
listen to the pronunciation of control
الإنجليزية - التركية
kontrol etmek

Duygularımızı kontrol etmek bazen zordur. - It's sometimes difficult to control our feelings.

Onu kontrol etmek için bir şirket kurdular. - They formed a company to control it.


Doğum kontrolü için bir prezervatif kullandın, değil mi? - You used a condom for birth control, right?

Hiç kimse bizi kontrol edemez. - Nobody can control us.

kontrol yapmak
kontrolünü yapmak
hakim olmak
{f} kontrol et

Kendinizi kontrol etmeye çalışın. - Try to control yourselves.

Hayatta bazı şeyler kontrol etme yeteneğimizin ötesindedir. - Some things in life are beyond our ability to control.

(ç.) (uçak/vb.) kumanda donanımı

İnka İmparatorluğu yönetimi her şeyi kontrol etti. - The government of the Inca Empire controlled everything.


Gerçekten denetimde misin? - Are you really in control?

Tom, Xbox One denetimcisini DualShock 4'ün üstünde tercih ediyor. - Tom prefers the Xbox One controller over the DualShock 4.


Kaderi idare etmek isteyen asla barış bulamaz. - He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace.

kumanda cihazları
(Tıp) Gözlem altında tutmak, kontrol etmek
(Askeri) (NATO) KONTROL YETKİSİ: Bir komutanın kendi komutası altında bulunanlardan başka birlik ve teşkillerin faaliyetleri üzerinde haiz olabileceği tam komuta yetkisinden daha az kısmi yetki. Bu yetki tamamen veya kısmen devredilebilir veya tahsis edilebilir
{f} denetle
{i} yönetim, idare, egemenlik, hâkimiyet
control group deney yapılan
{f} idare etmek

Kaderi idare etmek isteyen asla barış bulamaz. - He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace.

{i} otorite
{f} idare etmek, hâkim olmak
(Tıp) Gözlem (deney) sonuçlarını karşılaştırmada standart olarak kullanılan herhangi bir şey (deney hayvanı gibi)
{i} sorumluluk
kontrol kolları ve düğmeleri
denetim denetim, denetlemek
{i} güç

Tom öfkesini kontrol etmekte güçlük çekiyor. - Tom has difficulty controlling his anger.

Franko'nun güçleri İspanya'da kontrolü ele geçirdi. - Franco's forces took control in Spain.

{f} işletmek
hâkim olma hâkimiyet
(Askeri) (INTELLIGENCE) KONTROL (İSTİHBARAT): Bknz. "control, (DOD, IADB) parts 3 and 4"
istenilmeyen bir şeyin etkisini azaltacak program ve tedbir
spiritualizmde medyumu hareket ettiren ruh
(Bilgisayar) denetimi
(Ticaret) yönetmek
(Bilgisayar) control
kontrol edilmiş
control ball
(Bilgisayar) imleç
control box
kontrol paneli
control desk
(Bilgisayar) kontrol masası
control law
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kontrol kuralı
control line
(Askeri) ateş emniyet hattı
control loop
(Bilgisayar) kontrol döngüsü
control port
(Askeri) kontrol limanı
control run
(Bilgisayar) çalışmayı kontrol et
control ship
(Askeri) kontrol gemisi
control zone
(Askeri) kontrol bölgesi
control animal
kontrol hayvanı
control apparatus
kontrol cihazı
control ball
imleç denetim topu
control battery
kumanda bataryası
control block
kontrol bloğu
control board
yönetim kurulu
control box
kontrol kutusu
control box
yönetim odası
control bus
ana denetim yolu
control cable
kumanda kablosu
control card
denetim kartı
control card
kontrol kartı
control center
kontrol merkezi
control character
kontrol karakteri
control chart
kontrol grafiği
control chart
denetim grafiği
control circuit
kontrol devresi
control circuit voltage
kontrol devresi gerilimi
control code
denetim kodu
control compartment
kumanda bölümü
control computer
denetim bilgisayarı
control console
ana kumanda masası
control counter
denetim sayacı
control data
denetim verisi
control desk
denetim masası
control desk
kumanda masası
control electrode
kontrol elektrodu
control engage
kontrol bağlantı
control engage disangage
kontrol açma kapama
control experiment
kontrol deneyi
control field
denetim alanı
control function
kontrol işlevi
control gear
kumanda dişlisi
control grid
kontrol ızgarası
control grid current
kumanda ızgara akımı
control group
kontrol türkümü
control handle
kumanda kolu
control hole
denetim deliği
control hysteresis
kontrol histerezisi
control instructions
denetim komutu
control key
kontrol tuşu
control knob
ayar butonu
control knob
control knob
kontrol düğmesi
control language
denetim dili
control language interpreter
denetim dili yorumlayıcısı
control law
denetim kuralı
control lever
kumanda kolu
control limit
denetim sınırı
control loop
denetim döngüsü
control mark
denetim işareti
control mechanism
kumanda mekanizması
control mechanism
kontrol mekanizması
control menu
denetim menüsü
control message display
denetim mesajı göstericisi
control monitor
kontrol ekranı
control operation
kontrol işlemi
control panel
kontrol paneli
control piston
kumanda pistonu
control point
denetim noktası
control point
denetim çekidi
control port
kontrol kapısı
control program
denetim bağdarlaması
control program
denetim programı
control ratchet
kumanda mandalı
control ratio
kontrol oranı
control register
denetim yazmacı
control rod
kontrol çubuğu
control room
kontrol odası
control room
yönetim odası
control routine
denetim yordamı
control sample
kontrol numunesi
control section
denetim kesimi
control sequence
denetim sırası
control shaft
kontrol mili
control signal
kontrol sinyali
control stack
denetim yığını
control statement
denetim deyimi
control station
kontrol istasyonu
control stick
kumanda kolu
control stock
yönetim sermayesi
control strip
kontrol bandı
control system
kontrol sistemi
control system
kontrol jüyesi
control system
denetim jüyesi
control tape
denetim bandı
control test
kontrol deneyi
control total
denetim toplamı
control tower
kontrol kulesi

