
listen to the pronunciation of crossing
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} yaya geçidi

Tom yaya geçidi üzerindeyken ona bir araba çarptı. - Tom was struck by a car on the pedestrian crossing.

Yeşil ışık yandığında, caddeden geçmeden önce yaya geçidindeyken bile tüm yönlere bakman gerekir. - You need to look in all directions before crossing the street, even at a crosswalk when the light is green.

{i} deniz yolculuğu
üzerinden geçme
(Biyoloji) melezleme

Sınır geçişi insanlarla doluydu, onların çoğu mültecilerdi. - The border crossing was crowded with people, many of whom were refugees.

Onun caddeyi geçişini gördüm. - I saw him crossing the street.

{i} dörtyol ağzı
(iki yolun/nehrin/vb.) birleştiği yer

Bu otobüs bütün demiryolu geçitlerinde durur. - This bus stops at all railway crossings.

{f} kesiş

Caddenin kesiştiği yerdeki arabalara dikkat et. - Look out for cars in crossing the street.

geçiş yeri
kavşak/deniz yolculuk
(Askeri) GEÇİŞ: Hava önlemesinde "... dan... a/e geçiyorum" anlamına gelen bir terim
{i} kesit
cross çaprazla/kesiş/geç
pedestrian crossing
yaya geçidi
crossing over
(Denizbilim) çaprazlama
crossing site
(Askeri) geçiş yeri
crossing target
(Askeri) yandan geçen hedef
crossing guard
guard geçiş
çöpçü, sokakları çalı süpürgesiyle süpüren kişi
crossing-the-line ceremony
geçiş-the-line töreni
crossing; lying across
geçerken; karşısında yalan
crossing area
(Askeri) GEÇİŞ SAHASI: Bir komutanın kontrolundaki birkaç komşu geçiş bölgesi
crossing axis
(Bilgisayar) kesişen eksenler
crossing lines
(Matematik) kesişen doğrular
crossing target
(Askeri) YANDAN GEÇEN HEDEF: Nişan hattını, herhangi bir açı teşkil edecek şekilde, çaprazvari kesen hareket halindeki hedef. Böyle bir hedefe ateş ederken, hedefin takip ettiği yol ile merminin buluşması için hedefin ilerisine veya önüne ateş edilir
-Geçiş criss

Kadınlar ve kızlar onunla karşılaşmaktansa caddeyi geçmeyi tercih ederler. - Women and girls would cross over the street rather than meet him.

{i} haç

Kızıl Haç gecikme olmadan felaket kurbanlarına yardım sağlıyor. - The Red Cross gets help to disaster victims without delay.

Askerin mezarını işaretlemek için yalnızca basit bir beyaz haç vardı. - There was only a simple white cross to mark the soldier's tomb.


Tom çapraz ateşe yakalandı. - Tom was caught in the crossfire.

Tom çapraz ateşe yakalandı. - Tom was caught at the crossfire.

{i} dert
grade crossing
(Spor) Hemzemin geçit, eş-düzeyli geçit
{s} aksi
{s} düzenbaz
{f} melezlemek
{i} the
geçmek (karşıdan karşıya)
-e karşı gelmek

Kırmızı ışığı geçerseniz, bu, yasaya aykırıdır. - If you cross with a red light, it's against the law.

çarpı işareti
(Ticaret) aşmak

Tom grev çizgisini aşmak istemedi. - Tom did not want to cross the picket line.

Tom grev çizgisini aşmak istemedi. - Tom didn't want to cross the picket line.

(karşıya) geçmek
istavroz parça
(Tıp) çapraz direnç
kavuşturmak (kolları)
(Muzik) çaprazlama yapmak
üstüne çizgi çizmek
melez ırk üretmek
(Havacılık) düz uçuş
pedestrian crossing
çizgili yaya geçidi
artı işareti
air crossing
tenek köprüsü
continuous crossing
sürekli çaprazlama
öbür tarafına geçmek
karşı koymak

Karım kollarını bağladığında ve ayağını yere vurduğunda, onun kızgın olduğunu biliyorum. - When my wife crosses her arms and taps her foot I know she's angry.

