
listen to the pronunciation of customs
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bir gümrük görevlisi, bavulumu açmamı istedi. - A customs official asked me to open my suitcase.

Gümrük memurları bütün gemiyi araştırdılar. - The customs officials searched the whole ship.

{i} adetler

Tüm insanlar arkadaş olabilir, dilleri ve adetleri farklı olsa bile. - All people can become friends, even if their languages and customs are different.

Dünün ahlak bozuklukları yarının adetleridir. - Yesterday's vices are tomorrow's customs.

{i} töreler

Onlar bizim törelerimize henüz alışkın değil. - They are not used to our customs yet.

{i} gümrük dairesi
{i} gelenekler

Evlilik gelenekleri ülkelere göre değişir. - Marriage customs differ by country.

Yıl sonu hediyeleri gönderme Japonya'ya özgü geleneklerden biridir. - Sending year-end gifts is one of the customs peculiar to Japan.

gümrük vergisi
{i} gümrük resmi
gelenek görenek
(Hukuk) örf

Alman gelenek ve görenekleri hakkında benden daha çok biliyorsun. - You know more than I do about German customs and traditions.

Görenek nesilden nesile devredildi. - The custom was handed down from generation to generation.

{i} gelenek

Yurt dışında eğitim görerek, öğrenciler diğer görgü ve gelenekler ile temas kurabilirler. - By studying overseas, students can come into contact with other manners and customs.

Bu tür gelenek Asya ülkelerine özgüdür. - I think this kind of custom is unique to Asian countries.


Tüm insanlar arkadaş olabilir, dilleri ve adetleri farklı olsa bile. - All people can become friends, even if their languages and customs are different.

O zamanlar âdet olduğu üzere, yalınayaktı. - Her feet were bare, as was the custom in those days.

