
listen to the pronunciation of country
الإنجليزية - التركية

Hiç yurt dışında bulundun mu? - Have you ever been to a foreign country?

Kendi ülkesinde yurt dışına yolculuk etti. - He traveled abroad in his own country.

{i} memleket

O, memleketine ihanet etti. - He betrayed his country.

Memleketime geri döneceğim. - I am going back to my native country.


Pakistan Müslüman bir ülkedir. - Pakistan is a Muslim country.

Go büyük ihtimalle benim ülkemdeki en popüler Japon oyunu olsa da o bile bazı üniversite öğrencileri dışında pek bilinmiyor. - Although Go is probably the most popular Japanese game in my country, at most only a few university students know it.

{i} taşra

Babam taşrada yaşıyor. - My father lives in the country.

Şimdi, bir taşra çocuğuyum. - I'm a country boy now.

{i} huk. jüri, yargıcılar kurulu
{i} köy

Tom köyde yaşamayı sevmiyordu. - Tom didn't like living in the country.

Köy hayatı şehir hayatından daha sağlıklıdır. - Country life is healthier than city life.

{s} taşraya ait
{i} diyar
{i} toprak

Curaçao ülkesinin toprakları, Curaçao ve Little Curacao adalarından oluşur. - The territory of the country Curacao consists of the islands Curacao and Little Curacao.

{i} arazi

Tom memlekette küçük bir araziye sahiptir. - Tom owns a small piece of land in the country.

Kimse ülkemden arazi satın almak istemedi. - Nobody wanted to buy land in my country.

{s} kırsal

Tom şehir hayatından vazgeçmeye ve kırsalda yaşamaya karar verdi. - Tom decided to give up city life and live in the country.

Kırsalda yaşamaktan hoşlanacağımı hiç düşünmemiştim. - I never thought I would enjoy living in the country.

taşraya özgü
kırsal bölgede bulunan
(Kanun) yargıcılar kurulu
{i} sayfiye

Onun sayfiyedeki evi çok güzel. - His property in the country is very pretty.

kırsal kesim

Savaş sırasında, onlar kırsal kesimde yaşadılar. - During the war, they lived in the countryside.

Ben kırsal kesimde yaşamaktayım. - I live in the country.


Tom ülkesine sadık bir vatandaştır. - Tom is a loyal citizen of his country.

Eğer karın sana ihanet ederse, şükret ki o sadece sana ihanet etti vatanına değil. - If your wife cheated on you, thank God she only cheated on you and did not betray the country.


Bu ülkenin halkı siyasi yönetimden hayalkırıklığına uğradı. - The people of this country have become disillusioned with the political establishment.

Bu ülkenin hükümeti halkına zulmediyor. - The government of this country oppresses its people.


O ülke, ulusumuzun iç işlerine karıştı. - That country intervened in the internal affairs of our nation.

Uluslararası bir ticaret yasağı, o ülkenin ekonomisi için bardağı taşıran son damla olabilir. - An international trade ban could be the last straw for that country's economy.


Kırsal bölge güzeldir. - The countryside is beautiful.

Valon Bölgesi güzel bir ülkedir. - Wallonia is a beautiful country.


Tom'un niçin kırsal alanda yaşamayı tercih ettiğini düşünüyorsun? - Why do you think Tom prefers living in the country?

Her yaz kırsala giderim. - Every summer I go to the countryside.


Hükümet ülkemizi temiz ve yeşil hale getirmek için çaba sarf etmiştir. - The government has made efforts to make our country clean and green.


Ben kırsalda bir hafta geçirdikten sonra tamamen tazelenmiş hissediyorum. - I feel completely refreshed after spending a week in the country.

tenis ve sosyal faaliyetl
taşra veya sayfiyeye ait
çiftlikten yeni gelmiş olan country club şehirlere yakın kırlık yerde olan golf

Türk'üm milletimi ve ülkemi seviyorum. - I am a Turk and I love my country.

Danimarka, Birleşmiş Milletler Dünya Mutluluk Raporu'na göre dünyanın en mutlu ülkesidir. - Denmark is the happiest country in the world according to the United Nations World Happiness Report.

