
listen to the pronunciation of contract
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bir kontrat yapmamız gerekiyor. - We need to have a contract.

Onun süresi belirsiz bir kontratı var. - She has an indefinite contract.


Anlaşmanın ayrıntıları sözleşmede belirtilir. - The details of the agreement are set forth in the contract.

Sözleşme çantada, öyleyse kutlamak için dışarı çıkalım. - The contract is in the bag, so let's go out and celebrate.

{f} kasılmak
{i} sözleşme metni, mukavelename
{i} parça başı iş anlaşması
{i} anlaşma

Sendika ve şirket yeni bir sözleşme üzerinde anlaşma sağladılar. - The union and the company have come to terms on a new contract.

Onlar anlaşmadan memnun. - They are satisfied with the contract.


Resmi yazılı İngilizce you're, won't ve can't gibi kısaltmalardan kaçınır. - Formal written English avoids contractions, such as you're, won't, and can't.

{i} mukavele

Sosyal herhangi bir mukaveleye asla imza atmadım. - I have never signed a social contract.

Tom mukaveleyi imzaladı. - Tom signed the contract.

sözleşme metni
(hastalığa) yakalanmak
(Politika, Siyaset) taahhütname
anlaşma yapmak
(hastalık/vb.) kapmak
sözleşme yapmak
{f} buzul
(Tıp) a) Birbirine doğur çekmek, kısaltmak, boyutlarını küçültmek, b) Bulaşma veya enfeksiyon yoluyla ele geçirmek
{f} daraltmak
mukavelecontract bridge briç oyunu
kontrat,v.büzül: n.sözleşme
{f} (hastalık) kapmak
{f} kasmak
on contract mukaveleli
{f} kontrat yapmak
briç karar verilen oyun
{f} daralmak

Bir iş sözleşmesine sahipti. - She had a work contract.

Aktris sözleşmesini öfkeyle yırttı. - The actress tore up her contract angrily.

{i} kasılma

Kasılmalara dikkat edin. - Be careful with contractions.