Pilot, kontrol kulesi ile olan iletişimi onarmaya çalışıyor. - The pilot is trying to restore communication with the control tower.

control transfer
kontrol transferi
control transfer instruction
denetim aktarım komutu
control tube
kontrol tüpü
control unit
Denetim Birimi
control valve
kontrol valfı
control voltage
kontrol gerilimi
control word
denetim sözcüğü
control author
(Bilgisayar) Kontrol yazarı

He works as a control author in Microsoft.

control characteristic
kontrol eğrisi
control device
kontrol cihazı
control event rate: see event rate
Kontrol olay hızı: Bak olay oranı
control freak
İnsanları ve davranışlarını kendi istediği gibi kontrol etme hastası olmuş kişi
control holes
denetim delikleri
control limits
denetim sınırları
control number
kontrol numarası
control of
control oneself
Kendini kontrol etmek
control pad
kontrol pedi
control relay
kontrol rölesi
control stick
kontrol çubuğu
control tower
KONTROL KULESİ: Hava meydanları civarında bulunan ve hava trafiğini idare edecek personel ve teçhizatı ihtiva eden bir bina
control turns
kontrol sargıları
control wear
control wear
Korseli giysi, vücut şekillendirici giysi
control account
(Askeri) MUVAZENE HESABI: Birbirinin aynı olan aralarında münasebet bulunan ve yardımcı hesaplar denilen hesaplardan bir kısmına müessir muhasebe işlemlerinin ayrı ayrı tespit edilmiş özelliklerinden mürekkep hesap. Bu suretle yardımcı hesapların genel toplamı muvazene hesaplarının toplamına eşit olarak gösterilebilir
control airport
(Askeri) HAVA TRAFİK KONTROL MEYDANI: Hava trafiğinin, emniyet bakımından yerden telsizle ve gözle görülen işaretlerle idare edildiği hava meydanı
control ball
Denetim Topu
control board
kumanda tablosu
control branch
(Askeri) SUBAY TAYİN VE İŞLEM ŞUBESİ: Bir subaya ait tayinleri 've diğer personel işlemlerini yapmaktan sorumlu tayin şubesi
control buoy
(Askeri) İŞARET ŞAMANDIRASI: Bir su altı mayınının veya mayın şebekesinin mevkiini veya muhtemel yerini gösteren şamandıra. Buna "marking buoy" da denir
control condition
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kontrol koşulu
control drive
(Nükleer Bilimler) kontrol mekanizması,kontrol sürücüsü
control echo
(Nükleer Bilimler) kontrol yankısı
control element
(Nükleer Bilimler) kontrol elemanı
control group
(Askeri) BÖLGE İHTİYAT PERSONEL GRUBU: Kontrol ve istatistiki hesapların tutulması maksadıyla kurulmuş bir idari teşkil. Bu gruplar teşkilat ve konuş şemasındaki birliklere tahsis edilmemiş münferit ihtiyat personelinden teşkil edilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "amphibious control group"
control independence
(Nükleer Bilimler) kontrol bağımsızlığı
control instructions
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) denetim komutları
control line
(Askeri) (NO-FIRE LINE) Ateş emniyet hattı
control objects
Denetim Nesneleri
control of oceanographic information
(Askeri) oşinografik bilgi kontrolü
control oneself
kendine hâkim olmak
control panel
(Tekstil) kontrol terminali, kontrol paneli
control period
(Askeri) KONTROL DEVRESİ: İkmal faaliyetlerinde, stoklamayı tespit ve istek gaye seviyesini hesaplamak için gerekli talep tarihçesinin toplanmasında bir temel süre olarak faydalanılan ve normal olarak, gün olarak ifade edilen bir devre
control range
kontrol (denetim) erimi
control region
(Askeri) meteorolojik bölge
control rod drive
(Nükleer Bilimler) kontrol çubuğu sürgüsü
control rod drive housing
(Nükleer Bilimler) kontrol çubuğu sürgü yuvası
control rod operation
(Nükleer Bilimler) kontrol çubuğu hareketleri
control sensitivity
kontrol (denetim) duyarligi
control servo
(Askeri) KOMUTA SERVOSU: Bir hava aracı üzerinde bulunan ve pilotun, komuta bakımından, bedeni gayretini arttıran veya kuvvetlendiren bir cihaz. Bu cihaz, mekanik, elektriki hidrolik veya hava tertibatlı olabilir
control sleeve
(Tekstil) ayar duyu
control stick steering
(Askeri) OTOMATİK PİLOTTA LÖVYEYLE YÖNLENDİRME: Otomatik uçuş kontrol sistemiyle uçuşta lövyeyle ufak yönlendirmeler suretiyle bir uçağın kontrolü
control surface
(Askeri) KUMANDA SATHI: Uçağın hızını azaltmak ve istikametini değiştirmek için icabında dönecek veya başka bir şekilde hareket edecek tarzda imal edilmiş taşıyıcı satıh
control system
(Askeri) KONTROLLU MAYIN ATEŞLEME TERTİBATI: Kontrollu su altı mayın grubunun ateşlenmesini tanzim etmek üzere kullanılan ve kıyıda bulunan bir tertibat
control toolbox
Denetim Araç Kutusu
control vehicle
(Askeri) SÖZLEŞME ARACI: Kabiliyetleri bilinen standart bir araç. Bu araç tecrübeye tabi tutulan diğer bir araçla birlikte çalıştırılır
control wizard
Denetim Sihirbazı
control zone
(Askeri) HAVA KONTROL BÖLGESİ: Yetkili makam tarafından tespit edilmiş yerden veya su üzerinden yukarıya doğru uzanan ve bir veya daha çok hava alanını içine alan bir hava bölgesi. Bu bölge içinde kurallar, hava kontrol sahalarındaki uçuşları düzenleyenlere ilaveten hava trafiğinin korunması ile de ilgilidir
kontrol ederek

