(of the magnetosphere)--two regions of weak magnetic field, on the sunward boundary of the magnetosphere, one on each side of the equator They separate magnetic field lines closing on the front from those swept into theearth's magnetotail
(of the magnetosphere)two regions of weak magnetic field, on the sunward boundary of the magnetosphere, one on each side of the equator They separate magnetic field lines closing on the front from those swept into the Earth's magnetotail
The space of one degree on either side between two houses or signs People borh "on the cusp" are people born within a degree of the change between one sign to the next They may strongly exhibit characteristics of both signs
peaks or raised areas of a tooth which usually fit into a fossa on the opposing tooth
If you say that someone or something is on the cusp, you mean they are between two states, or are about to be in a particular state. I am sitting on the cusp of middle age. In architecture, the intersection of lobed or scalloped forms, particularly in arches (cusped arches) and tracery. Thus the three lobes of a trefoil (cloverleaf form) are separated by three cusps. Cusped forms appear in early Islamic work and were especially common in the Moorish architecture of North Africa and Spain. The form was adopted wholeheartedly by European Gothic architecture
The imaginary line that divides one house or sign from another, although some house systems regard the cusp as marking the center of the house Cusps are a subject of much discussion and disagreement Some believe that a planet on the cusp of two houses or signs will share the influence of both, while others maintain that the cusp is the strongest point, and therefore a planet on the cusp will demonstrate most clearly the influence of the sign or house it is moving into A rationalization for this latter idea is that through progression, the planet will remain for the maximum time in the applying sign or house
Seaward bulge, approximately parabolic in shape, in the beach contours May occur singly, in the lee of an offshore bulk or island, or as one of a number of similar, approximately regularly- spaced features on a long straight beach
(1) The degree of the ecliptic where the end of one sign is separated from the beginning of the next sign; (2) the point (a zodiacal position) which marks the boundary of one house from the next
Point on a stroke where the direction of writing changes in a discontinuous fashion For example, if a stroke represents the capital letter "L", there are three cusps: two corresponding to the first and last control points on the stroke and a third representing the corner of the "L "
point formed by two intersecting arcs (as from the intrados of a Gothic arch) small elevation on the grinding surface of a tooth a thin triangular flap of a heart valve
The strongest point (usually the beginning) of a house or sign in the chart The sign on the cusp of any house and its ruling planet are the rulers of that house Planets near the cusp are more significant than otherwise, especially if in an angular house
One of a series of short ridges on the FORESHORE separated by crescent-shaped TROUGHS spaced at more or less regular intervals Between these cusps are hollows The cusps are spaced at somewhat uniform distances along beaches They represent a combination of constructive and destructive processes
A trumpet-shaped salient of a hyperbolic structure or Riemannian metric which is typically infinitely long The neighborhood of an ideal vertex is a kind of cusp