(Bilgisayar) country
country house
yazlık köşk
country border
(Politika, Siyaset) ülke sınırı
country chapter
(Askeri) ülke bölümü
country check
(Ticaret) taşra bankası çeki
country estate
country fishery
(Denizbilim) ülke balıkçılığı
country frontier
(Politika, Siyaset) ülke sınırı
country funds
(Ticaret) ülke fonları
country homes
taşra evleri
country homes
kır evleri
country house
country id
(Bilgisayar) ülke kimliği
country life
şehir hayatı
country mode
(Bilgisayar) ülke modu
country name
(Bilgisayar) ülke adı
country notes
(Ticaret) taşra bankası senedi
country planning
ülke planlaması
country risk
ülke riski
country rock
(Coğrafya) anakaya
country rock
(Jeoloji) cıvar kayaç
country select
(Bilgisayar) ülke seçimi
country side
country store
(Ticaret) taşra marketi
country study
ülke çalışması
country style
kırsal bölge stili
country's land
vatan toprağı
(Bilgisayar) ülke
(Bilgisayar) ülke/bölge
country club
kırdaki spor ve eğlence kulübü
country club
golf klübü
country cousin
taşralı akraba
country dance
yerel dans
country dancing
yerel dans
country doctor
köy doktoru
country house
şehir dışındaki yazlık
country house
country music
country müzik

Ben country müzik dinliyorum. - I am listening to country music.

Genellikle country müzikten hoşlanmam. - Generally I don't like country music.

country music
kantri müzik

Tom kantri müzik yapmaya başlamadan önce bir caz gitaristiydi. - Tom was a jazz guitarist before he started playing country music.

country race
kır koşusu
Country bumpkin
Taşralı, kıro
country boy
Taşra çocuğu
country bumpkin
country club
Şehirlere yakın kırlık yerde olan golf, tenis ve sosyal faaliyetlerin yapıldığı kulüp
country code
Ülke kodu
country cottage
ülke yazlık
country cousins
ülke kuzenleri
country dancing
ülke dans
country folk
country girl
country man
country music
Amerikan folk müziği

Tom Amerikan folk müziği şarkıcısıydı. - Tom used to be a country music singer.

Senin favori Amerikan folk müziği sanatçın kim? - Who's your favorite country musician?

country or region
ülke veya bölge
country side
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) Ülkeye özel, ülkeye has
Ülke genelinde, ülke çapında
country an western
amerikan folk müziği
country beam
far huzmesi
country bred
yerli cins
country bumpkin
country bumpkin
country bumpkin
country code
Domain Adreslerinin En son parçası olup host sunucunun hangi ülkede olduğunu gösterir.ABD Devletlerinin kodu "us" olamasına karsın bu kod kullanılmaz. Ancak sonunda ülke kodu bulunmayan her sunucucun ABD ' de olduğu anlamı çıkartılmamalıdır
country cousin
{i} köylü akraba
country cousin
{i} taşralı kimse
country cover diagrams
(Askeri) ÜLKE HAVA FOTOĞRAFI ENDEKSİ: Planlama amaçları için kullanılan ve hava fotoğraflarının durumunu gösteren küçük ölçekli bir endeks
country damage
(Sigorta) kötü hava şartları zararı
country dance
köy dansı
country dance
halk dansı
country dance
amerikan folk dansı
country fair
(Askeri) İSTASYON USULÜ EĞİTİM: Kalabalık grupların öğretim veya sınavlarında kullanılan bir usul. Bu usulde; öğretim veya sınava katılan personel grupları, devamlı gösteri halindeki istasyonların birinden diğerine geçerler
country fair
(Askeri) istasyon usulü eğitim
country folk
taşra halkı
country house
köy evi,yazlık köşk
country representative/freight forwarder
country seat
kır konutu
country settings
(System menu) Ülke Ayarları
country wide
ülke çapında
contiguous country
komşu ülke
constituent country
(Politika Siyaset) Bileşen ülke
contiguous country
komşu ülke, hemhudut ülke
conclusion to the country
(Kanun) jüriye sevk
conclusion to the country
(Kanun) jüri kararına transfer
host country
(Askeri) EV SAHİBİ ÜLKE: Başka ülkelerin temsilcileri veya kuruluşlarının o hükümetin daveti ve/veya bir uluslararası antlaşma için bulundukları ülke
the country
kent dışındaki yerler, kırsal bölgeler, taşra
the country
şehir dışı
choose country
(Bilgisayar) ülke seç
country of origin
(Ticaret) menşei ülke
country of origin
(Ticaret) ihracatçı ülke
country of origin
(Ticaret) kaynak ülke
cross country mobility
(Askeri) arazide hareket kabiliyeti
foreign country
game country
(Bilgisayar) dil/ülke
less developed country
(Ticaret) gelişmekte olan ülke
less developed country
(Ticaret) az gelişmişi ülke
less developed country
(Ticaret) az gelişmiş ülke
less developed country
(Ticaret) sanayileşmekte olan ülke
native country
other country
(Bilgisayar) diğer-ülke
other country
(Bilgisayar) diğer ülke
poor country
fakir ülke
recipient's country
(Bilgisayar) alıcının ülkesi
restricted country
tahditli ülke
rough country
engebeli arazi
sensitive country
hassas ülke
source country
(Ticaret) gönderen ülke
source country
(Ticaret) ihracatı yapan ülke
source country
(Ticaret) kaynak ülke
the country
kırsal bölge
the country
kent dışındaki yerler
the country

