
listen to the pronunciation of damage
الإنجليزية - التركية
zarar vermek

Bilim adamları bir gecede bir bardak kırmızı şarap sağlığa zarar vermek için yeterlidir diyor. - One glass of red wine a night is enough to damage health, say scientists.


Siparişiniz zarar gördüğü için çok üzgünüz. - We are very sorry that your order was damaged.

Hükümet çiftçilerin hasatlarının zararını telafi etti. - The government compensated the farmers for the damage to the crops.


Sel köye büyük hasar verdi. - The flood did the village extensive damage.

Tayfundan gelen hasar büyüktü. - The damage from the typhoon was enormous.

hasar yapmak bozmak
{f} bozmak
{f} hasara uğratmak
{i} k.dili. masraf, fiyat
{f} değerini düşürmek
dili masraf
(Tekstil) avarya, hasar
(Tıp) damaj
(Ticaret) değer kaybı
zarara sokmak
(Osmanlıca) izrar
zarara uğratmak

Tom zarar ziyan için para ödemek zorunda kaldı. - Tom had to pay for damages.

{i} maliyet
{f} zarar ver

Sel, ekinlere büyük zarar verdi. - The flood did great damage to the crops.

Tom tayfunun evine zarar vermesinden korkuyordu. - Tom was afraid that the typhoon would damage his house.

{i} masraf
{f} hasar yapmak
(Askeri) HASAR: Bir eşyanın kıymetine veya işe yararlık derecesine zarar veren durum. Bir mal, dış görünüşü bakımından hasara uğrayabilir veya işe yararlılık süresi değişebilirse de, yine hizmete elverişli kalabilir veya daha az işe yarar bir duruma girebilir. Bknz. "nuclear damage (land warfare) "
{f} hasar ver

Fırtına ürünlere çok hasar verdi. - The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.

Patlama binaya büyük bir hasar verdi. - The explosion did a lot of damage to the building.

(Biyokimya) yara
hasar vermek
(Biyokimya) bere
(Tıp) zedelenme
(Ticaret) zarar ziyan
damage assessment
(Askeri) hasar kıymetlendirmesi
damage free
(Ticaret) hasarsız
damage assessment
hasar değerlendirmesi
damage financially
maddi zarar ver
damage of inflation
enflasyon zararı
damage radius
hasar yarıçapı
damage the reputation
şöhretine zarar ver
damage by explosion
infilak hasarı
damage by frost
don hasarı
damage by ice
buz hasarı
damage by smoke
duman hasarı
damage by storm
fırtına hasarı
damage by water
su hasarı
damage certificate
hasar belgesi
damage claim
hasar tazminat talebi
damage to
damage to a building
bina hasarı
damage to goods
emtia hasarı, mal hasarı
damage area
(Askeri) HASAR BÖLGESİ: Bir deniz mayın harbi esnasında, mayın tarayıcının plan sahası içinde patlayan bir mayının harekatı engellemesi
damage area
(Askeri) hasar bölgesi
damage assessment
(Askeri) Hasar kıymetlendirilmesi
damage assessment
(Askeri) HASAR DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: 1. Taarruzların hedefler üzerindeki etkisini tespit. 2. Tehlike yaratacak gizli bilgilerin milli güvenlik üzerindeki etkisini tespit. Bknz. "civil damage assessment", "fractional damage", military damage assessment", "probability of damage", "probability of fractional damage", "tactical damage assessment", "technical damage assessment"
damage by ice
(Askeri) buzdan meydana gelen hasar
damage conditions
hasar şartları
damage control
(Askeri) HASAR KONTROL: Deniz kuvvetlerindeki anlamı ile, geminin su sızdırmama kabiliyetini, istikrarını, manevra kabiliyetini ve taarruz gücünü muhafaza veya yeniden tesis etmek; baş-kıç ve yan yük durumunu kontrol etmek, malzemenin süratle onarımını yapmak, yangının yayılmasını sınırlandırmak, kirlenmiş kısımları temizlemek ve bu maddelere karşı gereken şekilde tedbirler almak, yaralı personelin bakım ve tedavisi için hazırlıklı bulunmak üzere gemide alınması gerekli tedbirler. Bknz. "area damage control"; "disaster control"
damage control center; deployment control center
(Askeri) hasar kontrol merkezi; intikal kontrol merkezi
damage control school
(Askeri) DENİZ YARA SAVUNMA OKULU: Gemilerin aldığı yaraların geçici olarak kapatılması işleri üzerinde öğretim yapan okul
damage criteria
hasar kriterleri
damage criteria
(Askeri) HASAR KRİTERİ: Hasarın gerekli belli seviyelerine ulaşması için gereken patlama, basınç ve ısı radyasyonu gibi çeşitli etkilerin kütük seviyeleri
damage criteria
(Askeri) hasar kriteri
damage estimation
(Askeri) HASAR TAHMİNİ: Bir taarruzun muhtemel etkileri hakkında ön değerlendirme. Bknz. "attach assessment"
damage estimation
(Askeri) Hasar analizi
damage expectancy; delay equalizer; directed energy
(Askeri) hasar tahmini; geciktirme eşitleyicisi; yönlendirilmiş enerji
damage factor
(Çevre) hasar faktörü
damage frequency
hasar frekansı
damage of goods
(Ticaret) mal hasarı
damage potential
hasar potansiyeli
damage radius
(Askeri) HASAR YARIÇAPI: Bir deniz mayın harbinde, belirli bir ağırlık ve tipteki mayının patlarken belirli bir hasar yaratması için gereken ortalama uzaklık
damage threat
(Askeri) hasar tehdidi
damage threat
(Askeri) HASAR TEHDİDİ: Mayın sahasından geçen hedef geminin bir veya birden fazla mayın patlatıp devamlı belli bir hasar teşkil etmesi
damage to car
(Sigorta) araca vaki hasar
damage to goods
(Ticaret) emtia hasarı

