
listen to the pronunciation of council
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} divan

Lee Leffingwell, Austin Şehir Konseyi'nin başkanıdır. - Lee Leffingwell is the head of the Austin City Council.

Tom Mary'nin öğrenci konseyi başkanı seçilmesini önlemek için gücü dahilinde her şeyi yaptı. - Tom did everything within his power to keep Mary from being elected president of the student council.


Ben beş yıldır belediye meclisindeyim. - I've been on the city council for five years.

İl belediye meclisine adaylığımı koyacağım. - I'm running for city council.

{i} kurul

Yeni bir öneriyi tartışmak için bir yürütme kurulu oluşturuldu. - An executive council was formed to discuss the new proposal.

Council of State Danıştay
(Askeri) KONSEY: Yönetmelikler veya genel emirlerle kurulmuş, daimi inceleme veya istişare grubu. Konsey, kendisine verilmiş konular üzerinde belirli makama teklif ve tavsiyelerde bulunur. İlgili makamların (asker, sivil veya karma) kıdemli temsilcilerinden mürekkeptir. İlgili şahıslar için bu kurulda üyelik -asil sekreterlik görevi almış olanlar dışında- esas görevlerine ek bir görevdir
ihtiyar heyeti
kiraya verilen
danışma kurulu
(ev/daire/vb.) yerel idare tarafından yapılan
{i} yönetim kurulu
{i} İng. belediye meclisi; ihtiyar heyeti
councilman encümen üyesi
Council of Ministers Bakanlar Kurulu
bilhassa belediye encümeni üyesi
Devlet Şurası
belediye meclisi
(Ticaret) idare heyeti
Council of Ministers
Bakanlar Kurulu
council house
sosyal konut
council of a state
council of association
(Kanun) ortaklık konseyi
council of higher education
yüksek öğretim kurulu
Council of Europe
Avrupa Konseyi
Council of State
Devlet ?urası
Council of State
council member
meclis üyesi
council of war
harp meclisi
council estate
(Yaklaşık anlam) Belediye evleri
council for voluntary service
Gönüllü hizmet için belediye
council housing
belediye konut
council of cardinals
kardinaller kurulu
council of europe
avrupa konseyi
council of the four hundred
kurulu dört yüz
council of trent
trent kurulu
council on foreign relations
(ABD) Dış İlişkiler Kurulu
council chairman
(Politika, Siyaset) divan başkanı
council chamber
meclis salonu
council committee
(Kanun) divan heyeti
council communism
(Politika, Siyaset) konsey komünizmi
council conclusions
(Politika, Siyaset) konsey snouç belgesi
council decision
(Avrupa Birliği) Konsey Kararı
council hostel
(Politika, Siyaset) belediye yurdu
council joint action ../../cfsp of ... on ..
(Avrupa Birliği) /../ODGP Sayılı Konsey Ortak Eylemi
council ministers
(Kanun) divan heyeti
council of economic advisors
(Ticaret) ekonomik danışmanlar konseyi
council of ministers
council of ministers
(Ticaret) bakanlar konseyi
council of ministers
(Avrupa Birliği) Avrupa Birliği Konseyi (Bakanlar Konseyi)
council of monuments
anıtlar kurulu
council of sports tourism
(Turizm) sportif turizm kurulu
council of state
devlet şurası
council of the european union
(Politika, Siyaset) avrupa birliği konseyi
council of the european union
(Avrupa Birliği) Avrupa Birliği Konseyi (Bakanlar Konseyi)
council of the european union
(Avrupa Birliği) (Council of Ministers) Avrupa Birliği Konseyi (Bakanlar Konseyi)
council of the ministers
(Avrupa Birliği) Bakanlar Konseyi
council recommendation
(Avrupa Birliği) Konsey Tavsiyesi
council regulation
(Kanun) kurul yönetmeliği
council regulation no ../.. of ..