Kırsaldaki yürüyüşünden sonra yorgun hissettiği için şekerleme yaptı. - Feeling tired after his walk in the country, he took a nap.

Tom ve Mary kırlarda uzun bir yürüyüş yaptılar. - Tom and Mary took a long walk through the countryside.

united states country team
(Askeri) abd ülke temsil heyeti
which country
hangi ülke
whole country's
tüm ülkenin
across the country
şehirden şehre geçerek
african country
afrika ülkesi
agricultural country
tarım ülkesi
appeal to the country
halkın oyuna başvurmak
asian country
asya ülkesi
back country
geri kalmış bölge
back country
back country
memleketin uzak köşeleri
balkan country
balkan ülkesi
central american country
orta amerika
cross country
araziden geçen
cross country lorry
arazi kamyonu
cross country race
kır koşusu
cross country truck
arazi kamyonu
cross country tyre
arazi lastiği
kırlar boyunca
cross-country race
customer country
alıcı ülke
developing country
gelişmekte olan ülke
exporting country
ihracatçı ülke
exporting country
ihraç eden ülke
foreign country
yabancı ülke
forwarding country
malı gönderen ülke
go to the country
saylava gitmek
host country
ev sahibi ülke

Olimpiyatların ev sahibi ülkesi 1992'de İspanya'dır. - Spain is the host country for the Olympics in 1992.

leave a country
ülkeyi terket
love of country
memleket aşkı
mother country
mother country

Ailesi kırk yıl önce anavatanından Brezilya'ya göç etti. - His family emigrated from their mother country to Brazil forty years ago.

native country
producer country
öndürücü ülke
underdeveloped country
azgelişmiş ülke
Country of Origin
menşe ülke
Law-Based country
hukukun üstün olduğu ülke, hukuk devleti
a country
Bir ülke

Bu çiçekler sıcak ülkelerde yetişir. - These flowers grow in warm countries.

Birçok ülkede, Arap ülkeleri ve İsrail hariç genellikle Cumartesi ve Pazar, hafta sonu günleri olarak ilan edilmiştir. - In most countries, with the exception of the Arab countries and Israel, Saturday and Sunday are defined as the weekend.

country of origin
(Ticaret) mahreç
cross country drive
cross country sürücü
deficit country
dış ödemeler dengesi açık veren ülke
go to the country
seçime gitmek
in the country of the blind the one eyed man is king
(Atasözü) köyünün olmadığı yerde keçiye Abdurrahman Çelebi derler
subject country
konu ülke
the country

O, sürekli olarak ülkeyi terk edeceğini söylüyor. - He says he is leaving the country for good.

Ebeveynlerimin her ikisi de ülkede yetiştirildiler. - Both of my parents were brought up in the country.

third world country
üçüncü dünya ülkesi
country of residence
(Politika, Siyaset) ikamet ettiği ülke
the country
kent dışı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The territory of a nation, especially an independent nation state or formerly independent nation; a political entity asserting ultimate authority over a geographical area

These days corporate Germany looks rather different. Volkswagen, the country’s leading carmaker, wants to be the world’s biggest by 2018.

Of or connected to country music
Country music
A rural area, as opposed to a town or city; the countryside

I have always thought that one of the main reasons for the popularity of blood sports in the country is the pointlessness of going outdoors with no purpose or destination in mind.