contract draft
sözleşme tasarısı
contract phase
(Askeri) sözleşme aşaması
contract technical instructor
(Askeri) sözleşmeli teknik öğretmen
contract terms
(Kanun) sözleşme hükümleri
contract to
(Havacılık) küçülmek
contract to
(Havacılık) kısalmak
contract to
(Havacılık) büzülmek
contract value
(Kanun) sözleşme bedeli
contract value
(Bilgisayar) sonuç deklarasyon
contract work
(Ticaret) götürü iş
contract a debt
borca girmek
contract an engagement
taahhüt etmek
contract book
mukavele defteri
contract bridge
briç oyunu
contract data requirements list
sözleşme bilgi gereksinimleri listesi
contract for futures
vadeli sözleşme
contract of insurance
sigorta sözleşmesi
contract of licence
lisans sözleşmesi
contract of sale
satış sözleşmesi
contract agreement
Sözleşme, sözleşme anlaşması
contract award process
İhale süreci
contract bridge
contract by
contract by
contract duration
sözleşme süresi
contract employee
(Ekonomi) Sözleşmeli işçi
contract for deed
bir emlağınn mülkiyetinin alıcıya geçebilmesi için ancak belli sayıda aylık taksitler yatırmasını öngören alıcı ile satıcı arasında imzalanan akit
contract killer
başkasını öldürmek için kiralanan katil
contract killer
Kiralık katil
contract killing
Para karşılığı anlaşıp adam öldürme
contract manager
Sözleşme müdürü
contract manager
Sözleşme yöneticisi
contract manufacturing
fason üretim
contract note
alım satım bordrosu
contract of engagement
memuriyet mukavelesi
contract of marine insurance
deniz sigortası sözleşmesi
contract of reciprocity
karşılıklı muamele muahedesi
contract out
Bir mukavele, anlaşma ve sairede bir şarttan muaf olmak
contract payable
sözleşmeye ödenecek para
contract price
mukavele fiyatı
contract processing
sözleşmeye uygulama
contract admin
(Ticaret) sözleşme yetkilisi
contract administration services functions
contract authorization
(Askeri) SÖZLEŞME YETKİSİ; MUKAVELE YETKİSİ: Belirli amaçlar için sözleşme yapma yetkisi veren kanuni müsaade
contract curve
(Ticaret) sözleşme eğrisi
contract curve
(Ticaret) bağıt eğrisi
contract curve
(Ticaret) anlaşma eğrisi
contract data requirements list
(Askeri) mukavele verileri gereksinim listesi
contract field technician
(Askeri) SÖZLEŞME SAHRA TEKNİSYENİ: Kara kuvvetleri tarafından kullanılan veya desteklenen ve mutlak surette belirli bir imalatçının mamulü olması gerekmeyen bir malzemenin kurulmasında, çalıştırılmasında ve bakımında danışman olarak idari hizmetlerde bulunmak üzere Devlet tarafından gayri şahsi hizmet anlaşmasına göre temin edilmiş bir imalathane teknik büro veya ticari ya da sınai müessese memuru
contract governed by private law
(Avrupa Birliği) özel hukuk sözleşmesi
contract governed by public law
(Avrupa Birliği) kamu hukuku sözleşmesi
contract in
contract in
kontrat ile katılmak
contract labor
sözleşmeli işçi
contract labor
sözleşmeli iş
contract mailer
(Bilgisayar) posta göndericisini yüklen
contract maintenance
(Askeri) MUKAVELENİN İDAMESİ: Yerine getirilen idame düzeyi hakkında ayırım olmaksızın belirli bir zaman veya süreklilik temelinde ticari teşkilat (ana müteahhitler dahil) tarafından mukavelede ifa edilen malzemenin idamesi
contract month
(Ticaret) kontrat ayı
contract no 22
(Ticaret) 22 nolu sözleşme
contract no 88
(Ticaret) 88 nolu sözleşme
contract out
katılmayacağını belgelemek
contract process
(Avrupa Birliği) sözleşme konusu üretim süreci
contract product
(Avrupa Birliği) sözleşme konusu ürün
contract shipment number
(Askeri) SÖZLEŞME NUMARASI; SATINALMA KARAR NUMARASI: Ek anlaşma ve değişiklik emirleriyle birlikte malzeme tedarikine ait sözleşme veya satınalma kararının numarası
contract sum
(Ticaret) sözleşme tutarı
contract surgeon
(Askeri) MUKAVELELİ SİVİL TABİP; SÖZLEŞMELİ SİVİL TABİP: Bir tabip subayın mesleki ve idari görevlerini yapmaya yetkili olan ve askeri bir rütbesi bulunmayan sözleşmeli sivil tabip
contract technical instructor
(Askeri) SÖZLEŞMELİ TEKNİK ÖĞRETMEN: Kara kuvvetleri tarafından kullanılan veya desteklenen malzemenin kurulması çalıştırılması veya bakımı için yetkili dershane öğretimi hazırlamak ve yaptırmak üzere devletçe bir gayri şahsi hizmet sözleşmesi esasına göre temin edilen bir imalathane teknik büro veya ticari ya da sınai müessese memuru
contract technical service personnel