Hasarlı saygınlığını onarmayı denedim. - I tried to repair his damaged prestige.

Hasarlı bagaj için hiç tazminat aldın mı? - Did you receive any compensation for the damaged luggage?


Ben tazminat ödeyeceğim. - I'll pay for the damages.

İki milyon dolarlık ceza tazminatı ödüyoruz. - We award punitive damages in the amount of two million dollars.

cardiac damage
Kalp tahribatı
correct the damage
hasar gidermek
zarar verilmiş
hasara uğramak
zarar görmek
zarar görmüş

Zarar görmüş itibarını tamir etmeye çalıştım. - I tried to repair his damaged prestige.

Çatı fırtınadan zarar görmüştü. - The roof was damaged by the storm.


Bay Smith zararlar için onlara dava açtı. - Mr. Smith sued them for damages.

Sürücüden zararları talep ettiler. - They demanded damages from the driver.

zarar veren
environmental damage
(Çevre) çevresel zarar
flood damage
sel zararı
further damage
(Kanun) munzam zarar
heavy damage
ağır hasar
indirect damage
indirek zarar
indirect damage
indirekt zarar
moderate damage
(Askeri) orta hasar
own damage
(Sigorta) kasko hasarı
property damage
(Sigorta) mal zararı
radiation damage
radyasyon hasarı
recover damage
hasar gidermek
relieve the damage
hasarı gidermek
result in loss or damage
(Askeri) zararla sonuçlanmak
result in loss or damage
(Askeri) hasarla sonuçlanmak
suffer damage
hasara uğramak
suffer damage
hasar görmek
suffer damage
(Ticaret) hasara maruz kalmak
suffer extensive damage
aşırı hasar görmek
battle damage
savaş hasarı
bring damage
zarar vermek
cause damage
hasara neden ol
cause damage
hasar meydana getirmek
zarar ziyan tazminatı
{f} zarar ver

Kentsel yayılım çevresel olarak zarar verir. - Urban sprawl is environmentally damaging.

Çevresel olarak zarar verici projeler sistematik olarak terk edilmelidir. - Environmentally damaging projects should be abandoned systematically.


Bu son derece zararlı olabilir. - This can be extremely damaging.

Sınırlayıcı uygulamalar sanayiler için zararlı olabilir. - Restrictive practices can be damaging for industries.

fire damage
yangın hasarı
flood damage
taşkın zararı
hidden damage
gizli zarar
hidden damage
gizli hasar
radiation damage
radyasyon zararı
cause of damage
hasar nedeni
claim for damage
Zarar ve ziyan talebi, tazminat istemi
collateral damage
(Savaş sırasında) sivil kayıplar
collateral damage
bir işi yaparken oluşan yan etki ikincil zarar
consequential damage
risk yüzünden oluşan hasar
damage to
hasar vermek
{f} hasar ver

Sami, Leyla'nın itibarına hasar verdi. - Sami damaged Layla's reputation.