{i} çarpı

Caddeyi geçerken Tom bir araba tarafından çarpıldı. - Tom got hit by a car while crossing the street.

Yoldan geçerken az kalsın araba çarpıyordu. - He was nearly hit by the car while crossing the street.


İsa bizim günahlarımız için çarmıhta öldü. - Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

Sen çarmıhta pişman olacaksın. - You'll repent at the cross.

(kol/bacak) kavuşturmak
{f} geç

Yolu geçerken dikkat etmelisin. - You must take care when you cross the road.

Nehiri kayıkla geçtik. - We crossed the river by boat.


O çölü geçmek tehlikelidir. - Crossing that desert is dangerous.

Yüzerek geçmek imkânsız. Nehir çok geniş. - It's impossible to cross the river by swimming. It's too wide!

çarpı/artı işareti
grade crossing
hemzemin geçit
intersystem crossing
sistemlerarası geçiş
level crossing
yer geçidi
level crossing
hemzemin geçit
non crossing rule
çaprazlama kuralı
overhead crossing
panda crossing
yaya geçidi
karşıya geçmek
book crossing
kitap geçiş
(Spor) (Futbol) orta

Bu otobüs bütün demiryolu geçitlerinde durur. - This bus stops at all railway crossings.

deer crossing
geyik geçiş
çift kapısı
earth crossing asteroid
toprak asteroid geçişi
finger crossing
İşaret parmağını orta parmak üzerine getirerek şans dileme batıl inanışı
intersystem crossing
sistemlerarasi geçiş
puffin crossing
Yayalar için dur ve geç yönergeleri ışıklı trafik işareti
railroad crossing
Demiryolu geçidi
railroad crossing
demir yolu geçidi
railroad crossing
demiryolu geçişi
railroad crossing with gates
demiryolu kapıları ile geçiş
railway crossing
tren geçidi
railway crossing without gates
demiryolu kapıları olmadan geçiş
river crossing
nehir geçiş
school crossing
Okul kapısında
zebra crossing
Yaya geçiti
{i} Hz. İsa'nın çarmıhta ölümü
{i} Haç (Hristiyanlığın simgesi)
border crossing
sınır geçişi
controlled pedestrian crossing
kontrollü yaya geçidi
{s} çaprazlama

Başkalarıyla konuşurken, kollarınız çaprazlama bağlı şekilde onu yapıyorsunuz. - When you talk to others, you're doing it with your arms crossed.

Bir kamyon yolun ortasında çaprazlamasına durdu. - A truck stopped crosswise in the middle of the road.

{i} çapraz işareti
{i} hile
{s} kesişen
{f} kesişmek
{f} çaprazlaştırmak
{f} karşıdan karşıya geçmek; -i geçmek: Look both ways before crossing the street. Karşıdan karşıya geçmeden önce iki yöne
türleri ayrı olan hayvan veya çiçekleri çiftleştirip melez çeşitler elde etmek
{s} hilekâr
{f} bozmak
{f} çapraz çizgiler çizmek
{f} darılmak
{f} çaprazlamak
{f} geç: adj.çapraz
türleri karışmak
{s} huysuzlanmış; kızgın, öfkeli; aksi, ters
{s} karşıt

Karşıtlar genetik mühendisliği bitkilerin çapraz döllenme yapabileceğini ve diğer bitkilere zarar verebileceğini söylüyorlar. - Opponents say genetically engineered crops can cross-pollinate and damage other crops.

(Tıp) Farklı türden hayvanların çiftleştirilmesinden oluşan canlı, melez
{f} üst üste atmak
{i} haç, put, çarmıh, ıstavroz
çapraz kesişme
{s} geminin/uçağın rotasına aykırı esen (rüzgâr)
{i} dörtyol ağzı
crossed in love aşkta bedba
(Tıp) Haç şekli gösteren herhangi bir oluşum
(Askeri) MELANJ: İki müstakil devre iletkenleri arasındaki bir elektrik kontağı
{i} melez

Bu köpek bir melezdir. - This dog is a crossbreed.