Sami hayatını milyon dolarlık anlaşmaları kontrol ederek geçirdi. - Sami spent her life controlling million-dollar deals.


Başımı kaybetmemek için kendimi kontrol ediyorum. - I'm controlling myself not to lose my head.

Polis kalabalığı kontrol ediyordu. - The police were controlling the crowd.

(Bilgisayar) denetim
idare edilebilir

Araba dijital kontrollü klima ile donatılmıştır. - The car is equipped with digitally controlled air conditioning.

Mary kontrollü bir eşti. - Mary was a controlled wife.

{f} kontrol et

Tom her şeyi kontrol etti. - Tom controlled everything.

Yabancılar gizlice Dünya'nın ilerlemesini kontrol etti. - Aliens controlled Earth's progress in secret.

{i} kontrol etme

Önümüzdeki 4 ila 6 hafta, büyük Ebola salgınını kontrol etmekte çok önemlidir. - The next four to six weeks are crucial in controlling the massive Ebola outbreak.

Duygularımı kontrol etmek benim görevim değil. - Controlling my emotions is not my forte.

kontrol eden
{f} kontrol et

Öfkemi kontrol etmekte zorlanıyorum. - I have trouble controlling my anger.

Duygularımı kontrol etmek benim görevim değil. - Controlling my emotions is not my forte.


Uçağın kontrolleri düzensizdi. - The controls of the plane were out of order.

Almanya ülkeye gelen göçmenlerin sayısını azaltmak için Avusturya ile geçici sınır kontrollerine başlıyor. - Germany is introducing temporary border controls with Austria to reduce the number of migrants coming into the country.

Joint Mobility Control Group; joint movement control group
(Askeri) Müşterek Seyyar Kontrol Grubu; müşterek intikal kontrol grubu
National Communications System; naval control of shipping; net control station
(Askeri) Milli Muhabere Sistemi; deniz ulaştırmasına deniz kuvvetleri kontrolü; şebeke kontrol istasyonu
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The method and means of governing the performance of any apparatus, machine or system, such as a lever, handle or button
restraint or ability to contain one's emotions, or self-control
An interface element that a computer user interacts with, such as a window or a text box
To exercise influence over, to suggest or dictate the behavior of, oversit

With a simple remote, he could control the toy truck.