From the countryside or connected with it
An area of land; a district, region

We walk along flat, open country, red dirt and spinifex grass, a few short trees .

A set region of land having particular human occupation or agreed limits, especially inhabited by members of the same race, language speakers etc., or associated with a given person, occupation, species etc

This is condor country - the only region this far east where you can see the magnificent vulture - and a small national park straddling the passes, El Condorito, is a good stopover for walkers and birders.

{n} a tract of land, region, native palce
{a} belonging to the country, a rustic
The people who live in a particular country can be referred to as the country. Seventy per cent of this country is opposed to blood sports
the people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that sums up the nation's mood"; "the news was announced to the nation"; "the whole country worshipped him"
{s} rural, located away from urban areas
CurrencyCode CountryCurrencyCode
Destitute of refinement; rude; unpolished; rustic; not urbane; as, country manners
The inhabitants of the district from which a jury is drawn
Country music is popular music from the southern United States. a famous country singer named Katie Cocker
A country is one of the political units which the world is divided into, covering a particular area of land. Indonesia is the fifth most populous country in the world. that disputed boundary between the two countries Young people do move around the country quite a bit these days
The code used to identify the country in which the company's corporate headquarters is located
the territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he visited several European countries" an area outside of cities and towns; "his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country
A nation state, a political entity asserting ultimate authority over a geographical area
the territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he visited several European countries"
Pertaining, or peculiar, to one's own country
No Preference CanadaDenmarkEnglandFranceGermanyIrelandItalyJapanTurkeyUnited States
If you travel across country, you travel a long distance, from one part of a country to another. We've just moved all the way across country to begin a new life
{i} state, nation; region; rural area; inhabitants of a particular nation; one's homeland, one's native land; any region or district that has distinct qualities
a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country"
If you travel across country, you travel through country areas, avoiding major roads and towns. From here we walked across country to Covington
AUDIT: The full name of the country in which the agency is located, and where the transaction has been booked, modified or canceled
A term covering both (a) sovereign nations, and (b) nonsovereign territories (dependencies or colonies) which are not integral parts of larger parent nations
Rural regions, as opposed to a city or town
(Can be selected from a find list) Clinical (Patient)
The country in which your company is located
- a sovereign nation or state
Old name for the outfield, in cricket
Short for country music, a genre of popular music that has rural Southern roots and embraces numerous subgenres and styles
a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nation's capitol"; "the country's largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land"
The country consists of places such as farms, open fields, and villages which are away from towns and cities. a healthy life in the country She was cycling along a country road near Compiegne = countryside
country name
(b) The whole body of the electors of state; as, to dissolve Parliament and appeal to the country
If a head of government or a government goes to the country, they hold a general election. The Prime Minister does not have to go to the country for another year. Basque Country Cockpit Country country dance country music country and western cross country running cross country skiing Mother Lode Country
the country of the address
The country in which this company is registered
A particular kind of country is an area of land which has particular characteristics or is connected with a particular well-known person. Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa
A rural area, as opposed to a town or city; countryside
(Internal) COUNTRY=country code,[code page][,][d: ][filename] Used in the CONFIG SYS file to tell DOS to use country-specific text conventions during processing
Originating country of visitor, based on the country code of hostname
Countries represent the country of destination and the country of origin of the HS commodities Country of destination for exports is the country where the goods are to be consumed, further processed, or manufactured, as known to the shipper at the time of exportation Country of origin for imports is the country where the merchandise was grown, mined or manufactured, in accordance with U S Customs Regulation
A jury, as representing the citizens of a country
n [area of land which is separate and governs itself (I like travelling to other countries )] negeri
Hence: (a) One's constituents
Typical country homes have a front porch, dormer(s), and a roof ridge that runs parallel to the street The most notable characteristic is a large front porch with an open rail "Dog-house" dormers are frequently on the roof The exterior material is usually clapboard siding Regardless of the size of the home, they appear to be small and quaint Historical country homes had a fireplace on either side of the home to function as the heat source The historical country home also had a "dog trot" hallway, which was one main hallway that runs through the middle of the house, also known as a double loaded hallway During warmer months, the front and rear doors can be opened to allow a breeze to come through and cool the house
an area outside of cities and towns; "his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country"
A former independent nation state (e.g., England or Scotland)
The rock through which a vein runs
To appeal to the country To dissolve Parliament in order to ascertain the wish of the country by a new election of representatives Father of his country (See Father )
an area outside of cities and towns; "his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country
A tract of land; a region; the territory of an independent nation; (as distinguished from any other region, and with a personal pronoun) the region of one's birth, permanent residence, or citizenship
The inhabitants or people of a state or a region; the populace; the public
Pertaining to the regions remote from a city; rural; rustic; as, a country life; a country town; the country party, as opposed to city
Country Code
a set of rules and regulations aimed at tourists visiting the countryside
country and western
country music
country beam
A headlight setting intended for empty country roads at night