{s} dargın

O, öğrencileriyle dargındı. - He was cross with his student.

{f} haç işareti yapmak
deliberate crossing
(Askeri) hazırlıklı geçiş
deliberate crossing
(Askeri) HAZIRLIKLI GEÇİŞ: Bir nehir veya akarsu yatağını, geniş planlama ve detaylı hazırlık gerektiren, geçiş. Bak. "hasty crossing"
diamond crossing
ingiliz makası
diamond crossing
forced crossing
(Askeri) SULARDAN ZORLA GEÇİŞ: Bak. "force a crossing"
forced crossing
(Askeri) sulardan zorla geçiş
hasty crossing
(Askeri) hazırlıksız geçiş
hasty crossing
(Askeri) ACELE (HAZIRLIKSIZ) GEÇİŞ: Bir nehir veya akarsuyu detaylı hazırlık yapmak için uzun müddet duraklamaksızın, mevcut veya hemen tedarik edilebilecek geçiş vasıtaları kullanılarak yapılan geçiş
hasty crossing
(Askeri) acele geçiş
hasty river crossing
(Askeri) acele nehir geçişi
heading crossing angle
(Askeri) ÖNLEME AÇISI: Bir hava önlemesinde, önleme anında başalan hedef ile başalan önleme uçağı arasındaki açı farkı
heading crossing angle
(Askeri) önleme açısı
highway crossing
karayolu geçidi
inland water crossing
level crossing
İng., d.y. hemzemin geçit
level crossing
demiryolu geçidi
major border crossing points
(Askeri) Önemli hudut kapıları
minimum crossing altitude
(Askeri) ASGARİ GEÇİŞ İRTİFASI: Rotadaki en yüksek asgari aletli uçuş irtifasına doğru ilerlerken uçağın geçmesi gereken, telsiz tarafından bağlanan en alçak irtifa
normal crossing
(Askeri) emniyetli geçiş
normal crossing
(Askeri) EMNİYETLİ GEÇİŞ: Köprülerden geçişte vasıta sınıf numarası köprü sınıf numarasına eşit veya bundan daha küçük olması halinde yapılan geçiş. Aksi halde geçiş kontrolü, ihtiyatlı veya tehlikeli olarak adlandırılır
panda crossing
düğmeye basılıp geçilen yaya geçidi [brit.]
pelican crossing
ışıklı yaya geçidi
rail crossing
tren yolu
railway crossing
eşdüzey demiryolu geçidi
river crossing
nehir kavşağı
street crossing
yol kavşağı
temporary crossing
geçici geçit
track crossing angle
(Askeri) ÖNLEME AÇISI: Hava önlemede önleme anında önleyici iz ile hedef izi arasındaki açı
wading crossing
(Askeri) Bak. "deep fording", "deep fording capability", "shallow fording", "shallow fording capability". (Hepsi sulardan geçme kabiliyetidir. )
zebra crossing
İng. (çizgili) yaya geçidi
zebra crossing
{i} yaya geçidi
zebra crossing
(isim) yaya geçidi
zero crossing
sıfırdan geçiş
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A place at which a river, railroad, or highway may be crossed
Extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction
An intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross
The volume formed by the intersection of chancel, nave and transepts in a cruciform church; often with a tower or cupola over it
A voyage across a body of water
a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc ) intersect
area where the north-south transept crosses the main east-west axis of a cruciform, or cross-shaped, church
In church architecture, the crossing is the main intersection of aisles at the front of the church building If viewed from above, these aisles form a large cross In a service, "crossing" refers to a hand gesture of making a cross pattern on one's body; also a gesture made by a priest or bishop over a congregation or upon a person at death or baptism
traveling across
The intersection of the nave, chancel and transepts in a church, sometimes surmounted by a tower
in church architecture, the main intersection of aisles at the front of the church; if viewed from above, these aisles form a large cross Sometimes the altar is located at the crossing In a service, crossing refers to a hand gesture of making a cross pattern on one's body; also a gesture made by a priest or bishop over a congregation or upon a person at death or baptism At Sewanee the term Crossing also refers to the presentation of St Luke's Crosses to the School of Theology seniors: "The School of Theology Crossing is Friday afternoon "
The place in the middle at the crossing of the two alleys of the Nave and Transepts
Contradiction; thwarting; obstruction
{i} intersection; place where a road or railroad tracks can be crossed; crossbreeding, hybridization
A special piece of track that permits two tracks to cross one another but does not allow trains to move from one track to the other
pollinating one plant with another, usually in a controlled environment, to obtain a new hybrid
A crossing is the same as a grade crossing or a level crossing
traveling across a voyage across a body of water (usually across the Atlantic Ocean) a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc
A crossing is the same as a pedestrian crossing. A car hit her on a crossing. see also pelican crossing, zebra crossing
Intersection, as of two paths or roads
a voyage across a body of water (usually across the Atlantic Ocean)
Structure, including bridges causeways, and culverts, designed to allow the crossing of a drainage feature
The part of track structure that permits one track to cross another, by providing a slot through which the flange of the wheel can pass 12 In the US, it's called a "frog" For more information and a sketch, click HERE (Link last checked on 02/15/2003)
The act of making the sign of the cross
the space in a cruiciform church formed by the intersection of the nave and the transept