Rock grubu otel odasına hasar verdi. - The rock band damaged the hotel room.

zarar ver

Onlara zarar verildi. - They've been damaged.

Tayfun tarafından çatımıza zarar verildi. - We got our roof damaged by the typhoon.

zarar görmüş
do damage
incidental damage
(Kanun) Sözleşmenin taraflarından birisinin sözleşme koşullarını ihlal etmesi durumunda ortaya çıkacak harcama veya zarar
joınt damage
eklem hasarı
material damage
(Kanun) Maddi hasar
moral damage
(Kanun) Mânevi hasar
moth damage
güve zarar
non-pecuniary damage
(Kanun) Manevi tazminatı gerektiren hâl
punitive damage
cezalandırıcı hasar
radiation damage
radyasyon zararı, ışınım zararı
spoil, damage
yağma, hasar
acceptable damage
kabul edilebilir hasar
accidental damage
(Sigorta) kazaen oluşan hasar
acid damage
(Tekstil) asit hasarı
actual damage
(Sigorta) gerçek zarar
air defense commander; area damage control
(Askeri) hava savunma komutanı; arazi hasar kontrolü
aircraft damage
(Askeri) TAYYARE HASARI: Personel hatası veya malzeme yetersizliğinden bir hava aracında meydana gelen bir kazanın sebep olduğu tam veya kısmi hasar. Düşman tesiriyle meydana gelen hasar, normal olarak, muharebe hasarı (Battle damage) dır
aircraft damage
(Askeri) uçak hasarı
airfield damage repair
(Askeri) HAVAALANI HASAR ONARIMI: Nükleer olmayan bir taarruzdan sonra hava alanının yeniden faal duruma getirilmesi için gerekli olan ve aşağıdakileri de içine alan bir dizi faaliyet; a. Hasar Değerlendirmesi ve gerekli onarım işlerinin tayini için keşif; b. Patlayıcı maddelerin temizlenmesi; c. Manevra sahaları ve gidiş geliş yolları gibi az kullanılan yüzeylerin onarımı; d. Hava harekatının idaresi için çok önemli olan tesis ve imkanların onarımı. ADR olarak da anılır
amount of damage
(Sigorta) hasar miktarı
area damage control
(Askeri) BÖLGE HASAR KONTROLU: Hasar olasılığını azaltmak ve onun etkilerini asgari kılmak üzere, düşman faaliyeti veya tabi felaketler veya insan yapımı felaketlerden önce, sonra veya bunlar esnasında alınan önlemlerdir. Ayrıca bakınız: "damage control; disaster control"
area damage control center
(Askeri) BÖLGE HASAR KONTROL MERKEZİ: Bölge hasar kontrolünün yapıldığı merkez
area damage control party
(Askeri) BÖLGE HASAR KONTROL MÜFREZESİ: İdari destek sağlayan birlik ve tesislerde, sadece bölge hasar kontrol faaliyetlerinde bulunmak üzere, kolordu, sahra ordusu, bölge komutanlığı ve lojistik komutanlık dahilinde kullanılan geçici bir özel görev birliği. Geri bölgede kütle tahrip taarruzuna veya tabii afete maruz kalan bir birliğe gönderilir. İdari desteği yeniden. kurmak veya birlik ya da tesisin vazifesini üzerine almak gibi hususlardan sorumlu değildir
area damage control plan
(Askeri) BÖLGE HASAR KONTROL PLANI: Bölge hasar kontroluna ait işlerin yürütülmesine esas olmak üzere hazırlanan ve uygulanan plan
area damage controller
(Askeri) BÖLGE HASAR KONTROL UNSURU: Bir bölge hasar kontrol merkezinin bütün işlerini idare kudretine sahip şahıs
assess the value of the damage
hasar tespiti yapmak
average damage
ortalama zarar
battle damage
(Askeri) MUHAREBE HASARI: Teçhizat, malzeme ve ikmal maddelerinde, doğrudan doğruya düşman tesiri sonucu meydana gelen hasar
battle damage assessment
(Askeri) muharebe hasar değerlendirmesi
battle damage assessment report
(Askeri) muharebe hasar değerlendirme raporu
battle damage indicator
(Askeri) muharebe hasar göstergesi
battle damage repair
(Askeri) muharebe hasar onarımı
bomb damage assessment
(Askeri) BOMBA HASAR DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ: Tüm hava taarruzlarının hedefler üzerindeki etkisinin belirlenmesi. (Ör. bombalar, roketler, sektirme, tarama hücumları. )
bridge damage
(Çevre) köprü hasarı
bulk petroleum contingency report; petroleum damage and deficiency report; repor
(Askeri) döküm petrol ihtimalat raporu; petrol hasar ve yetersizlik raporu; acil durum petrol yağı ve motor yağları raporu
causing damage to property
(Kanun) nasi ızrar
causing damage to property
(Kanun) mala zarar verme
certificate of damage
(Askeri) hasar belgesi
chronic brain damage
(Tıp) kronik beyin hasarı
cold damage
(Çevre) soğuk hasarı
collateral damage
ikincil zarar
collateral damage
çok taraflı zarar
collateral damage estimation
(Askeri) tamamlayıcı hasar tahmini
collision damage
çarpışma zararı
collision damage
(Sigorta) çarpışma hasarı
compensate for the damage
hasarı karşılamak
compensation for damage
(Avrupa Birliği) (178,151) zararın tazmini
concealed damage
(Askeri) GİZLİ HASAR: Dışı iyi durumda olan bir ambalajın içindeki malzemenin hasara uğramış olması
consequential damage
(Kanun) dolaylı hasar
continental United States airborne reconnaissance for damage assessment; contine
(Askeri) hasar tespiti için kıta Amerikası içinde keşif uçuşu; hasar tespiti için kıta Amerikası içinde bölge keşfi
country damage
(Sigorta) kötü hava şartları zararı
cumulative damage failure
(Çevre) kümülatif hasar durumu
cumulative fatigue damage
(Havacılık) kümülatif yorulma arızası
cumulative fatigue damage
(Çevre) kümülatif yorgunluk hasarı
{f} zarar ver: adj.zarar görm
{s} ezik ve çürük içinde
{f} hasar ver: adj.hasarlı
{s} mahvolmuş
i., huk. tazminat
{i} zarar ziyan

