Combined Sewer Overflow Occurs when heavy rainfall enters a combined sewer system, resulting in a volume of rainwater and sanitary wastewater that exceeds the system's capacity Sewage is forced to overflow into area streams and rivers through CSO outfalls
Marking on CD 128 The "C" stands for Carrier-circuit application and the "S" denotes the insulator was intended to be used on a Steel pin The "O" has no known meaning These insulators were made of soda-lime glass See also: CM, CS, CW, CSA, CSC
Consumer Safety Officer (Usually the contact person for Sponsors at FDA Also known as the project manager )
Computing Services Office, a system that lets users search for student and/or faculty names at a school or university It is one approach at creating "white pages" for Internet e-mail addresses
Coated Side Out; term used in reference to a ribbon's wind direction; ink is on the outside of the film
Court staff who supervise the case of a youth on Court Ordered Supervision The CSO is responsible for monitoring the youth's progress in following the case plan
Central Services Organization A service which facilitates user and address lookup in databases
Community Service Obligations Payment from the Government to the electricity retailers who serve the franchise customers - Energex Retail and Ergon Energy Retail Comprises the difference between the revenue received from franchise customers and the cost of supply