An intersection between two tracks on the same level
a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other
Moving the wave in the direction of the cut to vary the pattern
(genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids
a junction where one street or road crosses another
A crossing is a journey by boat or ship to a place on the other side of a sea, river, or lake. The vessel docked in Swansea after a ten-hour crossing
Area of a church where the at nave, choir, and transept intersect Other parts of a church: ambulatory, apse, choir, east end, nave, transept, west end
A place where anything (as a stream) is crossed; a paved walk across a street
a shallow area in a stream that can be forded
The act by which anything is crossed; as, the crossing of the ocean
A crossing is a place where two roads, paths, or lines cross
The act of interbreeding; a mixing of breeds
crossing guard
A person who directs vehicular traffic so that pedestrians may cross the right of way
crossing guards
plural form of crossing guard
crossing number
The minimum, taken over all planar representations of a link or graph, of the number of times it crosses itself
crossing one's fingers
Present participle of cross one's fingers
crossing over
Present participle of cross over
crossing swords
Present participle of cross swords
crossing the aisle
Present participle of cross the aisle
crossing the floor
Present participle of cross the floor
crossing the line
A ceremony performed onboard ship when members of the crew or passengers cross the equator for the first time
crossing over
(Tıp, İlaç) the interchange of sections between pairing homologous chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis(synonym) crossover
crossing guard
someone who helps people (especially children) at a traffic crossing
crossing over
When sections of chromosomes switch between chromosome pairs during meiosis See also recombination
crossing over
Where a section of one chromosome switches places with the same section from the other chromosome of the pair This sometimes occurs when a germ cell makes copies of its chromosomes before dividing
crossing over
Reciprocal breaking and rejoining of homologous chromosomes in meiotic prophase I that results in exchange of chromosomal segments
crossing over
互換, The breaking during meiosis of one maternal and one paternal chromosome, the exchange of corresponding sections of DNA, and the rejoining of the chromosomes This process can result in an exchange of alleles between chromosomes Compare recombination
crossing over
A process in which homologous chromosomes exchange parts normally reciprocally but sometimes unequally The exchange of corresponding chromosome parts between homologues by breakage and reunion of DNA molecules normally during prophase I of meiosis but also occasionally during mitosis
crossing over
The breaking during meiosis of one maternal and one paternal chromosome, the exchange of corresponding sections of DNA, and the rejoining of the chromosomes This process can result in an exchange of alleles between chromosomes See also: recombination
crossing over
An event that occurs during meiosis During crossing over, alleles on homologous chromosomes can switch places This switching of alleles increases the number of possible combinations of alleles, and hence increases the variability of a genome In other words, crossing over contributes to the ability of two parents to produce offspring that are all very different Also referred to as 'recombination'
crossing over
Reciprocal exchange of corresponding segments between homologous chromosomes, resulting in recombination of genetic elements
crossing over
the act of an Omega, especially a Main character, appearing in a Title that they are not normally a part of
crossing over
a phenomenon, also known as recombination, that sometimes occurs during the formation of sperm and egg cells (meiosis); a pair of chromosomes (one from the mother and the other from the father) break and trade segments with one another
crossing over
the interchange of sections between pairing homologous chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis
crossing point
pedestrian crossing, place where crossing the street is allowed
crossing the Suez canal
operation in which the military crossed the Suez canal (during the Six Day War)
crossing the aisle
moving from one political party to the other for advantageous reasons
crossing the line
going across the central line; going across the lines; going too far (Slang)
When second year Webelos graduate to Boy Scouts, a ceremony is given by a local Boy Scout Troop's Order of the Arrow during which the boy crosses-over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts This always takes place at our Blue & Gold Banquet in February
A term introduced by Morgan and E Cattell, in 1912, to describe the process of reciprocal chromosomal interchange by which recombinants arise
The exchange of DNA sequences between chromatids of homologous chromosomes during meiosis
criss crossing
zig zagging, moving back and forth across a surface repeatedly
A topographic surname for someone who lived near a stone cross on a road
Opposing, adverse; being contrary to what one would hope or wish for