Tom zarar ziyan için para ödemek zorunda kaldı. - Tom had to pay for damages.

zarar ver

Alkol karaciğere zarar verir. - Alcohol damages the liver.

(Hukuk) zararlar
{s} zarar verici

Çevresel olarak zarar verici projeler sistematik olarak terk edilmelidir. - Environmentally damaging projects should be abandoned systematically.

(Tekstil) avarya, hasar
{s} kötü etkisi olan
diffuse alveoler damage
(Tıp) difüz alveoler hasar dad
direct damage assessment
(Askeri) DİREKT HASAR DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Bir taarruz sahasının, hava gözetlemesi, hava fotoğrafı veya gözetleme ile direkt olarak incelenmesi
drought damage
(Çevre) kuraklık hasarı
effective damage
(Askeri) etkin hasar
effective damage
(Askeri) ETKİN HASAR: Bir hedef elemanını çalışamaz, hizmet veremez, üretim yapamaz veya içinde yaşanamaz hale getirmek için gerekli olan hasar
estimate the damage
hasar tespiti yapmak
estimated damage
(Ticaret) tahmini hasar
estimated damage
(Askeri) tahmini zarar
evaluate the cost of damage
hasar tespiti yapmak
extent of damage
(Askeri) HASAR ORANI: Detaylı hasar incelemelerinde ve acil tip hasar değerlendirmesi raporlarında uygun yüzdeler verilerek (örnek: Yüzde 50 yapısal hasar) genelde 1000 feet karelik birimde ifade edilen, bir hedef unsurunun gördüğü hasarın görünen hasar derecesi
field operations division; foreign object damage
(Askeri) sahra harekatı tümeni; yabancı madde hasarı
financial damage
maddi hasar
formation damage
formasyon hasarı
fractional damage
(Askeri) KISMİ HASAR, CÜZİ HASAR: Bir hedef unsurlarından, nükleer bir saldırıda hasara veya zayiata uğrayan bir kısım veya yüzde miktar. Ayrıca bakınız: "damage assessment"
freezing damage
(Çevre) donma hasarı
fresh water damage
(Sigorta) tatlı su hasarı
frost damage
(Askeri) donma hasarı
frost damage
(Meteoroloji,Teknik) don hasarı
hail damage
(Çevre) dolu hasarı
incurrence of damage
zararın meydana gelmesi
indirect damage assessment
(Askeri) ENDİREKT HASAR KIYMETLENDİRİLMESİ: Direkt kıymetlendirme yapanlar dışındaki vasıtalarla elde edilmiş; gerçek silah kuvveti, infilak yüksekliği ve yer sıfırı gibi esaslara dayanan, revizyon görmüş hedef analizleri. Bak. "post strike damage estimation"
inflict damage
hasar oluşturmak
inflict damage
hasar yaratmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction

Be careful not to damage any of the fragile items while unpacking them.