(Askeri) SÖZLEŞME TEKNİK HİZMETLER PERSONELİ: Yeni kabul edilmiş malzemeyi kullanacak personelin bu malzemenin montaj, işletme bakım ve lojistik desteğinde yetiştirilmesinde yardımcı olmak üzere, müteahhit tarafından bir kuvvet komutanlığına temin edilen aşağıdaki kategorilerde yetişmiş kalifiye personel: 1) İmalatçılara mensup temsilciler (mühendis, teknisyen veya montajcı), 2) Sözleşme sahra teknisyeni (teknisyen, Askeri Yardım Programı Öğretmeni, Müşavir veya Mühendis), 3) Sözleşme teknik öğretmeni (sınıf okulu öğretmeni)
contract term
(Ticaret) işlem vadesi
contract termination
(Askeri) SÖZLEŞME FESHİ: Milli Savunma Bakanlığı tedarik işlemlerinde kullanılan anlamda; bir esas sözleşmeye veya bununla ilgili tali sözleşmelere bağlanmış bir işin hükümetin arzusu veya mücbir bir sebeple tamamen veya kısmen terk veya feshini ifade eder
contract time
(Ticaret) sözleşme süresi
contract types
(Ticaret) sözleşme türleri
conclude a contract
sözleşme akdetmek
conclusion of contract
(Kanun) akdin inikadı
conditions of contract
(Kanun) sözleşme koşulları
contingency contract
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) olumsallık sözleşmesi
collective contract
Toplu sözleşme
collateral contract
(Kanun) tamamlayıcı sözleşme
collateral contract
(Kanun) munzam sözleşme
conclude (a treaty/a contract)
anlaşma akdetmek
conclusion of a contract
(Kanun) sözleşme akdi
conclusion of a contract
(Kanun) bir sözleşmenin akdi
conditional contract
(Kanun) şartlı kontrat
conditional contract
(Kanun) şartlı sözleşme
conditional contract
(Kanun) koşullu akit
conditional contract
(Kanun) koşullu sözleşme
conditional contract
(Kanun) koşullu kontrat
conditional contract
(Kanun) şartlı akit
confidential contract
(Ticaret) gizli sözleşme
construction capabilities contract (Navy); Construction Capabilities Contract Pr
(Askeri) İnşaat İmkan ve Kabiliyetleri Sözleşmesi (Deniz Kuvvetleri); İnşaat İmkan ve Kabiliyetleri Sözleşmesi Süreci; İnşaat İmkan ve Kabiliyetleri Sözleşmesi Programı
cost contract
(Askeri) MALİYET SÖZLEŞMESİ: 1. Sözleşmenin yerine getirilmesi esnasında yapılan uygun harcamaların sözleşmede belirtilen şekilde müteahhide ödenmesini sağlayan sözleşme. 2. Müteahhide ayrıca ödeme yapılmayan, maliyetin geri ödendiği bir tip sözleşme
cost reimbursement type contract
(Askeri) MALİYETİ İADE TİPİ SÖZLEŞME: Maliyet sözleşmesi (cost contract) ve maliyeti paylaşılan sözleşme (cost sharing contract) ile kar ilaveli maliyet sözleşmelerini (cost plus a fixed fee contract) içine alan sözleşme
cost sharing contract
(Askeri) MALİYETİ PAYLAŞILAN SÖZLEŞME: Müteahhide ayrıca ödeme yapılmayan ancak meşru masraflardan üzerinde anlaşmaya varılan bir kısmının müteahhide geri ödendiği maliyet iade tipi bir sözleşme
agreement contract
agreement contract
{s} sınırlı
(Kanun) akdeden
(Kanun) sözleşme yapan
(Dilbilim) derilme
(hastalık) kapma
(Tıp) kasın kasılması
(Jeoloji) büzüşme
draw up a contract
şartname hazırlamak
draw up a contract
sözleşme yapmak
draw up a contract
sözleşme düzmek
draw up a contract
sözleşme hazırlamak
draw up a contract
sözleşme akdetmek
draw up a contract
mukavele düzenlemek
employment contract
(Ticaret) çalışma sözleşmesi
framework contract
(Politika, Siyaset) çerçeve sözleşme
freight contract
(Ticaret) navlun sözleşmesi
futures contract
(Ticaret) vadeli işlem sözleşmesi
host contract
(Ticaret) asal sözleşme
implicit contract
(Ticaret) örtülü sözleşme
import contract
(Ticaret) ithalat sözleşmesi
incentive fee contract
(Ticaret) teşvik ücretli sözleşme
inspection contract
(Ticaret) denetim sözleşmesi
investment contract
(Ticaret) yatırım sözleşmesi
joint venture contract
(Kanun) ortak girişim anlaşması
labor contract
hizmet sözleşmesi
labor contract
iş sözleşmesi
labour contract
(Kanun,Ticaret) iş akdi
labour contract
(Askeri) toplu iş sözleşmesi
prime contract
(İnşaat) ana sözleşme
purchase contract
(Ticaret) satınalma sözleşmesi
quasi contract
(Ticaret) şibh akit
review the contract
sözleşmeyi incelemek
sales contract
(Kanun) satım
sales contract
(Ticaret) satış anlaşması
scope of contract
anlaşma kapsamı
scope of contract
sözleşme kapsamı
scope of contract
sözleşmenin kapsamı
scope of contract
anlaşmanın kapsamı
sell by private contract
(Ticaret) özel sözleşme ile satmak
term contract
(Askeri) süreye bağlı sözleşme
term of contract
anlaşmanın süresi
term of contract
sözleşmenin süresi
territory of the contract
(Kanun) sözleşme bölgesi
breach of contract
kontratı bozma
pazarlığı edilmiş
{f} büzül
{i} sözleşme
{f} büzül
(kas) kasılma
(hastalık/vb.) kapma
forward contract
vadeli sözleşme
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To enter into a contract with
To draw together or nearer; to shorten, narrow, or lessen