customs agent
customs clearance
(Ticaret) gümrük formaliteleri
customs free
(Ticaret) gümrüksüz
customs warehousing
(Ticaret) gümrük antrepo rejimi
customs agent
gümrük komisyoncusu
customs and traditions
örf ve âdetler
customs area
gümrük bölgesi
customs barriers
gümrük duvarları
customs broker
gümrük komisyoncusu
customs declaration
gümrük beyannamesi
customs duty
gümrük vergisi
customs duty
gümrük resmi
customs entry
gümrük girişi
customs examiner
gümrük kontrolörü
customs formalities
gümrük işlemleri
customs free
gümrükten muaf
customs house
gümrük idaresi
customs house
customs house
gümrük dairesi
customs house report
gümrük beyanı
customs inspection
gümrük kontrolü
customs inspection
gümrük muayenesi
customs law
gümrük kanunu
customs of arrival
varış gümrüğü
customs officer
gümrük memuru
customs receipt
gümrük makbuzu
customs revenue
gümrük geliri
customs tariff
gümrük tarifesi
customs territory
gümrük bölgesi
customs union
gümrük birliği
customs wall
gümrük duvarı
customs walls
gümrük duvarları
customs appraisement
gümrükçe yapılan değerleme
customs brokerage
Gümrük komisyonculuğu
customs business department
gümrük işletme bölümü
customs clearance declaration document
gümrük çıkış beyannamesi
customs clearence
gümrükten geçiş izni
customs clearer
gümrük net
customs control expert
Gümrük muayene memuru
customs deliverance
gümrük teslimi
customs frontier
gümrük hattı
customs invoice
gümrük faturası
customs nomenclature
gümrük nomenklatürü
customs policy
gümrük politikası
customs specifications
gümrük bildirim belgesi
customs tariff quota
gümrük tarife kotası
customs tariff rates
gümrük tarife oranları
customs tariff reduction
gümrük tarife indirimi
customs tariff schedule
gümrük tarife cetveli
customs tariff treaty
gümrük tarifesi antlaşması
customs valuation
gümrük değerini biçme
customs war
gümrük savaşı
Customs National Aviation Center (USCS)
(Askeri) Ulusal Havacılık Gümrük Merkezi (USCS)
customs advisor
gümrük danışmanı
customs and practices
gelenekler ve uygulamalar
customs arrangement
(Avrupa Birliği) gümrük düzenlemeleri
customs authority
(Ticaret) gümrük makamı
customs barrier
(Avrupa Birliği) gümrük engelleri
customs border post
(Ticaret) sınır gümrük idaresi
customs charges
(Ticaret) gümrük harçları
customs clearance
gümrük muayenesi
customs clearance
(Avrupa Birliği) (Annex III) gümrükleme
customs clearance
gümrük işlemlerinin yapılması
customs consultancy
(Ticaret) gümrük müşavirliği
customs consultant
gümrük danışmanı
customs control
(Ticaret) gümrük kontrolü
customs court
(Kanun) gümrük mahkemesi
customs declaration
{i} gümrük bildirimi
customs declaration
{i} gümrük deklarasyon
customs duties
(Avrupa Birliği) gümrük vergileri
customs duties accrued on the product
(Avrupa Birliği) mala tahakkuk eden gümrük vergisi
customs ethics day
(Ticaret) gümrük etik günü
customs examination
gümrük muayenesi
customs examination
(Ticaret) gümrük yoklaması
customs examination
gümrük kontrolü
customs examiner
(Ticaret) gümrük muayene görevlisi
customs expense
gümrük masrafı
customs expenses
gümrük masrafları
customs form
gümrük formu
customs inspector
(Ticaret) gümrük memuru
customs maritime zone
(Ticaret) deniz gümrük bölgesi
customs of the service
(Askeri) Askeri örf ve adetler
customs of the service
(Askeri) MESLEKİ ÖRF VE ADETLER; ASKERİ ÖRF VE ADETLER: Kanun ve yönetmeliklerle tespit edilmemiş, fakat gelenek ve adetlerin muteber bir kuvvet haline getirdiği askeri örf, adet ve usuller
customs of trade
(Ticaret) teamüller
customs of trade
(Ticaret) ticari teamül
customs of trade
(Ticaret) ticari gelenekler
customs of trade
(Ticaret) ticari gelenek
customs officer
customs official
gümrük memuru
customs permit
(Ticaret) gümrük müsaadesi
customs port
(Ticaret) gümrük limanı
customs protection
(Avrupa Birliği) gümrük vergileri ile koruma
customs receipt
(Ticaret) gümrük alındı makbuzu
customs regulation
(Kanun) gümrük nizannamesi
customs regulations
(Ticaret) gümrük tüzükleri
customs regulations
(Ticaret) gümrük yönetmelikleri
customs service
(Ticaret) gümrük örgütü
customs status
(Ticaret) gümrük statüsü
customs tare
(Ticaret) gümrükçe saptanan dara
customs territory of turkey
(Ticaret) türkiye gümrük bölgesi
customs value
(Avrupa Birliği) gümrük kıymeti
customs voucher
(Ticaret) gümrük alındı makbuzu
customs warehouse
gümrük antreposu
customs warehouse
(Ticaret) gümrük ardiyesi
customs warehouse
(Kanun) gümrük ant reposu
customs warrant
gümrük teslim belgesi
customs zone
(Ticaret) serbest bölge
customs zone
(Ticaret) gümrük bölgesi
{i} alışkanlık

Hiç böyle garip bir alışkanlık duydunuz mu? - Did you ever hear of such a strange custom?

özel İsteğe uyarlanmış / özel

Lütfen Gümrük Beyan Formunu doldurun. - Please fill out the Customs Declaration Form.

Gümrük memurları bütün gemiyi araştırdılar. - The customs officials searched the whole ship.

{i} töre

Onlar bizim törelerimize henüz alışkın değil. - They are not used to our customs yet.

{s} sipariş üzerine yapılmış

Hiç sipariş üzerine yapılmış bir şey yedin mi? - Have you ever had anything custom made?

{i} örf ve adetler hukuku
(Hukuk) teamül

Kablolar ısmarlamaydı. - The cables were custom-made.


Onlar bizim törelerimize henüz alışkın değil. - They are not used to our customs yet.