As a fat body is more subject to diseases, so are rich men to absurdities and fooleries, to many casualties and cross inconveniences.

(reflexive to cross oneself) To make the sign of the cross over oneself
To mark with an X
A pass in which the ball travels from by one touchline across the pitch
to conduct a cross examination; to question a hostile witness
To pass the ball from one side of the pitch to the other side
A modified representation of the crucifixion stake, worn as jewellery or displayed as a symbol of religious devotion
To go from one side of (something) to the other

Why did the chicken cross the road?.

A monument that marks such a place. (Also common in UK or Irish place names such as Charing Cross)
Any geometric figure having this or a similar shape, such as a cross of Lorraine or a Maltese cross
a hook thrown over the opponent's punch
Transverse; lying across the main direction

At the end of each row were cross benches which linked the rows.

Four edge cubies of one side that are in their right places, forming the shape of a cross
(usually with the) The cross on which Christ was crucified
A hand gesture made by Catholics in imitation of the shape of the Cross
to cross-fertilize or crossbreed'''
Bad-tempered, angry, annoyed

She was rather cross about missing her train on the first day of the job.

Animal or plant produced by crossbreeding or cross-fertilization
A place where roads intersect and lead off in four directions; a crossroad (common in UK and Irish place names such as Gerrards Cross)
Opposite, opposed to

His actions were perversely cross to his own happiness.

diamond crossing
An at-grade junction between two crossing railroad tracks
dotting the i's and crossing the t's
Present participle of dot the i's and cross the t's
grade crossing
An at-grade crossing between a railroad line and an ordinary road, with tracks and road at the same level

In 1968 there were 1547 grade crossing fatalities. Two-thirds of the total fatalities associated with railroad operations occurred at grade crossings.

