dünyanın eğikli

listen to the pronunciation of dünyanın eğikli
التركية - الإنجليزية
Azimuth is the angle of horizontal deviation, measured clockwise, of a bearing from a standard direction
the compass direction (in degrees) where an object in the sky appears (The object's altitude is also needed to pinpoint its position ) B
the horizontal angle or bearing of a point measured from the true (astronomic) north Used to refer to a compass on which the movable dial (used to read direction) is numbered in 360° See: Bearing and Compass
A horizontal angle reckoned clockwise from the meridian, especially the horizontal direction of a celestial point from a terrestrial point, expressed as the angular distance from a reference direction (hence often designated as true, magnetic, compass or relative, depending on the reference) When applied to current or stream, it is a direction toward which such a current or stream is flowing, and usually reckoned from the north point
the azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it and the plane of the meridian
The quadrant of an azimuth circle
The angle between an antenna's beam and the meridian plane, measured along the horizon Along with "elevation," azimuth is a coordinate used to precisely point an antenna at a particular satellite
n The angle or number of degrees between one fixed point and another measured clockwise from the north The markings on a compass are referred to as azimuths rather than degrees, e g , azimuth 50 instead of 50 degrees
Horizontal direction reckoned clockwise from the meridian plane
The angular position along the horizon, measured clockwise from the north
The pointing direction of an antenna measured in the local horizontal plane in a clockwise direction from north It is the horizontal co-ordinate that is used to align a satellite antenna See also Elevation
An angle measured from the north point eastward (or, alternatively, from the south point westward) to the intersection between the horizon plane and the vertical circle passing through a celestial object and the zenith
Angular distance measured clockwise around the observer's horizon in units of degrees; astronomers usually take north to be 0 degrees, east to be 90 degrees, south to be 180 degrees, and west to be 270 degrees
Angle between the north direction and the projection of the surface normal into the horizontal plane; measured clockwise from north As applied to the PV array, 180 degree azimuth means the array faces due south
position on the celestial sphere that is the number of degrees along the horizon away from the exact north point Exact North = 0°, exact East = 90°, exact South = 180°, exact West = 270°, exact North = 360° (or 0°) Horizontal position of an object
The direction, in degrees referenced to true north, that an antenna must be pointed to receive a satellite signal (compass direction) The angular distance is measured in a clockwise direction
The angle between true south and the point on the horizon directly below the sun
The horizontal angular distance between the vertical plane containing a point in the sky and true south
The direction or angle between the radar site and an aircraft; measured clockwise from north in a horizontal plane