The snail's body contracted into its shell.

A part of legal studies dealing with laws and jurisdiction related to contracts
An agreement between two or more parties, to perform a specific job or work order, often temporary or of fixed duration and usually governed by a written agreement
To gain or acquire (an illness)
An agreement which the law will enforce in some way. A legally binding contract must contain at least one promise, i.e., a commitment or offer, by an offeror to and accepted by an offeree to do something in the future. A contract is thus executory rather than executed
{a} shortened, abridged, bargained, covenanted, betrothed, narrow, low
{n} an agreement, bargain, deed
{v} to shrink up, shorten, bargain, get
An agreement between persons which obliges each party to do or not to do a certain thing Technically, a valid contract requires an offer and an acceptance of that offer, and, in common law countries, consideration
To draw together so as to wrinkle; to knit
If there is a contract on a person or on their life, someone has made an arrangement to have them killed. The convictions resulted in the local crime bosses putting a contract on him
To betroth; to affiance
An oral or written agreement between two or more parties which is enforceable by law
An oral or written agreement to do or not to do a certain thing for consideration
A binding agreement between two or more parties; also the written or other evidence of such an agreement
When something such as an economy or market contracts, it becomes smaller. The manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month
a variety of bridge in which the bidder receives points toward game only for the number of tricks he bid
An agreement between two or more parties, written or oral, to do or not to do certain things
The written agreement, including OUS or any of its institution's solicitation document and the accepted portions of a bid or proposal, between OUS or any of its institutions and the contractor describing the work to be done and the obligations of the parties Depending upon the goods and services being procured, OUS or any of its institutions may use "contract" as meaning a purchase order, price agreement, or other contract document in addition to OUS's or any of its institution's solicitation document and the accepted portions of a bid or proposal
An agreement between two or more persons that creates an obligation to do or not to do a particular thing
(1) An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law (2) The writing or document containing such an agreement
compress or concentrate; "Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan"
enter into a contractual arrangement make smaller; "The heat contracted the woollen garment
To enter into, with mutual obligations; to make a bargain or covenant for
(contract bridge) the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make
To bring on; to incur; to acquire; as, to contract a habit; to contract a debt; to contract a disease
A legal agreement between entities that requires each to conduct (or refrain from conducting) certain activities This document provides each party with a right that is enforceable under our judicial system
To draw together or nearer; to reduce to a less compass; to shorten, narrow, or lessen; as, to contract one's sphere of action
make smaller; "The heat contracted the woollen garment"
squeeze or press together; "she compressed her lips"; "the spasm contracted the muscle"
An agreement to acquire, purchase, lease, or barter property or services For an award to be considered a contract, it normally must contain all of the following elements: detailed financial and legal requirements must be included with a specific statement of work to be performed a specific set of deliverables and/or reports to the sponsor is required separate accounting procedures are required legally binding contract clauses must be included and benefits of the project accrue to the sponsor and to the university, then to the nation
be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness; "He got AIDS"; "She came down with pneumonia"; "She took a chill"
An agreement between two parties that is intended to be enforceable at law Contracts are usually written, but a spoken agreement can also be a contract
A binding agreement between two or more parties stating specific terms and agreements A contract of insurance is a written document known as a policy
make or become more narrow or restricted; "The selection was narrowed"; "The road narrowed"
a written, legal agreement between an institution and an awarding agency normally involving the expectation of an economic benefit on the part of the contractor and the generation of a tangible product, service, or other consideration in return for sponsored support These might include testing or evaluation of proprietary products, development or construction of equipment, rights to data, patents, copyrights, technical reports or evaluation, consulting services This definition is taken from a memorandum dated June 16, 1983 from Alexander Sharp, Vice President for Business and Finance, entitled "Definitions of Gifts, Grants, and Contracts "
An agreement between competent parties to do or not do certain things for consideration
reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"
When something contracts or when something contracts it, it becomes smaller or shorter. Blood is only expelled from the heart when it contracts New research shows that an excess of meat and salt can contract muscles. + contraction contractions con·trac·tion the contraction and expansion of blood vessels Foods and fluids are mixed in the stomach by its muscular contractions
If you are under contract to someone, you have signed a contract agreeing to work for them, and for no-one else, during a fixed period of time. The director wanted Olivia de Havilland, then under contract to Warner Brothers. Agreement between two or more parties that creates for each party a duty to do something (e.g., to provide goods at a certain price according to a specified schedule) or a duty not to do something (e.g., to divulge an employer's trade secrets or financial status to third parties). A party's failure to honour a contract allows the other party or parties to bring an action for damages in a court of law, though arbitration may also be pursued in an effort to keep the matter confidential. In order to be valid, a contract must be entered into both willingly and freely. A contract that violates this principle, including one made with a legal minor or a person deemed mentally incompetent, may be declared unenforceable. A contract also must have a lawful objective