level crossing
An at-grade crossing between a railway line and an ordinary road, with rails and road at the same level
pedestrian crossing
A place where pedestrians are permitted to or advised to cross a street
pelican crossing
A pedestrian crossing with traffic lights operated by pedestrians
railroad crossing
An area on a road where a train crosses
school crossing attendant
A person employed to help children to cross a road safely, usually wearing highly reflective clothing and carrying a sign displayed to vehicles instructing them to stop while children are crossing
toucan crossing
A pedestrian crossing equipped with traffic lights operated by the pedestrians, same as pelican crossing
wildlife crossing
A length of road or highway transverse to which wild animals are known to travel
zebra crossing
A pedestrian crossing featuring broad white stripes painted parallel to the street
grade crossing
An intersection of railroad tracks, roads, walkways, or a combination of these at the same level
{a} athwart, opposit, peevish, difficult
{n} a gibbet, misfortune, opposition, trial
{v} to lay athwart, pass over, oppose, vex, sign, cancel, put out
{a} over, from side to side
(Spor) (in soccer) a pass of the ball across the field towards the centre close to one's opponents' goal
puffin crossing
(in the UK) a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights which change to green again only when no more pedestrians are detected on the crossing by infrared detectors and mats. 1990s: puffin from p(edestrian) u(ser) f(riendly) in(telligent), respelled by analogy with pelican crossing
tyrolean crossing
(Spor) A zip-line (also known as a flying fox, foefie slide, zip wire, aerial runway, aerial ropeslide, death slide or tyrolean crossing) consists of a pulley suspended on a cable mounted on an incline. It is designed to enable a user propelled by gravity to travel from the top to the bottom of the inclined cable, usually made of stainless steel, by holding on or attaching to the freely moving pulley. Zip-lines come in many forms, most often used as a means of entertainment. They may be short and low, intended for child's play and found on some playgrounds. Longer and higher rides are often used as a means of accessing remote areas, such as a rainforest canopy. Zip-line tours are becoming popular vacation activities, found at outdoor adventure camps or upscale resorts, where they may be an element on a larger challenge or ropes course
Allenby Bridge border crossing
crossing between Israel and Jordan
An English topographic surname for someone who lived near a stone cross on a road
Earth-crossing asteroid
Asteroid whose path around the Sun crosses Earth's orbit. Three groups of such asteroids Aten, Apollo, and Amor asteroids are distinguished by the size of their orbits and how closely they approach the Sun. The Atens and Apollos cross Earth's orbit on an almost continuous basis, whereas only about half the Amors are Earth crossers and then only part of the time. Astronomers have mounted searches for objects that closely approach Earth, partly to determine whether they may collide with the planet, since early detection might make it possible to avert a catastrophe. According to some estimates, 1,000 Earth-crossing asteroids larger than 0.6 mi (1 km) may exist. Impacts of 0.6-mi-size asteroids are believed to occur a few times every million years. Such a collision would deliver the explosive force of several hydrogen bombs, possibly resulting in global climate disturbances or huge tidal waves. The impact of an object about 6 mi (10 km) in diameter is thought to have caused a massive extinction of species, including the dinosaurs, at the end of the Cretaceous Period
Erez crossing
regulated checkpoint between the Palestinian Authority and Israel in Northern Gaza
Erez crossing point
regulated border crossing between the Palestinian Authority and Israel in Northern Gaza
Nahal-Oz crossing
crossing point between Israel and the Palestinian Autonomy which is located at the eastern end of the Gaza strip
The Crossing Guard
film about the drunk-driving death of the main character's daughter (produced in 1994, starring Jack Nicholson and David Morse)
border crossing terminal
point designated for controlled passage across a border
Not parallel; lying or falling athwart; transverse; oblique; intersecting
A pass across the face of the opponent's goal
multi-armed iron casting fixed to the end of the windshaft to carry the sails
a cross as an emblem of Christianity; used in heraldry a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece any affliction that causes great suffering; "that is his cross to bear"; "he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns"
n [shape made of an upright line with another going across it] palang 2 vt [to go from one side to the other] menyeberang (seberang)
a cross as an emblem of Christianity; used in heraldry
To contradict (another) or frustrate the plans of
To travel in a direction or path that will intersect with that of another
center the ball from the wing to in front of the net
It was anciently used in the execution of criminals
Not accordant with what is wished or expected; interrupting; adverse; contrary; thwarting; perverse
A line drawn across or through another line
Of both batsmen, to pass each other when running between the wickets in order to score runs
The difference in weight between the left front corner of the car and its right rear corner