When cars are near.”.

country beams
plural form of country beam
country bumpkin
An unsophisticated person from the rural area of a particular country
country bumpkins
plural form of country bumpkin
country code
A short alphabetic or numeric geographical code representing a specific country or area
country codes
plural form of country code
country dance
To take part in country dancing
country dance
A general term that includes set step routine dancing such as ceilidh dance, highland dance, barn dance, and square dance
country folks
People who live, or grew up, in the country as opposed to a town or city
country house
A weekend and holiday residence outside of the city; a second home
country houses
plural form of country house
country mile
a long way, a great distance
country music
A style of music that originated in the folk music of the rural population of the southern and western United States. Characterized by twangy guitars, fiddles, banjos and simple melodies
country of origin
The country indicated on a label as being the country in which the goods were made

Country-specific brand images and country of origin effects are key topics in this area.

country of origin
Country of first publication

The country of origin of the work is that in which the work is first published.

country of origin
The country in which the last stage of substantial transformation of goods occurred
country of origin
The country in which a substantial amount of processing took place

The country of origin of a manufactured article is held to be the country in which the article has been finished by a substantial amount of labor amounting to not less than one-fourth the cost of production of such article in condition as imported into Canada.

country of origin
The country where shipped goods are produced
country of origin
The country in which a person or thing is deemed to have originated for the purposes of laws and regulations
country of origin
The country in which the most important processing took place
country of provenance
Country from which goods were shipped
country park
An area where people can enjoy recreation in a countryside environment, especially one designated as such by the former Countryside Commission
country parks
plural form of country park
country pop
A subgenre of country music, blending the sounds of the Nashville sound and popular music; produced and marketed to reach a wide audience
country pop
Any country music that sounds more like popular music than traditional forms of country (e.g. honky tonk)
country store
A general store in a rural setting, often associated with the time of cowboys
country wife
A fur trader's First Nations or Métis common-law wife
Describing country music
Attributive form of country code

country-code table.