(Bilgisayar) özel ayarlar
(Ticaret) örf ve adet hukuku
(Bilgisayar) özel isteğe uyarlanmış
(Bilgisayar) isteğe uyarlanmış
customs office
(Ticaret) gümrük idaresi
customs officer
(Ticaret) gümrük görevlisi
exit customs
(Ticaret) çıkış gümrüğü
manners and customs
örf  ve adetler
manners and customs
örf ve adetler
postal customs formalities
(Ticaret) posta işlemleri
specific customs duty
(Ticaret) spesifik gümrük vergisi
subject to customs
(Ticaret) gümrüklü
Ministry of Customs and Monopolies
Gümrük ve tekel Bakanlığı
common customs tariff
ortak gümrük tarifesi
davranış biçimi

Bugün bir müşteri bekliyorum. - I'm expecting a customer today.

Müşteri, gösterdiğim her şeyi reddetti. - The customer rejected everything that I showed her.

director of customs
gümrük müdürü
financial customs duties
mali gümrük vergisi
free of customs duty
gümrük vergisinden muaf
go through customs
gümrükten geçmek
{i} müşterisi olma
Undersecretariat of Customs
Gümrük Müsteşarlığı
clear customs
gümrükten geçmek
compensatory customs duty
telafi edici gümrük vergisi
compound customs duty
bileşik gümrük vergisi
concessionary customs tariff
ayrıcalıklı gümrük tarifesi
customs officer
gümrük memurluğu
the Ministry of Customs and Monopolies
Gümrük ve Tekel Bakanlığı
to be stuck in customs
gümrüğe takılmak
United States Cryptologic System; United States Customs Service
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Kriptoloji Sistemi; Birleşik Devletler Gümrük Servisi
birth customs
doğum adetleri
common customs tariff
(Avrupa Birliği) (CCT) Ortak Gümrük Tarifesi (OGT)
common customs tariff nomenclature
(Avrupa Birliği) ortak gümrük tarife nomenklatürü
davranış biçimi,özel
ısmarlama üzerine çalışan customs union gümrük anlaşması
ısmarlama yapılmış
{i} (bir müşterinin yaptığı) alışveriş

Evlilik gelenekleri ülkelere göre değişir. - Marriage customs differ by country.

Yıl sonu hediyeleri gönderme Japonya'ya özgü geleneklerden biridir. - Sending year-end gifts is one of the customs peculiar to Japan.

özellikleri siz belirlersiniz
{i} alışkanlık, itiyat
{i} gelenek, âdet
gümrük resmi
(Hukuk) yapılageliş
customs officer
muayene memuru
external customs tariff
dış gümrük tarifesi
how much caviar can i take through customs
gümrükten ne kadar havyar geçirebilirim
how much chocolate can i take through customs
gümrükten ne kadar çikolata geçirebilirim
integrated customs tariff of the european communities
(Avrupa Birliği) (TARIC) Avrupa Toplulukları Entegre Gümrük Tarifesi
levy customs duty
(Ticaret) gümrük vergisi koyma
levy customs duty
(Ticaret) gümrük vergisi koymak
local customs
yerel gelenekler
local customs
mahalli adetler
marriage customs and rites
evlilik adetleri ve törenleri
may i have another customs form
bir tane daha gümrük formu alabilir miyim
ministry of customs
gümrük bakanlığı
observant of customs
töreleri uygulayan
observant of customs
geleneklere bağlı
particular customs
(Kanun) özel örf ve adetler
preferential customs duty
(Ticaret) tercihli gümrük vergisi
preferred customs duty
(Ticaret) imtiyazlı gümrük resmi
prohibitive customs duty
(Ticaret) yasaklayıcı gümrük vergisi
protective customs duty
(Ticaret) hami gümrük vergisi
protective customs duty
(Ticaret) korumacı gümrük vergisi
reduced customs duty
(Ticaret) indirimli gümrük vergisi
relief from customs duties
(Avrupa Birliği) (free of) gümrük vergilerinden muafiyet
shedule of customs duties
(Ticaret) gümrük vergileri cetveli
your customs declaration, please
gümrük deklarasyonunuz lütfen
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
plural form of custom

The Ancient Egyptian culture had many distinctive and interesting beliefs and customs.

The government department or agency that is authorised to collect the taxes imposed on imported goods

We got pulled over by customs on our way back from France - we only had 200 bottles of wine - it was so unfair.

The duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods

We had to pay customs of £200 on all the wine we took back from France.

money collected under a tariff
The government authorities designated to collect duties levied by a country on imports and exports » Back to top of screen
The authorities designated to collect duties levied by a country on imports and exports The term also applies to the procedures involved in such collection
Classification: The particular category in a tariff nomenclature in which a product is classified for tariff purposes Or it can be the procedure for determining the appropriate tariff category in a country's nomenclature system used for the classification, coding and description of internationally traded goods Most important trading nations-except for the U S , Russia and Canada-classify goods according to the Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature (CCCN), formerly known as the Brussels Tariff Nomenclature (BTN)
authorities that collect duties levied by a country on imports and exports
Handed down from generation to generation, customs refers to basic actions such as the ceremonies held and the roles played by the sexes
A law enforcement officer which deals with duties on imported or exported good
The plural of "custom"
Customs is the official organization responsible for collecting taxes on goods coming into a country and preventing illegal goods from being brought in. components similar to those seized by British customs. customs officers
habitual practices of a people; traditional practices passed from one generation to the next
The authorities designated to collect duties levied by a country on imports and exports
A country's governmental agency authorized to collect tariffs or duties on imported and, less commonly, exported goods
The Government agency designated to collect duties levied by regulate + enforce import lax The term also applies to the procedures involved in such collection
The authorities designated to collect duties levied by a country on imports and exports (also applying to the procedures involved in such collection)
Religious practices, dogmas, beliefs, traditions, festivals and fasts, and artefacts such as altars, rosaries, icons, torah ornaments, and much more
{i} duties, taxes; official procedure of inspecting merchandise and interrogating people coming into a country; location or place where this is carried out
The authorities designated to collect duties on imports and exports that are levied by a country (also applying to the procedures involved in such collection) They are responsible for ensuring that no illegal importation takes place
EU Customs Quantity of spirits and tobacco permitted to each crew member results from the following formula: Spirits allowed= Nº of crew members x days of navigation x 0 1 / 12 Tobacco allowed = Nº of crew members x days of navigation x 12 / 500
Customs is the place where people arriving from a foreign country have to declare goods that they bring with them. He walked through customs
The designated government authority that regulates the flow of goods to/from a country and collects duties levied by a country on imports and exports The term also applies to the procedures involved in such collection
The agency or procedure for collecting duties imposed by a country on imports or exports
In general, "Customs" is the government department that controls the flow of goods across a country's borders   In the U S , Customs is a branch of the Department of the Interior
n [government department which charges tax on goods coming into the country] bea
The authorities designated to collect duties and oversee the the regulatory compliance of imports and exports
The government authorities designated to collect duties levied by a country on imports and exports The term also applies to the procedures involved in such a collection
Customs duties are taxes that people pay for importing and exporting goods. see also custom
Religious practices, dogmas, beliefs, traditions, festivals and fasts, and artifacts such as altars, rosaries, icons, and torah ornaments
The department of the Civil Service that deals with the levying of duties and taxes on imported goods from foreign countries and the control over the export and import of goods e g allowed quota, prohibited goods
Government officials responsible for regulating goods, services and supplies into a country
1 A government agency which monitors the flow of goods, commodities, and substances into and from its territory and levies fees, fines, and other charges according to posted regulations 2 The inspection area maintained by such an agency at an airport or other port of entry
The autorities designated to collect duties levied by a country on imports and exports The term also applies to the procedures involved in such collection
customs officer
An officer enforcing customs laws
customs brokerage
Customs Brokerage is a profession that involves the 'clearing' of goods through customs barriers for importers and exporters (usually businesses). This involves the preparation of documents and/or electronic submissions, the calculation (and usually the payment) on behalf of the client of taxes, duties and excises, and facilitating communication between the importer/exporter and governmental authorities
Customs Service
The Customs Service is a United States federal organization which is responsible for collecting taxes on imported and exported goods. Compare Customs and Excise
Customs and Excise