Influence or authority over

The government has complete control over the situation.

A security mechanism, policy, or procedure that can counter system attack, reduce risks, and resolve vulnerabilities, synonymous with safeguard and counter-measure
A separate group or subject in an experiment against which the results are compared where the primary variable is low or nonexistence
to exercise a directing, restraining, or governing influence over
{n} power, authority, a check, a restraint
{v} to govern, check, restrain, stop
the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc
great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity; "a good command of French"
"they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls"
In a graphical user interface (GUI), an object on the screen that can be manipulated by a user to perform an action Perhaps the most common controls are buttons that a user can click to select an option, and scroll bars that a user employs to move through a document or position text in a window
a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another; "measures for the control of disease"; "they instituted controls over drinking on campus"
A standard of comparison by which experimental results are evaluated A control differs from the experiment in a single variable, and enables the assessment of significance of experimental results
{i} rule, command; supervision; control panel; restraint
The people who control an organization or place have the power to take all the important decisions about the way that it is run. He now controls the largest retail development empire in southern California Minebea ended up selling its controlling interest in both firms. + -controlled -controlled AGA Gas is Swedish-controlled. the state-controlled media
If you show control, you prevent yourself behaving in an angry or emotional way. He had a terrible temper, and sometimes he would completely lose control He was working hard to keep control of himself
Any of the physical factors determining the climate of any particular place, as latitude,distribution of land and water, altitude, exposure, prevailing winds, permanent high- or low-barometric-pressure areas, ocean currents, mountain barriers, soil, and vegetation
To exercise influence over, to suggest or dictate the behavior of
a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment; "the control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw"
In a case-control study, comparison group of persons without disease
1 To regulate restrain, correct, restore to normal 2 Applied to many communicable and some noncommmunicable conditions, control means ongoing operations or programs aimed at reducing incidence and/or prevalence, or eliminating such conditions See also command and control model; span of control
To control a piece of equipment, process, or system means to make it work in the way that you want it to work. a computerised system to control the gates the controlled production of energy from sugar by a cell. + -controlled -controlled computer-controlled traffic lights
If you have control of something or someone, you are able to make them do what you want them to do. He lost control of his car Some teachers have more control over pupils than their parents have
"they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls" a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another; "measures for the control of disease"; "they instituted controls over drinking on campus" verify by using a duplicate register for comparison; "control an account" exercise authoritative control or power over; "control the budget"; "Command the military forces" lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger" verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments; "Are you controlling for the temperature?
be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; "He verified that the valves were closed"; "See that the curtains are closed"; "control the quality of the product"
That which serves to check, restrain, or hinder; restraint
To exercise restraining or governing influence over; to check; to counteract; to restrain; to regulate; to govern; to overpower
A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register; a counter register
Control of an organization, place, or system is the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run. The restructuring involves Mr Ronson giving up control of the company The first aim of his government would be to establish control over the republic's territory. If you are in control of something, you have the power to make all the important decisions about the way it is run. Nobody knows who is in control of the club In the West, people feel more in control of their own lives. If something is under your control, you have the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run. All the newspapers were taken under government control
Control is used to refer to a place where your documents or luggage are officially checked when you enter a foreign country. He went straight through Passport Control without incident. see also air traffic control, birth control, quality control, remote control, stock control
A synonym for a visible dialog or window object, such as include labels, text boxes, lists, combo lists, option buttons, and command buttons
the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc ; "they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls"
in vaccine clinical trials, the control group is given either the standard treatment for the disease or an inactive substance called a placebo The control group is compared with one or more groups of volunteers given experimental vaccines to detect any effects of the vaccines
Adherence to and compliance with approved policies and procedures to ensure organizational responsibility for property is established, accurate locations are maintained, usage is authorized, and safeguards for handling, storage, and use are observed
- the mail package format/creative that's done the best for you; the one that's yielded the greatest response
To control something dangerous means to prevent it from becoming worse or from spreading. One of the biggest tasks will be to control the spread of malaria
The part of an experiment that remains unchanged or whose change is carefully regulated The control is compared to the experimental subject to see if change occurs
An arrangement of chemical, electronic, electrical, and mechanical components that commands or directs the management of a system
exercise authoritative control or power over; "control the budget"; "Command the military forces"
researchers design experiments to eliminate (control for) the effect of non-experimental variables on the results For example, a study may compare the outcomes of two groups that differ only because one received the experimental condition and the other did not (the control group) Medication trials are often "placebo controlled" by using a control group that is treated similarly in all ways except they receive a non-active medication (placebo) instead of the active medication being studied
have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of; "Do you control these data?"
discipline in personal and social activities; "he was a model of polite restraint"; "she never lost control of herself"
