(Askeri) TALİ KOZMİK RADYASYON: Esas kozmik ışın partiküllerinin yukarı atmosfer atom ve molekülleriyle çarpışması sonucu meydana gelen enerji yüklü nükleer kalıntılar ve elektromanyetik radyasyon
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
تعريف cosmic radiation في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
streams of highly penetrating charged particles bombarding the earth from outer space
Electromagnetic radiation, mostly in the microwave range, believed to be the highly redshifted residual effect (see redshift) of the explosion billions of years ago from which, according to the big-bang model, the universe was created. It was discovered by accident in 1964 by Robert W. Wilson and Arno Penzias; its presence supports the predictions of big-bang cosmology