
listen to the pronunciation of dam
الإنجليزية - التركية

Barajda fazla su var mı? - Is there much water in the dam?

Tom barajın tutmayacağını bilemezdi. - Tom had no way of knowing that the dam wouldn't hold.

{f} baraj yapmak
su bendi
{f} baraj kur
set çekmek
su bendi yapmak
{f} -e set çekmek
{i} toplama havuzu
{i} engel
dam up kapatmak
{f} engellemek
dam in
geri tutmak
dam baraj yap
{i} anne hayvan
{i} hazne
kanun maddesi
(Basın) gazete yazısı

Kentsel yayılım çevresel olarak zarar verir. - Urban sprawl is environmentally damaging.

dam location
baraj yeri
dam breaker
baraj kesici
dam breaking
baraj kırma
dam crest
baraj kret
dam fool
baraj aptal
dam ruins
su bendi kalıntısı
dam site
baraj alanı
dam construction
baraj inşası
dam up
(Fiili Deyim ) zaptetmek , tutmak
dam up
dam up
set çekmek
dam up
-i frenlemek, -i bastırmak
dam up
baraj yapmak
blind dam
dip savaksız baraj
buttress dam
(Çevre,İnşaat) payandalı baraj
check dam
(Çevre) kontrol bendi
coffer dam
(İnşaat) batardo
concrete dam
(Çevre,İnşaat) beton baraj
construct a dam
baraj inşa etmek
construct a dam
baraj yapmak
earth dam
(Çevre) toprak dolgu baraj
fill dam
(Coğrafya) dolgu baraj
hollow dam
boşluktu baraj
length of dam
baraj kreti uzunluğu
length of dam
baraj uzunluğu
offset dam axis
baraj aksında oynama
offset dam axis
baraj aksında sapma
purpose of the dam
barajın gayesi
rubber dam
(Diş Hekimliği) diş izolasyon lastiği
settlement of dam
barajın oturması
steel dam
çelik baraj
arch dam
kemer baraj
clay dam
kil baraj
diversion dam
saptırma bendi
dome dam
kubbeli baraj
earth dam
toprak baraj
flood dam
taşkın seddi
hollow gravity dam
boşluklu ağırlık barajı
irrigation dam
sulama barajı
masonry dam
kagir baraj
masonry dam
kâgir baraj
storage dam
biriktirme barajı
beartrap dam
beartrap baraj
boulder dam
kaya baraj
coffer dam
sandık baraj
dental dam
diş baraj
gravity dam
ağırlık barajı
main construction of a dam
baraj gövdesi
multiple arch dam
çok kemerli baraj
multiple dome dam
çok kubbeli baraj
overflow dam
üstten savakli baraj
reservoir dam
rezervuar baraj
sill dam
eşik barajı
spillway dam
savakli bağlama
three gorges dam
üç Gorges baraj
auxiliary dam
yardımcı baraj
axis of dam
baraj ekseni
build a dam
baraj inşaa etmek
composite earth dam
zonlu toprak baraj
crest of dam
baraj kreti
curved gravity dam
kemer ağırlık baraj
dental dam
oral seks kondomu
detention dam
(Tarım) taşkın bendi
earth dam
toprak (dolgu) baraj
fault-dam spring
fay-barajı gözesi
geologic map of dam site
baraj yeri jeolojik haritası
geometry of dam
baraj geometrisi
gravity arch dam
kemer ağırlık barajı
gravity arch dam
(İnşaat) kemerli ağırlık barajı
heat dam
ısı barajı
heel of a dam
baraj topuğu
heel of dam