The process of comparing actual performance with planned performance, analyzing variances, evaluating possible alternatives, and taking appropriate corrective action as needed
to command; screen displays can have controls such as dropdown list boxes, buttons and other such objects
An object that enables user interaction or input, often to initiate an action, display information, or set values Common controls are radio buttons, pull-down menus, check boxes, etc
Power or authority to check or restrain; restraining or regulating influence; superintendence; government; as, children should be under parental control
To verify or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or by comparing with another standard To verify (an account, for example) by using a duplicate register for comparison In experimental parapsychology a procedure undertaken in order to ensure that the experiment is conducted in a standard fashion and so that results are not unduly influenced by extraneous factors
handle and cause to function; "do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol"; "control the lever"
If something is out of control, no-one has any power over it. The fire is burning out of control
(n ) An interface element that the user can manipulate to perform an action, select an option, or set a value Examples include buttons, sliders, and combo boxes
control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage; "She manipulates her boss"; "She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up"; "The teacher knew how to keep the class in line"; "she keeps in line"
Controls are the methods that a government uses to restrict increases, for example in prices, wages, or weapons. Critics question whether price controls would do any good They have very strict gun control in Sweden
a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance
a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another; "measures for the control of disease"; "they instituted controls over drinking on campus"
An object in a container view that a user can manipulate with a pen to cause instant action with visible results or to change settings to modify a future action Source: NUIG
/ Control Marker/ Marker- a trapezoid-shaped marker (usually orange or red and white) used to mark features on an orienteering course, usually with clipper or control punch attached to mark a control card as proof of arrival
In a scientific experiment, the control is the group that serves as a standard of comparison It is exposed to the same conditions as the experimental group, except for the variable being tested In the standard lettuce seed bioassay, the control is the set of seeds grown in distilled water rather than in a test solution
verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments; "Are you controlling for the temperature?
The complete apparatus used to control a mechanism or machine in operation, as a flying machine in flight; the mechanism controlling the rudders and ailerons
A control is a device such as a switch or lever which you use in order to operate a machine or other piece of equipment. I practised operating the controls. the control box. If someone is at the controls of a machine or other piece of equipment, they are operating it. He died of a heart attack while at the controls of the plane
When a government controls prices, wages, or the activity of a particular group, it uses its power to restrict them. The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs. Control is also a noun. Control of inflation remains the government's absolute priority
the state that exists when one person or group has power over another; "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her"
a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine; "the speed control on his turntable was not working properly"; "I turned the controls over to her"
lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger"
verify by using a duplicate register for comparison; "control an account"
A graphic object that causes instant actions or visible results when the user manipulates the object with the mouse Standard controls include buttons, scroll bars, checkboxes, sliders, and pop-up menus
the activity of managing or exerting control over something; "the control of the mob by the police was admirable" (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc; "the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired"; "he had lost control of his sphincters" a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine; "the speed control on his turntable was not working properly"; "I turned the controls over to her" power to direct or determine; "under control" the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc
control brief
A type of pantie girdle with longer legs and a higher waist, normally worn by a woman to lift and shape her buttocks area while flattening the stomach area
control briefs
plural form of control brief
control character
A character which does not have a direct visual appearance as a glyph, but rather causes some other display action to occur, such as a transition to a new line. Examples are tab, carriage return, and line feed
control chart
A tool used to determine whether a manufacturing or business process is in a state of statistical control or not
control charts
plural form of control chart
control code
A numeric value or string of such values such as a simple control character or escaped character which causes some other specific commanded or requested action to occur, which would not otherwise be accessible to a user or device generating the code
control codes
plural form of control code
control freak
A person who is excessively controlling and domineering
control freaks
plural form of control freak
control group
The group of test subjects left untreated or unexposed to some procedure and then compared with treated subjects in order to validate the results of the test
control joint
A groove which is formed, sawed, or tooled in a concrete or masonry structure to regulate the location and amount of cracking and separation resulting from the dimensional change of different parts of the structure, thereby avoiding the development of high stresses
control key
A key on a personal computer or terminal keyboard used in combination to modify the function of other keys; normally labelled "Ctrl"
control keys
plural form of control key
control mechanism
Any mechanical (or other) system used to keep one or more variable parameters constant, or within specified bounds
control mechanisms
plural form of control mechanism
control order
An order made by the Home Secretary to restrict an individual's liberty for the purpose of "protecting members of the public from a risk of terrorism"
control orders
plural form of control order
control panel
A flat, (usually) vertical surface onto which controls, instruments, and displays are mounted
control panel
A computer display offering a number of controls or options
control panels
Plural of control panel
control room
The area inside a recording studio designed to facilitate the mixing of audio for studio recordings
control room
A room serving as the centre of monitoring a building, controlling an operation etc
control rooms
plural form of control room
control surface
A moveable surface attached to a machine such as an aircraft or submarine that can be used to control the machine's motion in roll, pitch or yaw