A dance carried out in the countryside, or by country people; used as a generic name for many native British dances, especially where partners face each other in a long line
country-fried steak
chicken-fried steak
country-western music
country music
country team
The senior, in-country, US coordinating and supervising body, headed by the chief of the US diplomatic mission, and composed of the senior member of each represented US department or agency, as desired by the chief of the US diplomatic mission
Country bumpkin
(deyim) Someone who is considered to be stupid because they are from an area outside towns and cities
country club
A suburban club for social and sports activities, usually featuring a golf course
Country Code
a set of instructions that advise people who live in cities how to behave when they visit the countryside. For example, according to the Country Code you should always close gates in fields after using them, and you should keep your dog under control
Country Joe
Country" Joe McDonald (born 1942), American rock singer and guitarist, lead member of the psychedelic rock band "Country Joe and the Fish
Country Joe McDonald
(born 1942) American rock singer and guitarist, lead member of the psychedelic rock band "Country Joe and the Fish
Country Joe and the Fish
American psychedelic rock band from the 1960s and 1970s
Country Life
a British monthly magazine which contains articles about impressive homes and gardens in the country, and important social activities there
Country of Origin
(Reklam) The country from which a given product comes. Customers' attitudes to a product and their willingness to buy it tend to be heavily influenced by what they associate with the place where it was designed and manufactured
country and western
Country and western is the same as country music. a successful country and western singer. popular music in the style of music from the southern and western US
country bank
A national bank not in a reserve city
country borage
an aromatic fleshy herb of India and Ceylon to South Africa; sometimes placed in genus Plectranthus
country bumpkin
someone who is considered to be stupid because they are from an area outside towns and cities = yokel
country club
A country club is a club in the country where you can play sports and attend social events. A suburban club for social and sports activities, usually featuring a golf course. a sports and social club, especially one for rich people
country club
a suburban club for recreation and socializing
country club
A club usually located in the suburbs or vicinity of a city or town and devoted mainly to outdoor sports
country club
social club where people can participate in sports and leisure activities (such as golf)
country code
The last part of a geographic address, which indicates which country the host computer is in An address that ends in ca is Canadian, for example, and one that ends in us is in the U S
country code
For communication through telephone lines, a numeric code to identify a country, e g , 91 for India
country code
A country code is the standardized 2-character abbreviation for a country, used as their Top Level Domain in the Domain Name System For example, ky represents the Cayman Islands, and md represents Moldova
country code
A top-level domain name that corresponds to a particular geographical area Country code domain names are alternatives to " com," " net," or " org" domain names Examples of Country codes are " it" for Italy and " cn" for China The registrar in charge of registering the different country codes varies
country code
Two or three digit codes used for International calls outside of the North American Numbering Plan area codes Dial: 011 + country code + city code + local phone number) (e g "011 + 91 + 22 + 123-4567" 91 = India, 22 = Bombay)
country code
The country code can specify in which country the computer is located This is almost always the case You can look up all country codes and the keyword "domain"
country code
the combination of 1, 2 or 3 digits characterizing the called country
country code
Most countries in the world that are connected to the Internet have been assigned two-letter country codes by the international standard ISO 3166 These two letter codes are the major domain addresses for the country
country code
Each country has its own set of procedures and rules for ISDN The Country Code is used to identify where the router will be installed so that this information can be included in the ISDN call setup information every time you make a call
country code
The last part of an e-mail or Internet address, which stands for the country the host computer resides in, e g fi is Finland, uk is United Kingdom
country code
A one-, two-, or three-digit number used to specify the destination country for international calls See also route filter tags
country code
(cc) A two-letter code uniquely identifying a country Standardised by ISO3166-1
country code
in GEMIS is an acronym for nations (countries) and groups of nations (e g CEE, CIS, OPEC)
country code
A one-, two- or three-digit number used for international dialing [The first digit is always the world-zone number Subsequent digits further define the geographic area ]
country code
The two letter code for the country in which the agency is located
country cousin
If you refer to someone as a country cousin, you think that they are unsophisticated because they come from the country. A person with the unsophisticated or ingenuous manners associated with the country by city dwellers. someone who does not have a lot of experience and is confused by busy city life
country cousin
{i} rural person who is not sophisticated, person from the country who is unsophisticated
country cousin
A relative from the country visiting the city and unfamiliar with city manners and sights
country dance
or contredanse Type of social dance for couples, popular in the 17th century. Derived from English folk dance, the country dance is performed in one of three forms: circular or round; "longways," with rows of couples facing each other; and geometric, in squares or triangles. The main source of country-dance steps and songs is John Playford's The English Dancing Master (1650). The dance was the basis for the 19th-century quadrille. It was taken by colonists to North America as the Virginia reel and, in modified form, as the square dance. There was a modest revival in the 20th century
country dancing
Country dancing is traditional dancing in which people dance in rows or circles. a traditional form of dance in which pairs of dancers move in rows and circles
country doctor
a doctor who practices in the country (rather than in a city) usually remote from a modern hospital; "do country doctors still make house calls?
country gentleman
A man who owns a country estate
country house
A country house is a large, often attractive, house in the country, usually one that is or was owned by a rich or noble family. A residence in the country, especially a mansion or other large dwelling on a country estate. a large house in the countryside, especially one that is of historical interest stately home
country house
home located in a rural area, home located outside of the city
country house
a house (usually large and impressive) on an estate in the country
country life
rural life, village life, small-town lifestyle
country mile
A very great distance
country music