Customs and Excise is a British government department which is responsible for collecting taxes on imported and exported goods. Compare Customs Service. the department of the British government that is responsible for collecting tax on goods that are being bought or sold, or goods that have been brought into the country
customs agency
agency that is paid to bring goods through customs for importers
customs agent
representative which frees merchandise after customs taxes have been paid
customs and excise department
department that deals with taxing imported and exported items
customs broker
A person or firm licensed by an importer’s government and engaged in entering and clearing goods through customs The responsibilities of a broker include preparing the entry form and filing it; advising the importer on duties to be paid; advancing duties and other costs; and arranging for delivery to the importer
customs broker
An individual or firm licensed to enter and clear goods through Customs
customs broker
Specialist in customs procedures who performs acts for importers for a fee
customs broker
An individual or firm licensed to enter and clear goods through Customs for another individual or firm
customs broker
An individual or firm licensed to enter and clear goods through customs on behalf of an importer
customs broker
An authorized agent specialized in customs clearance procedures on account of importers/exporters
customs broker
Customs brokers are private individuals or companies, regulated by the Customs Service, who aid importers and exporters in moving their merchandise through Customs and providing the proper paper work and payments (Customs business) They charge a fee for this service Corporations,Partnerships and other associations must also have a broker's license to conduct Customs Business In these cases there is no examination requirement, but each group must have a member who has an individual license who is accountable for the customs business of the group
customs broker
An individual or company licensed by the government to enter and clear goods through Customs The U S Customs Service defines a Customs Broker, as any person who is licensed in accordance with Part III of Title 19 of the Code of Federal Regulations (Customs regulations) to transact Customs business on behalf of others Customs business is limited to those activities involving transactions with Customs concerning the entry and admissibility of merchandise; its classification and valuation; the payment of duties, taxes, or other charges assessed or collected by Customs upon merchandise by reason of its importation, or the refund, rebate, or drawback thereof » Back to top of screen
customs broker
The holder of a Customs Agent’s licence who acts on behalf of a client in relation to the importation of goods
customs broker
A company or person that processes goods through the customs authority of their country on behalf of commercial enterprises and private individuals engaged in importing
customs broker
the importer's agent licensed by the Customs Service to enter and clear goods through Customs
customs broker
Person holding a license to endue in clearing goods through customs Destination Agent (D/A): The agent in the destination city to which a shipment is consigned
customs broker
A firm which specializes in clearing imported merchandise for transit to the interior Normally responsible for obtaining and submitting all documents for clearing merchandise through customs and arranging inland transport as well as paying all charges related to these functions
customs broker
Performs duties related to documentation, cargo clearance, coordination of inland and ocean transportation, dockside inspection of cargo, etc Employed by the importer
customs broker
A broker, or agent, who acts on behalf of importers and exporters in the clearance of imported goods through Customs, Quarantine, shipping and other requirements In Australia the Customs Broker must be licenced by the ACS The Muecke Group of Companies are Cusstoms Brokers (agents) in South Australia - email: customs@muecke com au
customs broker
Represents an importer of cargo Performs duties related to documentation, cargo clearance, coordination of inland and ocean transportation, dockside inspection of cargo, etc
customs broker
Company or individual licensed by the Treasury Department to act on behalf of importers/exporters in handling U S customs transactions Glossary Top
customs clearance
Regulations and procedures covering the entry of goods into accounts
customs clearance
The procedures involved in getting cargo released by Customs through designated formalities such as presenting import license/permit, payment of import duties and other required documentations by the nature of the cargo such as FCC or FDA approval » Back to top of screen
customs clearance
The act of obtaining permission to import merchandise from another country into the importing nation
customs clearance
- Formal inspection procedures carried out before allowing a shipment into a country
customs clearance
– Formal inspection procedures carried out before allowing a shipment into a country
customs collector
one who collects customs tax on imported merchandise
customs declaration
{i} form completed a arriving passenger in which he/she lists the taxable items being imported
customs duty
government tax paid by an importer on items brought in from a foreign country
customs house
building located at a seaport where incoming ships pay customs tax on imported goods
customs of mourning
traditions of expressing grief for the dead, mourning traditions
customs tariff
rate of tax paid on imported goods
customs tariff