(Avrupa Birliği) (..) ,,,sayılı ve ,,, tarihli Konsey Tüzüğü
council working group
konsey çalışma grubu
Competition Council
Rekabet kurulu
cooperation council
işbirliği konseyi
cooperation council for the arab states of the gulf
Körfezin Arap ülkeleri için işbirliği konseyi
company council
(Askeri) BÖLÜK HEYETİ: Bir bölükte görevli bulunan subayların tümü. Bunlar; tespit veya emredilen zamanda, bölük parasını kontrol etmek ve bu paranın sarfı hususunda gerekli tekliflerde bulunmak üzere toplanırlar
company council book
(Askeri) BÖLÜK HESAP DEFTERİ: Bölük parasına ait muhasebe kayıtlarını tutmaya yarayan resmi defter
Supreme Council of Justice
Yüksek Adalet Divanı
works council
(Bilim, İlim) İş konseyi
advisory council
(Kanun) danışma meclisi
cabinet council
(Kanun) kabine
higher education council
(Kanun) yükseköğretim kurulu
imperial council
divan-ı hümayun
presidency council
başkanlık divanı
supreme military council
(Askeri,Politika, Siyaset) yüksek askeri şura
works council
işyeri konseyi
youth council
gençlik konseyi
European Council
Avrupa Topluluğu Konseyi
advisory council
danışma konseyi
association council
ortaklık konseyi
chairmanship council
başkanlık konseyi
city council
şehir meclisi
district council
belediye meclisi
municipal council
belediye kurulu
privy council
özel meclis
security council
güvenlik konseyi
town council
belediye meclisi
Public Council
Halk konseyi
Supreme Council of Judges and Public Prosecutors
(Kanun) Hakimler ve Savcılar Yüksek Kurulu
article 46 of the order in council
konseyine düzenin madde 46
business and technology education council
iş ve teknoloji eğitimi konseyi
forest stewardship council
orman yönetim kurulu
general council
Genel şura, genel konsey
interuniversity council
Üniversitelerarası Kurul
local council
Yerel konsey
maintenance council
bakım konseyi
municipal council
belediye meclisi
north atlantic cooperation council
kuzey atlantik işbirliği konseyi
orders in Council
parochial church council
kilise konseyi
presidency of council
(Kanun) konsey başkanlığı
the United Nations´ Security Council
Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi
town council
Belediye meclisi, encümen
uniform code council
üniforma kod konseyi
world council of optometry
dünya optometri konseyi
council of state
devlet şûrası
exchange council
(Askeri) KANTİN HEYETİ: Görevleri; bir ordu kantinine nezaret etmek olan bir subaylar grubu. Kantin subayı da bu heyete dahildir. Buna "post exchange council" de denir
general council
(Askeri) GENEL ŞURA: A. B. D. Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığının projeleri ile, çalışma tarzını münakaşa ve koordine etmek üzere, ara sıra, Kurmay Yarbaşkanı'nın başkanlığında toplanan resmi konsey
meet in council
president of council
divan başkanı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A committee that leads or governs (e.g. city council, student council)
discussion or deliberation
A council is a group of people who are elected to govern a local area such as a city or, in Britain, a county. Cheshire County Council The city council has voted almost unanimously in favour. David Ward, one of just two Liberal Democrats on the council. = local authority
{n} an assembly met for consultation
(n ) Kaligho, kahlihgoh
(Christianity) an assembly or theologians and bishops and other representative of different churches or dioceses that is convened to regulate matters of discipline or doctrine
In some organizations, the council is the group of people that controls or governs it. The permanent council of the Organization of American States meets today here in Washington
[n] An assembly of people meeting to consult, deliberate, or advise on a certain issue
The entire body of registered girl and adult members in a given geographical area such as GSSJP
The volunteer decision-making body at each level Each District, Division, Area and Province, as well as National, has a Council responsible for that level Each Council is composed, in part, of representatives from the next lower Council (for example, Area Council has Division Commissioners as Members)
A council is a specially organized, formal meeting that is attended by a particular group of people. President Najibullah said he would call a grand council of all Afghans = conference. municipal council Basel Council of Chalcedon Council of Clermont Council of Constance Council of Constantinople Council of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Europe Council of Ferrara Florence Council of Foreign Ministers Council of Four Hundred Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council Jerusalem Council of Lateran Council National Security Council Nicaea Council of order in council Privy Council Sovereign Council Trent Council of United Nations Security Council United Nations Trusteeship Council Vatican Council Second World Council of Churches
a meeting of people for consultation; "emergency council" a body serving in an administrative capacity; "student council" (Christianity) an assembly or theologians and bishops and other representative of different churches or dioceses that is convened to regulate matters of discipline or doctrine
Act of deliberating; deliberation; consultation
An assembly of men summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice; as, a council of physicians for consultation in a critical case
A collection of Cub Scout Districts Our is the Chickasaw Council
{i} assembly, board, group of people (gathered to advise, plan, etc.)