part of the church where the central nave and the transept joined It can either be covered by a dome or dominated by a tower
To interbreed, as races; to mix distinct breeds
Characterized by, or in a state of, peevishness, fretfulness, or ill humor; as, a cross man or woman
To make the sign of the cross upon; followed by the reflexive pronoun; as, he crossed himself
To cause to interbreed; said of different stocks or races; to mix the breed of
an advance or retreat by crossing one leg over the other; also passé avant (forward cross), passé arriere (backwards cross)
A common heraldic bearing, of which there are many varieties
Refers to one or more mating units set up with males and females that each have a designated genotype chosen to carry out a particular genetic analysis (see Chapter 3) See Cross in the MGI Glossary
trace a line through or across; "cross your `t'"
a hook thrown over the opponents punch
The crosslike mark or symbol used instead of a signature by those unable to write
extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; "cross members should be all steel"; "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully"; "transversal vibrations"; "transverse colon"
A hybrid plant, the results of cross- fertilization between species or varieties
To interfere and cut off; to debar
See the Illustration, above
An advance or retreat by crossing one leg over the other; also passe' avant (forward cross), passe' arriere (backwards cross)
Many people wear crosses around their necks as jewelry If the cross is large enough to be seen from a distance and the chain is long enough to position the cross over the center of the chest, it is called a pectoral cross Pectoral crosses are quite often worn over albs or cassocks, but seldom if ever over robes While they look quite nice with vestments, they are too dramatic for street clothes If you want to wear a cross with street clothes, use a small cross on a neck chain Christians did not wear crosses or hang them on their walls until after crucifixion was no longer the standard method of capital punishment Instead, the earliest Christians used the gesture of the sign of the cross
A gibbet, consisting of two pieces of timber placed transversely upon one another, in various forms, as a T, or +, with the horizontal piece below the upper end of the upright, or as an X
A hand gesture made by Christians in imitation of the shape of the Cross
To put across or athwart; to cause to intersect; as, to cross the arms
To be inconsistent
fold so as to resemble a cross; "she crossed her legs"
{s} irritated, angry; intersecting; against, opposite
meet at a point
n 1 a combination in which the path of one attacker crosses the path of another 2 cross-court
An experimental mating of two genetically distinct sexually reproducing organisms See also: Backcross Incross Intercross Outcross Testcross
Church lands
A geometrical figure consisting of two straight lines or bars intersecting each other such that at least one of them is bisected by the other
An advance or retreat made by crossing one leg over the other
breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties; "cross a horse and a donkey"; "Mendel tried crossbreeding"; "these species do not interbreed"
Media Transfer - The transfer of hazardous materials and wastes from one environmental medium to another, (e g from water to air)
Going to the left side for a right-hander and vice-versa for a lefty (Brooklyn)
To run counter to; to thwart; to obstruct; to hinder; to clash or interfere with
perversely irritable
A wooden post with a perpendicular beam attached and used (especially in the Roman Empire) to execute criminals (by crucifixion)
To pass from one side to the other of; to pass or move over; to traverse; as, to cross a stream
A difficult situation that must be endured
To make the sign of the cross over oneself
A pipe-fitting with four branches the axes of which usually form's right angle
to cross-fertilize or crossbreed
Principal symbol of Christianity, recalling the crucifixion of Jesus. There are four basic iconogaphic representations: the crux quadrata, or Greek cross, with four equal arms; the crux immissa, or Latin cross, with a base stem longer than the other arms; the crux commissa (St. Anthony's cross), resembling the Greek letter tau (T); and the crux decussataa (St. Andrew's cross), resembling the Roman numeral 10 (X). Tradition holds that the crux immissa was used for Christ's crucifixion. Coptic Christians used the ancient Egyptian ankh. Displaying the cross was not common before Constantine I abolished crucifixion in the 4th century. A crucifix shows Christ's figure on a cross and is typical of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Making the sign of the cross with the hand may be a profession of faith, prayer, dedication, or benediction. Cross River cross section cross country running cross country skiing cross fertilization thread cross John of the Cross Saint Red Cross International Red Cross International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Earth crossing asteroid
Michael consists of a central medallion with seven arms radiating from it
or actually represented in some material; the symbol of Christ's death; the ensign and chosen symbol of Christianity, of a Christian people, and of Christendom
any affliction that causes great suffering; "that is his cross to bear"; "he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns"