Popular music based on the folk style of the southern rural United States or on the music of cowboys in the American West. Also called country and western. country and western. or country and western Musical style that originated among whites in rural areas of the southern and western U.S. The term country and western music was adopted by the music industry in 1949 to replace the derogatory hillbilly music. Its roots lie in the music of the European settlers of the Appalachians and other areas. In the early 1920s the genre began to be commercially recorded; Fiddlin' John Carson recorded its first hit. Radio programs such as Nashville's Grand Ole Opry and Chicago's National Barn Dance fueled its growth, and growing numbers of musicians, such as the Carter Family and Jimmie Rodgers, began performing on radio and in recording studios. With the migration of Southern whites to industrial cities in the 1930s and '40s, country music was exposed to new influences, such as blues and gospel music. Its nostalgic bias, with its lyrics about poverty, heartbreak, and homesickness, held special appeal during a time of great population shifts. In the 1930s "singing cowboy" film stars, such as Gene Autry, altered country lyrics to produce a synthetic "western" music. Other variants include western swing (see Bob Wills) and honky-tonk (see Ernest Tubb and Hank Williams). In the 1940s there was an effort to return to country's root values (see bluegrass), but commercialization proved a stronger influence, and in the 1950s and '60s country music became a huge commercial enterprise. Popular singers often recorded songs in a Nashville style, while many country music recordings employed lush orchestral backgrounds. Country music has become increasingly acceptable to urban audiences, retaining its vitality with diverse performers such as Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Dolly Parton, Randy Travis, Garth Brooks, Emmylou Harris, and Lyle Lovett. Despite the influence of other styles, it has retained an unmistakable character as one of the few truly indigenous American musical styles
country music
a simple style of folk music heard mostly in the southern United States; usually played on stringed instruments
country music
type of musical style derived from cowboy songs and folk music
country of distress
nation which is experiencing severe problems (such as food shortages, etc.)
country of origin
the country where you were born
country of origin
The trading country from which the goods originated, not the last country of consignment
country of origin
use the code "hcountry" followed by the name of the country: hcountry: united states for art historians resident or who worked in the United States
country of origin
The country of manufacture, production, or growth of any article If the article consists of material produced or derived from, or processed in, more than one foreign territory or country, or insular possession of the U S , it is considered a product of that foreign territory or country, or insular possession where it last underwent a substantial transformation
country of origin
The country from which a good or service originates
country of origin
Tropical Africa
country of origin
The country where the goods originate Same as the country of manufacture
country of origin
the country that produced the imported merchandise See Marking
country of origin
The U S Customs Service defines country of origin as the country where an article was wholly grown, manufactured or produced, or, if not wholly grown, cultivated or produced in one country, the last country in which the article underwent a substantial transformation Duty rates vary according to the country of origin
country of origin
The country where the goods were manufactured
country of origin
native country, motherland, land of one's birth or original citizenship
country of origin
Refers to the country where the product was manufactured This information determines customs charges and taxes in certain countries Certain countries may entirely bar shipments from certain other countries In select countries, a notarized certificate of the country of origin may significantly lower the taxes levied
country of origin
The country in which a product or commodity is manufactured or produced
country of origin
- Generally, the country of origin of a good is the country in which (1) the good is wholly obtained or produced; (2) the good is produced exclusively from domestic materials; or (3) each foreign material incorporated in that good undergoes an applicable change in tariff classification set out in 19 CFR §102 20 and satisfies any other applicable requirements of that section, and all other applicable requirements of these rules are satisfied [19 CFR §102 11]
country of origin
A refugee's home country- where they were born
country of origin
Country where commodities were originally grown, mined, or manufactured
country of origin
country of origin
Country of origin is the country where the merchandise was grown, mined or manufactured, in accordance with US Customs Regulations In instances where the country of origin cannot be determined, transactions are credited to the country of shipment Certain foreign trade reports show country subcodes to indicate special tariff treatment afforded some imported articles
country of origin
The country where merchandise was grown or manufactured
country of origin
Country in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria laid down for the purpose of application of the customs tariff, of quantitative restrictions, or of any other measure related to trade
country of origin
The country in which the student was born
country of origin
country rock
A form of popular music combining features of country music and rock 'n' roll
country seat
A dwelling in the country, used as a place of retirement from the city
country seat
A country seat is a large house with land in the country which is owned by someone who also owns a house in a town. His family have a country seat in Oxfordshire. the countryside house of someone who is rich and owns land
country store
a retail store serving a sparsely populated region; usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise
country style
A casual style that gained popularity in the 1980's and remains popular today, often featuring nature and nostalgic motifs The "appearance" of handcrafting is also important Distressing is commonly seen
country town
rural town, town located away from a city
country vegetable soup
kind of soup containing a variety of vegetables
rough and uncouth; "a country boy
a type of folk dance in which couples are arranged in sets or face one another in a line
typical of the country; "country-style sausage"; "country music
typical of the country; "country-style sausage"; "country music"
rural style, unsophisticated style which is commonly seen in places outside of the city
constituent country
An administrative division of the United Kingdom, of which there are three: the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, and the Principality of Wales (Northern Ireland is a province)
constituent country
(Politika Siyaset) Constituent countries is a phrase used, often by official institutions, in contexts in which a number of countries make up a larger entity or grouping, concerning these countries; thus the OECD has used the phrase in reference to the parts of former Yugoslavia; the Soviet Union referring to the Soviet republics; and European institutions such as the Council of Europe frequently used the expression in reference to the European Union countries. It is not a term of art and has no defined legal meaning; 'constituent' is simply an adjective, and the phrase has no clear meaning outside a context from which the entity or grouping of which the countries in question are constituents or components can be understood
constituent country
(Politika Siyaset) Constituent country is a political term that is sometimes used to describe a country that is part of a larger entity, such as a sovereign state or supranational body
Cockpit Country
Region, western central Jamaica. Covering some 500 sq mi (1,300 sq km), the area has typical karst topography, with conical hills rising above sinkholes with sharp, precipitous sides (called "cockpits"). This inhospitable terrain provided refuge for runaway slaves, who became guerrilla fighters when the English conquered Jamaica in 1665. Their descendants today number about 5,000 and still maintain some independence: all land belongs to the community, they pay no taxes, and the central government may interfere only in case of a capital crime
communist country
country which has a government based on the socialist system
A canton of Switzerland
Basque Country
The region where the Basque language is spoken
Basque Country
An autonomous community entirely within Spain
Basque Country
A geographical region that straddles the border of Spain and France
Black Country
Area in the West Midlands of England, birthplace of the Industrial Revolution
Lucky Country
West Country
The South West of England, especialy Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset
cross-country skiing
Across the country