Before flight its is vital to ensure all control surfaces are clear of obstruction and can move smoothly and freely.

control surfaces
plural form of control surface
control theory
An interdisciplinary branch of engineering and mathematics, dealing with the control of the behavior of dynamical systems
control verb
A verb which takes multiple arguments, one of which is another verb, such that one of the control verb's arguments (possibly its subject) is semantically both an argument of the control verb and an argument of the other verb
control verbs
plural form of control verb
Attributive form of control freak

control-freak mentality.

control key
(Bilgisayar) A key on a computer keyboard that you press at the same time as other keys to make the keyboard operate in a particular way

1. Press and hold down the control key while you press '9'. 2. I pressed Control and Alt Delete but nothing happened.

control pad
(Bilgisayar) A gamepad, also called joypad or control pad, is a type of game controller held in the hand, where the digits (especially thumbs) are used to provide input. Gamepads generally feature a set of action buttons handled with the right thumb and a direction controller handled with the left. The direction controller has traditionally been a four-way digital cross (D-pad), but most modern controllers additionally (or as a substitute) feature an analog stick. The analog stick was introduced with the Atari 5200 controller, but did not reach popularity until the Nintendo 64
control account
an account that shows totals of amounts entered in a subsidiary ledger
control account
general account that displays balances of specific accounts
control center
the operational center for a group of related activities; "the general in command never left the control center
control center
This is the online interface for your account When you log in to Google AdWords, you're taken to the main page (the "Control Center") for your account, from which you can access and edit your campaigns and settings
control center
The main administration page for ezboard administrators and registered users to maintain personal information, mark favorites, and manage and customize ezboards and forums
control center
the operational center for a group of related activities; "the general in command never left the control center"
control characters
special characters which comprise commands for defining the printed form of a document (Computers)
control condition
a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment; "the control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw
control experiment
an experiment designed to control for variables affecting the results of another experiment
control experiment
An experiment that isolates the effect of one variable on a system by holding constant all variables but the one under observation
control freak
someone with a compulsive desire to exert control over situations and people
control group
Participants in a control group are used as a standard for comparison For example, a particular study may divide participants into two groups - an "experimental group" and a "control group " The experimental group is given the experimental treatment under study, while the control group may be given either the standard treatment for the illness or a placebo At the end of the study, the results of the two groups are compared
control group
(Ticaret) A cycle counting procedure that establishes a given set of parts that will be counted each time a cycle count is performed, usually daily, until each item attains 100% accuracy. Done to uncover procedural and system problems that lead to inventory errors for that family or type of part
control group
A group of people whose performance is compared with that of experimental subjects
control group
A group of subjects which does not receive the experimental treatment but in all other respects is treated in the same way as the experimental group, (so as to tease out the effects of the treatment itself) In medical studies involving the administration of drugs the control group is known as the placebo group A neutral substance ( placebo ) is administered to this group without the subjects knowing if it is an active drug or not
control group
a group to which the experimental manipulation is not applied
control group
The arm of a randomized trial which gets the standard treatment In some randomized trials, both of the treatments are standard treatments, or both equally well known new treatments, and in such cases it is not appropriate to speak of a Control Group See also Experimental Group
control group
A group of patients that serves as the basis of comparison when assessing the effects of the intervention of interest that is given to the patients in the treatment group Depending upon the circumstances of the trial, a control group may receive no treatment, a "usual" or "standard" treatment, or a placebo To make the comparison valid, the composition of the control group should resemble that of the treatment group as closely as possible
control group
A group of individuals whose characteristics (such as race/ethnicity, gender, and age) are similar to those of your program participants, but who do not receive the program (services, products, or activities) you are evaluating Participants are randomly assigned to either the treatment (or program) group or to the control group A control group is used to assess the effect of your program on participants as compared to similar individuals not receiving the services, products, or activities you are evaluating The same information is collected for people in the control group as in the experimental group
control group
group of participants in a study to whom no treatment is administered; used as a comparison to the group that receives treatment
control group
the group of subjects in a controlled study that receives no treatment, a standard treatment, or a placebo instead of the therapy being investigated
control key
key which is pressed to execute a pre-defined computer command and does not create a regular printed character
control key
(computer science) the key on a computer keyboard that is used (in combination with some other key) to type control characters
control menu
Any menu that exists in every window and allows the user to change its settings such as its size and position