Council houses or flats are owned by the local council, and people pay rent to live in them. There is a shortage of council housing
the Student Union Council (Fredericton) and the Student Representative Council (Saint John)
A formal meeting of all the wolf-rider elves in the holt, usually to consider a major decision
The local body that operates from the town hall to raise local taxes and administer local services A formal group of experts brought together on a regular basis to debate matters within that sphere of expertise, and with advisory powers to government It can be contrasted with a commission which, although also a body of experts, is typically given regulatory powers in addition to a role as advisor to the government
Whenever the word "council" is used in this code, it shall be construed to mean the city council of the City of Fairfield
A body of man elected or appointed to constitute an advisory or a legislative assembly; as, a governor's council; a city council
The governing body of the School, responsible for determining strategy, including the strategic approach to teaching and learning Its members are company directors of the School It comprises lay, academic and student members, elected under Memorandum and Articles of Association
Council is used in the names of some organizations. the National Council for Civil Liberties. community health councils
A Council, in the context of Religious life, refers to the members of the Leadership group: they are responsible for the welfare of the members and the administration of the goods belonging to the Institute
Common term for Institute Advisory Board Each NIH institute convenes such a group to review the decisions of the IRGs for program relevance and need and to determine institute funding levels This is the second stage of the peer review process
a body serving in an administrative capacity; "student council"
elected or appointed group of people assembled for governing or advising, as in: We're going to have to take that idea up with the town council
Indicates a regional fishery management group The Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 as amended created the regional councils For example, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council develops fishery policies designed to manage those species most often found in Gulf federal waters
a meeting of people for consultation; "emergency council"
The Oregon Investment Council
A formal group of experts brought together on a regular basis to debate matters within that sphere of expertise, and with advisory powers to government For example, Canada has a 'Standards Council of Canada" which debates and proposes standards policies and is able to make recomendations to the government of Canada It can be contrasted with a commission which, although also a body of experts, is typically given regulatory powers in addition to a role as advisor to the government
council estate
A housing estate consisting, entirely or principally, of council housing
council estates
plural form of council estate
Council for Higher Education
governmental Israeli institution which deals with matters of higher education
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
or Comecon Organization founded in 1949 to facilitate and coordinate the economic development of Soviet-bloc countries. Its original members were the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania; other members joined later, including Albania (1949) and the German Democratic Republic (1950). Its accomplishments included the organization of Eastern Europe's railroad grid, the creation of the International Bank for Economic Cooperation, and the construction of the "Friendship" oil pipeline. After the democratic revolutions of 1989, it largely lost its purpose and power. In 1991 it was renamed the Organization for International Economic Cooperation
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
{i} Comecon, organization founded in 1949 to facilitate and coordinate the economic development of countries of the Soviet Union (the organizaton was disbanded in 1991)
Council for a Beautiful Israel
organization which lobbies for the beautification of Israel's cities and countryside
Council for the Prevention of Noise and Pollution
organization working to improve the quality of the environment
Council for the Protection of Rural England
the full name of the CPRE
Council of Basel