Most people in Christendom believe that Jesus was killed on a two-beamed cross, i e , an upright pole with a horizontal beam attached to it for the victim's outstretched arms They have made the idolatrous worship of icons representing such a device a central part of their form of religion The Bible teaches that the instrument of execution was a simple stake Thus the word rarely comes up in theocratic speech except in discussions of false religious beliefs <<Persons who wear crosses around their necks should ask themselves: if Jesus Christ had been executed by firing squad or in an electric chair, would people wear little gold rifles or gold chairs as jewelry? If not, then why do they wear what they think was used to torture him to death as jewelry?>>
To lie or be athwart
Made in an opposite direction, or an inverse relation; mutually inverse; interchanged; as, cross interrogatories; cross marriages, as when a brother and sister marry persons standing in the same relation to each other
a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece
an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species; "a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey"
Athwart; across
To pass, as objects going in an opposite direction at the same time
Symbol of our Lord's self-giving and unconditional love In our tradition it is empty, symbolizing the Resurrection of our Lord The cross was not used in worship space at all in colonial times, but was in the middle ages, and came back into use in the late 19th century
The cross on which Christ was crucified
meet and pass; "the trains crossed"
To move or pass from one side to the other, or from place to place; to make a transit; as, to cross from New York to Liverpool
to cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries
travel across or pass over; "The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day"
George and St
Kicking the ball across the field from one side to the middle of the field (usually from the wing to the middle of the goal)
A piece of money stamped with the figure of a cross, also, that side of such a piece on which the cross is stamped; hence, money in general
To lay or draw something, as a line, across; as, to cross the letter t
An appendage or ornament or anything in the form of a cross; a badge or ornamental device of the general shape of a cross; hence, such an ornament, even when varying considerably from that form; thus, the Cross of the British Order of St
hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of; "What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge"; "foil your opponent"
A mixing of breeds or stock, especially in cattle breeding; or the product of such intermixture; a hybrid of any kind
A symbol in the shape of a cross, usually in the centre of the flag with the arms extending to the edges State Flag A flag used on land by governments and institutions Also used to represent national identity overseas
Affiction regarded as a test of patience or virtue; trial; disappointment; opposition; misfortune
Any geometric figure having this shape, such as a cross of Lorraine or a Maltese cross
to cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries"
(genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids
Angry, annoyed
Opposite to
{i} upright post with a transverse piece upon which people were once put to death; symbol which resembles this structure (symbol of Christianity); hybrid, crossbreed; mix, blend
marking consisting of crossing lines
A kick in which the ball travels from one side of the pitch to the other
{f} go from one side to the other; hybridize, crossbreed; make the sign of the cross; cause to fail; annoy, bother
A brittle cake or other crisp pastry
The sign or mark of the cross, made with the finger, or in ink, etc
An instrument for laying of offsets perpendicular to the main course
To cancel by marking crosses on or over, or drawing a line across; to erase; usually with out, off, or over; as, to cross out a name
A monument in the form of a cross, or surmounted by a cross, set up in a public place; as, a market cross; a boundary cross; Charing Cross in London
The deliberate mating of two parental types of organisms in genetic analysis
Another name for a trade or a transaction The matching of a buy order with an identical order to sell
plural of crossing
grade crossing
A grade crossing is a place where a railroad track crosses a road at the same level. An intersection of railroad tracks, roads, walkways, or a combination of these at the same level. a place where a road and railway cross each other, usually with gates that shut the road while the train passes British Equivalent: level crossing
level crossing
intersection of a railway and a road on the same level; barriers close road when trains pass
level crossing
A level crossing is a place where a railway line crosses a road. A grade crossing. a place where a railway crosses a road, usually protected by gates American Equivalent: railroad crossing
level crossing
(British) grade crossing, railroad crossing, place there railroad tracks intersect
pedestrian crossing
street crossing where pedestrians have right of way; often marked in some way especially with diagonal stripes
pedestrian crossing
A pedestrian crossing is a place where pedestrians can cross a street and where motorists must stop to let them cross. a specially marked place for people to walk across the road American Equivalent: crosswalk pelican crossing zebra crossing
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hemzemin geçit grade crossing, Brit
level crossing