They took a red-eye flight X-country.

accession country
A country in the process of joining the European Union
alternative country
A subgenre of country music meshing traditional forms of country music with such non-country musical styles including folk, pop, punk and heavy metal
back country
A remote part of a country
classic country
country music produced some time ago, typically before the early 1990s
classic country
traditional country music
cross country
A running sport popular in US high schools, colleges, etc. where participants race over varying terrain (e.g. golf courses, roads, etc.) in approximately 5 - 10K races. Abbreviated XC
cross country
A phase of the equestrian sport of three day eventing, which the horse and rider travel over varied terrain and jump natural obstacles
cross country skiing
Alternative spelling of cross-country skiing
Taking place outside roads

cross-country skiing.

Of travel through a country (such as a coast-to-coast road trip), or through a large part of that country

cross-country flight.

cross-country skiing
An endurance sport and method of getting about involving travelling on skis, uphill as well as downhill
cross-country skiing
A leisure activity using cross-country skis and ski poles for traversing natural terrain during winter
foreign country
any country of which one is not a citizen
fresh country eggs
A common way to describe ordinary chicken eggs on a breakfast menu, especially in expensive restaurants and hotels
home country
the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship
mother country
The country in which a person (or group of people) was born; motherland, homeland
neotraditional country
A subgenre of country music popularized starting in the early- to mid-1980s, emphasizing traditional country sounds rather than popular music sounds. Produced in direct response to the growing influence of country pop music
old country
The country of origin of an immigrant or of a person of immigrant descent

They never wore glad rags like them in the old country, Billy sneered. They had to come over here to get decent clothes and decent grub..

old-time country
Form of American folk music popular in the Southern Appalachian region of the United Staes prior to the early 1930s, emphasizing jug and mountain string bands; influential in early country music
one country, two systems
Slogan for the reunification of China as one country, but with areas like Hong Kong and Taiwan with separate economic and political systems
outlaw country
A subgenre of country music that became popular during the 1970s, fusing older styles (such as honky tonk) with newer styles including rock and blues. Artists involved wrote their own material, demanded creative control of their music and adopted an "outlaw" image
pure country
Synonym for traditional country music
Uncle Sam's country
United States of America
native country
country of origin, country where one was born
Country cottage
Country of origin
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Bilgisayar) country
country müzik
country music

Tom is a country music legend. - Tom bir country müzik efsanesidir.

Mary likes country music. - Mary, country müzikten hoşlanır.