(İnşaat) baraj topuğu
hollow gravity dam
boşluktu ağırlık barajı
homogeneous earth dam
homojen toprak baraj
hydroelectric dam
hidroelektrik baraj
large dam
büyük baraj
masonry arch dam
(İnşaat) kagir kemer baraj
multiple arch dam
(İnşaat) çok payandalı baraj
overflow dam
üstten savaklı baraj
penstock dam
cebri borulu baraj
performance of dam
barajın performansı
post dam
(Diş Hekimliği) Protez yapılacak bir üst çene alçı modelinin üzerine, sert yumuşak damak sınırı boyunca açılan ince oluk.2. Bu oluk sayesinde protezin arkasınırında oluşan, retansiyona ve arkadan içeri yemek kaçmamasına yardımcı olan kabartı çizgi
prestressed dam
(İnşaat) öngerilmeli baraj
rock fill dam
(Coğrafya) kaya dolgu baraj
secondary dam
tali baraj
sediment control dam
(Çevre) sediman kontrol barajı
sluice dam
dipsavaklı baraj
stepped dam
(Çevre) kademeli baraj
straight dam
düz baraj
subsidiary dam
yardımcı baraj
timber dam
ahşap baraj
timber dam
ağaç büğet
top of dam
baraj kreti
upstream coffer dam
(İnşaat) memba batardosu
zoned earth dam
zonlu toprak baraj
التركية - التركية
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Tuzak. ağ, hile
Yapıları dış etkilerden korumak amacıyla üzerlerine yapılan çoğu kiremit kaplı bölüm: "Pencerenin önüne geçmiş, dalgın ve hiddetli nazarlarıyla karşıki damları seyrediyordu."- E. E. Talu
Dansta kavalyenin eşi
Toprak damlı ev, küçük ev, köy evi: "Hekim kendisine üç ay, tam üç ay damdan dışarı çıkmaya izin vermemişti."- N. Nâzım
Dekametrenin kısaltması
Dansta kavalyenin eşi: "Erkeklerin kimi damlarının elinden, kimi kolundan, kimi de hafifçe omzundan tutmuş, geliyorlardı."- Ç. Altan. İskambil kâğıtlarında kız
Bir binanın göğe bakan yüzü
Ahır: "At damında çocuğa çok iyi bir yer yapmıştı."- H. E. Adıvar
Köy evi
Yapıları dış etkilerden korumak amacıyla üzerlerine yapılan çoğu kiremit kaplı bölüm
İskambil kâğıtlarında kız
Tutuk evi
Evlerin altında bulunan ve hayvanların yaşadığı odacık
Hint bakır parası
Moğol imparatorluğu zamanında bastırılmış gümüş sikke
Toprak damlı ev, küçük ev, köy evi
(Osmanlı Dönemi) BAM
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Göz yaşı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (C.: Dümu-Edmu) Helâk olmak
dam altı
Barınılacak, sığınılacak yer
dam koruğu
Dam koruğugillerden, bir veya çok yıllık türleri olan, ılık iklimlerde yetişen otsu bir bitki (Sedum)
dam koruğugiller
İki çeneklilerden örnek bitkisi dam koruğu olan bir bitki familyası
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Vücudu ortadan kaldırmak. Yok etmek. Öldürmek
ısı dam
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To block the flow of water
Mother, generally regarding breeding of animals (compare sire)