(1431-49) Council of the Roman Catholic church held in Basel, Switz. It addressed the question of ultimate authority in the church and the problem of the Hussite heresy. Its members renewed the decree Sacrosancta (issued by the Council of Constance), which declared the council's authority to be greater than the pope's, and voted to receive most Hussites back into the church on terms opposed by the pope. In 1437 Pope Eugenius IV transferred the council to Ferrara to negotiate reunion with the Orthodox church more effectively, but several members remained in Basel as a rump council and declared Eugenius deposed. They then elected a new pope, Felix V, and the renewed schism cost the council its prestige and popular support. On the death of Eugenius, his successor, Nicholas V, obliged the antipope Felix to abdicate, ended the rump council, and brought the conciliar movement to a close
Council of Cardinals
council of high ranking Catholic officials which advises the Pope and chooses his successor
Council of Chalcedon
(451) Fourth ecumenical council of the Christian Church, held in Chalcedon (modern Kadiköy, Turkey). Called by the emperor Marcian, it approved the creeds of Nicaea (325) and Constantinople (381, later known as the Nicene Creed) and rejected the Monophysite heresy. The council disciplined clergy and declared Jerusalem and Constantinople patriarchates
Council of Clermont
(1095) Assembly for church reform called by Pope Urban II. When the Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus requested aid against the Muslim Turks, the council became the occasion for launching the First Crusade. Urban thus launched a movement that caught the popular imagination with the idea of retaking Jerusalem
Council of Constance
(1414-18) 16th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic church. It was convened at the request of Emperor Sigismund to deal with three competing popes, examine the writings of Jan Hus and John Wycliffe, and reform the Church. National political rivalries divided the Council of Constance. Two of the three contending popes were deposed; the third abdicated, and in 1417 the council selected a new pope, Martin V. The Council condemned propositions of Hus and Wycliffe, and Hus was burned at the stake by secular authorities
Council of Constantinople
Any of several church councils, some of which are recognized as ecumenical, held in the city of Constantinople. The First Council of Constantinople, the second ecumenical council of the Christian church, was summoned by Emperor Theodosius I in 381. It promulgated the Nicene Creed and declared finally the Trinitarian doctrine of the equality of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It gave the bishop of Constantinople honour second only to that of the pope. Only Eastern bishops were summoned to the council, but the Greeks claimed that it was ecumenical. It did come to be so regarded, though the Western church did not accept the ranking of Constantinople as second to Rome until the 13th century. The Second Council of Constantinople, held in 553, was called by Justinian I; by endorsing an edict of Justinian's, it lent support to Monophysitism and diminished the earlier Council of Chalcedon. The Third Council of Constantinople, held in 680, condemned the Monothelites, who claimed that Christ had a single will despite his two natures. The Fourth Council of Constantinople, held in 869-870 at the suggestion of Basil I, resulted in the excommunication of St. Photius and increased the animosity between the Eastern and Western churches
Council of Europe
an organization which was established in 1949 to develop greater unity between the countries of Europe, and to encourage democratic government and respect for human rights. It now consists of about 40 European countries, and its members develop policies on education, crime, health, and the environment. Complaints about cruel or unfair treatment can be settled in the Council's court, the European Court of Human Rights. Although it has close connections with the European Union, it is a separate organization. Organization of more than 40 European states formed to promote European unity, protect human rights, and facilitate social and economic progress. Established in 1949 by 10 western European states, it has devised international agreements on human rights and established a number of special bodies and expert committees on social, legal, and cultural issues. It is headquartered in Strasbourg, France. (The Council of Europe should not be confused with the European Council, which is a policy-making body of the European Union.)