Cost or expense

What's the damage? he asked the waiter.

The abstract measure of something not being intact; harm

The storm did a lot of damage to the area.

something that is broken is damaged Damage is thus the physical harm caused to an object
The measure of how much health a Pokémon has lost When the amount of damage on a Pokémon exceeds its HP, that Pokémon is Knocked Out
Damage is physical harm that is caused to an object. The blast caused extensive damage to the house Many professional boxers end their careers with brain damage
The damage component measures the amount of harm that a given threat might inflict This measurement includes triggered events, clogging email servers, deleting or modifying files, releasing confidential information, performance degradation, errors in the virus code, compromising security settings, and the ease with which the damage may be fixed
{f} cause harm, cause injury
To damage an object means to break it, spoil it physically, or stop it from working properly. He maliciously damaged a car with a baseball bat The sun can damage your skin
{i} injury, harm; (Slang) expense, cost (e.g., "What is the damage for the drinks we had at the bar?")
(Dmg) = a measure of how damaging an attack is
Tolerance - A measure of the ability of structures to retain load-carrying capability after exposure to sudden loads for example, ballistic impact
the occurrence of a change for the worse
Damage is the severity of injury or the physical, functional, or monetary loss that could result if control of a hazard is lost
Damage consists of the unpleasant effects that something has on a person, situation, or type of activity. Incidents of this type cause irreparable damage to relations with the community
Physical, psychiatric or economic loss or harm arising out of a wrongful act or omission
Any material or bodily loss or harm
{n} mischief, hurt, loss, injury
any reduction in the intended use or value of a biological or physical resource For example, economic production, ecological structure or function, aesthetic value, or biological or genetic diversity that may be altered by a pollutant
{v} to injure, hurt, mar, impair, spoil
If a court of law awards damages to someone, it orders money to be paid to them by a person who has damaged their reputation or property, or who has injured them. He was vindicated in court and damages were awarded
loss of military equipment
A problem such as scratches, nicks, holes, harsh cleaning, pitting, etc which lowers the value of a numismatic item
can be monitored and reduced by including a small data logger with the cargo, which can subsequently be downloaded to a PC Models range in scope from pure shock recording up to logging impacts (in 3 dimensions), temperature and humidity against time Packaging and shipping methods can be optimized, and blame for damage more accurately attributed Eg: Cargowatch (Synpack)
Loss or harm resulting from injury to a person, to property, or to someone's reputation
When one Pokémon attacks another, it will usually cause damage If a Pokémon has total damage greater than or equal to its Hit Points, it is Knocked Out
Refers to primary containers that have been water damaged, fire damaged, crushed, or subject to insect or rodent infestation Damage may result from the overpacking of containers Examples of secondary container damage include smeared writing on a bag, tears or punctures of a bag, or ink that is causing chemical deterioration of a bag (thinning and yellowing of the container)
You can do damage to your opponent, which forces him or her to discard cards from the top of his or her deck You can also damage a Creature in play If the total damage a Creature takes during the game is greater than or equal to its Health, it's discarded (Use counters to keep track of damage that's less than the Creature's Health )
harm to structures, animals , or humans during earthquakes and /or volcanos DIATOMITE a very light, white rock that contains dioatoms (one-celled plants) DRIFT referring to the movement of continets over time
To damage something means to cause it to become less good, pleasant, or successful. Jackson doesn't want to damage his reputation as a political personality = harm + damaging dam·ag·ing Is the recycling process in itself damaging to the environment? = harmful
any defects or problems that affect a coin after it is struck
can be monitored and reduced by including a small data logger with the cargo, which can subsequently be downloaded to a PC Models range in scope -->from--> pure shock recording -->up to--> logging impacts (in 3 dimensions), temperature and humidity against time Packaging and shipping methods can be optimized, and blame for damage more accurately attributed Eg: Cargowatch (Synpack)
