
listen to the pronunciation of dasd
الإنجليزية - التركية
doğrudan erişimli bellek aygıtı
doğrudan erisimli bellek aygıtı
(Askeri) Savunma Müsteşar Muavin Yardımcısı (İnsani Yardım ve Mülteciler İşleri) (Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense - Savunma Müsteşar Muavin Yardımcısı DASD(H&RA) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Humanitarian & Refugee Affairs))
(Askeri) Savunma Müsteşar Muavin Yardımcısı Güvenlik ve Bilgi Harekatı) ((I) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) - Savunma Müsteşar Muavin Yardımcısı (İstihbarat) DASD(PK/HA) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Assistance) - Savunma Müsteşar Muavin Yardımcısı (Barışı Koruma ve İnsani Yardım) DASD(S&IO) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Security and Information Operations))
dasd mirroring
disk ikizleme
shared dasd
ortak dasd
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Direct access storage device, such as a USB drive or hard drive
Direct Access Storage Device
Direct Access Storage Device A disk
Direct Access Storage Device An IBM term for free-standing hard disk drive, usually those attached to a mainframe
Direct-access storage device
Direct Access Storage Device A data storage device such as a magnetic disk storage unit which allows the operating system to directly access specific data stored on it without having to read through the data before it This is as opposed to a sequential access device such as magnetic tape
Direct Access Storage Device A hardware device (disk drive or tape drive) used for temporary or permanent storage of data and software
A fancy term for a hard drive This term is most frequently used in a mainframe environment
Online disk storage device
Pronounced daz-de Mainframe term for storage, usually a disk drive, in which records are stored and accessed directly, as opposed sequentially, as with a tape
Direct Access Storage Device A long established IBM term, which currently means a disk device; historically there were other kinds of direct access storage (e g magnetic cards) which may explain the rather generic terminology
Direct access storage device An IBM term that refers to IBM mass storage devices (disk drives)
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
"Direct Access Storage Device" This refers to the magnetic hard drive that the NT operating system, and InveStore is installed on It is also the space used by NT for its PAGEFILE requirements