Council of Europe
council of western European nations
Council of Ferrara-Florence
(1438-45) Ecumenical council held in an attempt to reunify the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. It was called by Pope Eugenius IV; the Eastern church was represented by Emperor John VIII Palaeologus and others. Fear of facing the Turks without Western support led the Eastern participants to sign the Decree of Union (1439), but on their return to Constantinople most renounced it. Union was officially declared in Hagia Sophia in 1452, but the following year the Ottoman Empire captured Constantinople, and the few partisans of the union fled. In 1448 a council of Eastern bishops condemned it officially. General support for the council and its goals strengthened the authority of the papacy and contributed to the failure of the conciliar movement
Council of Foreign Ministers
Organization of the foreign ministers of the U.S., Britain, France, and the Soviet Union the World War II Allied Powers. In meetings between 1945 and 1972, they attempted to reach postwar political agreements. They produced treaties of peace with Italy, Hungary, Romania, Finland, and Bulgaria and resolved the Trieste problem in 1946. They convened the Geneva Conference on the Korean War in 1954, and in 1955 agreed on an Austrian treaty. They recessed after failing to agree on German unification in 1959; in 1972 they paved the way for both East and West Germany to enter the UN
Council of Jerusalem
Conference of the Christian Apostles at Jerusalem AD 50, which decreed that Gentile Christians did not have to observe the Mosaic law of the Jews. It was occasioned by the controversy over whether circumcision was necessary for Gentile converts to Christianity. Led by Sts. Peter the Apostle and James, the council decided the issue in favor of St. Paul and the Gentile Christians, thus helping to separate early Christianity from Judaism
Council of Nicaea
(AD 325) First ecumenical council of the Christian Church, held at Nicaea (now Iznik, Turkey). Called by Emperor Constantine I, the council condemned Arianism and drew up the Nicene Creed. It failed to set a uniform date for Easter
Council of Rabbis
board of rabbis made up of rabbis from varying Jewish movements
Council of Trent
(1545-63) 19th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic church, which made sweeping reforms and laid down dogma clarifying nearly all doctrines contested by the Protestants. Convened by Pope Paul III at Trento in northern Italy, it served to revitalize Roman Catholicism in many parts of Europe. In its first period (1545-47) it accepted the Nicene Creed as the basis of Catholic faith, fixed the canon of the Old and New Testaments, set the number of sacraments at seven, and defined the nature and consequences of original sin; it also ruled against Martin Luther's doctrine of justification by faith. In its second period (1551-52) it confirmed the doctrine of transubstantiation and issued decrees on episcopal jurisdiction and clerical discipline. In the final period (1562-63) it defined the mass as a true sacrifice and issued statements on several other doctrinal issues. By the end of the 16th century, many of the abuses that had motivated the Protestant Reformation had disappeared, and the church had reclaimed many of its European followers
Council of the Four Hundred
(411 BC) Oligarchical council that briefly took power in Athens during the Peloponnesian War in a coup inspired by Antiphon and Alcibiades. An extremely antidemocratic council, it was soon replaced, at the insistence of the Athenian fleet, by a more moderate oligarchy, the Five Thousand. The new council lasted only 10 months, but full democracy was restored in 410 and a commission set up to prevent a recurrence. See also Theramenes
council bluffs
a town in southwest Iowa on the Missouri River across from Omaha
council chamber
boardroom: a room where a committee meets (such as the board of directors of a company)
council estate
an area in a town or city with streets of council houses
council for child welfare
organization which handles the problems of violence against children
council house
In Britain, a council house is a house that is owned by a local council and that people can rent at a low cost. a house or flat in Britain that is provided by the local council for a very low rent
council member
a member of a council
council of chalcedon
an ecumenical council of the Christian Church held in Chalcedon in 451
council of economic advisors
an executive agency responsible for providing economic advice to the President
council of ministers
A body of advisers to a head of state
council of trent
an ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church convened in Trento in three sessions between 1545 and 1563 in response to the Reformation; redefined the Roman Catholic doctrine and abolished various ecclesiastical abuses and strengthened the papacy
council of war
committee of high-ranking military officials which discuss and determine strategies
council of war
A council of war is a meeting that is held in order to decide how a particular threat or emergency should be dealt with. councils of war a meeting to decide how to deal with a particular problem - used humorously
council on environmental policy
the executive agency that advises the President on protecting the environment
council tax
A local tax set by local authorities in order to meet their budget requirement
council tax
A property based tax paid to local councils to help pay for the services it provides
council tax
a tax levied on households by local authorities; based on the estimated value of the property and the number of people living in it
council tax
The Council Tax was introduced in 1993/94 Each residential property is placed in one of the eight council tax valuation bands determined by its estimated market value on 1st April 1991 There are discounts including where only one adult lives in the property Bills are also reduced for properties with people on low incomes, some people with disabilities and some other special cases
