A network analysis technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which sequence of tasks has the least amount of scheduling flexibility (i e the least amount of float)
A planning scheduling and control line and symbol diagram drawn to show the respective tasks and activities involved in constructing a specific project
A quantitative technique which, when applied to network planning, is helpful in calculating the minimum time and sequence of tasks needed to complete a R & D project
A network planning technique used for planning and controlling the activities in a project By showing each of these activities and their associated times, the 'critical path' can be determined The critical path is the series of successive activities which takes up most time and is therefore decisive for the total lead time of the project
A network analysis technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which sequence of activities, (i e , which path), has the least amount of scheduling flexibility, (i e , the least amount of float) Early dates are calculated by means of a forward pass, using a specified start date Late dates are calculated by means of a backward pass, starting from a specified completion date for the project, (usually the forward pass' calculated early finish date)
A network analysis technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which sequence of activities (which path) has the least amount of scheduling flexibility (the least amount of float) Early dates are calculated by means of a forward pass using a specified start date Late dates are calculated by means of a backward pass starting from a specified completion date (usually the forward pass’s calculated project early finish date)
A technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which sequence of activities has the least amount of scheduling flexibility Early dates are figured by a forward pass using a specific start date and late dates are figured by using a backward starting from a completion date
A method of network analysis in which normal duration is estimated for each activity within a project The critical path identifies the shortest completion period based on the most time-consuming sequence of activities from the beginning to the end of the network