she / Resolved that Juan should be quite a paragon, / And worthy of the noblest pedigree / (His sire was from Castile, his dam from Aragon) .

A device to prevent a tooth from getting wet, consisting of a rubber sheet held with a band
Structure placed across a flowing body of water to stop the flow
{n} a mother of brutes, bank to stop water
{v} t. to stop or sut up, confine, obstruct
A barrier constructed across a valley for impounding water or creating a reservoir
Any artificial barrier which impounds or diverts water The dam is generally hydrologically significant if it is: 1 25 feet or more in height from the natural bed of the stream and has a storage of at least 15 acre-feet 2 Or has an impounding capacity of 50 acre-feet or more and is at least six feet above the natural bed of the stream
a man-made barrier built to hold back or control flowing water in a river or lake
female parent of an animal especially domestic livestock a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea obstruct with, or as if with, a dam; "dam the gorges of the Yangtse River
A structure of earth, rock concrete, or other materials designated to retain water, creating a pond, lake, or reservoir
Indicates a detection for files that have been corrupted by a threat or that may contain inactive remnants of a threat, causing the files to fail to properly execute or produce reliable results
Mother, generally regarding breeding of animals (cf. sire)
A structure built to hold back water Specific kinds of dams include
To dam a river means to build a dam across it. plans to dam the nearby Delaware River. Danish biochemist. He shared a 1943 Nobel Prize for the discovery of vitamin K. decameter. Barrier built across a stream, river, or estuary to conserve water for such uses as human consumption, irrigation, flood control, and electric-power generation. The earliest recorded dam is believed to be a masonry structure 49 ft (15 m) high built across the Nile River in Egypt 2900 BC. Modern dams are generally built of earth fill, rock fill, masonry, or monolithic concrete. Earth-fill (or embankment) dams, such as Egypt's Aswan High Dam, are usually used across broad rivers to retain water. The profile of an earth-fill dam is a broad-based triangle. Concrete dams may take various forms. The gravity dam uses its own dead weight to resist the horizontal force of the water. Concrete-buttress dams reduce material in the wall itself by using support buttresses around the outside base. An arch dam, such as Hoover Dam, is built in a convex arch facing the reservoir, and owes its strength essentially to its shape, which is particularly efficient in transferring hydraulic forces to supports. Aswan High Dam Hoover Dam Boulder Dam Three Gorges Dam Project
A dam is a wall that is built across a river in order to stop the water flowing and to make a lake. plans to build a dam on the Danube River
obstruct with, or as if with, a dam; "dam the gorges of the Yangtse River"
To shut up; to stop up; to close; to restrain
An artificial barrier or wall constructed across a watercourse or valley for one or more of the following purposes: creating a pond or lake for the storage of water; diverting water from a watercourse into a conduit or channel; creating a hydraulic head that can be used to generate power; improving river navigability; controlling floods; or retention of debris It may be constructed of wood, earth materials, rocks, or solid masonry (Bates and Jackson 1980)
A barrier built across a watercourse to impound or divert water A barrier that obstructs, directs, retards, or stores the flow of water Usually built across a stream A structure built to hold back a flow of water Horsetooth Reservoir has four dams: Spring, Dixon and Soldier Canyon Dams and Horsetooth Dam
a structure of earth, rock, or concrete designed to form a basin and hold water back to make a pond, lake, or reservoir
a barrier made of any material, which stops the flow of rivers and streams
To obstruct or restrain the flow of, by a dam; to confine by constructing a dam, as a stream of water; generally used with in or up
A structure built to provide flood control, irrigation, and/or power generation Some have storage reservoirs Also see reservoir
A firebrick wall, or a stone, which forms the front of the hearth of a blast furnace
A king or crowned piece in the game of draughts
In a toilet bowl, the barrier built into the trapway that controls the water level in the toilet bowl
a metric unit of length equal to ten meters
structure built to hold back water in order to prevent flooding, provide water for irrigation and storage, and to provide hydroelectric power
(hydr) A physical barrier constructed across a river or waterway to control the FLOW or raise the level water The purpose or construction may be for flood control, irrigation needs, hydropower, and/or recreation usage POWER dams raise the level of streams or rivers to create or concentrate HEAD for power purposes The reservoir has created, in effect, stored energy F - barrage S - represa
A structure of earth, rock or concrete designed to form a basin and hold water back to make a pond, lake, or reservoir
structure usually built on a river to create a lake by blocking the river's flow
A structure formed to hold water back, generally built near uncontaminated water collection sources in order to provide a drinking water supply to the surrounding communities
a barrier constructed across a watercourse for the purpose of: (a) creating a reservoir; (b) diverting water into a conduit of channel; (c) creating a head which can be used to generate power; and (d) improving river navigability
A barrier built across a watercourse to impound or divert water
A structure of earth, rock, or concrete designed to form a basin and hold water back to make a pond, lake, or reservoir A barrier built, usually across a watercourse, for impounding or diverting the flow of water General types of dams include
A barrier of concrete or earth built across a river to create a body of water
A barrier to prevent the flow of a liquid; esp
a bank of earth, or wall of any kind, as of masonry or wood, built across a water course, to confine and keep back flowing water
{f} block the natural flow of water with a dam; restrain, stop up, block, hold back
A constructed barrier that would create a water storage reservoir or divert water
a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea
A female parent; used of beasts, especially of quadrupeds; sometimes applied in contempt to a human mother
Structure built in rivers or estuaries, basically to separate water at both sides and/or to retain water at one side
{i} barrier to obstruct the flow of water, dike
female parent of an animal especially domestic livestock
dam breaker
device used to break down dams
dam up
obstruct with, or as if with, a dam; "dam the gorges of the Yangtse River"
Tai Dam
A Tai-Kadai (Kradai) language spoken by 700,000 people in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and China written in its own unique script, closely related to Lao and northern Thai
beaver dam
The lodge of a beaver, in the form of a river dam, with an underwater entrance
A type of water-tight enclosure used to create a dry foundation for building bridges and other structures over water

