
listen to the pronunciation of daneben
ألمانية - التركية
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف daneben في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{e} dışında

Arkadaşlarının dışında kimse geliyor mu? - Is anyone coming besides your friends?

O mağaza mobilya dışında birçok şey satmaktadır. - That store sells many things besides furniture.


Kesin olarak konuşursam, sağlıklı düşünmek için en az altı saate ihtiyacım var. Ayrıca mutlu olmak için yedi saate ihtiyacım var. - Precisely speaking, I need six hours to at least think straight. Additionally, I need seven hours to be happy.

ek olarak
buna ek olarak
Yanı sıra

Bunun yanı sıra, nasıl dans edilir bilmiyorum. - Besides that, I don't know how to dance.

Sir Winston Churchill, büyük bir devlet adamı olmanın yanı sıra, büyük bir yazardı. - Besides being a great statesman, Sir Winston Churchill was a great writer.

-e ilaveten
-in dışında

Her nadir şey pahalıdır, ayrıca ucuz bir at enderdir, bu nedenle ucuz at pahalıdır. - Every rare thing is expensive, besides a cheap horse is rare, therefore a cheap horse is expensive.

Gitmek istemiyorum ve ayrıca çok geç. - I don't want to go, and besides it's too late.


Şimdi çok geç oldu. Üstelik, yağmur yağmaya başlıyor. - It's too late now. Besides, it's starting to rain.

bundan başka
bir de

Sir Winston Churchill, büyük bir devlet adamı olmanın yanı sıra, büyük bir yazardı. - Besides being a great statesman, Sir Winston Churchill was a great writer.

bunun yanısıra
beside it
(zarf) ayrıca, bundan başka, ilaveten
bundan başka
besides başka
{e} yanı sıra. z. ayrıca, üstelik
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
moreover (formal) (quantity)
in addition
besides that
next to it
beside it
daneben sein (Person)
to be out of order (of a person or behaviour)
daneben sein unangebracht / ungehörig
to be off (socially unacceptable)
Die Bardame dort ist etwas daneben.
The barmaid there is a bit off
Hier liegt er völlig daneben.
He's way off beam here
Hier liegt er völlig daneben.
He's way off base here
Ich finde das ziemlich daneben. Das klingt dann so, als ob …
I find this really off. That makes it sound as if …
Ich finde es irgendwie daneben, dass er erwartet, dass wir auch noch am Sonntag
I think it's a bit off expecting us to work even on Sunday
Knapp daneben ist auch vorbei.
A miss is as good as a mile
Mit ihren Voraussagen lagen sie meilenweit daneben.
Their predictions were way off the mark
Mit meiner ersten Schätzung habe ich / bin ich meilenweit daneben gelegen.
My first guess wasn't even in the ballpark
Sein Benehmen war ziemlich daneben, findest du nicht?
His manners were a bit off, don't you think?
er/sie benahm sich daneben
he/she disgraced himself/herself
er/sie benimmt sich daneben
he/she disgraces himself/herself
er/sie benimmt sich schlecht/daneben
he/she misbehaves
ich/er/sie benahm sich schlecht/daneben
I/he/she misbehaved
mit etwas daneben liegen
to be wide of the mark
mit etwas daneben liegen
to miss the mark
mit etwas daneben liegen
to be off the mark
mit seinen Berechnungen daneben gelegen
been out in one's calculations
mit seinen Berechnungen daneben liegen
to be out in one's calculations
mit seinen Berechnungen daneben liegen
being out in one's calculations
schießt vorbei/daneben
misses the mark
schoss vorbei/daneben
missed the mark
sich daneben benehmen
to play up
sich daneben benehmen
to disgrace oneself
sich daneben benehmend
disgracing oneself