Contracted; as, a contract verb
To be drawn together so as to be diminished in size or extent; to shrink; to be reduced in compass or in duration; as, iron contracts in cooling; a rope contracts when wet
The agreement of two or more persons, upon a sufficient consideration or cause, to do, or to abstain from doing, some act; an agreement in which a party undertakes to do, or not to do, a particular thing; a formal bargain; a compact; an interchange of legal rights
If you contract with someone to do something, you legally agree to do it for them or for them to do it for you. You can contract with us to deliver your cargo The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan
A contract is a legal agreement, usually between two companies or between an employer and employee, which involves doing work for a stated sum of money. The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe's tallest building He was given a seven-year contract with an annual salary of $150,000
An oral or written agreement to do or not to do a certain thing
(From Latin contractus: "drawing together" or "uniting ") An agreement between two or more person that creates a legally enforceable obligation or mutual obligations to do or not to do a particular thing In France, the elements of a valid contract are (1) mutual assent, (2) cause, (3) capacity of the parties, and (4) a lawful object (French Civil Code, Art 1108) In Germany, the elements are (1) mutual assent, (2) intent to confer a benefit, (3) capacity of the parties, and (4) a lawful object (German Civil Code, §§ 518, 761, 780, 781) In the U S , the elements are (1) mutual assent, (2) consideration, (3) capacity of the parties, and (4) a lawful object (American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Second: Contracts, §§ 3, 8, 12)
(1) A term of reference describing a unit of trading for a commodity future or option; (2) An agreement to buy or sell a specified commodity, detailing the amount and grade of the product and the date on which the contract will mature and become deliverable
A formal writing which contains the agreement of parties, with the terms and conditions, and which serves as a proof of the obligation
engage by written agreement; "They signed two new pitchers for the next season"
An agreement to do or not to do a certain thing
An agreement between the Community and the participants concerning the performance of an indirect action establishing rights and obligations between the Community and the participants on the one hand, and between the participants in that indirect action, on the other
As used in ethics, the term "contract" means an explicit agreement which is freely entered into Only a small number of these would qualify as legal contracts A legal contract is a legally binding agreement among two or more parties Breach of contract is the failure to fulfill a legal contract
To shorten by omitting a letter or letters or by reducing two or more vowels or syllables to one
A binding agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of certain things A contract of insurance is embodied in a written document called the policy
If you contract a marriage, alliance, or other relationship with someone, you arrange to have that relationship with them. She contracted a formal marriage to a British ex-serviceman. = enter into
If you contract a serious illness, you become ill with it. He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer contracted by women
enter into a contractual arrangement
a variety of bridge in which the bidder receives points toward game only for the number of tricks he bid a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law (contract bridge) the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness; "He got AIDS"; "She came down with pneumonia"; "She took a chill"
Contracted; affianced; betrothed
A formal, legally binding agreement between two or more parties
(1) An agreement between 2 or more people to do or not to do a particular thing
To make an agreement; to covenant; to agree; to bargain; as, to contract for carrying the mail
In the grain, feed and processing industry, an agreement between buyer and seller that a court or arbitration committee will enforce Contracts may be formed orally, but state-enacted versions of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) generally require that contracts must be evidenced by some writing if involving the sale or purchase of goods worth $500 or more Such writing can either be an agreement signed by both parties or a confirmation evidencing the parties' agreement Under the UCC, a written confirmation(s) exchanged between "merchants" is deemed evidence of the formation of a contract between the parties Likewise, the UCC provides that conduct by both parties which recognizes the existence of a contract can be sufficient to establish a contract for sale of goods in some cases
{f} create a formal agreement; get; make smaller; reduce; become smaller
become smaller or draw together; "The fabric shrank"; "The balloon shrank"
An agreement between two or more parties enforceable by law When applied to commodities, it is an agreement to accept or deliver a specific amount of the commodity on a certain date
The act of formally betrothing a man and woman
{i} agreement, pact, covenant; (Slang) arrangement with a hired assassin to kill a person
contract bridge
A card game in which four players, forming two partnerships, first bid then play by taking tricks
contract killer
A person who contracts to kill a specified person for an agreed sum of money
contract of sale
A contract that involves an exchange of goods, services or property to be exchanged from seller (or vendor) to buyer (or purchaser) for an agreed upon value in money (or money equivalent) paid or the promise to pay same
contract rate
(Ticaret) A charge negotiated between carrier and shipper for the transportation of a commodity; sometimes called a Negotiated Rate