He stood full six feet in height, with noble shoulders, and a chest like a coffer-dam.

hydroelectric dam
a dam containing hydroelectric generators
ice dam
an obstruction to the flow of a river caused by the flow of a glacier
ice dam
a mass of ice formed at the transition from a warm to a cold roof surface, frequently formed by refreezing meltwater at the overhang of a steep roof, causing ice and water to back up under roofing materials
tinker's dam
Alternative spelling of tinker's damn
water over the dam
An event or set of events which has already happened and cannot be changed

I have two other philosophies. One is: Do the best you can with what you have. The other is: Don't worry about water over the dam.

dental dam
(Diş) A thin sheet of latex used as a prophylactic device during cunnilingus and anilingus
Aswan Dam
dam on the Nile River
Aswan High Dam
a dam built across the River Nile in southern Egypt. It is one of the largest dams in the world and is used to produce electricity and provide water for farming. Dam across the Nile River, north of Aswan, Egypt. Built 4 mi (6 km) upstream from the earlier Aswan Dam (1902), it is 364 ft (111 m) high and 12,562 ft (3,830 m) long. Differences with Gamal Abdel Nasser led the U.S. and Britain to withdraw their financial support of the project in 1956, whereupon Nasser turned to the Soviet Union for assistance. The dam, completed in 1970, impounds the reservoir Lake Nasser and controls the annual Nile flood, releasing floodwaters when needed for irrigation; it also enables the production of great amounts of electric power. Its construction necessitated the relocation of the ancient Abu Simbel ruins
Boulder Dam
the former name for the Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam
a dam on the Colorado River on the border between the US states of Arizona and Nevada. It supplies electricity and water to several states, and is one of the tallest dams in the world. It was formerly known as Boulder Dam. formerly Boulder Dam Highest concrete arch dam in the U.S., built on the Colorado River at the Arizona-Nevada border. It impounds Lake Mead. The dam, completed in 1936, is used for flood and silt control, electric power, irrigation, and domestic and industrial water supplies. It is 726 ft (221 m) high and 1,244 ft (379 m) long (along the crest), has a power capacity of 1,345 megawatts, and a volume of 4.4 million cu yd (3.36 million cu m)
Kariba Dam
the Kariba Dam one of the world's biggest dams (=a large wall built across a river or lake) , built across the Zambezi river in southern Africa
Three Gorges Dam Project
Dam designed to span China's Yangtze River (Chang Jiang). On completion, scheduled for 2009, it would be the largest dam in the world, producing a vast quantity of hydroelectricity from 26 generators. It would also create an immense deepwater reservoir that would allow 10,000-ton freighters to navigate 1,400 mi (2,250 km) inland from the East China Sea. The extremely controversial project would require displacement of more than a million people and destruction of magnificent scenery and archaeological sites. Critics also fear potential pollution and silting of the reservoir and the possibility of the dam's collapse. Though construction began in 1993, a third of the National People's Congress either abstained or opposed it, and the World Bank would not advance funds, citing environmental and other concerns. Critics have contended that smaller dams on Yangtze tributaries could accomplish the same purpose with fewer risks
air dam
A device made of metal or plastic fitted beneath the front bumper of an automobile and intended to enhance aerodynamics and stability by blocking the flow of turbulent air under the chassis
aswan high dam
one of the world's largest dams on the Nile River in southern Egypt
beartrap dam
A kind of movable dam, in one form consisting of two leaves resting against each other at the top when raised and folding down one over the other when lowered, for deepening shallow parts in a river
past of dam
present participle of dam
Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery The practitioner has completed an approved program at an ayurvedic university in India or Sri Lanka
third-person singular of dam
a barrier that may be mud or concrete and steel that prevents the free flow of water across a waterway a dam may also be the body of water (generally a large amount) that is contained by the barrier
plural of dam
Department of the Army Medical Services
hoover dam
a large dam on the Colorado River in Nevada
tai dam
a branch of the Tai languages
التركية - الإنجليزية