inflict damage upon; "The snow damaged the roof"; "She damaged the car when she hit the tree"
a legal injury is any damage resulting from a violation of a legal right
Injury or harm to person, property, or reputation; an inflicted loss of value; detriment; hurt; mischief
A deterioration in the quality of the environment not directly attributable to depletion or pollution
Fabric that is torn or burned, or other parts of the balloon that are in serious need of repair If a balloon is damaged during the Event, it may be repaired Damaged components may be replaced or repaired, except that a complete envelope may be replaced only at the discretion of the Director Any damage to a balloon affecting its airworthiness must be reported to the Director before it is entered for a further task, and the balloon may only be flown after his approval of any repairs Penalty: up to disqualification from the task 3 5
You can damage to your opponent, which forces them to discard cards from the top of their deck You can also damage a Creature in play If the total damage a Creature takes during the game is greater than or equal to its Health, it's discarded (You can use counters to keep track of the damage each of your creatures has taken )
the amount of money needed to purchase something; "the price of gasoline"; "he got his new car on excellent terms"; "how much is the damage?"
To occasion damage to the soundness, goodness, or value of; to hurt; to injure; to impair
Physical change to a numismatic item, such as a scratch, nick, ding, cleaning, hole or pitting
Damage and wear can take many forms, and therefore these definition are not exact or exhaustive, but are meant to give a general idea of what we usually mean by damage versus wear Damage includes chips, cracks, glaze flakes, glaze scratches, hairline cracks, etc , that were not caused during the manufacturing process If a defect was caused during the manufacturing process, we instead consider it a Manufacturing Flaw or Defect When we say that a piece has damage, we are always speaking of damage that happened after the piece left the factory, and not of damage that occurred in the factory, as best as we can determine by examination Wear might be considered a form of damage by some, however we will distinguish wear from damage where damage implies some sort of breakage Wear of glaze or ceramic includes light surface scratching, evidence of rubbing, paint or applied gold that as worn off or flaked, corrosion, stains, mineral or other deposits
the act of damaging something or someone loss of military equipment the occurrence of a change for the worse inflict damage upon; "The snow damaged the roof"; "She damaged the car when she hit the tree
A monetary compensation, which may be recovered in the courts by any person who has suffered a loss, detriment, or injury, whether to his person (body), property, or rights, through the unlawful act, or failure to act, of another A sum of money awarded to a person injured by another
The estimated reparation in money for detriment or injury sustained; a compensation, recompense, or satisfaction to one party, for a wrong or injury actually done to him by another
To receive damage or harm; to be injured or impaired in soundness or value; as, some colors in cloth damage in sunlight
the act of damaging something or someone
damage control
Any efforts, as by a company, to curtail losses, counteract unfavorable publicity, etc
damage control
A department or group, as aboard a naval vessel, responsible for taking action to control damage caused by fire, collision, etc
damage counters
plural form of damage counter
damage limitation
An effort to minimize or curtail damage or loss, damage control
damage calculation
estimation of the amount of damage done
damage control
an effort to minimize or curtail damage or loss
damage feasant
Doing injury; trespassing, as cattle
damage insurance
{i} insurance against damages
damage limitation
Damage limitation is action that is taken to make the bad results of something as small as possible, when it is impossible to avoid bad results completely. The meeting was merely an exercise in damage limitation
attrition damage
A strategy of constant harassment, abuse, or attack or through the use of a blockade
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of damage
The money paid or awarded to a claimant (in England), a pursuer (in Scotland) or a plaintiff (in the US) in a civil action
Harmful, injurious, describing something that causes damage