council tax
An annual fee paid to a local authority to cover essential services such as road maintenance, rubbish collection and leisure centres   Council tax is based on the value of the property according to set bands
council tax
In Britain, council tax is a tax that you pay to your local authority in order to pay for local services such as schools, libraries, and rubbish collection. The amount of council tax that you pay depends on the value of the house or flat where you live. a tax which every home in Britain has to pay to local government, based on the area and the value of the house, flat etc
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (French: Comité des ministres du Conseil de l'Europe) or commonly the Committee of Ministers (French: Comité des ministres) is the Council of Europe's decision-making body
Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (CCASG; ), also known as the The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC; مجلس التعاون الخليجي) is a trade bloc involving the six Arab states of the Persian Gulf with many economic and social objectives
common council
city council
county council
A county council is an organization which runs local government in a county in Britain. Devon County Council. a group of people who are elected to the local government of a county, especially in Britain
county council
the elected governing body of a county
International Cricket Council
the governing body that organizes world cricket
Security Council
The UN Security Council
UN Security Council
The permanent international peacekeeping organ of the United Nations
city council
A governing body of people elected to oversee management of a city and represent the interests of residents
Attributive form of city council, noun
domestic policy council
A council that coordinates the domestic policy-making process in the White House and offers policy advice to the President
minority council
a civic governing coalition whereby the Mayor's political allies in city council hold a minority of the seats; a form of minority government . As a Mayor may be directly elected, the allied councillors need not hold a plurality of the seats, the opposition alliance on council may contain a majority of the seats on council
In some Commonwealth parliamentary systems, a legally-enforceable decree by the executive branch of a government

Ontario's ninth statutory holiday was approved with an order-in-council. . . . The document needs only to have two cabinet signatures.

privy council
A body of advisers to a sovereign functioning much as a cabinet
privy council
The British Privy Council
unitary council
A single-tier local authority that has responsibility for all government functions in its area
works council
An organization representing workers within a commercial corporation, known by several European jurisdictions
works council
A "shop-floor" organization representing workers, which functions as local/firm-level complement to national labour negotiations
Business and Technology Education Council
The Business & Technology Education Council (BTEC) was a subdegree-conferring council in the United Kingdom until 1996, when its functions were transferred to Edexcel. The council offered further and higher education awards, particularly to polytechnics, and in particular the BTEC Nationals and BTEC Higher Nationals awards which remain prominent. It is not to be confused with BTech
Gulf Cooperation Council
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (CCASG; ), also known as the The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC; مجلس التعاون الخليجي) is a trade bloc involving the six Arab states of the Persian Gulf with many economic and social objectives
North Atlantic Cooperation Council
The North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC) was a NATO organisation founded on 1991 December and was the precursor to the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. It initially brought together NATO and nine central and eastern European nations in a consultative forum. By 1992 March, all members of the CIS joined, with Georgia and Albania becoming members in June of that year
order in council
(British) A sovereign's order on an administrative matter, given on the advice of the Privy Council
British Council
British government advisory body
General Medical Council
GMC, the
United Nations Security Council
UN members agree to abide by the Security Council's resolutions when they join. The Security Council investigates disputes that threaten international peace and advises on how to resolve them. To prevent or halt aggression, it may impose diplomatic or economic sanctions or authorize the use of military force. Each of the permanent members holds veto power in decisions on substantive matters, such as the application of sanctions. Decisions on both substantive and procedural matters require nine affirmative votes, including the affirmative vote of all five permanent members (though in practice a permanent member may abstain without impairing the validity of a decision)
article 46 of the order in council
pre-Israeli article in the British mandate which determined that during the event of a lack in the Israeli law one should turn to the principles of the English court
plural of council
Buddhist councils Lyon Councils of Toledo councils of
order in council
In Britain, a regulation traditionally issued by the sovereign on the advice of the Privy Council. In modern practice, an order is issued only on the advice of ministers, and the minister in charge of the department concerned with the order's subject matter is responsible to Parliament for its contents. Most orders in council today are issued to implement legislation passed by Parliament
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف council في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

council of monuments
anitlar kurulu
council of monuments
anıtlar kurulu
number/year/EEC of the Council of (day
(Hukuk) month-year) on (concerning, relating to)