Schedule of charges assessed by the government on imports/exports
customs tariff
Import duty schedule, usually commodity specific, often categorized by harmonized numbers
customs tariff
A schedule of charges assessed by a country on imported goods
customs union
An agreement between two or more countries to remove trade barriers with each other and to establish common tariff and non-tariff policies with respect to imports from countries outside of the agreement The EU is the most well-known example
customs union
countries which trade with one another freely and have the same tax regulations on good imported from outside of those countries
customs union
A union of countries where there are no duties on products traded among member nations and common external tariffs levied on imported products from non-member states
customs union
An arrangement between two or more countries whereby eliminate tariffs and other import restrictions on one another's goods and establish a common tariff on the goods from all other countries
customs union
A customs union is a group of countries among which goods pass free of trade barriers but which also adopts a common external tariff regime As such, the EC is a customs union, but NAFTA is a free-trade area because the external trade barriers of Canada, Mexico and the US were not harmonized
customs union
a group of countries with common trade barriers with outside countries as well as a free trade area
customs union
A group of countries that have eliminated trade barriers among themselves and imposed a common external tariff on imports from other nations
customs union
Similar to a common market except that customs unions do not permit free movement of all factors of production The European Community (EC) is the best known example of a customs union
customs union
Agreement among two or more nations that establishes a free trade area, plus a uniform tariff for trade with nonmember nations
customs union
A union of countries in which free trade exists between member nations and external tariffs may be erected against all outside countries The tariffs may be different for different goods and applied to some countries and not others, but the trade policy with respect to all external countries is consistent throughout member countries
customs union
a free-trade area with a common external tariff (chapter 21)
customs union
an association of nations to promote free trade within the union and set common tariffs for nations that are not members
customs union
A customs union is formed when two or more countries agree to remove all barriers to free trade with each other, while establishing a common external tariff against other nations A free-trade area exists when nations remove trade barriers with each other while retaining individual tariffs against non-members
customs union
An international association organized to eliminate customs restrictions on goods exchanged between member nations and to establish a uniform tariff policy toward nonmember nations. Trade agreement by which a group of countries charges a common set of tariffs to the rest of the world while allowing free trade among themselves. It is a partial form of economic integration, intermediate between free-trade zones, which allow mutual free trade but lack a common tariff system, and common markets, which both utilize common tariffs and allow free movement of resources including capital and labour between members. Well-known customs unions include the Zollverein, a 19th-century organization formed by several German states under Prussian leadership, and the European Union, which passed through a customs-union stage on the path to fuller economic integration. See also European Community; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; North American Free Trade Agreement; World Trade Organization
customs value
The value assigned to merchandise at the time of entry It is used as the basis for assessing the amount of duty and taxes owed and for other purposes It can be calculated in a number of ways, but the preferred method of valuation is transaction value
customs value
The value of imported goods on which duties are assessed
customs value
is the value of imports as appraised by the U S Customs Service and is defined as the price actually paid or payable for the merchandise when sold for exportation to the United States, excluding duties, freight, insurance or other charges
customs value
The value of imported goods as assessed by the Customs Authorities accourding to the legislation of the importing country This may be based on the actual value but, in certain cases, may be a notional value In many countries this value relates to the CIF cost of the goods, but some (EG: Australia) relate to point of export or FOB costs
customs value
The worth of an item or group of items expressed in a monetary amount, within a consignment declared to Customs for duty and statistical reasons
customs value
The value of the imported goods on which duties will be assessed
customs value
The value of imported goods as assessed by the Customs Authorities according to the legislation of the importing country This may be based on the actual value but, in certain cases, may be a notional value In many countries this value relates to the CIF cost of the goods, but some (E G : Australia) relate to point of export or FOB costs
government employee that collects taxes on foreign goods
To make familiar; to accustom
Long-established practice, considered as unwritten law, and resting for authority on long consent; usage. See Usage, and Prescription
To have a custom