control menu
the menu which appears if you select the system button at the left hand end of the title bar
control menu
A standard menu that allows you to manipulate a window or dialog box You can invoke the control menu by clicking on the control menu box located to the left of the title bar You can also invoke the control menu for the application or the current dialog box by pressing Alt+Spacebar You can invoke the control menu for a document window by pressing Alt+Hyphen
control menu
In a Windows operating system, a menu that contains commands used to manipulate the window with the keyboard
control panel
A collection of buttons, switches, lights or display used to configure and control a router, printer, computer or other device
control panel
A program that allows all of our customers to set up POP3 e-mail boxes, mail forwarding, view comprehensive site access logs, and perform basic administrative functions
control panel
All users have access to a web-based Control Panel which allows you to set mail forwarding options, enable/disable anonymous FTP access, view your statistics with MKStats, change your password and more It also allows access to other features such as an HTML Form Generator, web-based HTML editor and Perl script checker Users can also update account contact information at anytime without having to contact customer support Available with all plans
control panel
a helper program that allows you to change settings or access methods within a Mac program or within the operating system environment; control panels are stored in a Mac's System Folder, but are commonly accessed from under the Apple menu For example, the Network control panel allows you to switch between standard EtherTalk connection to campus networks, and the A/Talk Remote IP setting that allows access to IT's classroom backbone
control panel
A system utility that comes with Windows that allows the use to change a variety if different Windows and system settings
control panel
electrical device consisting of an insulated panel containing switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices; "he checked the instrument panel"; "suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree
control panel
The web interface that gives you administration rights to manage the users' whole account Click here for a demo
control panel
A program you can use to customize the appearance and operation of Windows95
control panel
The area where the Main system configurations can be changed In Windows 95/98/CE/NT the Add/Remove Programs and Network settings can be accessed from here
control point
(Ticaret) Planning, production and logistics points that initiate or limit connected points. Control points receive more attention and help focus priorities when detailed review of all points is not practical
control rod
{i} steel or aluminum rod used to control the rate of the nuclear reaction
control room
the room that a process, service, large machine, factory etc is controlled from
control signal
signals received and transmitted by the control unit of computer
control stick
A lever used to control the motion of an aircraft by changing the angle of the elevators and ailerons
control system
system for regulating or directing something; pronunciation system
control theory
Field of applied mathematics relevant to the control of certain physical processes and systems. It became a field in its own right in the late 1950s and early '60s. After World War II, problems arising in engineering and economics were recognized as variants of problems in differential equations and in the calculus of variations, though they were not covered by existing theories. Special modifications of classical techniques and theories were devised to solve individual problems, until it was recognized that these seemingly diverse problems all had the same mathematical structure, and control theory emerged. See also control system
control tower
supervision tower, tower from which one can observe and inspect
control tower
A control tower is a building at an airport from which instructions are given to aircraft when they are taking off or landing. You can also refer to the people who work in a control tower as the control tower. The pilot told the control tower that he'd run into technical trouble. A tower at an airfield from which air traffic is controlled by radio and observed physically and by radar. a tall building at an airport from which people direct the movement of aircraft on the ground and in the air
control tower
a tower with an elevated workspace enclosed in glass for the visual observation of aircraft around an airport
control unit
unit which governs activity
control wheel
steering device of an airplane
The quality of being controllable; controllableness
inhibited or restrained in one's words and actions
Simple past tense and past participle of control
{a} subject to control, governable
control freak
disapproval If you say that someone is a control freak, you mean that they want to be in control of every situation they find themselves in. One who has an obsessive need to exert control over people and situations. someone who is too concerned about controlling all the details in every situation they are involved in
The degree of influence that a specific manager has over costs, revenues or other items in question
{i} extent to which someone or something can be controlled or managed
The ability to control an individual circuit during testing (SM*)
Capability of being controlled; controllableness
The extent to which managers are able to control or influence a cost or cost variance
If something is controllable you are able to control or influence it. This makes the surfboards more controllable. controllable aspects of life. able to be controlled
{s} able to be controlled, manageable, restrainable
Able to be controlled; subject to regulation or command
Capable of being controlled, checked, or restrained; amenable to command
capable of being controlled
In a controllable manner
manageably, in a controllable manner, in a restrainable manner
restrained or managed or kept within certain bounds; "controlled emotions"; "the controlled release of water from reservoirs"
inhibited or restrained in ones words and actions
{s} regulated, monitored; managed, restrained
past of control