contract MRP
(Ticaret) MRP planning and reporting for items and orders specifically pegged to a single contract or project
contract a disease
be infected with a disease, be stricken with an ailment
contract a muscle
tighten a muscle, flex a muscle
contract administration
The contractual duties and responsibilities of the A/E, contractor or CM during the construction phase of a specific project fo servicing the interactive provisions in the contract for construction
contract administration
the act of ensuring that all terms and conditions of a contract are complied with by all parties through successful completion of the contract or, if necessary termination
contract administration
Contract administration includes those inherently governmental activities performed by warranted contracting officers (CO), the contracting officer's technical representatives (COTR), and related payment evaluation staff Contract administration is not to be confused with contract quality control, performance evaluation or inspection, which are defined as commercial activities
contract administration
The duties and responsibilities of the architect and owners representative (state) during the construction stage
contract administration
Managing the relationship with the seller
contract administration
Any administrative activity undertaken by either the government or the contractor during the time from contract award to contract close-out Refers to steps taken by the government representatives responsible for ensuring government and contractor compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract Includes routine tasks such as monitoring contractor program, reviewing invoices, processing payments, inspecting deliverables, and closing out the contract file Also includes problem-solving activities that are necessitated by unforeseeable circumstances (changes, problems, and disagreements) that arise following contract award [FAR]
contract an alliance
form an alliance
contract bridge
Auction bridge in which tricks in excess of the contract may not count toward game bonuses. a form of the card game bridge, in which one of the two pairs says how many tricks they will try to win
contract debts
accumulate debts, go into debt
contract in
consent in writing to pay money to a trade union for political use
contract killer
one who is hired and paid for killing another person, hit man
contract killing
a murder carried out on agreement with a hired killer
contract law
that branch of jurisprudence that studies the rights and obligations of parties entering into contracts
contract law
Rules that make agreements binding and therefore facilitate planning and the enforcement of expectations
contract law
The portion of civil law that interprets written agreements between parties and resolves disputes between them
contract law
That body of law that regulates the enforcement of contracts Contract law has its origins thousands of years as the early civilisations began to trade with each other, a legal system was created to support and to facilitate that trade The English and French developed similar contract law systems, both referring extensively to old Roman contract law principles such as consensus ad idem or caveat emptor There are some minor differences on points of detail such as the English law requirement that every contract contain consideration More and more states are changing their laws to eliminate consideration as a prerequisite to a valid contract thus contributing to the uniformity of law Contract law is the basis of all commercial dealings from buying a bus ticket to trading on the stock market International contracts are often subject to the UNIDROIT rules
contract law
That body of law which regulates the enforcement of contracts Contract law has its origins thousands of years as the early civilizations began to trade with each other, a legal system was created to support and to facilitate that trade The English and French developed similar contract law systems, both referring extensively to old Roman contract law principles such as consensus ad idem or caveat emptor There are some minor differences on points of detail such as the English law requirement that every contract contain consideration More and more states are changing their laws to eliminate consideration as a prerequisite to a valid contract thus contributing to the uniformity of law Contract law is the basis of all commercial dealings from buying a bus ticket to trading on the stock market
contract law
The part of civil law that interprets written contracts between parties and resolves any disagreements
contract law
the body of law relating to contracts
contract law
(p 122) Set of laws that specify what constitutes a legally enforceable agreement
contract manufacturing
(Ticaret) A third party that performs one or more production operations for a manufacturer who will market the final item under their own name. They often charge on a per-piece or per-lot basis for the labor required for their services while using components or materials supplied and owned by the final item manufacturer
contract market
(1) A board of trade or exchange designated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to trade futures or options under the Commodity Exchange Act; (2) Sometimes the futures contract itself (e g , corn is a contract market)
contract market
A board of trade designated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to trade futures or option contracts on a particular commodity Commonly used to mean any exchange on which futures are traded
contract marriage
get married
contract of sale
The agreement between the buyer and seller on the purchase price, terms, and conditions necessary to both parties to convey the title to the buyer
contract of sale
agreement by one person to buy and another to sell a specified parcel of land at a specified price
contract of sale
Same as the Agreement of Sale
contract of sale
Also known as Agreement of Purchase and Sale, Offer to Purchase, Contract of Purchase The written agreement between the Vendor and Purchaser for the sale of property which contains all of the terms, conditions and financial details of the transaction
contract of sale
Depending on the area of country, it may be a Land Sale Contract or a Purchase Agreement