On a bridge he custometh to fight. Edmund Spenser.

To pay the customs of
made in a different way from usual, specially to fit one's needs

My feet are as big as powerboats, so I need custom shoes.

Frequent repetition of the same act; way of acting common to many; ordinary manner; habitual practice; usage; method of doing or living

A custom More honored in the breach than the observance. Shakespeare.

{n} a habit, fashion, practice, usage, use, way, duties on imports and exports
Jewish customs
traditions and rituals of the Jewish people
bureau of customs
the agency of the Treasury Department that enforces import tariffs
See Usage, and Prescription
commonly done practice
A generally accepted practice or behaviour developed over time customary law Rules of conduct developed over time and enforceable in court debit Any transaction which sends money out of the country (e g payments for the import of goods) deep ecology A form of environmentalism holding that nature and the natural order should be valued over individual human happiness deficit Occurs when the value of a state's imports is more than the value of its exports delegate A representative role in which the individual subordinates his/her views to those of their constituents
To supply with customers
If the Telco indicates that their switch-type is Custom, then configure the switchtype on the router as basic-5ess (for BRI with 5ess switch), primary-5ess (for PRI with 5ess), basic-dms (for BRI with DMS switch), or primary-dms (for PRI with DMS)
a specific practice of long standing
Products and services created for specific orders or events that require nonstandard material, engineering or process resources and may incur extra cost
Walls designed specifically for one project and using parts and details specially made for this purpose
A custom is an activity, a way of behaving, or an event which is usual or traditional in a particular society or in particular circumstances. The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries Chung has tried to adapt to local customs
made according to the specifications of an individual
Duties or tolls imposed by law on commodities, imported or exported
made in a different way from usual, specially to fit ones needs
Many hobbyists and artists enjoy custom painting their original finish models to make them unique Some may reposition body parts, such as a leg or the tilt of the head, and even add hair mane and tails
Familiar acquaintance; familiarity
habitual practice, as in: In the United States, business people have the custom of shaking hands when they meet
principle source of international law; general practices which are accepted as legally binding rules of conduct for civilized nations
A generally accepted practice or behaviour developed over time
Habitual buying of goods; practice of frequenting, as a shop, manufactory, etc., for making purchases or giving orders; business support
If it is your custom to do something, you usually do it in particular circumstances. It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously
accepted or habitual practice
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established practice; habit; tradition
If a shop has your custom, you regularly buy things there. You have the right to withhold your custom if you so wish see also customs. custom products or services are specially designed and made for a particular person. In law, long-established practice common to many or to a particular place or institution and generally recognized as having the force of (Hukuk) In England during the Anglo-Saxon period, local customs formed most laws affecting family rights, ownership and inheritance, contracts, and violence between individuals. The Norman conquerors granted the validity of customary law, adapting it to their feudal system. In the 13th and 14th centuries, English law was given statutory authority under the crown, making the "customs of the realm" England's common (Hukuk) See also culture; folklore; myth; taboo
for making purchases or giving orders; business support
The customary toll, tax, or tribute
accepted or habitual practice habitual patronage; "I have given this tailor my custom for many years"
habitual patronage; "I have given this tailor my custom for many years"
accepted or habitual practice habitual patronage; "I have given this tailor my custom for many years" a specific practice of long standing
Habitual buying of goods; practice of frequenting, as a shop, manufactory, etc
{s} made to individual order
fabricated-Refers to an orthotic made from basic materials on an individual basis by using actual measurements or positive molds of the patient
Supplied by your application, not by QuickDraw 3D
Contains definitions for devices such as parallel ports and any definitions that you create yourself
Long-established practice, considered as unwritten law, and resting for authority on long consent; usage
A traditional Aboriginal practice
Familiar aquaintance; familiarity
{i} habit; tradition; convention
money collected under a tariff
An item that is specially made to a clients specifications, regarding finish, size, color or function Custom items typically have a longer lead time and are usually not returnable
A term used to content created by yourself or third parties for use in Trainz 7 (Page 2)
usual practice or habit; tradition
department of customs and excise
government department which oversees import taxes and taxes on products made in a country
mourning customs
traditions followed during a time of mourning
native customs
traditions which are specific to a certain location
observance of customs
keeping of traditions, fulfilling customs
observe customs
follow customs, maintain traditions
so many countries so many customs
every country has its own manner of doing things
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف customs في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Customs broker
gümrük müşaviri
Customs house
gümrük müdürlüğü

The manager of the Istanbul Customs House, who holds responsibility for all the country’s customs houses, has been detained in an investigation into allegations of bribery and other illegal activities.