curbed or regulated; "controlled emotions
able to control or determine policy; "a controlling interest in the firm
staying with the plan making sure the objectives are met and changing the plan as necessary
That portion of a manager’s job concerned with monitoring the firm’s performance and, if necessary, acting to bring it in line with the firm’s goals
able to control or determine policy; "a controlling interest in the firm"
Within the context of organizational management, controlling refers to activities designed to ensure that operations are continuing within prescribed boundaries (e g , customer wait times are less than a specified limit) (See 270)
the process of evaluating and correcting activities to keep the organization on course
Having control over a person or thing
(the Blood and Body fluids)
The managerial activity of monitoring a plan's implementation and taking corrective action as needed Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability, Governance
present participle of control
Establishing standards of performance, measuring current performance in relation to established standards, and taking corrective action as required
The process of making adjustments to correct for the deviations from a planned scheme
The process of comparing what you planned with actual performance that involves setting standards, evaluating performance, and solving problems revealed
A communication process that ties all the functions of manufacturing together
The process of monitoring and correcting the actions of the organization and its members to keep them directed toward their goals (2)
The process of modifying the behavior of running software components, without stopping them
{s} ruling, supervising, regulating, managing, restraining
a technique used to evaluate experimental treatments by having two groups of experimental subjects, on to receive treatment, and one subjected to the same conditions but not given the treatment This way, scientists can find out whether effects they are seeing are due to treatment or some other experimental condition Non-controlled experiments are considered very difficult to evaluate because of the absence of controls with which to compare treated subjects
Parts of a dialog box such as text fields, check boxes, and option menus
a mechanism used to regulate or guide the operation of a wind generator, i e , (voltage, frequency, shutdown, utility connect and disconnect, ac or dc mode)
Tests performed in parallel with experimental samples and designed to demonstrate that a procedure worked correctly
holdings that will take the first or second trick if a suit is led A first-round control is an ace (or a void, for trump contracts); a second-round control is a king or singleton
a single record at end of file stating total number of records on upload file (all '+' records written, except +TOTALS), and total number of people recorded (+PERSON records written) Example CSV (Database Upload) File ******************************************************************* -->
A person "controls" an entity if the person, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, alone or in concert with others, owns, controls, or holds the power to vote twenty-five percent or more of the outstanding stock or voting power of the controlled entity (per WAC 208-660-010)
Devices used to stop, start, or modulate flow of electricity or fluid to maintain a preset condition
a technique used to evaluate experimental tratments by having two groups of ecperimental subjects, on to receive treatment, and one subjected to the same conditions but not given the treatment This way, scientists can find out whether effects they are seeing are due to treatment or some other experimental condition Non-controlled experiments are considered very difficult to evaluate because of the absence of controls with which to compare treated subjects
Employed to ensure that strategic objectives are achieved and financial, human resource and other guidelines are not breached during the implementation proces or the ongoing phase of strategic activity
third-person singular of control
Objects or elements of a form or report Access supplies three types of controls: bound controls, unbound controls, and calculated controls Typical controls include labels, text boxes, and command buttons
Graphical objects-such as buttons, sliders, text fields, and scrollers-that the user can operate to give instructions to an application
Exercises directly; has guiding or retraining power
Commands to be bound to keys; they control your player and your interface to your player and other players
Measures taken to ensure the integrity and quality of a process
This refers to the mechanisms that allow you to raise, lower, and/or tilt the blinds Controls are usually cords or wands For supply only orders you will be asked to specify which side of the blinds the controls will be placed on When considering blinds, please consider the type of controls that you require
Tools that appear on the user interface that let the user respond to the program, enter data, and view images and other kinds of output data
Pricing Grid
plural of control
The type of traction motor controls installed The "K"-type series-parallel controller design was the most prevalent in streetcars, superseding the earlier "R"-type design, and the model numbers were standardized between General Electric and Westinghouse A K-type controller directly controls the flow of current to the motors and grid resistors, using a metal camshaft, operated via an insulated crank handle by the motorman Heavier cars that require more current than a K-type controller can safely handle, or multiple-unit cars, use a group switch design A master controller, similar in appearance to the K-type controller, energizes control wires which operate heavy-duty electrical contactors inside the group switch under the car For group-switch equipped cars, the manufacturer and model number of the group switch system is given
procedures and practices with the purpose to counteract exposures to certain risks Controls are the procedures people do daily such as recording, reporting, verifying, reconciling, approving, and analyzing
{i} arrangement of devices for regulating and guiding a machine
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Bilgisayar) control
(Bilgisayar) control-c