contract of sale
- (A/K/A Purchase & Sales Agreement) - a written agreement between buyer and seller to purchase/sell real property, fully signed by all parties
contract of sale
A purchase transaction in which the buyer receives possession of the property, but the seller retains title
contract of sale
A contract for the purchase and sale of real property in which the buyer agrees to purchase for a certain price and the seller agrees to convey title by way of a deed or an assignment of lease (for leasehold property) In addition to binding the parties to the purchase and sale of the property during the period of time required to close the transaction, the contract frequently serves as the initial directions to the closing agent or escrow company to process the mechanics of the transaction In essence, the contract of sale is an executory contract to convey property, serving as the vehicle to get to the deed, which finally conveys title; it is the blueprint for the entire transaction Some of the many names for this contract are sales contract, purchase agreement, deposit receipt, offer and acceptance, agreement of sale, offer to lease or purchase and sale agreement
contract of sale
a contract between a purchaser and a seller of real property to convey a title after certain conditions
contract of sale
A contract between a purchaser and a seller of real property to convey a title after certain conditions have been met and payments have been made
contract of sale
Same as Agreement of Sale
contract of sale
An agreement by one person to buy and another person to sell a specified parcel of land at a specified price
contract of sale
Written contract signed by both parties in which the seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy under certain specific terms and conditions
contract of sale
An agreement in writing setting out the terms and conditions of the sale of the property
contract of sale
A contract between a purchaser and a seller of real property to convey a title after certain conditions have been met and payments have been made See also "Sales Contract"
contract of sale
The agreement between the buyer and seller on the purchase price, terms and conditions of a sale
contract of sale
A written agreement by which a buyer agrees to purchase and a seller agrees to sell according to terms set forth in that agreement
contract of sale
An agreement entered into for the sale and purchase of real property
contract of sale
A contract stating terms and conditions, between buyer and seller of a property, to transfer ownership
contract of sale
A contract between a purchaser and seller of real property to convey title after certain conditions have been met and payments have been made
contract of sale
Depending on area of country it may be a Land Contract or a Purchase Agreement
contract of sale
The agreement between buyer and seller on the purchase price, terms, and conditions of a sale enabling both parties to transfer the title of ownership from the seller to the buyer
contract of sale
The agreement between the buyer and seller on the purchase price, terms, and conditions of a sale
contract offer
offer by an employer to contract to pay an employee at a given rate
contract out
If a person or group contracts out of a system or scheme, they formally say that they do not want to take part in it. Employees can contract out of their employer's occupational pension scheme. a free deal which automatically converts into a pay as-you-go service unless you contract out
contract out
refuse to pay a levy to a union for political use
contract out
refuse to pay a levy to a union for political use assign a job to someone outside one's own business
contract out
assign a job to someone outside one's own business
contract out
If a company contracts out work, they employ other companies to do it. Firms can contract out work to one another When Barclays Bank contracted out its cleaning, the new company was cheaper. the trend of contracting services out rather than performing them in-house
contract out
be released from a condition (in a contract, agreement, etc.)
contract price
Price of fuels marketed on a contract basis covering a period of one or more years
contract price
An amount payable to the seller and equal to the gross selling price when no mortgages are involved If a mortgage is assumed, the contract price is the gross selling price minus the amount of the mortgage plus the excess (if any) of the mortgage over the seller's basis and expenses of sale
contract price
in an installment sale, for tax purposes, generally the selling price less existing mortgages assumed by the buyer
contract price
The total of the awarded bid or proposal amount, including any approved alternates, and any fully executed change orders or amendments
contract price
This is a fixed amount of what a contractor quotes to complete a house according to the plans supplied to him, with possible escalation built in
contract price
The whole sum of money which passes from the owner to the contractor when a final settlement
contract system
The system of employing convicts by selling their labor (to be performed inside the prison) at a fixed price per day to contractors who are allowed to have agents in the prison to superintend the work
contract system
The sweating system
contract tablet
A clay tablet on which was inscribed a contract, for safe keeping
contract tablet
Such tablets were inclosed in an outer case (often called the envelope), on which was inscribed a duplicate of the inscription on the inclosed tablet
conditional contract
a contract whose performance depends on a fact or event that affects legal relations
conditional contract
contract which contains a suspending condition, contract which contains a terminating condition
cost-plus contract
a contract in which the contractor is paid his total cost plus a stated percentage of profit
breach of contract
An unjustifiable failure to perform under the terms of a contract when performance is due
Simple past tense and past participle of contract
Incurred; acquired
Made smaller by contraction
Capable of contraction
Present participle of contract., as in hiring or trading
A distinct stage of wound healing, wherein the wound edges are gradually pulled together
Contracting a disease

