. Any use of computers to perform defined operations on data can be included under data processing. In the commercial world, data processing refers to the processing of data required to run organizations and businesses
This describes the process of handling the large volumes of data that arise from an organisations daily activities Although data processing describes a wide range of activities, the most common are transaction processing and process control
Systematically performing a series of actions with data May be done by manual, mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic (primarily computer) means Often used interchangeably with automatic data processing (ADP) See also AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING (ADP), INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (IRM)
The systematic performance of operations upon data such as handling, merging, sorting, and computing (188) Note: The semantic content of the original data should not be changed The semantic content of the processed data may be changed Synonym information processing
A special insurance usually on an all risks basis Covers physical loss and loss from business interruption if the damage necessitates shutdown of operations