The politician resigned after damaging information was revealed.

radiation damage
harmful changes in the properties of materials caused by interactions with ionizing radiation
{a} injured, hurt, impaired, spoiled
collateral damage
1. (euphemism) inadvertent casualties and destruction inflicted on civilians in the course of military operation
incidental damage
(Kanun) Incidental Damages are a type of legal damages, (money claimed by, ordered to be paid to, a person as compensation for loss or injury), that are reasonably associated with or related to actual damages
incidental damage
(Kanun) A type of legal damages, (money claimed by, ordered to be paid to, a person as compensation for loss or injury), that are reasonably associated with or related to actual damages
actual damage
real injury, damage which has actually occurred (often more than appears to the eye)
aggravation of damage
increasing the severity of the damage
appraisal of damage
estimate of damage, estimate of destruction
battle damage
loss of military equipment in battle
brain damage
If someone suffers brain damage, their brain is damaged by an illness or injury so that they cannot function normally. He suffered severe brain damage after a motorbike accident. damage to someone's brain caused by an accident or illness
brain damage
irreparable destruction to parts of the brain
caused damage
injured, harmed, caused a flaw
causing damage
causing injury, harming, causing a flaw
causing environmental damage
injuring nature, causing harm to the natural environment
collateral damage
secondary damage
collateral damage
(euphemism) inadvertent casualties and destruction inflicted on civilians in the course of military operations
corporal damage
bodily injury, harm to the body
harmed or injured or spoiled; "I wont't buy damaged goods"; "the storm left a wake of badly damaged buildings
{s} harmed; spoilt; injured; discredited; (of reputation) besmirched
past of damage
{i} one who damages; ruiner, destroyer
A sum of money that a party is legally obligated to pay to another as compensation for injury
Monetary compensation that may be recovered by a person who has suffered loss, detriment or injury to his person, property or rights, through the unlawful act or negligence of another; damages are not generally available under the IDEA
Compensation recoverable in Court by one who has suffered loss, detriment or injury to his person, property or tights due to the unlawful acts or negligence of others
includes all monetary losses due to climate change impacts, less the amount that can be averted by adaptive measures, and less the economic gains that may be realized by the adaptive measures This implies that net damages may, in some cases, take on negative values that reflect monetary gains when all factors are considered
In law, the money awarded to a party in a civil suit as reparation for the loss or injury for which another is liable. The theory of an award of damages in a personal-injury or other tort case is that injured parties should be placed in the position they would have been in if the injury had not occurred, so far as this can be accomplished with a monetary award. Where the legal wrong at issue is the breach of a contract, the goal of the damages remedy is to give the injured parties the benefit they would have received had the contract been performed. More than one type of damages (e.g., direct, incidental, and punitive) may be awarded for a single injury
Pecuniary (money) compensation which may be recovered by a party for personal injury, or loss or damage to one's property or rights as a result of another party's unlawful act or negligence
Money claimed or awarded in court, equal to the dollar value of the claimant's losses
{i} compensation, money paid for injury or harm done to a person or property
The assessment of compensation in monetary terms for damage suffered
Money awarded for an injury or loss due to the unlawful act or negligence of another
If a person has suffered a loss as a result of a civil wrong they may apply to the Court for an order that their loss be compensated by payment of money The money claimed or paid is referred to as damages
Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases to compensate the plaintiffs for their injuries
A cash compensation ordered by a court to offset losses or suffering caused by another's fault or negligence Damages are a typical request made of a court when persons sue for breach of contract or tort
Money awarded by a court to a person injured by the unlawful act or negligence of another person
In a technical sense, damages refer to the money or compensation recoverable in a lawsuit by a party who has been injured in person or property or rights by the negligence of another
The money paid or awarded to a claimant (in the UK) or a plaintiff (in the US) in a civil action
Money awarded by a court to a person injured by the unlawful actor negligence of another person
A monetary amount awarded to the plaintiff by the court in order to compensate the plaintiff for actual injury sustained by the actions of the defendant In trademark cases, the basis of damages is typically the plaintiff's lost profits or defendant's profits as a result of the infringing activity, and may include prejudgment interest Additionally, damages have been based on a reasonable royalty or a the cost of corrective advertising Finally, the court may award treble damages to the plaintiff where the court deems such damages as equitable and not punitive
Monetary compensation claimed by a person who has suffered loss or injury to his/her person, property, or rights as a result of the negligence or unlawful conduct of another
An award of money paid by the guilty party to the injured party to compensate for losses or injuries incurred Compensatory-Money ordered to be paid as compensation for injury or loss Punitive/Exemplary-Compensation in excess of actual damages to serve as punishment for willful or malicious acts by the defendant as and against the aggrieved party or parties in the lawsuit
The amount recoverable by a person who has been injured in any manner through the act or default of another
third-person singular of damage
The compensation recoverable by a person who has sustained and injury, either to his or her person or property, through the act or default of another
(noun) Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases to compensate the plaintiffs for injuries, property damage, pain and suffering, etc
Compensation for loss or injury suffered
a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury
The indemnity recoverable by a person who has sustained an injury either in his person, property or relative rights, through the act or default of another
The indemnity recoverable by a person who has sustained an injury, either in his person, property or relative rights, through the act or default of another
compensation paid by one person to another to recompense them for a loss they have suffered where they had a right not to be subject to such a loss Thus if a person brings a court action for breach of contract the court may award that person damages, payable by the other person, if the case is upheld
The indemnity recoverable by a person who has sustained an injury either in his person, property, or relative rights through the act or default of another
{i} torts
present participle of damage
{s} harmful; deleterious; causing damage or harm; capable of causing loss; prejudicial; negative
designed or tending to discredit, especially without positive or helpful suggestions; "negative criticism"
(sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury; "damaging to career and reputation"; "the reporter's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant
in a harmful manner, in an injurious manner
direct damage
damage caused directly by impact (as opposed to indirect damage)
extensive damage
great damage, considerable harm
great damage
very large damage, awesome damage
indirect damage
incidental damage, secondary damage
irreparable damage
damage that cannot be fixed
irreversible damage
damage that cannot be undone, harm that cannot be repaired
merger of the damage
neutralizing the effect of damage with damage of a much larger scale
minor damage
small amount of damage, damage which is not severe
non pecuniary damage
{i} damage which is not only financial, physical or emotional injury
operational damage
loss of military equipment in field operations
pecuniary damage
economic damage, financial loss
permanent damage
{i} irreversible damage, damage that cannot be undone, harm that cannot be repaired
political damage
harm to a political party, harm to a political group
primary cause of damage
framework for payment of compensation or damages
property damage
Damage to any form of property •Motor Vehicles
property damage
Coverage for damage to the property (in auto insurance, usually a motor vehicle) of another, caused by the negligence of the insured
property damage
Damage to the property of others, not the insured's property
property damage
An item of coverage in an Automobile Liability policy which agrees to indemnify the policyholder for loss incurred through legal liability for damage to property of others caused by accident arising out of ownership or operation of an automobile (See also Liability )
property damage
Means physical injury to, destruction of, or loss of use of tangible property
property damage
(Dommages aux biens or Dommages matériels) In insurance this generally refers to damage to physical property of others as distinct from personal injuries to others It is commonly written in conjunction with such public liability or personal injury insurance
property damage
This coverage will pay for the other party's car, yard or other damage which you have caused Limits are 25/50/25
property damage
damage occurring to property through an accident, abuse, negligence, or act of God
property damage
Physical injury to, destruction of or loss of use of tangible property (of other party)
property damage
Physical injury to, destruction of, or loss of use of property
property damage
(Transportation) Damage to the residence or property of the employee by the carrier personnel while performing loading or unloading services in transporting household goods
property damage
Physical injury to or destruction of tangible property covered by your policy including the loss of use of that property Back
property damage
Damage or destruction including loss of use of a Third Party's property Reduction in value is the measure of Property Damage
property damage
Covers damage caused by the insured to someone else's property For example a vehicle, building, or guard rail
property damage
Coverage for damage you cause to objects (not including your own car) such as the other party's car, a utility pole, guardrail, residential fence, etc
property damage
Injury to or destruction of tangible property including the loss of use of property
property damage
damage that is done to property alone
property damage
Damage to another person's property The purpose of liability insurance is to cover property damage to a third party resulting from the negligent or intentional acts of an insured
property damage
costs to repair or replace damaged vehicles and property including the costs of damage compensation
property damage
Damage to the home, lawn, driveway, landscaping or other property of the customer by the driver during the loading or unloading of the shipment or damage to property due to an accident
property damage
Type of loss covered under many liability contracts Includes the insured's liability for damage to the property of others or loss of use of another's property
property damage
Property Damage Liability is insurance coverage that pays to repair or replace other people's property that has been damaged by the insured or someone else who is covered in the policy Property Damage Liability coverage does not pay for damage to the vehicles Liability (BI) and Property Damage (PD) together are often referred to simply as Liability Insurance Most state laws require that all drivers carry liability insurance or offer other proof that they are financially able to pay any damage for which they might be found liable
property damage
Damage to tangible property In insurance, people often refer to Property Damage as the coverage afforded for financial protection against damage to another’s property resulting from an accident
property damage
Physical injury to, destruction of, or loss of use of tangible property
property damage
Damage to or destruction of property, including loss of use of the property
property damage
Insurance that protects against the loss or damage to property caused by perils listed in the policy
property damage insurance
Liability insurance for claims brought against a person who causes damage to another's property, as by an automobile accident
prospective damage
expected damage, damage which can be predicted in advance
remote damage
be found guilty of wrongdoing for late damages (Law)
serious damage
heavy damage, serious damage, much harm, great injury
there was damage
property was harmed, there was destruction or loss of property