
listen to the pronunciation of curricula
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
plural of curriculum
curricula vitae
plural form of curriculum vitae
curricula vitæ
plural form of curriculum vitæ
The set of courses, coursework, and their content, offered at a school or university
A curriculum is a program of courses approved for a specific degree or certificate To earn a degree or certificate in a specific program, you must complete the curriculum for that program
A plan incorporationg a structured series of intended learning outcomes and associated learning experiences (i e objectives, content, intended learning outcomes, teaching methodology, recommended or prescribed assessment tasks, assessment and sequencing of what has to be learned, generally organised as a related combination of units, modules and elements)
A school's master plan for selecting content and organizing learning experiences for the purpose of changing and developing learners' behaviors and insights A curriculum is characterized by its scope (breadth of content) and sequence (organization of content)
Planned, organized educational or learning experiences which educators develop to guide a course of study
the courses offered by a school
The subject matter that teachers and students cover in their studies It describes and specifies the methods, structure, organization, balance and presentation of the content
A particular curriculum is one particular course of study that is taught in a school, college, or university. the history curriculum. = syllabus. W2 curricula curriculums the subjects that are taught by a school, college etc, or the things that are studied in a particular subject
The course, track, or path on which a person runs Choosing Bible study curriculum means pursuing the course that the Bible sets for life-Christlikeness, transformation into the image of Christ (2 Cor 3: 18; Rom 8: 28-29) Sunday School curriculum is the continuous course, process, or system for Bible study groups to use in order to guide unbelievers toward faith in Christ and believers toward Christlikeness through the transformational power of the Holy Spirit
the aggregate of courses offered in an institution; the approved sequence of courses in a program; the approved sequence of learning activities in a course
A broad definition includes not just details of subjects taught but all the student’s learning experiences in an institution of higher education and the processes for organising and managing the learning and teaching
A description of the required and elective courses for a degree program
an integrated course of academic studies; "he was admitted to a new program at the university"
(plural curricula): A plan of instruction that details what students are to know, how they are to learn it, what the teacher's role is, and the context in which learning and teaching will take place
A curriculum is all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university. Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum. see also National Curriculum
An educational plan that spells out which goals and objectives should be achieved, which topics should be covered and which methods are to be used for learning, teaching and evaluation Demand A need or desire for a product or service Price, availability and quality of the product all affect demand Demand for health services is often difficult to assess and surveys of willingness to pay may be necessary to estimate its scope or extent
Curriculum is what students should know, be able to do, and be committed to (content), how it is taught (instruction), how it is measured (assessment), and how the educational system is organized (context)
A particular course of study that can be lab-based, lecture-based with a lab component, or lecture-based with demonstration lab work Curriculum issues that impact the amount of space a program needs are optimum class size, student collaborative learning, and student research or special projects
(1) a comprehensive overview, including activities planned for delivery to the students, the scope of content, the sequence of materials, interpretation and balance of subject matter, and motivational, instructional, and assessment techniques to be used (2) a set of ordered intended learning outcomes
A structured plan of intended learning outcomes, underpinning knowledge, skills, behaviour and associated learning experiences The learning plan is generally organised as a sequenced combination of modules so that a student can achieve specified educational and training outcomes The curriculum includes the syllabus, teaching guides, an assessment guide and required learning resources
Courses, experiences, and assessments necessary to prepare candidates to teach or work with students at a specific age level and/or to teach a specific subject area
A plan incorporating a structured series of intended learning outcomes and associated learning experiences, ie the objectives, structure, content, assessment and sequencing of what has to be learned, generally organised as a related combination of series of modules Within Training Packages curriculum or similar materials can be developed and included as part of the learning strategy component
A race course; a place for running
A program of courses comprising the formal requirements for a degree in a particular field of study
All the courses of study offered by an educational institution; a particular course of study within a special field
{i} study program and courses offered by a school
A course; particularly, a specified fixed course of study, as in a university
Instructional plan of skills, lessons, and objectives on a particular subject; may be authored by a state, textbook publisher A teacher typically executes this plan
Usually refers to the set of courses, exercises, field work, etc, that make up a certain part of a programme Often, a curriculum covers the contents of a whole degree programme, but it can also describe just one part of it Example: ‘A French language course forms part of the curriculum of the international business programme ’ Diplom (D), Diplôme (F): Roughly equivalent to a bachelor’s degree Used in several Continental European countries Doctor (F), Doktor (G) and variations: Widely used terms equivalent to PhD
The aggregate of courses of study given in a learning environment The courses are arranged in a sequence to make learning a subject easier In schools, a curriculum spans several grades, for example, the math curriculum In business, it can run for days, weeks, months, or years Learners enter it at various points depending on their job experience and the needs of the business Back to top Declarative knowledge Factual (verifiable information) information about a subject matter
The curriculum is the series of courses in which students are introduced to and master the skills and attitudes (i e , the program outcomes) needed for a graduate engineer The courses are organized on the assumption that students increasingly master the desired skills and attitudes as they pass through a series of courses Courses taken in the middle and late portion of the curriculum have prerequisite courses that have defined levels of mastery dictated by the follow on courses
The content of the instructional program
A body of material that defines the content to be taught and the methods to be used