region in the midwestern United States (includes Illinois, Indiana and Iowa) which is ideal for raising corn and livestock which is fed on corn
An agricultural region of the central United States primarily in Iowa and Illinois but also including parts of Indiana, Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and Ohio. The chief products of the area are corn and corn-fed livestock. a large area in the central part of the US which produces a lot of corn (= maize in British English) as food for cattle. It includes Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and parts of other states. Traditional area, midwestern U.S. Roughly covering western Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, southern Minnesota, eastern South Dakota, Missouri, eastern Nebraska, and eastern Kansas, it is a region in which corn and soybeans are the dominant crops. Many farms are family-operated and average more than 300 acres (120 hectares). Despite the name, the region is agriculturally diverse, raising various feed-grains and livestock
midwestern United States (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana); excellent for raising corn and corn-fed livestock