The contraction of AIDS from toilet seats is extremely rare.

A shortening of a muscle when it is used
The acquisition of something, generally negative

Our contraction of debt in this quarter has reduced our ability to attract investors.

A reversible reduction in size
A period of economic decline or negative growth

The country's economic contraction was caused by high oil prices.

A shortened word or phrase, with the missing letters represented by an apostrophe

The American 23rd Infantry Division is still unofficially named Americal, the name being a contraction of America and New Caledonia.

Syncope, the loss of sounds from within a word
deposit contract
A contractual agreement governing the handling of deposited assets, for example in a bank
employment contract
A category of contract used in labor law to attribute right and responsibilities between parties to a bargain
fixed-term contract
A contract which is valid only for a pre-arranged time
freedom of contract
The idea that individuals should be free to bargain among themselves the terms of their own contracts, without government interference
futures contract
a standardized contract, traded on a futures exchange, to buy or sell a standardized quantity of a specified commodity (or financial instrument) of standardized quality at a certain date in the future, at a price (the futures price)
prime contract
A contract entered into directly between the client and contractor (contracted provider of products or services.) Used especially of contracts involving government agencies or bodies, or entities such as educational institutions
An obligation created by the law in the absence of an agreement or contract; not based upon the intentions or expressions of the parties
requirements contract
An agreement in which in which one party agrees to supply as much of a good or service as is required by the other party, and in exchange the other party expressly or implicitly promises that it will obtain its goods or services exclusively from the first party
unilateral contract
An agreement in which an offeror's offer can be accepted only by the performance of an act by the offeree; a "promise for a performance"
will contract
An agreement entered into between two parties for the exchange of a current performance by one for a future bequest by the other
yellow dog contract
An agreement between an employer and an employee in which the employee agrees, as a condition of employment, not to be a member of a labor union whilst employed
{a} shortened, abridged, bargained, covenanted, betrothed, narrow, low
{a} that is capable of contraction
{n} an abbreviation, the act of shortening or shrinking
past of contract
Arranged by contract; established by agreement
{s} made smaller in size or pulled together; shrunken; abridged; narrow; restricted
Bargained for; betrothed; as, a contracted peace
reduced in size or pulled together; "the contracted pupils of her eyes"
Narrow; illiberal; selfish; as, a contracted mind; contracted views
reduced in size or pulled together; "the contracted pupils of her eyes
Drawn together; shrunken; wrinkled; narrow; as, a contracted brow; a contracted noun
{s} shrinkable, reducible
Able to be reduced to one of its points by a continuous deformation
That is getting smaller
Triangular employment relationship where a "Staffing Company" supplies "Contractors" to a "Client Company" for a specific function and time period, at a specified hourly rate
The purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining of supplies or services from nonfederal sources
{i} signing of an agreement; becoming infected (with illness, etc.); shrinking; becoming shrunken
A term that refers to the width of a stem or point that is diminishing in outline
Purchase, rent, or lease supplies or services from non-federal sources
Purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services from nonfederal sources Contracting includes the description of supplies and services required, the selection and solicitation of sources, the preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration It does not include grants or cooperative agreements
as in hiring or trading
becoming infected; "catching cold is sometimes unavoidable"; "the contracting of a serious illness can be financially catastrophic"
a short way to write two words as one by writing the two words together, leaving out one or more letters and replacing the missing letters by an apostrophe (cannot = can’t)
a word formed from two or more words by omitting or combining some sounds; "`won't' is a contraction of `will not'"; "`o'clock' is a contraction of `of the clock'"
the process of becoming subject to; as, the contraction of a disease
Two words that can be combined to make a shorter word by omitting one or more letters: He didn't hit the ball over the fence (did + not)
When a woman who is about to give birth has contractions, she experiences a very strong, painful tightening of the muscles of her womb
A strong and often painful shortening of the uterine muscles prior to or during childbirth
the combination of two words through omission of one or more letters and use of an apostrophe Ex : hasnt (for has not)
the combination of two words through omission of one or more letters and use of an apostrophe Ex : hasn’t (for has not)
Expansion of soils
The shortening or tightening of a muscle
A reduction in size or activity
A marriage contract
The process of shortening an operation
(shrinkage) - The volume change typically occurring in metals and alloys on solidification and cooling to room temperature
The shortening of a muscle when it is used
the act of decreasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope
A decrease in size due to a temperature change It should not be confused with shrinkage, which is a non-reversible occurrence Contraction is reversible with a reverse in the temperature change As a piece of ceramics heats and cools, it expands and contracts The rate of expansion and contraction of a glaze must be compatible with that of the claybody, otherwise flaking off or separation of the glaze may occur In pottery, this should be a concern when considering glaze fit and ovenware See also glaze fit, ovenware, shrinkage
The shortening and lengthening of a muscle that occurs while performing an exercise
Something contracted or abbreviated, as a word or phrase; as, plenipo for plenipotentiary; crim
the action of drawing together
rhythmic tightening of the uterus, usually causing the cervix to dilate and allow the passage of the baby In labor contractions get stronger, closer together and longer
shrinkage of the unit which occurs during manufacture as a result of drying and firing
The act or process of contracting, shortening, or shrinking; the state of being contracted; as, contraction of the heart, of the pupil of the eye, or of a tendon; the contraction produced by cold
The volume change typically occurring in metals and alloys on solidification and cooling to room temperature
The act of incurring or becoming subject to, as liabilities, obligation, debts, etc
(dance) tightening of a muscle or group of muscles to cause flexion of a joint or body area
the act of decreasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope (physiology) a shortening or tensing of a part or organ (especially of a muscle or muscle fiber) a word formed from two or more words by omitting or combining some sounds; "`won't' is a contraction of `will not'"; "`o'clock' is a contraction of `of the clock'
The shortening of a word, or of two words, by the omission of a letter or letters, or by reducing two or more vowels or syllables to one; as, ne'er for never; can't for can not; don't for do not; it's for it is